Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Democrat Sour Grapes In Montgomery County

Brenda Murphy is one angry Democrat.

Murphy ran for Montgomery County PVA last year and lost. Now she is suing the lady who beat her and Kentucky's Finance and Administration Cabinet for $4 million.

She is also dragging Governor Fletcher into the case. Interestingly, she didn't think to object to her firing until May 24, six months after losing the election and in the middle of AG Greg Stumbo's investigation into state hiring practices.

There is a lot more to the story (some of it is here), and we can probably expect more of these things to pop up. Before this is over, Stumbo will have spent his whole term chasing down disgruntled Dems looking to get even rather than actually doing his job.

That's a shame.

Kentucky Progress Radio

We will be talking about Jonathan Miller's Government Cheese Tour, Harry Moberly's illegal fundraising, Greg Stumbo's waste, a new liberal poll and more this afternoon at 5:15 to 6:15 on WEKY 1340 AM.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

KY Sierra Club: Save The Environment By Soaking the "Rich"

Kentucky's tree huggers have more to worry about than predicting (again) the imminent end of the world's oil supply. In a front page article for their June newsletter, the Cumberland Sierra Club wades into the Social Security debate with some carefully measured analysis and suggestions. Their prescription: raise taxes already so we can get back to the important work of complaining about the environment.

They even offer political cover for Democrats using a little Berkeleyspeak: "But courageous lawmakers could frame the debate in the appropriate context and become heroes."

Thanks guys. No, really. Don't ever change.

Hillary Screams Like Dean

It must be Democrat primary 2008 time already.

Hillary smears and attacks Republicans for attempting to "further their own agenda" at a fundraiser in New York. I'm sure she would prefer that we enact her socialist utopia for her. No doubt Hillary would like us if we only nationalized health care and taxed our way to prosperity for all.

Read this. Particularly hilarious was the part where she attacks the media for not being tough on Bush.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

WFA: Jonathan Miller's Government Cheese Tour

Kentucky's state Treasurer Jonathan Miller is taking the hugely expensive marketing campaign for his moribund KAPT program on the road this month. Starting in Lexington on June 14, Miller will make a series of "town hall meetings" to dredge up support for more taxpayer spending to rescue what was once considered the crowning achievement of his political life.

Miller's prepaid tuition ponzi scheme (also known as KAPT) came under fire after pulling $13.7 million last December from the Commonwealth's General Fund. Finance and Administration Cabinet officials, already facing runaway Medicaid expenses and other real problems requiring real money, were doubtless relieved when the General Assembly ordered Miller to return the taxpayers' millions by June 30, 2005.

But Miller and AG Greg "Smoking Gun" Stumbo took the money and ran -- to court. Miller has already spent millions of taxpayer dollars marketing (and subsequently propping up) KAPT -- complete with his name and picture on all the materials. Earlier this year, an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote in the General Assembly agreed to slow his gravy train down by recouping the $13.7 million (House Democrats killed the commonsense effort to stop future losses altogether).

The matter is currently before Franklin Circuit Court Judge Roger Crittenden where, of course, anything can happen. And you know the liberal media is for anything that would cause tax increases, so expect lots of fawning coverage and angry Dean Scream editorials.

Many of us voted for change in Frankfort in 2003 and have seen precious little of it. We must demand that Miller be forced to end this waste, fraud, and abuse immediately. And then we need legislation to discontinue the office of State Treasurer once and for all. We can call it the Jonathan "Government Cheese" Miller Act of 2006 and spend his outlandish salary on things that might more positively affect the Commonwealth.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Dead Democrats Caught Voting In Washington State

Read the story here. I doubt you will see much about this in the MSM, but the story isn't going away and is certainly likely to unearth a few more buried secrets.

UPDATE: Expecting a court decision on the WA Governor's race Monday. If the judge invalidates the very suspicious "victory" of Democrat Christine Gregoire, she will be booted out of office and a new election will be held. Monday's decision won't be final, though. The state Supreme Court has already cleared room on its docket to hear the appeal of this Al Gore repeat that "ended" when they found enough votes for the Dem.

Papers Go Ballistic For Arbitrary Judicial Activism

Slinging mud and calling a lady names like "discredited nag" are nothing new to the Lexington Herald Leader and Louisville Courier Journal, who call on Republicans to end their effort to seat election winner Dana Seum Stephenson to represent the 37th district in the state Senate.

What is new, which went unreported in all the newspaper coverage, is that the as-yet-undecided contest between Stephenson and Virginia Woodward is now only about one thing: the ability of the state Senate to make internal decisions. The Senate's definition of "residency" no longer matters in this case. It's an interesting side issue, but the crux of the matter is now whether the courts have jurisdiction over internal Senate decisions.

They don't, and the Supreme Court is likely to agree. Liberal editorial writers are certainly free to advise Senators to give up this fight, but unless we want legislators going to court over their committee assignments and meeting start times (and no one should want that), we should support the decision to seat Dana Seum Stephenson and move on to more important issues.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woodward?

The Kentucky Senate's 37th district constitutional conundrum appears to have the Lexington Herald Leader and Louisville Courier Journal all twisted up in their hopes to install more liberal Democrats in Frankfort.

Both papers today jump on a Franklin Circuit Court ruling that keeps open the question of who will serve the 37th Senate district -- Dana Seum Stephenson or Virginia Woodward.

The Senate voted to seat Stephenson because she won the election. Now Judge Graham is calling that decision "arbitrary." This is the key issue. Whether the decision of the Senate was arbitrary or whether the Court's calling it that is a violation of separation of powers should get the case to the Kentucky Supreme Court. Interestingly, Woodward's due process claims could possibly shift the case to federal courts should she lose before the Kentucky Supreme Court.

I doubt that Kentucky's Supreme Court is going to decide against the Senate on this issue. To do so would open up the legislature to excessive judicial control. Judges would only have to claim that a decision they didn't like was "arbitrary." While that would certainly be a liberal dream come true, the Supreme Court should be slow to go there. We expect more angry editorials about mean old David Williams and his iron fist. Funny.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

"Smoking Gun" Stumbo To Give Up AG?

A top KDP official said that AG Greg Stumbo looks like a definite go for the Democratic Party's 2007 gubernatorial primary. No word on whether Doug Doerting will be his running mate, but we wouldn't be surprised to hear that he has been promised a good job.

KDP Strategy 2006

Kentucky Democrats will soon be chanting one number: 96,000. That is the number of senior citizens in Kentucky they want to believe will become poverty stricken in the event of Social Security reform. Expect that number to get lots of media coverage.

Also lots of talk about reframing issues. A Berkeley professor has put out a video that talks about how to use language to change perception without actually changing positions. This will, activists hope, allow the party's candidates to support tax increases in the name of "investment," shutting down the active defense against terrorism -- never mentioning the term "national security" by turning the discussion to "economic security" -- and pushing nationalized health care as "health security."

In other words, the Democrats are going hard to the left. Their next step will be to cast Jesus as a Marxist by co-opting the Beattitudes. Good news.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Path of Most Resistance

President Bush is coming back to Kentucky for a Thursday lunchtime visit in Hopkinsville to bring attention to the need to reform Social Security.

Consistently and persistently "misunderestimated" by political opponents, Bush is, according to the liberal media, wasting his time trying to get Democrats to address entitlement reform. They are wrong on two fronts. If reform passes and the program's shortfall is addressed successfully, Democrats will have to hope no one notices. And they will be beyond help if personal accounts become the law of the land. While some conservatives complain that the President himself is selling PSA's short by making them too small for maximum effectiveness, anything that provides ownership and better returns on payroll taxes will be wildly popular. What may be even better is if reform opponents prevail and meaningful reform can't be enacted this year. Republicans love running against ideologically intransigent obstructionist Democrats. Democrats were supposed to be idealistic and optimistic. How fortunate for Republicans that Harry Reid's Dems get so juiced by grinding reform to a halt. It is almost as fortuitous as the circumstance of last year that had Democrat candidates running against the War on Terror. (For fun you can look up Ralph Nader's call to impeach Bush for "sexing up" the case for attacking Iraq. Last year? No, today!)

Politicians are famous for taking the easy way out. President Bush is gaining a reputation as one who makes decisions and goes to work to enact his ideas. History may well judge this hard-headed man favorably. If it does, his opponents will take in on the chin.

More fun reading can be found here in another "what liberals have to do to win" essay.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Cat Fight: 2006 Democrat Primary in 76th

The Kentucky Democratic Party is preparing to unveil a primary opponent for Rep. Ruth Ann Palumbo. She squeaked past John Hampton by 221 votes in her 2004 re-election bid.

Last Year, Rep. Palumbo was named one of Kentucky's Dean's Dozen candidates and was endorsed by DNC Chairman Howard Dean's Dean for America political organization.

"In today's highly competitive environment, we have to cut loose some of our weak links," an insider said.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Stumbo Mumbo Jumbo Meets Changing Winds

A shift in the focus of the so-called JOBTROT affair (with apologies to all the girls Greg has, uh, loved before) happened today.

"Greg Stumbo has no plans to run for governor," Greg Stumbo, egomaniac, said.

It's about time for challengers for the sadly diminished office of Attorney General to start coming forward, actually.

MarketWatch: Fletcher Up, Clinton Down

Kudos to Governor Ernie Fletcher for sticking it to the obstructionist hacks accusing him of merit system violations. I loved this:

“After 30 years of Republicans not being in here, we have been flooded with recommendations of folks feeling like in the past they had absolutely no opportunity, and now they did have an opportunity of being part of state government and moving this state forward,” Fletcher said.

And this:

Kentucky has had a Democratic patronage system for two decades, Fletcher said, and his Republican administration is being investigated for what he said were “no irregularities.” In reviewing the 495 names, “no merit system irregularities were discovered,” Fletcher said.

Meanwhile, Arianna Huffington jumps on Hillary Clinton:

Judy Woodruff asked a very specific question: “Record numbers of Americans continue to die in Iraq. No end to the violence in sight that most people can see. When should the United States begin significant troop withdrawals?”
Hillary reacted like a vampire being shown a cross or an ABC executive seeing the ratings for their Trump TV movie… then offered up the following head scratcher:
You know, I am not one who feels comfortable setting exit strategies. We don't know what we're exiting from. We don't know what the situation is moving toward…. How do we know where we're headed, when we don't know where we are?
Wow. Very existential. Very Zen koan. If a foreign policy disintegrates in the desert and no one hears it fail, what does this mean for our country and for our safety?

Moonbat Arianna can't be expected to question Judy Woodruff's "record numbers of Americans" goof. What record is that Judy?

And for those of you worried about the poll said to show Hillary on her way to the White House in 2008, don't go buy your "Hillary Lied and Vince Foster Died" t-shirts yet. The coverage of the poll seems unusually short on details. With the blogosphere jumping on recent bogus polls who publish their methodology, Gallup/USA Today/CNN isn't going to invite any unwanted scrutiny into their little news creation device.

Back to Basics: Saving Social Security Reform

Future Social Security recipients have been the losers in the political wrangling over Social Security reform. Democrat do-nothingness has, unfortunately, been met with confusing language from the Bush Administration. Now we are facing the false choice of raising taxes or cutting benefits (or both, for heaven's sake.) Peter Ferrara sums up where we went wrong trying to bring the Democrats to the table and how we can effectively promote the reform agenda with personal accounts.

Fletcher Embroiled In Hair Care Scandal

Calling Fletcher Administration officials "a well-groomed bunch, very suspiciously well-groomed," Attorney General Greg Stumbo launched an investigation into what newspaper columnists are calling MOPTROT.

At the heart of the investigation is a disturbing number of grooming-tip emails confiscated by the AG's office. Stumbo found his most incriminating evidence here in an advertisement for Duurstede Shampoo-EF.

"The evidence (of a Republican hair conspiracy) is pretty substantial at this point," Stumbo added "and it is mounting."

No Administration officials could explain why the governor's initials were part of the name of the shampoo or why their hair looks so nice.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

D.C. Democrats Are The New Soviets

Beltway Democrats are up to the same old tricks, surprising the heck out of useful idiots Lindsey Graham and John McCain et al., but no one else. Tonight Dems used procedural moves to prevent a straight vote on John Bolton's UN nomination.

They are putting up a smoke screen about wanting more information from the state Department. I would bet they haven't even read the 500 pages they already have. We need someone like Bolton to bonk heads in the UN. Unfortunately, we need to start in the Spineless Senate.

And yes, I'm talking about the Republicans. The Democrats are just doing what they do. They can be trusted to obstruct, name call, and waste time. The only way to break the partisan logjam is to strengthen the majority in Congress. We have serious fiscal and national defense issues to address and the opposition has no ideas whatsoever.

Can you really believe we are losing to this?


Google Search Fun

Someone in a government office in Arizona did a Google search for "alligators in Kentucky" and, you guessed it, the first option was Kentucky Progress.

Tax Reform Step One: The 16th Amendment Must Go

Before we take on the topic of tax reform, please read this for an interesting history of how we created this mess.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Lexington PVA Office Investigation

Fayette County's Property Valuation Administrator's office has been plagued by serious mismanagement issues that have been covered up by local media.

Insiders are talking. As we confirm details, we will report them here.

Kentucky Progress Radio

I'll be on the radio this afternoon (WEKY 1340 AM) 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm. Call in number is (877) 620-1340

2006 Election Preview

Kentucky Democratic Party insiders are preparing a full-scale attack on the Republican Senate Majority in next year's elections. Just what we need, more Deaniacs in Frankfort.

Meanwhile, the highest concentration of Republican voters in a Senate district currently held by a Democrat reside in the 34th (Madison, Lincoln, Rockcastle). That's the district of Senate Minority Leader Sen. Ed Worley.

Mad Science A Wedge Issue?

Congressman Ben Chandler firmly established his Beltway liberal credentials last year when he voted to raise taxes, set up abortion clinics on overseas military bases, and to throw extra money at the National Endowment for the Arts. He surely sealed the deal yesterday when he voted to spend taxpayer dollars to create a market for human embryos.

Democrats think they have found a wedge issue for the 2006 elections in embryonic stem cell research. Proponents of this research claim that destroying live human embryos can yield material to cure a long laundry list of diseases and conditions. There is, of course, no evidence to suggest that this works.

Fifty House Republicans went along with the scheme. Fortunately, a more rational version of a research bill passed as well.

President Bush will veto the bad bill if necessary.

UPDATE: It would be funny if it weren't so cynical and stupid. Goofy Senators Reid and Kennedy are both calling for an "up-or-down vote" on federal embryonic destruction. The AP writer on the story unwittingly ads more of the same with this helpful sentence: "He called for an "up-or-down vote," meaning one with no amendments attached." Oh. Is that what it means when Democrats say it? Last week it was just something Republicans said when they wanted their fascist judges pushed through with no regard for "minority rights."

Monday, May 23, 2005

GOP Meltdown In US Senate; Moderate Lovefest on Judicial Nominees

Go ahead and kick me while I'm down. With the gutless wonders we have in our fake majority in the US Senate, I'm quite used to it.

The only thing worse than hearing about the cave in on judicial nominees is the having to endure the left-wing crowing that is sure to come.

Do Nothing Chandler Stays His Course

Rep. Ben Chandler continues to trade in his middle-of-the-road appeal for Beltway Liberal brownie points by joining in with what passes for Democrat Do-Something-ism these days: building a shrine to FDR.

Rep. Chandler signed on with Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Jim McDermott, Jim Moran, and other such left-wing luminaries in co-sponsoring HR 197 Honoring Franklin Delano Roosevelt or The I'm a Democrat and, Doggone It, I Like Myself Act.

This resolution celebrates FDR's role in lengthening the Depression, building the welfare state, creating the Social Security ponzi scheme, and promoting Communists to the highest levels of the United States government.

All this is supposed to cover up the fact that Democrats don't want Social Security reform to diminish their power any faster than their misstatements, election thefts, and tax increases do.

Stanford Mayor's Faked $500,000 Federal Grant Application


Howard Dean: Why JOBTROT Doesn't Mean Much

Kentucky's Governor's office may even be overrun with incompetents, but who cares? Democrats are still likely to put up AG Greg "Who's Your Daddy?" Stumbo or Treasurer Jonathan "I've got $150 million, make that $30 million, hey where's my money?" Miller versus Fletcher in 2007. That says it all. If the Kentucky Democratic Party doesn't expect to beat EF, let's get back to focusing on improving the Commonwealth. While the media have been reading meaningless emails, the Administration has been doing just that.

And thanks to Howard Dean for saying yesterday that Socialists like Senate candidate Bernie Sanders are just regular Democrats. You can look it up. Raising taxes, expanding government's reach, and obstructing progress at every turn are tactics that don't inspire anyone. If "Our Scandals Get Less Coverage Than Your Scandals" becomes a viable campaign selling point, then I will be worried.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Domino Theory 2005

Congressional Obstructionist Democrats fall like this (starting this week):

1. Judicial Filibuster
2. Bolton nomination
3. Social Security reform
4. Tax Reform
5. Medicare/Medicaid reform

Kentucky House Democrats who think they have Republicans on the run over merit job issue --that no one cares about-- hope to enact huge tax increase in 2006. Don't hold your breath waiting for that plan to succeed.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Illegal Harry Moberly Fundraising Letter Contest

We have received a copy of a disturbing fundraising letter for House Budget Chairman Harry Moberly . The letter is on Kentucky Association of School Superintendents letterhead and includes the Commonwealth's "Unbridled Spirit" and the Kentucky Department of Education's "Education Pays" logos.

See how many "problematic" elements you can find in this letter:

April 29, 2005

Dear KASS Member:

We have a very strong lobbying firm working for us in Frankfort. John Cooper, the chief lobbyist, has come with a request that we need to honor.

Harry Moberly, chairman of the House A & R Committee, had a very expensive election and has a debt that will need to be liquidated. John Cooper believes our future efforts in Frankfort (especially on principal selection) will be much improved if we can take 176 checks to Harry from superintendents in the amount of $100 each.

I have called several superintendents in different parts of the state (and different party affiliations) and have asked their opinions about this request. Everyone I spoke to agreed that we need to do this.

Please make out a check for $100 to Harry Moberly and send it ASAP to:

872 Nacke Pike
Cecilia, KY 42724


David A. Baird

I'll give you the first one. David Baird didn't write the letter. He said KASS Executive Secretary Roland Haun did it.

Friday Funny

Saddam: The Comic Book

Thursday, May 19, 2005

House Budget Chairman's Account Under Water

Less than three weeks after Sen. Dan Mongiardo (D-UK) came under fire for spending money he didn't have to run against Sen. Jim Bunning, Election Finance records reveal that Rep. Harry Moberly (D-Richmond) did the same thing.

Faced with a stiff challenge despite his ridiculously gerrymandered 81st House district, Moberly spent nearly $30,000 more than he had. This fact has now landed him under scrutiny after the Kentucky Association of School Superintendents got caught trying to finance Moberly's debt this spring in hopes of influencing his vote.

****UPDATE*****: David Baird, the man who wrote the "inapropriate" fundraising letter for Moberly (according to the Courier Journal) now denies writing the letter. So who wrote it? The trail seems to lead to the Eastern Kentucky Univerity campus. Stay tuned...

Social Security Silence Speaks Volumes

It has been one week since the first Democrat with an idea on Social Security came forward with his innovative proposal of the largest tax increase in history.

Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) raised the ire of Democrats everywhere when he unwittingly exposed the fact that their only plan is to raise taxes.

When we get this dust-up over the judicial nominees out of the way next week, we can get back to entitlement reform. Until then, here is a great article about the difficulty Dems face with the debate on Social Security since Wexler spilled the beans.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Harry Moberly's Campaign Finance Scam

If you want a potentially explosive newspaper story to not get much attention, you give it a headline like "Moberly Will Restrict Donations."

The Louisville Courier Journal reports today that the Kentucky Association of School Superintendents (KASS) sent out a fundraising letter for Rep. Harry Moberly (D-Richmond) dated April 29, 2005 telling members "our future efforts in Frankfort (especially on principal selection) will be much improved if we can take 176 checks to Harry from superintendents in the amount of $100 each."

Bad enough, but read on...

The letter said Moberly "had a very expensive election and has a debt that needs to be liquidated."

That's where the red flags went up. Moberly claimed in the article that he had less than $30,000 in campaign debt. His Registry of Election Finance Statement, however, shows a campaign surplus of $1971.58.

So we called the Registry of Election Finance. It turns out that Moberly has turned over to them a bill for $99,698.45 from Emmons And Company Inc. for "management and payment of campaign activities" that isn't reflected in the online filing. Further, payments of $65,000 and $5000 have been reported as paid. That leaves an unpaid balance of $29,698.45.

Moberly reports campaign disbursements of $148,265.94. His opponent spent just $41,224.06 and got 44% of the vote in the heavily gerrymandered 81st district. No doubt Moberly needed every bit of what amounts to a $30,000 campaign contribution from Dale Emmons' company to pull off the win.

With any luck, though, Moberly's next effort to get lobbyists to pay his 2004 campaign expenses won't receive even this much attention.

As Scandals Unfold, Who is Watching Stumbo?

As twin scandals plague Kentucky's state capitol, mounting concern has Frankfort observers wondering about the role of the one known link between the two events: Attorney General Greg Stumbo.

Elected narrowly as one of three scandal-ridden 2003 candidates for the office, Stumbo finds himself under a cloud of speculation for his role in election year 2000 vote buying and under fire for his own alleged abuses of the merit system under Democrat governors.

These scandals both appear to involve wrong-doing by Republicans. But someone should be watching the Top Cop of the Commonwealth to ensure that justice is served fairly.

Tick, Tick, Tick...Boom!

U.S. Senate goes nuclear today. Harry Reid and Tom Daschle made this happen. Don't forget that.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Boy, Do We Need Judicial Reform

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, Reagan appointee and poster boy for term limits on the Court, is upset because he thinks the United States keeps it's criminals in prison too long.

At a speech Friday, he bemoaned the fact that U.S. sentences are eight times longer than those in Western Europe. (Yes, he really did. Here's the article.)

"We need to rethink the sentencing system," Justice Kennedy said Friday. "We have 180,000 prisoners in the California state system alone."

Great advice, Justice Kennedy. Let's just turn them loose in your neighborhood.

Did Fletcher Admin Stop Another Sandy Burglar?

Lost in the hubbub of the Transportation Cabinet hiring feeding frenzy is the fact that when Greg Stumbo sent two men to sneak into the Personnel office and take files, he lost a lot of credibility with objective observers.

Brings to mind Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger's efforts to stuff classified national security documents into his socks.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Howard Dean: Terrorist Sympathizer?

Mr. Open Mouth Insert Foot does it again.

North Carolina Congressman on KY Progress Radio

Tune in this Wednesday to 1340 WEKY AM 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm for my interview with Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), sponsor of the Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act.

Passage of this bill would end the gag order placed on churches by the IRS.

Call in number is (877) 620-1340.

This is the bill that has David Hawpe all worked up at the Louisville Courier Journal and will cause many liberal heads to spin around before this year is over.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Say It Ain't So: Dems Insist Howard Dean Must Go!

The best thing to happen to the Republican party in many years has been the ascension of Howard Dean to the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee. The least reported political story of the year is how Dean's zany comments and policy positions have helped mobilize Republicans and a surprising number of Democrats upset by their party's continued leftward lurch.

Dean's actions included the endorsement of Socialist Bernie Sanders as a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

Top officials at the Democratic Party of Kentucky, who spoke on condition of anonymity, have confirmed that the state party executive committee will be urged to join a coalition of state parties who will call for Dean's resignation in June.

"Dean makes it tough to stay a Democrat," said one elected Democrat legislator.

Do Your Tax Dollars Support Right Wing Churches?

On most good days, I am not going to agree with anything David Hawpe of the Louisville Courier Joural says.

Today is looking like a very good day.

Hawpe rips Rep. Anne Northup (R-KY) for co-sponsoring the Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act (HR 235) to return free speech rights to churches. The reason liberals wouldn't want this is obvious. What may not be so clear is how vital this issue is to America's future and why those who stand for freedom in this case deserve active support.

Critics on the left say changing the restriction on free speech for churches -- the one that threatens to take away tax-exempt status of non-profits engaging in improper speech -- amounts to taxpayer subsidies of political speech. The institutions whose tactics refute this argument are the taxpayer supported Corporation of Public Broadcasting and the liberal teachers and textbook writers in the public schools. They would cry bloody murder if someone tried to infringe upon their freedoms in similar fashion.

The language in IRS 501 (c) (3) is vague and overreaching. Did you know that your minister could face IRS punishment for speaking out against abortion, pornography, or pedophilia? The cause of this mess, the 1954 Johnson Amendment, abridged free speech for non-profits with the threat of imposed taxation. The reason this injustice has been allowed to persist is nearly all of the victims are conservative Christians. In the discussion of judicial filibusters, many have asked what might happen when the pendulum swings the other way and a Republican legislative minority would face imposition of liberal court nominees. But that is the wrong question.

Only one church in the fifty years of Johnson Amendment speech restrictions has lost its tax-exempt status. A more pertinent question may be what if the pendulum swings leftward to the extent that we have IRS agents staking out our churches in search of comments against declining moral values and the people who champion further social ruin? Amoral fascist success here may lead to threats we can't even imagine now.

When Governor Fletcher was in Congress he co-sponsored an earlier version of this bill. Kentucky Congressmen Lewis and Whitfield have joined Rep. Northup on the current one.

Expect the liberal media to be all over this if they suspect it may get a hearing. I think this fight may well become the most important one yet this year.

Democrats have overplayed their hands on everything else during this Congress. Think about this: wouldn't it be enlightening to see what Howard Dean might say about allowing ministers to speak frankly about the issues plaguing our nation? The Democrats understand the threat free churches pose to their base of power. This is an issue worth making some noise over.

Friday, May 13, 2005

2006 Kentucky House Update

Quick question: what's the most important difference between Ernesto Scorsone and Kathy Stein?

Easy. Senator Scorsone is in the minority of the Kentucky Senate so he can do little to advance the liberal agenda. Rep. Stein, on the other hand, can work with her Democratic Party leaders to frustrate conservatives from all across the Commonwealth.

Both liberals have safe seats, but the Democrat advantage in the House was halved in 2004 to seven seats. And that is where things get interesting.

Central Kentucky saw eight Republican challengers face entrenched Democrat House members in the last election. All eight Republicans lost. There are several reasons why Republicans in and around Lexington should do much better next year, but we will get into that later.

For now, we have a new candidate to tell you about. Remember the name Michael Farmer.

Mr. Farmer will be taking on 79th district Rep. Susan Westrom. She was one of twelve Kentucky candidates endorsed by the nutty Dean for America organization last year.

In contrast, Mr. Farmer is a successful attorney, husband, and father of two. He seeks to bring conservative representation to Lexington's 79th district, particularly with regard to education, health care, and government spending issues. As a member of the new Republican majority in 2007, he will be able to support the principles that have been given short shrift by House Democrats for too many years.

Quality candidates like Mr. Farmer give us lots of reasons to be optimistic about the future of Kentucky. Much, much more about him in the months ahead.

Keeping Alligators Out Of The Pool

Congressman Ben Chandler is taking credit this morning for keeping the Blue Grass Army Depot open. Someone should tell him the Depot was not considered for the BRAC list.

"This proves what I've always known," Chandler boasted.

What's that, Congressman? That it is easier to take credit for events that were going to happen regardless of your actions or lack of action?

Despite the obvious lack of substance in this Chandler statement, expect the local mainstream media suck-ups to be all over it.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Ben Chandler Fantasy Baseball Update

Rep. Ben Chandler has done it again.

In a press release dated March 10, 2005 Chandler boasts the acquisition of $3.9 million in landscape and streetscape money for Wilmore, Kentucky in Jessamine county. There are just a few teeny tiny problems with this press release.

For starters, Chandler claims to be working with Sen. Mitch McConnell and Sen. Jim Bunning to "make sure these projects remain in the final legislation."

Right. There is no way that this "project" will be in the final legislation and Chandler has to know it. He just wants to be able to say that he tried to get money for central Kentucky but the Republicans wouldn't let him.

What happened was Chandler cooked this phony "project" up and put it into a highway spending bill. Doing this took about as much effort as the Congressman would use playing fantasy baseball on his office computer for a couple of hours. It will have about as much impact on the final highway bill.

Chandler claims to have "worked very closely with Harold Rainwater, the mayor of Wilmore" to obtain this funding. Again, he is playing fantasy baseball. Didn't happen. In fact, he even made up a quote and put Mayor Rainwater's name on it, in an effort to make Governor Ernie Fletcher look bad.

"We have wanted this for years," Rep. Chandler falsely quoted Mayor Rainwater as saying. As if former Rep. Fletcher turned a blind eye to the woeful lack of grass seed in his district during his time in Congress.

It is hard to say which is more ridiculous -- the idea that Wilmore's highest road priority is $3.9 million worth of landscaping at the entryway to Asbury Seminary or that Chandler thought he could get away with this silly scheme.

He should go back to obstructing Social Security reform.

Next Up, Dr. Dan: Did He or Didn't He?

Federal prosecutors searching the hollers of eastern Kentucky, may be taking a close look at Sen. Daniel Mongiardo (D-Hazard) and his 2000 campaign's vote hauling activities.

Mongiardo actually spent over $1000 more than Sen. Johnny Ray Turner did for the questionable campaign tactic in 2000. Sen. Turner has already been indicted for mail fraud and conspiracy.

Also no word yet on whether investigators combing the mountains have plans to scour the street corners of west Louisville looking for recipients of vote-enticing fast food coupons.

Democrats: Our SSI Plans Are In Our Pants

Male substance abusers hoping to register clean on drug tests can order a fake penis complete with urine to avoid detection of their nefarious activity.

Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats seem to be hiding any ideas they may have behind vacant stares and unconvincing denials just as busted addicts often do.

Maybe someone should check their pants.

Thanks to Doug Petch for the heads up on the, uh, device.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Attorney General Inaction on Vote Fraud Disturbing

Buying votes is illegal in Kentucky, right? Then why must year 2000 election vote buyers be charged with federal mail fraud?

Someone should ask Ben Chandler and Greg Stumbo, Attorneys General since 1996, who would, under different circumstances, prosecute vote fraud in Kentucky. The Feds can only prosecute federal law and they can't force Kentucky's AG to act.

Some people have asked why Sen. Ray Jones hasn't been charged yet. Could he be cooperating with prosecutors? That should make things pretty hot this summer. The five year statute of limitations means these cases need to move fast.

Don't expect much on this from Kentucky's big media outlets until Republicans start getting implicated. Unfortunately, that shouldn't be too long in coming.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Do Nothing Chandler Persists

A quick check of press releases from Ben Chandler's Congressional site shows that new media contact Jennifer Spalding is earning her keep making Rep. Chandler look busy.

She has her work cut out for her.

Today's (5/10/2005) press releases are month-old stories in which Chandler takes credit for Sen. Mitch McConnell's efforts to obtain funding for the Bluegrass Army Depot and then hands out a couple of flags on a campaign stop.

UPDATE: 5/12/05-- The month-old press releases with the current date have been pulled down. Now what are they going to do?

Monday, May 09, 2005

Herald Leader Columnist: Keep Feeding Brain Dead KAPT

The propaganda campaign to keep the money-losing KAPT program going continues with a column in the Herald Leader by KAPT former executive director Rachel Belin.

There is little new in this column. Belin does state that if mean old Republicans like David Williams and Robbie Rudolph would just keep pouring money in, "many thousands more could benefit."


That reminds me of the episode of The Lucy Show when Lucy started canning jelly at home to sell for additional income. When Ricky pointed out that she was losing money on every jar, she exclaimed "We can just make it up on volume!"

While the brainiacs running KAPT strive to "make it up on volume," taxpayers remain on the hook for their continued losses. Funny how program supporters don't mention all the other states who started pre-paid tuition plans before Kentucky and have had the good sense to shut their programs down in the face of losses as far as the eye can see.

KAPT is just another government ponzi scheme that sounded better than it has turned out to be. Stemming the tide of red ink is the only responsible thing to do.

Ask the people in Ohio.

I found an interesting quote from an actuarial consultant named Richard Kaye who works with several state plans. Way back in 2002, he said "You are not talking about an immediate cash-flow problem, but you are talking about a long-term deficit. It's sort of like Social Security."

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Herald Leader: Raise Taxes Or Die

Grab your tin foil hats, folks. The Lexington Herald Leader is waxing eloquent about Social Security again.

The headline offered some hope: Social Security reality check. Could the left be coming around on actually discussing entitlement reform like adults? But, alas, it wasn't so. The editorial uses way too many words to suggest again that raising taxes for the 18th time will somehow do a more thorough job of repairing the system this time.

It's noteworthy that the last four paragraphs of their editorial could have almost been written by someone serious about the problem. Judge for yourself:
There isn't a perfect plan, but it is time to craft a workable one so we can move on to other problems.
Medicare is in much more dire straits, and the deficit is spinning out of control. Social Security, for all the bombast these past many months, is an easy fix compared to those.
Of course, we could just flip the channel and ignore Social Security, Medicare and the deficit.
It worked for the Romans. The rulers offered free shows at the Coliseum, and a grateful public, eager to be entertained, filled the seats. It kept everyone distracted -- until the empire collapsed.


But their proposal included eliminating the cap on earnings subject to the Social Security tax. This enormous income tax increase would hit businesses who employ the dreaded high income earners very hard. And even the far left knows what that means. Those taxes are passed along to consumers, hitting the lowest earners the hardest.

Still can't imagine how the Democrats on Capitol Hill would respond to real media scrutiny about their hard line against allowing taxpayer choice and ownership rights of Social Security.

It is shameful how their rhetoric staggers perilously close to the factual only to meander back into the dark recesses of the obstructionist's cave. They seem to understand that Social Security is one of the easier problems to handle and must properly be dispensed with so more pressing trials may be confronted. Tax increases, most of us know, won't get us past step one. And the only snake-oil solution is the do-nothing approach Democrats cling so fearfully to. But they are right to be afraid. If personal accounts pass, voters will face inescapable evidence that partisan Democrats are a gangrene appendage on the body politic.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Sunday Politics: Religion Anyone?

If the situation were reversed and a liberal minister in a blue state was booting out members who supported President Bush, it wouldn't make a ripple in the national media. But one Baptist pastor in North Carolina boots out nine members who supported John Kerry, and you will surely see and hear all about it this next week.

I'm a little surprised that a small 100-member church would actually vote nearly 10% of the membership out because of their political beliefs, but it is certainly their right to do so.

One red flag pops up in the story when the reporter mentions that "many more members have reportedly left the church in protest" but he couldn't find any to interview. With all the over-the-top hate speech we hear from Kerry/Dean folks these days, I'm a little skeptical that there would be much of a protest from remaining members.

Of course the displaced liberals have hired an attorney. Could probably have saved themselves a few bucks by starting with a call to the ACLU.

Senator Harry Reid Abuses Truth

When Harry Reid opens his mouth to talk, Truth cringes, staggers, falls, and ultimately resigns itself to the coming death blow.

News of Reid calling President Bush a "loser" has been circulating since an article appeared yesterday in the Las Vegas Review Journal.

Such rhetoric should come as no surprise now, as the man who replaced the obnoxious Tom Daschle with promises to work with the President and Republicans in the Senate has long since proved himself a hopeless obstructionist.

Frankly, I'm more bothered by his claim in the story that the President is "driving the country into bankruptcy" -- referring to the budget deficit, the story adds helpfully.

In the fourty years prior to 2000, budget deficits as a percentage of GDP have exceeded the average of the Bush budget years (2002-2004) sixteen times. The high-water mark of 2004 was exceeded ten times during the same period. In other words, the world may be coming to an end, as Democrats suggest for everything but their entitlement programs, but it isn't because the budget deficits are driving us to bankruptcy. In the early and mid-1980's, at the beginning of the longest economic boom our country has ever seen, we had persistent federal budget deficits significantly higher than we have now.

Allowing President Bush to make progress in the war on terror, entitlement reform, and tax reform would present political risks to elected Democrats and their useful idiots that they aren't brave enough to face honorably.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Outlawing Vote Hauling Won't Stop Fraud

Previously convicted of voter fraud in another case, Ross Harris and Loren Glenn Turner join Sen. Johnny Ray Turner under indictment for mail fraud and conspiracy for Sen. Turner's 2000 primary victory.

The Lexington Herald-Leader's solution to this, predictably, is to suggest outlawing vote hauling.

I strongly disagree.

The well-established pattern of skullduggery in Kentucky elections isn't going away because someone makes a law any more than criminalizing adultery would stop that brand of cheating. Just as Clinton changed the definition of terms to justify his lurid behavior, unscrupulous politicians would merely set up "advisory committees" to encourage voter "loyalty."

Just as with gun violence or corporate malfeasance, we don't need more laws.

We just need continued enforcement and greater scrutiny of questionable campaign tactics by society's watchdogs.

Al Gore: Let's Encourage Him, Keep Him Talking!

Al Gore is getting a Lifetime Achievement Award for inventing the Internet. Take a look at some of the other "winners" like BBC and The New York Times for news and for "activism" and you have an idea of where these folks are coming from.

Overcome with emotion and egged on by the crowd, Al Gore didn't tear up and exclaim, "You BELIEVED me, you really believed me!!!"

But this stuff couldn't be much funnier even if he did.

Democrat Politician Press Release Printing Machines

The Lexington Herald Leader and the Louisville Courier Journal continue their tradition of printing anything Democrats want with the stupid "ethics issue" brought up by Sen. Ernesto Scorsone and Sen. Joey Pendleton.

In a thinly-veiled attempt to smear Ernie Fletcher and Dave Disponett, the papers and the Democrats join hands on a proposal to change ethics policies for Executive Branch volunteers.

Both senators claimed they were not questioning the actions of Mr. Disponett.

Sure you aren't.

Their non-solution to the non-problem is, of course, to write a new law for 2006. If actually doing something worthwhile was part of the discussion here, then someone would ask the senators exactly what they hope to accomplish by making employee ethics standards apply to volunteers. Since this is just the common practice of politicking by rumor, innuendo, and hearsay, the mainstream media will just let the implied charges hang in the air as long as Democrats want to keep the story alive.

But I would be curious to know how this latest photo-op for Sen. Scorsone would actually protect the public. The journalists might have done some good to make him answer that question.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Crit Luallen: Cruella or Ridiculosa?

A state "audit" of voting records suggests that some number of state employees (6652 or 5000 or 2500) took a four hour leave to vote but didn't cast a ballot. This is a foolish waste of time.

We wonder if state employees will remember Luallen's silly recommendations of "educating employees about the responsibility to vote and requiring workers to sign statements that they voted."

UPDATE: The Danville Advocate Messenger says end the controversy by letting state employees vote like everyone else-- on their own time. Agreed.

Jonathan Miller Thinks You Are Stupid

State Treasurer Jonathan Miller, his political fortunes under a dark cloud because of his continued support for the money-losing KAPT program, has changed his website. He apparently hopes you won't pay much attention to the "fine print."

The site includes a link labeled "Actuarial Report showing the financial soundness of the program." If you click on the link, though, you find something interesting about the actuarial surplus touted by Miller. The surplus doesn't exist without the $13.7 million raided from the General Fund on December 1, 2004 that is currently being contested in Franklin Circuit Court.

Miller embarrassed himself on March 1, 2005 by claiming falsely that the General Assembly "raided" KAPT to build a basketball practice facility for the University of Kentucky.

Miller admitted Sunday on the Kentucky Focus radio program that this statement was false.

What To Expect...

Expect Sen. Ray Jones(D-Pikeville) to be charged next for voter fraud.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Kentucky Progress Radio Wednesday

Tune in to 1340 AM WEKY Wednesday afternoon 5:15 to 6:15 for the latest on Kentucky politics.

Ed Worley Talks Tough

Senate Minority Leader Ed Worley (D-Richmond) says he isn't worried about the indictment of Sen. Johnny Ray Turner for vote fraud and doesn't think Turner should resign or that Republicans can take the seat if he doesn't. The following statement, though, will go up in the locker room for motivation and for a future laugh.

"That is a Democratic seat in a district that even the Republicans would concede it would be virtually impossible for them ever to hold," Worley said.

That reminds me of the story Governor Louie Nunn used to tell about the Barren county clerk who told him in 1950 that if he registered Republican he would never be able to make a living there.

A Tale of Two Papers: Coverage of Voter Fraud Begins

Louisville Courier Journal reporter Elisabeth Beardsley clearly got the Senator Johnny Ray Turner voter fraud story early yesterday. The Herald Leader was beaten so badly that their best quote was from a retired teacher at the end of the story who was clearly called because no else could be reached. In contrast, Beardsley's quote from Senate President David Williams, who expressed simpathy for Sen. Turner and his family added significantly to her article.

Beardsley's report took a turn for the worse, though, when she sought a response from Common Cause Chairman Richard Beliles who called the indictment a "great loss to the public" and said "They need to really have a high regard for the process and also for the legislators."

Now what the heck does that mean? It wasn't clear, but I took it to mean that Beliles was saying that prosecutors were doing something wrong. If the indictment is the "great loss," then it seems to follow that "They" in the next sentence referred to prosecutors. Was he alleging some kind of prosecutorial misconduct?

The red flag went up, so I called Mr. Beliles. He explained that he was speaking broadly about any allegations of public abuse and talking about how when any case like this comes up, the public trust in the process is diminished and more people tend to tune everything out. He said he wasn't misquoted but said other things that, when left out, made his comments difficult to decipher.

He told me twice that he has no idea about guilt or innocence in this case.

Incidentally, he told me "When things like this happen, the public develops a cynicism." I could easily make that look like he was talking about when politicians buy votes, if I chose to do so.

See my point?

Monday, May 02, 2005

Ky. Democrat Senator Turner To Be Indicted Tuesday

The interesting thing is not that Kentucky Senator Johnny Ray Turner is going to be indicted by the U.S. Attorney for vote hauling on Tuesday. The interesting thing is how curious the mainstream media will be about Attorney General Greg Stumbo's role in the scandal and who else will get caught in the net.

This will be fun to watch, as vote hauling is a time-honored Democratic Party tradition in Kentucky.

Shalom: Jewish People Fleeing Democratic Party

"The number of proud Jewish Republicans will continue to grow, and this is a trend that won't be reversed," said Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matthew Brooks, citing President Bush's and Congressional Republicans' support for Israel and the War on Terror.

Exit polling showed President Bush's support among Jewish voters increased nearly ten percentage points in 2004 over the 2000 election.

The Republican Jewish Coalition has a Cincinnati chapter, but nothing yet in Kentucky. I think that may be about to change...

The Conservative Case Against Bush's SSI Proposal

Peter Ferrara nails what is wrong with the Progressive Price Indexing plan and has a warning for Republicans who go along with it.

School Choice: Mean, Money Drunk Liberals Say No

Did you know that Washington D.C. spends $13,330 per student each year to educate the District's students, who score the lowest reading and math scores in the nation?

Here is an interesting article about how reform-hating politicians and their obstruction for obstruction's sake hurts poor children.

The District of Columbia School Choice Incentive Act passed despite heavy opposition from Democrats. Expanding the program to other states, according to the article, could save billions of dollars each year.

Can't have that, can we?

The Next Liberal Attack on Social Security

Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich is out of the closet with the next line of attack on Social Security reform.

President Bush just wants to avoid the smart move of creating HillaryCare, Reich says. That's why, Reich suggests, Bush continues to push Social Security reform so long after Harry Reid and Ben Chandler have announced that they don't want it. What is curious to me is why the mainstream media, nearly unanimous in calling the proposed change that really isn't a cut in benefits a cut, has missed another point. Progressive Price Indexing isn't my favorite plan, but it is significantly better than the Democrats' plan. The change from wage indexing to price indexing is not necessary and, obviously, gives the left the opportunity to scream "cuts." But it creates a reduction in the rate of increase in benefits for about 70% of recipients. The Democrats plan -- doing nothing (oh, except whining) -- would mean an actual 28% cut in baseline benefits for 100% of recipients, legally mandated for when the well runs dry.

Here is a pretty good explanation of what is happening.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Go to Covington, Hang a Hard Left

In case you needed a good reason not to send your kids to Northern Kentucky University, we now know that they have invited liberal pundit shriekmeister Helen Thomas to speak at graduation May 7.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Straw Man: Jonathan Miller Makes Up Quote, Attacks

State Treasurer Jonathan Miller said "There is no justification for the General Assembly to say '... we're going to break all these contracts with all these 8900 families.'"

The only problem with this is that no one in the General Assembly has said anything like this or done anything to jeopardize the KAPT contract holders, despite Miller's rhetoric.

That is why even the Louisville Courier Journal has called Miller's actions "grandstanding."

Meanwhile, you are still paying for his self-serving, money-wasting lawsuit.

Misquoted Two Days Ahead of Time?: Miller Blames Herald Leader For KAPT Misstatement

State Treasurer Jonathan Miller blamed the Lexington Herald Leader for a charge that he made against the state Senate in a March 1 press release that has been removed from his website and a March 2 guest blog on BluegrassRoots. Miller had stated that the Senate "raided" KAPT to build a practice gym for UK.

"I love UK basketball, but raiding a fund that holds the personal college savings of thousands of Kentucky families is inexcusable, unconstitutional, and immoral," Miller said.

Speaking on the Kentucky Focus program, he admitted he was wrong, but said it wasn't his fault.

"That was an incorrect statement ... we were basing that on a Herald Leader story that indicated that that was the case," Miller said.

That would be news to the good folks at Midland and Main, since they never mentioned the controversy until March 3.

CLARIFICATION: The last sentence of this post is incorrect. As an alert reader has pointed out, The Lexington Herald Leader did indeed mention the bonding project for the UK practice gym but didn't include the linkage to the KAPT program Miller asserted afterward (that is why my search didn't catch it). The mistake was my fault, though.

Interestingly, the article in question did clearly state that the $15 million was to be bonded and did not, as Miller stated repeatedly, involve General Fund cash from his program or any other.

Friday, April 29, 2005

KAPT Scandal on the Radio

Click here for a half hour long radio program about the KAPT scandal.

Congressional Budget '05 Foreshadowing of KY '08?

Both houses of Congress passed a budget late last night that includes spending restraint not seen from Capitol Hill in many years. Interestingly, the budget passed without a single Democrat vote.

Could this be a sneak peak at how Kentucky's budget process will go in 2008 with Republicans in the majority of the House and the Senate?

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Liberals Can't Do Basic Math

State Treasurer Jonathan Miller and ABC News's George Stephanopolous have one very notable characteristic in common. Neither seems capable of telling the difference between a dollar that is an asset and one that is not.

Miller persists in his stupid claim that the money-losing KAPT scheme is backed up by more than $100 million in cash from liquidated unclaimed property. The reality of course is that there is no such money, no such fund, and the only surprise is that the mainstream media in Kentucky is so willfully blind to this simple truth. Perhaps they don't mind raising your taxes to fill the growing hole KAPT will require us to fill in future years. I do.

Stephanopolous looked like he was going to wet himself when he exclaimed, absurdly, that the President of the United States was "caught in a contradiction" by describing Social Security Trust Fund "dollars" as a filing cabinet full of IOU's and contending that personal accounts would include an option for nervous investors that would include all Treasury Bonds backed by the "full faith and credit of the USA." The difference is that the Social Security Trust Fund money has been spent (that makes it just like the KY unclaimed property "fund" if you are keeping score at home.) When money is gone, it can't honestly be counted as an asset. Surely they taught that to you at Harvard, Treasurer Miller. And it is a shame that Stephanopolous is too thick to see that President Bush just pulled the "gambling in the stock market" rug out from under the Democrats' feet. No doubt the New York Times and Washington Post slept through that one as well.

Democrats are mighty smug on this one right now. They had better hope that their electoral math is better than their financial math.

I'm so glad that President Bush mentioned that the GOP is clearly the party of ideas. Democrats are counting on ignorance in the voting public to stop their slide into oblivion. The numbers (as in the simple math) are on our side. We can only hope that the votes will be.

Mongiardo Under Fire; Needs Miller To Count Money

Nice lightweight Sen. Daniel Mongiardo is now officially "the embattled Senator from Hazard" as his wind-aided campaign for the U.S. Senate has been shown to be bankrupt (or as Jonathan Miller would say "actuarially sound.")

Particularly funny in Ryan Alessi's story was Democrat state Chairman Jerry Lundergan's offer to do "anything we can," maybe even a fundraiser. After the failed John Edwards fundraiser from earlier this month, that may be tough.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Social Security Expert on Kentucky Progress Radio

Be sure to tune in this afternoon 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm to WEKY 1340 AM for my interview with Peter Ferrara, Director of the Social Security Project and author of the foremost conservative plan for Social Security reform.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Social Security: Cards on The Table

The Senate Finance Committee heard testimony on five different Social Security reform plans today. And ladies and gentlemen, we have one clear winner.

Two of the plans are tax increase non-starters that don't even include personal accounts. In fact both plans, by Peter Oszag of The Brookings Institution and Joan Entmacher of the National Women's Law Center spent all their time beating the same drum about how awful it would be to allow people to own their own Social Security only to finish up with a quick line about soaking the rich. You can read their plans here and here, if you must.

Two plans urge establishing personal accounts but fall short by advocating benefit cuts. Doing this just doesn't make any sense politically. Again, if you are as masochistic as you are ambitious, these two are here and here.

Only one plan shows an understanding of how personal accounts provide a better deal for workers and sustains the system permanently (and includes a neat wrinkle that calls for reduced government spending, which everyone claims to want). Peter Ferrara, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Policy Innovation. This one is worth reading and the link is here.

The Social Security Trust Fund has as much money in it as Jonathan Miller's Unclaimed Property Fund. Zero. In 2018, (less than thirteen years away if you are keeping score) we will have to dig into other programs or raise taxes to meet current obligations of Social Security. If we do nothing, present law dictates that benefits be cut 28% when Social Security can't pay all its own obligations. The "there is no crisis" crowd can't be allowed to win this one.

It is time to engage.

Social Security War Begins

The Senate Finance Committee begins work today on Social Security reform. Despite the questionable polling data, ranting editorials (forget the link, you know what I am talking about), and obstructing politicians (see Ben Chandler), the time to do the right thing has come.

Saving Social Security must include personal investment accounts. Otherwise we are just raising taxes or cutting benefits. We have already poured trillions into this rat hole. Let's at least look at ways to get better value. I haven't heard anything from the Democrats to lead me to believe that compromising on the accounts will do anything but make a flawed program worse.

Mongiardo and Barely Legal

Not with my daughter!

Monday, April 25, 2005

2020 Democrats: Bush To Draft You Now, Starve You Later

A group of young liberals from Boston called 2020 Democrats connects their misunderstanding of Social Security to their continued confusion over the war on terror. The funny part is they lay it out in a talking points memo.

The group says President Bush "played those games with our generation once and wound up with a war and a potential draft" and "his (Social Security) plan would cost nearly $5 trillion over the first twenty years."

The "potential draft" quote relates to a long-since discredited late attempt by candidate John Kerry to scare young voters against supporting the President in the 2004 election. The $5 trillion "cost" represents the Social Security Trust Fund dollars that have been spent as off-budget money and will have to be replaced eventually whether Social Security investment accounts are set up or not. The cost is real, but the reason for the cost has nothing to do with personal accounts. These young "future leaders" in the liberal movement might need to have someone check their homework.

Rudolph: KY Needs To Stop Lagging With KAPT

Finance Cabinet Secretary Robbie Rudolph lays out the case for cutting our losses in the money-losing KAPT mess still championed by Treasurer Jonathan Miller, who seems to be happy to let Kentucky continue to lag behind West Virginia.

LA Times: All the Non-News That Fits

Here is a last ditch effort from the Left Coast to head off the GOP Senate effort to end filibusters of judicial nominees. The story is real (the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is afraid Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) will keep his promise to shut down the Senate), but rehashed only to stop the Senate Republicans from acting in support of President Bush's nominees.
I say since Joe Biden(D-DE) is calling for "compromise," the Republicans should go ahead with their plans and call Reid's bluff. Oh, and forget the compromise on this one.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Pedophilia Scandal In Kentucky

Would you believe that Planned Parenthood is shielding Kentucky pedophiles from prosecution in the name of "privacy?"

Check back with Kentucky Progress this week for information about this disgusting criminal behavior.

Concede One Fact, Make Up Another?

"Now sure, a few workers may win big under the President's plan but all it takes is one poor investment and workers could lose everything," Rep. Ben Chandler (D-KY) in a statement not reported by the media.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Number is Zero, Rep. Chandler

"Over the past few years we have seen a number of stock market disasters where individuals lost every penny of their retirement income on the stock market," said Ben Chandler (D-KY), in trying to scare constituents out of a common sense approach to investing (diversified index funds) and back into the pitiful returns of Social Security.

ChandlerWatch: Congressman Plays Head In Sand

"We can rely on the savings in the Social Security Trust Fund to continue payments (to beneficiaries). The program is not in crisis but in fact has enough saved to cover several generations without reform."

--Rep. Ben Chandler (D-KY) making his case against fixing Social Security.

What Congressman Chandler doesn't want you to know is that the Social Security Trust Fund has no money in it. In fact, he has been vocal in his support for tax increases to address the Social Security shortfall despite his campaign promise in January 2004 not to ever support higher taxes if the voters of central Kentucky would send him to Iceland to serve as one of Nancy Pelosi's appointees to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

Advocating tax increases makes sense for Chandler only in the sense that it would provide the revenue to paper over his "misstatement" quoted here.

Friday, April 22, 2005

ABC Does It Again

On the heels of ABC's "GOP Leadership Talking Points" scandal, ABC's Chicago affiliate stepped in it when trying to make hay out of an innocuous, polite comment by retiring Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL).

During a wide-ranging interview in which Hyde and reporter Andy Shaw discussed Hyde's long career in Congress that will end next year, Shaw asked if the Clinton impeachment was "pay back" for Nixon.

What Rep. Hyde did not say was "You idiot, why would you ask such a stupid question? Some people may have thought that, but in Congress we just went on the facts of the case."

Instead he politely replied "I can't say it wasn't, but I also thought that the Republican party should stand for something, and if we walked away from this, no matter how difficult, we could be accused of shirking our duty, our responsibility."

In this way, Hyde made his best effort to diffuse that part of the conversation, ignoring the stupid question and allowing the interviewer to get back on track.

The funny thing is that the ABC7 Chicago website had a headline this morning that blared "Clinton Impeachment Was Retaliation For Nixon, Says Retiring Congressman." This was, of course, completely untrue.

At some point today, they pulled down the story, according to the Drudge Report. Now it is back up with the story re-written and the headline changed to "Rep. Hyde Reflects on 30 Years of Office."

I guess they were hoping no one would notice their effort to turn bad journalism into an embarrassment for a Republican.

Clear Channel Radio Takes The KAPT Challenge

Kudos to Caleb Brown, reporter at WHAS and the Kentucky News Network and host of the Sunday morning Kentucky Focus program. Mr. Brown will have Jonathan Miller and Kentucky Progress' David Adams on his show this weekend to investigate the KAPT scandal.

All we ask is that he look into Mr. Miller's bogus claim that there is $150 million in unclaimed funds backing up the money-losing KAPT program.

UPDATE: Caleb Brown seems to be asking the tough questions of both sides, those urging fiscal responsibility AND the State Treasurer. This story is set to take off next week.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Rep. Hyde Comments Taken Out of Context

The MSM will be pretty worked up Friday about Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL) saying that Clinton's impeachment was payback for Nixon. He didn't say it.

In a wide-ranging interview about his career in the House and after questions about the personal attacks that he took as House manager of the Impeachment proceedings, Hyde was asked if he thought Clinton was payback for Nixon.

He said "I can't say it wasn't, but I also thought that the Republican party should stand for something, and if we walked away from this, no matter how difficult, we could be accused of shirking our duty, our responsibility."

Hardly the announcement that it will probably be made out to be.

Double Dog Dare to Mainstream Media

The judge doesn't get it, so kiss your money goodbye. The only question is will the media investigate?

Franklin Circuit Court Judge Roger Crittenden has issued his Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in the KAPT scandal. In the document, he repeatedly refers to the "Unclaimed Property Fund" as the source of the $13.7 million at the heart of the controversy.

The problem is that Judge Crittenden does not appear to grasp the fact that there is no such fund. The indisputable fact -- disputed loudly by Jonathan Miller -- is that there is no money in the account representing the liquidated abandoned property held by the state.

The bottom line is that taxpayer money was used to fill the unfunded liability hole in the money-losing KAPT program and much more will be lost if Miller is allowed to keep the program open and generating future losses.

I double dog dare anyone in the mainstream media to investigate and PROVE ME WRONG on this.

Bowling for Caribou

Congressman Ben Chandler (D-Iceland) voted yesterday to help European environmentalists prevent oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve and continue America's high level of dependence on imported petroleum.

But America won on a largely party line vote 231-200.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

ChandlerWatch Continues

There was a flurry of amendment activity from House Democrats Wednesday night. Waiting for all the details to come available and will report quickly Thursday.

Come To the Table or Karl Rove Will Eat Your Lunch, Again

Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) is calling on President Bush to put up a specific plan for Social Security reform. While I look forward to getting the show on the road (and share Pence's support for the Ryan/Sununu plan) I support the method the President is using to build support for reform. As a result of his efforts to date, very few people can still insist there is no crisis and they are getting increasingly shrill.

Of course, now they have little choice but to continue fighting reform as so many of them have gone on the record with stupid statements that can haunt them if reform passes.

I just wish there were some liberals willing to have a serious discussion about the issue. It shouldn't be a partisan argument. Numbers are neither liberal nor conservative and this particular episode of obstructionism reeks of political calculation.

GOP Must Fight or Die

USA Today takes on the favorite topics of how Democrats can stop losing elections with two op/ed pieces. It is worthwhile reading for conservative people. One says to not change anything and the other says to lie more. Ross Baker writes, interestingly and correctly, that Democrats did well with the hand they were dealt in 2004 and should merely press on with the support they are energizing.

This is the one that Republicans should fear and respond to.

Republicans who choose to rest on their laurels given recent electoral success deserve to get smashed. We face significant issues that merit hair-on-fire activism by conservatives. Examples include tax reform, entitlement reform, and battling terrorism. The fantastic opportunity conservatives have to separate themselves from the loyal opposition exists, but must be actively embraced on a large scale for it to have any value.

Embrace this soon, or regret it soon enough.

Can't Blog Now, Gotta Talk on WVLK 590

I'll be on Jack Pattie's show at 9 am talking about federal tax reform. Call in number is 253-5959.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Movement on KAPT Scandal Today

The Franklin Circuit Court today issued a summary of findings on the KAPT scandal. Embattled state Treasurer Jonathan Miller's reputation has been damaged by uncovered details of financial problems for the KAPT program, including the fact that the abandoned property fund backing up KAPT has been completely squandered.

The mainstream media, curiously, is going to great lengths to ignore the details of this story. We will keep you posted as more information is uncovered.

Lexington Herald Leader Wrong on Estate Tax

The Lexington Herald Leader passes on a bit of bad information this morning (dead tree version only) on it's opinion page. Their reprint of a San Jose Mercury News unsigned editorial gives us a commonly repeated lie about the death tax.

The editorial states that the current estate tax exemption ($1.5 million) and that of a "compromise" Democrat bill that would have raised it to $3.5 million, is worth $3 million and $7 million respectively, for couples. This simply isn't true, and they have to know it. When one spouse dies, his or her estate passes on to the surviving spouse with no estate tax liability. When the surviving spouse dies, he or she gets one exemption. So doubling the exemption for a "couple" does not happen.

A simple example would be a couple with $2.5 million dollars, less than the $3 million "couple" exemption. The death of the first spouse would cause the entire estate to pass on to the surviving spouse. The death of the surviving spouse would result in the application of the $1.5 million exemption and leave $1 million subject to the death tax. This obviously wouldn't be the case if there were a $3 million "couple" exemption. But there isn't.

Again, this is such an elementary detail of estate tax law that the Democrats in Congress and their friends at the New York Times and Washington Post would have to know the truth. What seems most likely is that they are counting on you not taking the time to check out their spin.

We'll hold our breath waiting for a correction from the Herald Leader.

Liberal Study: Cut Spending and Spending Goes Down

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the far left think tank under fire for its support for tax increases and the status quo on America's deteriorating entitlements, has issued a stunning report on government spending.

The CBPP's report on Ohio's consideration of a taxpayer bill of rights warns that legislative efforts to mandate spending cuts might result in lower spending. And that, the study concludes, would be bad.

Yes, they really did.

Conservative Dems of The World, Unite!

The Democratic Leadership Council, Washington D.C.'s self-proclaimed "conservative Democrats" have made it official: they are going to stop obstructing on entitlement reform and taxes.

Disappointing, though, is that they propose to change their tune and cure society's ills by moving to the left.

Their grand solution includes more tax credits and expanded tax deductions to be "paid for" by tax increases.

I am serious.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Fruits and Nuts in Frankfort

What is Sen. Ed Worley(D-Richmond) doing chatting up communist wacko and perennial Democrat candidate for President Lyndon "Let's Nationalize the Auto Industry" LaRouche?

Talking Taxes on Lexington Radio

Be sure to tune in Wednesday at 9 AM to the Jack Pattie Show on WVLK 590 AM to hear yours truly talking about the upcoming tax reform debate. Call in to 253-5959 with comments, criticisms, and complaints!

Thunder Flap: Louisville Pacifists Hate Planes

Leftist wacko groups are protesting today the use of military planes in the Thunder over Louisville program.

Interesting how the story claims a coalition of "peace and religious groups" are upset. Looks like the left is holding on to their misread of last year's exit polling data by calling their nutty little confabs "religious groups."