Saturday, April 25, 2009
Call me for details.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Making it easy for Jim Gray
Contracting out services in one clinic MIGHT make it run less slow, less inefficiently, and less over budget, but it is hardly "proof" of anything yet and certainly isn't any more so because the mayor ends his sentence with an exclamation point.
A Mitch slap coming from the other direction
Stop taxing income in Kentucky
Ohio is looking at exempting college graduates from state income taxation for five years. This is the kind of game-playing and manipulation Kentucky has traditionally used to pick winners and losers rather than incentivize income generation across the board.
As more of our neighbors figure out that taxing incomes hurts productivity, Kentucky is going to have to come around. Sooner would be better than later.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Pres. Obama, don't ignore these kids
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Party labels and bad politicians
Davis said:
"A lot of conservative groups like Club for Growth and others unfortunately spend all their time going after Republicans. As I've shared, it would be nice if they tried to defeat a liberal now and then."
The Club for Growth shouldn't have to spend any of their resources going after bad Republicans. Rep. Davis isn't one of those bad Republicans, but blind support for the party label won't advance conservatism.
Here's a little help from the archives:
This goofy rhetoric sounds familiar
The idea that scrutiny of government would die without newspapers is a figment of some newspaper guy's imagination.
And besides, Kentucky already has a long (and silly) history of bailing out newspapers.
Think before you kiss your sister
Martin Cothran weighs in:
"The only thing that the consolidation of counties will do is to take the government of localities out of the localities themselves and place it in the hands of bureaucrats outside of the community being governed."
"Cothran's Rule of Government Efficiency plainly states, "There is No Such Thing." And one of corollaries of this Rule is: "The Bigger the Government Body, the More Inefficient It Is.""
Here's more.
Rooting out ways to save money on local government is a very worthwhile pursuit, but not at the expense of creating bigger government.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Choosing sides in 2010 Senate races
"According to CQ Moneyline, the following Senators have donated money to Arlen Specter's campaign:
Mitch McConnell
John Cornyn
Lamar Alexander
Orrin Hatch
It may be expected that the GOP Senate Leader would donate to incumbent GOP colleagues up for reelection. But McConnell was not listed as a donor in Jim Bunning's recent report, suggesting a different explanation may be needed."
More here.
Bunning says Dem primary helps him
He said he has dropped his fundraising goal from $10 million to $7 million because he believes his opponents will spend much of their money going against each other.
Very interesting email
Subject: Upcoming McConnell Protest - Read Disclosure though!
This group is made up of a diverse members that agree that Senator Bunning "was right" when he opposed the financial industry bailout. He really was and history will prove it!
It follows logically that Senator McConnell "was wrong" when he bowed to the financial industry and strong-armed the bailout.
I'm writing to let the Anti-McConnell crowd know about an upcoming protest of the Senator outside his speaking engagement at the upcoming U of L Brandeis School of Law Graduation on May 9th in Louisville.
However, I don't want to trick anyone...This protest is specifically targeted at Sen. McConnell's stance on the Defense of Marriage Act (DoMA) which I'm pretty sure Sen. Bunning shares as he voted YES on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. and voted NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes. So if you are responsible and progressive like me, despite Sen. Bunning's act of courage, I hope you'll be joining me in supporting Jack Conway for that Senate seat, as well as helping us protest McConnell at the event linked below.
If you are conservative when it comes to social justice, please forgive this heads up, and keep up the fight against stupid government bailouts! And if you're a Republican, please don't make it a partisan issue, you have many allies across the aisle that oppose corporate bailouts.
I'm not going to the protest, but I appreciate the approach. What do you think?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Movement marches on
Keeping our kids safe on campus
Keeping a college campus gun-free just means the law-abiding citizens can't defend themselves and that armed predators can be emboldened. If the bad guys don't know who is armed, they will be much more likely to just stay away.
Kentucky law makes no such provisions for innocent citizens to protect themselves.
Jack in the (mail) box
Now his primary opponent seems to be doing the same thing. The latest: Attorney General Jack Conway went to the mail box.
It's going be a long spring watching these two use taxpayer resources to campaign against each other.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Bailing out Big College next
From a White House press release:
And these same people want to make healthcare affordable for everyone, too.
Leland Conway uncovers fear on "Big Left"
By Leland Conway
First they accused us of racism. When that didn’t work, they said we were organized and funded by the Republican Party. When this was also found to be wrong, they pointed to a recent Homeland Security report and branded us “radical rightwing extremists” capable of any number of terrorist acts. The real story is that the left is terrified of a resurgence of the American spirit of individualism, patriotism and a renewed push for smaller government.
The tea party movement is not the brainchild of some well funded political organization. On the contrary, it is the natural reaction to one. For those who still cling to this argument, consider the following questions.
Where were you when George Soros and was funding much of the so-called “grass-roots” movement to elect Barack Obama as president? Where were you when ACORN was physically breaking into a foreclosed home that a bank had taken back from a perennial deadbeat member of their own group? Where were you when ACORN was paying people in cash and cigarettes to illegally register to vote multiple times?
If the tea party movement is funded by the wealthy Republican elite, then I’m still waiting for my check. So is the Reverend Dan Barnes of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Nicholasville who organized a protest on the courthouse lawn that drew more than 300 angry taxpayers. So is Mica Sims, a stay at home mom who’s fed up with over reaching government and spent her own money to organize an event that drew more than 500 in Lexington. So is Kelly Wallingford, a fed up business man and broadcaster in Richmond Kentucky who opened up his office parking lot for an event that drew more than 100 in Madison County as a prelude to Barry and Janie Spurlock's courthouse rally with 300 supporters.
Not a single one of these events was an "official" event of either major political party.
Sure, lots of Republicans showed up. But whether the media and the left want to acknowledge it, the Republican Party just happens to be full of, well, conservatives. Of course they came out in strong numbers to these events. That’s because Republicans also feel let down by their own party leadership who voted for this terrible spending rampage.
But there were a lot of angry Democrats, Libertarians and Independents at these events as well. I think that is what scares the Left so much. The reality is Obama won the election because Independents swung his way. He lured them with a lot of talk about fiscal responsibility, government transparency and cutting government waste. All promises which he has quickly broken.
Many on the left are trying to point to the "failed policies of the last eight years." This talking point is wearing thin, since those same Independents, and many Republicans have long ago acknowledged that Bush was too big a spender.
That’s why they have a very real reason to be worried about this movement. The only people who care about the "last eight years" argument are the liberal wing of the Democratic party – and there aren’t enough of them to keep congress or re-elect Barack Obama. The independent minded Republicans, Democrats and non-party affiliates see that, not only did President Bush make very poor moves on the economy over the last few months, but Obama made the same moves while stepping on the accelerator.
No, we’re not a Republican-funded bunch of "right wing extremists bent on terrorist acts" gathering at these tea parties. But we are a group of very legitimately angry Americans who see our personal wealth and freedoms disintegrating right before our eyes. That should strike terror into the hearts of the political Left.
Narrowing the focus in Lexington
Bring a friend!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Can't stop this
Spread the word.
We will be promoting this event at Saturday's Bluegrass Tax Liberation Day.
A merit hiring mess of their own?
Sources report the underwater portion of this iceberg could play an interesting role in the Democratic primary race for the U.S. Senate as more merit hiring same-old in the Transportation Cabinet comes to light.
What say you, Attorney General Jack Conway?
Missing some Big Ed propaganda
The Bluegrass Institute's education analyst Richard Innes debunked that effort. The Kentucky Long Term Policy Research Center is back in 2009 with a very similar "report," but so far the Big Media effort appears to be missing.
Innes already did his part but, strangely, the Courier Journal and Herald Leader don't appear to be coming to the rescue with their traditional unquestioning support.
Come on, guys! Your bureaucrats need you.
With the death of the discredited CATS testing program last month, Big Education has had a rough spring in Kentucky.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Time to reopen the Worley file
Cope also expressed dismay with wild government spending and said he has opposed the bailouts.
Decide to do more
An easy next step, of course, is Saturday's Bluegrass Tax Liberation Day in Lexington.
But to continue to build support for smaller, more efficient, and less intrusive government, we need a game plan for May. And it doesn't have to bear any resemblance to the strategies employed in March or April.
Changing the name of the events may even be a good idea, if only to frustrate a weird point of attack by opponents. The most important points are that a grassroots movement won't build itself and if we don't build bigger and better events, we prove them right.
One idea: holding discussions based on educating friends and formulating strategy on a single issue. My first effort along these lines is an April 23 discussion on school choice at Lexington's Inn on Broadway.
If you'd like to attend, please see my contact information at the top of this page.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Thanks, but no thanks, Congressman
"Today, millions of Americans are gathering at Tea Parties to stand up to higher taxes and out-of-control government spending. There is no better day than Tax Day to exercise our fundamental beliefs, particularly when it comes to the issue of government-forced payment. Liberty and freedom are values that our country was founded on, and Republicans in Congress will stand alongside those who demand a government that is accountable to its people. Those who dismiss this phenomenon as anything other than a grassroots revolt are the same people who have no problem taxing and spending other people’s hard-earned money under the guise of 'fairness.' The anger and frustration toward Washington politicians are a result of arrogance and disinterest in listening to the voters who elected them. While individuals like Tim Geithner, Charlie Rangel and a whole host of Democrat 'leaders' have been promoted despite egregious attempts to dodge the IRS, it should come as no surprise that honest taxpaying citizens feel the need to speak out."
I'm not buying it.
Since Rep. Sessions voted for the original bank bailout, he should know that we don't need his help.
CJ tactics take a turn for the worse
I'm talking, of course, about the Tea Party movement. Until a friend filled me in yesterday, I never thought of a tea bag as anything other than something with which to make tea. Turns out another use for the term "teabag" is as a verb; a rather homoerotic verb. Check out Urban Dictionary if you have to, but you will probably be sorry you did.
Anyway, the Louisville Courier Journal got in on the fun today, referring to "the anti-tax set's tea party and teabag talk."
My question: did a 250 word editorial really need to add "and teabag" to make clear the disdain they feel for people who disagree with them? Is the Courier Journal editorial board calling people who participate in Tea Parties homosexuals or are they trying to make some other kind of statement about what they think we do in the privacy of our bedrooms?
If the Louisville Courier Journal wanted to have a serious discussion about governmental functions, I would welcome it. If, at the very least, they intend to portray more than a flair for odious bathroom references, the editors should apologize for this latest offense.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Still not minding the store in Lexington
How did you fit that into the budget, Mayor Newberry?
Pres. Barack Obama doesn't hear you yet
"To begin with, economists on both the left and right agree that the last thing a government should do in the middle of a recession is to cut back on spending. You see, when this recession began, many families sat around their kitchen table and tried to figure out where they could cut back. So do many businesses. That is a completely responsible and understandable reaction. But if every family in America cuts back, then no one is spending any money, which means there are more layoffs, and the economy gets even worse. That’s why the government has to step in and temporarily boost spending in order to stimulate demand. And that’s exactly what we’re doing right now."
This rationale for expanding government spending would only make sense if bureaucrats knew where economic equilibrium belonged all the time and knew how to get it there. Since they don't and can't, Obama's logic doesn't hold up.
Further, since Obama doesn't know where equilibrium is or how to get it any place in particular while he continues to insist on wasting our money trying to figure it out, we should probably all get together and talk about what we are going to do next.
How about Saturday in Lexington?
Monday, April 13, 2009
Save money by axing Kentucky Treasurer
Sen. Thayer is not going to run for the do-nothing Treasurer's office. He filed the bill in 2008 to shut down the office to save money.
Thayer's no-nonsense style might be an interesting fit for an Auditor's office traditionally misused as a political weapon, though.
Is honest transparency a political winner?
But if really Louisville rolls out a taxpayer's checkbook web site this summer that shows where the money is going and Beshear continues the shucking and jiving, the stark contrast might attract attention.
If Councilman Ken Fleming's obvious pride in leading Louisville toward openness and better taxpayer service is any indication, this issue isn't going away.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
What happens when everything is a casino?
How long till they set up casinos at all the libraries and DMV offices to fund them? Is this getting a little ridiculous for anyone yet?
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Rolling through Richmond
I'll be back in Madison County on Wednesday, April 15 and in Fayette County the same day to speak to mid-day courthouse crowds. Hope to see you there.
Leland Conway speaks to GOP breakfast
"Ignorance is not the same thing as stupidity. Most people think like we do, they just don't know it."
"I think Americans by and large still believe in a culture of life and liberty."
"On Wednesday we will have another Tea Party downtown in Lexington and next Saturday we will have another one at Applebee's Ball Park. Some people are saying 'I thought they already had one in Lexington.' We did. And we will have another and another and and another and another until the politicians in Frankfort and Washington D.C. get the message."
"I believe in the depths of my soul this nation has a special purpose and that purpose is Liberty."
"Our nation was not meant to go down in socialism."
Stan Lee speaks about 2009 General Assembly
"We passed a $1.2 billion road plan with over $600 million in new debt."
Rep. Lee mentioned that repealing prevailing wage would have saved the state "more than $120 million a year."
Said SB 1 was the most important bill passed in the General Assembly.
"We came back to Frankfort in June of 2008 to fix the problem of pensions. Then just a few months later we backed off of the little bit of good that we did in that Special Session."
"All the businesses who said 'stick it to alcohol and tobacco,' your business is next because we're coming back in June."
Friday, April 10, 2009
How media misreports government overspending
That would seem to contradict the politicians' claims of revenue shortfall, wouldn't it? Well, you'd never get the idea that spending to much (rather than taxing us too little) is the problem if you depend on the Lexington Herald Leader and Louisville Courier Journal for your news.
Seeing words like "no growth" and "flat," one might get the mistaken impression that revenues have not continued to climb.
Try instead the Bluegrass Policy Blog, which got it right and even did the math for you. Click here to read the story on the Bluegrass Policy Blog.
Taking Richmond by storm
I am convinced that the key to these events is setting them up two at a time and to always be promoting the next event. A follow-up to Saturday's Richmond Tea Party will come next Wednesday, April 15 at noon at the Madison County courthouse.
Local political figures Kent Clark, Ed Worley, and Harry Moberly are NOT expected to attend.
Irony escapes another industry in transition
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Hoping for better from Karem
With the end of CATS testing, Kentucky is headed in a new direction toward greater accountability in our schools. Hope Karem works with us and not against us.
While Kentucky sinks deeper into debt
Doesn't stand for "fantastic"
Sen. Jim Bunning earned one of only nine "A" grades in the Senate. Read the whole report here.
Obama the Restructurer
"I will continue to ensure that we are working to support the American auto industry during this difficult period of restructuring," President Barack Obama said.
While Obama continues "ensuring" with our money, of course, necessary restructuring is unnecessarily -- and expensively -- delayed.
Kentucky Tea Party List
City: Richmond, KY
When: April 11, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Where: 128 Big Hill Ave
Notes: Event at Wallingford Broadcasting, parking across the street
City: Bowling Green, KY
When: April 15, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Where: 455 E. Main St.
Notes: Rally at Fountain Square Park and then proceed to the Warren County Justice Center.
City: Elizabethtown, KY
When: April 15, 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Where: Downtown Public Square
City: Frankfort, KY
When: April 15, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Capitol Building, Front Steps
City: Lexington, KY
When: April 15, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Where: Fayette County Courthouse
City: Louisville, KY
When: April 15, 11:00am - 1:00pm
Where: Jefferson Square, 6th and Jefferson St.
City: Nicholasville, KY
When: April 15th, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Jessamine County Courthouse
City: Owensboro, KY
When: April 15, 12:00 Noon
Where: City Hall
City: Paducah, KY
When: April 15, 5:30 pm
Where: Dolly McNutt Plaza, between Paducah’s City Hall and the McCracken County Court House
City: Richmond, KY
When: April 15th, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Madison County Courthouse
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Replacing Hebert with everyone
In a comment on the PageOneKentucky blog, Lexington Herald Leader reporter John Cheves praised Hebert:
"So now we have one less watchdog keeping an eye on the Kentucky statehouse. Bad news for the citizens, good news for the crooks."
Of course, it doesn't have to be that way. If the media folks who are left got together and forced state government to put spending and contracts on the internet for everyone to see, citizens would be safer from the crooks.
You're kidding, right, Gov. Beshear?
We don't know (though I was sorely tempted to call and ask) if the DVD includes any information about protecting ourselves from politicians who lie about tax increases, efficiency studies, pension reform, spending transparency or who engage in counterproductive, excessive regulation and pander to labor unions at taxpayer expense. I doubt it, don't you?
Kentucky Tea Party just getting started
It's just going to get bigger.
It will be interesting to see what happens with the Tax Day Tea Parties at lunchtime in towns across the state and nation on April 15. The big crowds so far have been weekend crowds. How many people will take time on a Wednesday to go to these rallies? I don't know. It might be a little discouraging for people who haven't done much -- or any -- such events.
I've organized and promoted several political events. Some have gone well and some have been complete flops. Some of the April 15 events may not be very big, but organizers will do well to focus instead on the people who do take the time to show up and get to work immediately on the next event.
In fact, it would probably be a good idea to plan another event immediately and promote it at the April 15 event.
By the way, I will emcee the Richmond Tea Party this Saturday, April 11 at 4:00 at Wallingford Broadcasting and will be back in Richmond on April 15 to speak at their Tax Day Tea Party.
At both, we will be promoting the April 18 Bluegrass Tax Liberation Day at Applebee's Park in Lexington.
See how that works?
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Shut up and eat your stimulus, part two
Interestingly, these same people understood that borrowing money from the future to spread it around today is a bad idea as recently as two years ago.
Speak up, Mayor Newberry
Maybe his 2010 election opponent could tell us something. Hello?
Monday, April 06, 2009
More Tea with Leland
Details here.
Wonder if Gov. Rell would take pork IOU?
Given Gov. Beshear's broken promises about not raising taxes, cutting government waste, and making state spending more transparent, we have another, unexpected reason to hope the Cardinals win.
Mongiardo retires part of 2004 campaign debt
Politicians who don't understand why burying taxpayers in debt is bad may begin to get the picture when they have to hit up donors to finance a six year old campaign bill.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Leland does the math
By Leland Conway
Uh-oh, the ideological left is bragging about President Obama’s big “middle class” tax cut that has just taken effect. Specifically, they are touting what they think it will do for Kentucky. One left leaning website made the optimistic claim that the thirteen additional dollars per week we’ll start seeing in our paychecks will put $800 million dollars back into Kentucky’s economy this year.
On its surface, the potential for an $800 million dollar economic boon sounds like a big deal, until you actually do the math.
First, the legislature in Frankfort just raised cigarette and alcohol taxes. The talking heads parroted the numbers given to them by politicians bragging that it will raise an additional $180 million in tax revenue. So we can cut that optimistic cash infusion from $800 million down to $620 million.
Then, the legislature in Frankfort raised the gas tax. They will tell you that this was not a tax increase, that they merely “froze” the rate at its current level. Don’t buy it. According to Kentucky law, the gas tax was supposed to be a percentage fixed to the wholesale price. Now that gas prices have dropped, they changed the law to their advantage. When prices go back up, and President Obama promises that they will, they’ll just “unfreeze” it again and continue to reap the benefits. Legislators boasted that this shenanigan would bring in an additional $120 million dollars in revenue. Now we can lower our tax cut projection to $500 million.
Next, the federal government is seriously considering cap and trade legislation to wage war against mythical global warming. The U.S. Department of Energy’s own estimates put the lower end cost of this dangerous legislation to each family at $700 additional dollars per year. (In reality, the higher energy costs and other charges will actually cost the average American family upwards of $3100 additional dollars per year.) Using the same whacked out math formula that the aforementioned liberal website used to arrive at the $800 million dollar cash infusion, we can now assume a cost to the commonwealth of an additional $840 million if cap and trade legislation passes. That makes the “middle class” tax cut now worth negative $340 million to Kentuckians.
Don’t blame me; I’m simply using their own math formula and government estimates – which are both overly optimistic. But I’m not done yet. As TV Salesman Billy Mays would say “But wait, there’s more!”
What they are claiming is a tax cut, is actually not a tax cut at all. It’s a tax credit. There is a big difference. A tax cut gives us some of our money back – end of story. This tax credit is actually considered by the government to be taxable income next year for some people. So after they’ve drained our pockets and given us a measly $13 per week, they’ll tax it back. Wow…a tax on a tax cut. Can this get any better?
Using their math formula again, that’s another $80 million dollar hit. Suddenly, Obama’s economic policies which some are claiming will give Kentuckians back $800 million dollars of their own hard earned money, has become a net $420 million dollar loss. Wow.
What started out as bragging about a tax cut becomes a complete charade when you take into account the real effect of Obamanomics, especially here in Kentucky, where we stand to be hit hardest by Obama’s anti-coal rhetoric and coinciding soaring energy costs. Bottom line folks, hold onto your wallets. President Obama, Congress and the Kentucky Legislature are going to cut our taxes until we can’t afford to live.
Tea Party revolution won't be televised
Click here to see one outstanding example.
There are more Tea Parties coming. See here and here. Please help spread the word!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Gotta be kidding alert
Friday, April 03, 2009
Congressman Mike Pence
Pence thanked Bunning for standing up to the bailouts.
"I'm encouraged. I believe we are on the verge of a great American awakening."
"We walked away from our principles and the American people walked away from us."
"We need to be willing to fight for freedom and free markets."
He got a big applause when he said not one Republican voted for Obama's budget.
"We lost the vote, but I think we won the argument."
"We can't ask hard working families who played by the rules and paid their mortgages to bailout the irresponsible ones."
"The American people don't want to know 'what's in it for me,' they want to know what's in it for America."
Pence talked about a man who had lost his job but came to thank Pence the next day for voting against the banking bailout. He quoted the man as saying "I can get another job, but I can't get another country."
"This administration is poised to take away the rights of health care workers who oppose abortions."
"We've got to recognize that our current crisis is more than economic and financial. It's a moral crisis."
"If the foundations of personal responsibility fail, how can our nation stand?"
"The good and great people of this nation will rally to our cause."
Rousing speech. Very well recieved.
Trey Grayson speaks
Jim Bunning speaks
"It's a mess and the new Secretary of the Treasury is making it a bigger mess. And the Chairman of the Federal Reserve is out of control."
Bunning is giving an economics lecture like he did in Richmond and the audience is hanging on every word. (I'm really not exaggerating.)
Bunning got applause while explaining that the Obama Spendathon is not going to help.
Bunning explained that the Obama cap and trade tax on energy will increase costs for everyone.
"You all know me pretty well and how I vote in the U.S. Senate. I'm not anyone's puppet. I'm my own man."
(Pretty big applause here.)
"I am running for a third term in the United States Senate. I know it will be a battle but I am ready for the fight of my life. I vow to you I will do my darndest to represent you in the manner you deserve to be represented and I will do my darndest to kick Danny Mongiardo's butt."
Great speech. Wrong butt.
David Williams speaks
Williams said he understands that a lot of people are unhappy with the Senate's actions during the last budget. Then he ran off the same list of tax cuts over the last few years that he has talked about in other venues. Nice tactic, but doesn't really help much since we have continued spending well beyond our means.
He's also using the same line about being on the campaign bus next year for the U.S. Senate race but not knowing in what capacity he will be on the bus, an obvious plug for his rumored primary challenge to Sen. Bunning.
Williams got polite applause from the audience when he finished speaking.
Innes takes on the establishment and wins
His latest posts (here and here) are definitely worth checking out if you care about improving Kentucky's public schools.
Jefferson Co. Lincoln Dinner
Sen. Mitch McConnell sent the same stupid letter he has sent to every other Lincoln Dinner I've been to this year congratulating Kentucky Republicans for keeping taxes low in Frankfort. It's way past time to update your letter, Senator.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
As Obama spends, we brew tea
Also trying to get something going in Frankfort, Bowling Green, Elizabethtown, and in Eastern Kentucky.
This is in addition to the various Tax Day Tea Parties on April 15.
Another federal investigation for Jim Newberry
Now they care about money
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Sign the petition
Great essay and free trade petition right here. Check it out and sign it!
Thanks a lot, Ben and John!
We don't have any idea yet how much the government expansion will cost us, but we have an idea about the damage our two guys will do to Kentucky's state budget.
It is April Fools, but this very unfunny joke is on all the rest of us.
Another wild homeschool story
They might have come to Kentucky for our still-substantial homeschooling freedoms. But our political, tax, and fiscal situations make us less stable than our neighbors to the south.
Thanks to NightWriter for passing this along.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Like compromising with a grizzly bear
Don't take the bait. This will look great until the expanded Medicare program figures out that covering the only sickest people is too expensive. When the government program gets a politically unstoppable constituency built up, they will come after everyone else.
Obamanation pays its taxes
Tax Freedom Day is May 29.
By the way, Tax Freedom Day without the deficit is April 13. This is earlier than last year because incomes -- and tax receipts -- are down. That does us no good, of course, because spending keeps going up.
Kentucky's Tax Freedom Day is this Friday, April 3. It's also earlier than last year. It also doesn't help anything.
Lowering dependency on government isn't on the agenda, but that would help a lot.
Picking two points and hammering them home
"It's the most irresponsible thing our leadership regularly practices, and it's apparently killing people."He's talking about, of course, the $30 billion public employee benefits disaster in Frankfort. There are really two points that matter in this discussion: that benefits are too high for government employees and that even that would be okay if we had properly funded them for the last few decades.
Andy jumps all over both of them right here.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Kentucky American Water still running strong
Instead, the city would ram through any rate increase it wanted in addition to making interest payments it couldn't afford to buy the company.
Kentucky American had requested an $18.5 million annual rate increase. Instead, they are now applying for a $10.3 million increase.
McConnell sounding more like Bunning
"In spite of tens of billions of taxpayer dollars and many promises to reform the way they do business, it’s clear that management, unions and investors have not yet produced viable plans that would allow the companies to survive without massive infusions of taxpayer dollars. This is a disappointment: How many times do the taxpayers have to provide bailout money on the promise of reform?"
"We are now told these two companies are getting their last check from the taxpayers, and that if they don't finally come up with truly viable plans then they'll be forced into bankruptcy. Unfortunately, we've heard this before, from both this and the previous administrations."
Paper gears up for April Fool's Day Massacre
Of course, they didn't manage to find anyone who will be shipping cigarettes in from Missouri. They darn sure didn't talk to any taxpayers who are concerned that these increases won't be enough and that something other than just more tax increases, more reckless borrowing, and more pension raids might help.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Will David Williams betray us again?
We all know how that worked out.
So, when the CJ reported on Sunday -- without quoting anyone -- that legislators are coming around to House Speaker Greg Stumbo's side on expanding government with casino gambling, it was tough not to imagine that Williams is going squishy again.
In fact, I'd almost bet on it.
Conway not so hot on Mongiardo
By Leland Conway
So Lieutenant Dan (Lt. Governor, Dr. Daniel Mongiardo) wants to become the Jr. Senator from Kentucky? Let’s examine this proposal for a moment.
Lieutenant Dan was one of the first major Kentucky politicians to endorse President Obama who lost the state of Kentucky by a nearly 20 point margin in the presidential election. Contrary to left wing media fabrications, Obama did not lose Kentucky because we are racist, but because we were smart enough to recognize that the platform upon which Obama ran was dangerous to our economic future and contradictory to our system of values.
When Governor Steve Beshear endorsed Lieutenant Dan for Senate last week, he said that Mongiardo’s priorities "mirror the priorities being articulated by the Obama administration at this defining hour for our country." The implications of this statement are staggering.
First and foremost there is the economy. President Barack Obama’s economic policies, which include cap and trade will do nothing less than obliterate the Kentucky economy. Our state gets over 70% of its energy from coal. We’re not a very business friendly state, which the current governor has done nothing to fix, but one of the few advantages we still have over lower taxing neighbor states is cheap energy. Coal produced energy is also one of our largest exports. Many of the liberals from western states who condemn us for our use of “dirty coal”, actually enjoy the fruits of our labor.
President Obama plans to introduce cap and trade legislation to save the planet from mythical global warming. Actually, this is the largest wealth confiscation in global history. Obama is on the record as saying that “energy prices will skyrocket.” His Vice President Joe Biden has said, “There’s no such thing as clean coal” and “No more coal fired plants in America…build them in China if they want to build them.” What does this say about the Kentucky economy? Prepare to be laid waste to.
Another important issue to Kentuckians is values. Obama not only supported, but fought for legislation in the Illinois State House that would terminate the lives of babies who survived abortion procedures. Maybe that’s ok in Chicago, but In Kentucky we consider life to be pretty important. Religious arguments aside, Life is an American value. That’s why the founding fathers listed it first when they said we all had the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Kentuckians are also a member of that now infamous group that President Obama said “clings to our guns and our God…” As a member of this group, I am not ashamed. But Obama has displayed his antagonism toward gun owners clearly. While saying on the campaign trail that he favors the second amendment for “hunting purposes” he has also been a stalwart supporter of anti-gun legislation throughout his entire political career.
People in the main stream media are catching on to Barack Obama now. One Main Stream report pointed out that he has broken no less than fourteen major campaign promises in the two months since taking office.
These reports are wrong. He’s not breaking promises, he’s keeping them. Only the promises he’s keeping are the ones he made to his more radical left wing supporters long before he became known to the rest of America. What we are seeing now is the real character of the left wing extremist who we’ve elected to “change America.”
With that in mind, and given that Lieutenant Dan would “mirror the priorities being articulated by the Obama administration...” we must ask if it is possible then for him to truly mirror the priorities of his constituents?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Next up: Madison County Tea Party
Friday, March 27, 2009
They don't want you to know about health freedom
"Why, though, would someone choose to forgo health coverage for which one has already paid? Opting out of Medicare may be legal, but is it smart? Mr Brown explained that there are many reasons why someone might choose to decline it, including the desire to make one's own health care decisions without government intervention. Folks see what's happening in England, for example, and want no part of that."
Kent Masterson Brown got a lot of attention locally as a speaker at the Kentucky Tea Party.
You may have read about this case first last fall in the Bluegrass Policy Blog, but the state's two largest newspapers have slept through the story.
Obama kiss of death smooches Mongiardo
That should go over well here, Governor.
Bush killed Nessie!
Yeah, I thought that would do it.
If only we had passed an economy-killing environmental tax years earlier, Nessie would surely still be alive.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Bunning: Audit the Federal Reserve
"The Federal Reserve has been printing money that the United States government doesn’t have the backing for and handing it out to banks with no accountability to the American taxpayers. I have asked the Fed repeatedly to disclose who is benefitting from all this printed money, but have yet to receive an answer."
Broke, stoned, and moving to Kentucky?
Kentucky's previous efforts to do the same have failed in the House of Representatives.
Republicans and, oh, just all the facts
A newspaperman ponders economics
"While it was a nice gesture for the Democrat from Maryland to suggest a Newspaper Revitalization Act to enable non-profit ownership, he might as well try to repeal the laws of economics or gravity, instead. Regardless of whether a paper is owned by a non-profit organization or an unreconstructed capitalist, it has to take in more money than it spends – or it will perish. The form of ownership doesn’t change this fundamental truth."
Okay. Now that we have established that, can we somehow get past this silly idea that newspapers are the very glue holding our free society together?
Maybe then we can have a serious discussion about ending the practice of forcing taxpayers in Kentucky to fund newspapers here.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Good week for blogs, bad one for MSM
For the uninitiated, that is a very big deal.
"How did it happen, in the absence of any media coverage? The answer is that political reporters no longer get to decide what’s news."
It's worth a few minutes to learn more about this tipping point. Read it here.
Is he a Blue Dog or an Obama Puppy?
Put down the Kool-Aid, Congressman. Maybe it's time for someone to send him some tea.
Some needed perspective on CATS
Here's their latest from Wednesday's editorial page:
"That's more than one can say for the odd alliance of (1) Republicans who have opposed the Kentucky Education Reform Act since its passage; (2) reflexive right-wing opponents of public schools, and (3) teacher groups that find KERA too demanding."
Their latest approach is to complain about the three year period in which Kentucky transitions from inflated, discredited CATS testing to a something (anything) better.
Fortunately, Bluegrass Institute's education analyst Richard Innes explains why the three years is probably a good idea:
"Right now, relying on our teachers to carry the ball for a short period of time seems like a much better path to take than following the outdated and misguided CATS path for another three years. Apparently, our legislators agree, because they overwhelmingly passed the bill to revise our assessment program in both houses despite the tantrums a few are throwing in the print media."
Innes' four page report is available here.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A case study in common sense
In Barack Obama-land, her auto insurer would be forced to keep her and would be prohibited from increasing her premiums.
Next time should be different
Will anyone really believe this?
"At the end of the day, the best way to bring our deficit down in the long run is not with a budget that continues the very same policies that have led to a narrow prosperity and massive debt. It’s with a budget that leads to broad economic growth by moving from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest."
"That’s what clean energy jobs and businesses will do. That’s what a highly-skilled workforce will do. That’s what an efficient health care system that controls costs and entitlements like Medicare and Medicaid will do. That’s why this budget is inseparable from this recovery – because it is what lays the foundation for a secure and lasting prosperity."
What do you think about that?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hidden microphone at jail still works
Will he get her out on time? Inquiring minds also want to know if she will be defended by the Communications Workers of America or Mary Sharp at the Fraternal Order of Police.
Herald Leader's bad, bad day
But the paper deserves all kinds of scorn for ignoring the Kentucky Tea Party on Saturday. And they deserve all kinds of ridicule for writing the story two days late.
And columnist Tom Eblen's Facebook status is worth a look:
You've been heard
The story mentions Bluegrass Institute's "Bluegrass Tax Liberation Day" coming up on April 18 at Applebee's Park in Lexington from 11 am to 2 pm. For details on that event, contact Kelly Smith at
Beshear promotes socialized medicine pals
Today, Gov. Steve Beshear has teamed up with the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation for "Cover the uninsured week."
"In light of the recent economic downturn, it is more critical than ever that families are enrolled (in government health plans)," said Gov. Beshear.
Kentucky Kernel shows up when HL sleeps
"David Adams, a writer for the Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions and the master of ceremonies at the rally, said he didn’t think President Obama’s spending has been different from his predecessor’s."
""That’s where this movement is different," Adams said. “George Bush did the same thing to us for eight years. This goes way beyond Democrat and Republican.""
You can read the rest of the story by clicking here. And for the record, Sean asked me how many people I thought were there and I told him I didn't have any idea. It was a big crowd full of highly energized people and terrific speakers.
Update: I'm told that reader complaints to the Lexington Herald Leader about their lack of coverage have been coming in pretty fast all day. The official response seems to be something along the lines of either not knowing that the event was happening or that they are working on a larger story about the movement after there have been a few events.
The response from lefty blogs has been, essentially, that Ayn Rand wrote too many words.