Tuesday, June 27, 2006

While You Were Working...

J.R. Gray (D-Benton) pre-filed a 2007 bill today to raise taxes.

Yes, it is a minimum wage bill -- a wedge Democrats hope to use in November -- but it works just like an off-the-books tax increase for businesses who employ minimum wage workers. Why don't Democrats show some courage and propose a tax increase rather than try to make it look like some kind of a fairness issue?

The Kentucky legislature is in special session right to trying to cut taxes on small businesses and Rep. Gray wants to raise them back up at the same time.

By the way, take a look at Gray's Republican opponent Marvin Wilson.

Media Appearance

I will be weighing in on the goofy, pointless, and ultimately harmful liberal efforts to rewrite the First Amendment on tomorrow's Lexington Herald Leader editorial page.

Speaking of the First Amendment, here it is:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Nothing in there about state employees not having to bring a laptop to work so they can read blogs all day long.

The low point of today's update on this ridiculous "scandal" was in this quote: "The government is not a private employer, the government cannot decide what content they want to ban," said Mark Nickolas, U.S. Rep. Ben Chandler's former campaign manager and operator of a Web log. "It's not constitutional."

While the libs are distracting with this stuff and the Fletcher Driving-Not-Walking scandal, the General Assembly is getting away with tweaking the AMC when they should be repealing it.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Required Reading in AP Economics

While Kentucky politicos are irrationally consumed with what can or can't be read in the state Capitol, one Georgia high school has the right idea.

An Advanced Placement Economics course at Northview High School in Duluth is requiring students to have read The Fair Tax Book before classes start in the fall.

That should get Nancy Pelosi worked up since she won't let her minions talk about the Fair Tax, but it is good news for the future that these kids will be learning about it now.

Yarmuth Won't Get Warner Nod

Kentucky's 3rd district U.S. House challenger John Yarmuth can't catch a break.

Yarmuth's frustration with his inability to draw support in the district will be compounded this week when he fails in his bid to get an endorsement from presidential wannabe Mark Warner.

If you look at the list of names who applied for Warner's endorsement, you will see he did succeed in making it to the second round in the selection process. Maybe Yarmuth's campaign should be called the "Close But No Cigar Tour."

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Don't Go Easy On Sex Offenders Now

The Pandora's Box opened by the new Georgia law which prohibits convicted sex offenders from living within 1000 feet of areas where children congregate can't cause us to give in to criminals' convenience just because the ACLU types want us to.

Georgia's law is probably the toughest in the nation. Despite the activist whining, the result of this policy will be a mass exodus of sex criminals from that state. Kentucky would do very well to ignore the bellyaching and further stiffen its own restrictions.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Repeal AMC Now!

Joe Fischer(R-Ft. Thomas) did the right thing this week when he filed an amendment in the House to repeal the Alternative Minimum Calculation and the limited liability entity tax.

The debate shouldn't be about how much we will tax unprofitable Kentucky corporations, but whether we should tax their business activity at all.

As Rep. Bob Damron(D-Nicholasville) said back in March, there is something un-American about taxing companies that aren't making a profit.

Friday, June 23, 2006

It Gets Worse For Yarmuth

John Yarmuth wants Anne Northup's job in Congress. He has set up some pretty rough roadblocks for himself, like pushing to double payroll taxes, surrendering Iraq, and resurrecting public financing of national political campaigns -- welfare for politicians again!!

Now we see that Yarmuth has picked up a major endorsement that he isn't exactly promoting on his website or crowing to the media about: Los Angeles shock-jock John Ziegler hopes Louisvillians will lurch leftward for Yarmuth in November.

It's no surprise Yarmuth isn't trumpeting this one: Ziegler was run out of Louisville in August 2003 in the midst of a sex scandal.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Sixty Five Cent Solution

We are always hearing about how Kentucky's schoolchildren need more money. This is a great way to increase classroom spending $174.5 million each year without raising taxes.

All the Sixty Five Cent Solution folks (including Ohio gubernatorial candidate Ken Blackwell) want is to cut down on the administrative waste in our public school system.

Blog Blockergate A Pathetic Scandal

I don't blame liberal bloggers for trying to make Blockergate into some kind of constitutional crisis. If conservatives didn't have any ideas, we would probably be doing the same type of thing. (As it is, we can let them yammer about censorship. We need to continue working for tax reform, school choice, and fiscal responsibility in Kentucky.)

But my scorn for all this hubbub does have its limits. The Bluegrass Institute adds to policy debates in a way the partisan blogs don't. If anything, state workers need to be encouraged to read www.bipps.org and to check www.kentuckyvotes.org to keep tabs on the legislature.

Now that people can surf the web on their cell phones, or download software to get around "blocks" on sites, and when rumor, innuendo, and hearsay zooms through Capitol offices faster than a T1 modem, I think we will survive this just fine.

While the Lefties are going gonzo on this, it might be a great time for the Fletcher Administration to start to work on a solid conservative initiative for the next session. Repealing Certificate of Need restrictions on medical care would be a good one.

Welcome Lexington Herald Leader Readers!

Despite persistent rumors to the contrary, conservatism isn't dead in Kentucky. It just needs a little cold water splashed in its face. Welcome to Kentucky Progress.

Kentucky is a conservative state, but our politics lag behind our people. And I am talking about fiscal conservatism. Though there is more work to be done, social conservatives rule the roost in the Bluegrass. Sadly, they have veered hard to the left on fiscal issues. If you are ready to push ahead, we have to demand repeal of the Alternative Minimum Calculation. Also, we need to go after the soft liberal underbelly of our state -- the education bureaucracy. This is the largest portion of our state budget and the mismanagement is undeniable. Step one there is for parents to demand school choice.

This would make a great start. Call your state legislators and demand total repeal of AMC during the special session that begins today. They won't do it, but they should know we are out here. Education reform has been a liberal bugaboo for decades and our progress has been stunted as a result. It is time for conservatives to stand up and lead our children. There are some great things afoot for the conservative cause in Kentucky. Please come back often to the Kentucky Progress for updates.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

YOU Pay Corporate Income Taxes

Revenue-raising politicians love to pile on "big business."

That's how we got the Alternative Minimum Calculation tax with Tax Modernization. The AMC forces businesses with no profit to pay taxes on their gross receipts. When possible, those costs to the business are passed on to consumers. When that isn't possible, employees take the hit. Either way, new businesses get the brunt of this and it accomplishes nothing so much as to restrain economic growth.

The special session starts tomorrow and the Bluegrass Institute is encouraging business owners to tell legislators to scrap the AMC. Amen to that. If you patronize small businesses or work for one, you would do well to raise your voice also.

Welcome Liberal Time Wasters!

If you have been directed to this site because you read on the net about Kentucky state government blocking liberal Bluegrass Report, you might have a little too much time on your hands.

Kentucky Progress is a conservative site and, as such, I have no problem with being blocked from state employee computers -- especially during work hours. I'm glad to have liberal readers who disagree with everything I write -- and I do get a kick out of angry liberal legislators who accost me in Frankfort because of what I write about them on this site -- but I value my tax dollars as well. If you are reading this site and would like to comment via email or post a comment here, go right ahead. But if you are stealing from your employer in order to be here, I hope your conscience bothers you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

KY Pension Collapse: Will Money Meet Mouth?

The Delta Airlines Pilot Pension collapse isn't going to get as much run in the media as anything potentially embarrassing to Republicans. The reason is defined-benefit pensions are designed much like Social Security.

Remember the "there is no crisis" rants from the left last year? By now, all honest economists agree that was an expensive distortion then and it is only getting worse.

Well I have an idea how to get past the smokescreen on this. Kentucky's public employee pensions are headed for a Delta-like disaster. If we gave all employees in the system the opportunity to opt out in favor of a defined contribution plan, we could wait and see just how many were willing to gamble their retirement security on what is left of the old economic ideology.

Now that would be a sight to behold...

New York Times As Contrary Indicator

When the New York Times puts its political prognostications on the front page, it is usually best to expect things to go the other way. Such is the case with today's bit about the impending doom of the Republican Party of Kentucky.

Almost as bad as Daily Kos' conspiracy theory yesterday about Dubai "still controlling" U.S. Ports.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Murtha Initiates 'Culture of Compunction'

Memo to Democrats: you wanted John Murtha to be your spokesman on national defense and you got him.


Quick, somebody ask Julian Carroll for a comment...

What's Holding Back Kentucky Health Care

Democrats in Frankfort have to be worried about Gross Lindsay's primary loss because the doctor who beat him is in favor of common sense medical malpractice reform.

Senator Ed Worley (D-Richmond) faces a stiff challenge this fall in large part because of his own support of ambulance chasers on the same issue.

Reforming tort policy will help quite a bit. Even more helpful would be to drum up support in favor of repealing Kentucky's Certificate of Need laws.

Read up.

Make Timelines Not War!!

Apparently U.S. Senate Democrats are pushing again (still?) to quit fighting the war and hope the terrorists back off the IED's and stick to their prayer rugs.

Kos has the story.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Lib Judges Can Run, Can't Hide

Marcus Carey's effort to bring ideological accountability to judicial races is causing his opponent to say dumb things.

This is going to get good. Thanks to Trey Walker for passing this along from San Diego.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Iraq, Iraq, Iraq

Here is President Bush's radio address he gave today.

As I read it, what occurred to me is the President's political opponents here at home can take no pleasure in any good things that happen in Iraq -- ever. No doubt they will face a white-hot panic if continued progress mounts as fall draws closer.

What I see happening is both national parties running on Iraq this November.

UPDATE: Kentucky's Democrat opponents for Congress don't have Ben Chandler's advantage of being able to vote this way and that way on this issue. But such flip-floppery won't help him run for Governor.

Friday, June 16, 2006

I Just Joined Unity '08, You Should Too!

Unity '08 is a political organization whose purpose is to bring people together to move America forward. Let me hasten to add I have not left the Republican party and you don't have to leave your party either in order to get involved with Unity '08. The point is to work with people from all political perspectives who are tired of the status quo.

You might think that Unity '08 is a little late to the two-party party to actually have an impact in 2008. And you would be wrong.

Actually, Republicans and Democrats will be behind in the spring of 2008 when they hold their precinct elections and start the process of rewriting their state and national platforms. Their advantage is they already have people, but the same people show up and propose the same platforms so little changes. What Unity '08 lacks in sheer numbers, in another two years it could make up for in energy and by working the same process in a fresh way. They are bringing the people together first and then working out the ideas.

We all know the environment is ripe for a new movement. It is even okay that partisans like me will be looking for a way to manipulate Unity '08. If it becomes anything like a forum where we can hash out philosophical differences honestly, it will have significantly more power per capita than the Dems and Republicans telling themselves the same things.

I suspect things will get pretty dicey with Unity '08 when the time comes to pick a slate for President. But the most interesting point of a political discussion is where the strength of ideas change open minds. Based on that, Unity '08 is worth a hard look.

Chandler Joins Bill To Raise College Costs

Ben Chandler's latest move in Washington D.C. deserves a lot of scrutiny.

He has added his name to a bill called "Reverse the Raid on Student Aid" HR 5150, which would cut by half interest rates on student loans for higher education.

In his two short years inside the beltway, Chandler has learned the value of sound-good, feel-good legislation. What the sponsors of this bill want you to believe is that cutting student loan interest rates lowers college costs and helps the poor, struggling college student and his/her family afford higher education.

It isn't that simple.

It would be that simple, I guess, if the Education Fairy paid lending institutions the difference in the costs of the loan and the government-set rate. After centuries of data have demonstrated to everyone else that price-fixing combined with taxpayer subsidies cause artificially high demand and actually increase costs -- a side benefit is creating waste! --, the sponsors of this bill want to clap their hands and believe it won't work that way this time.

The Republican leadership in the House has done a lot worthy scorn lately, but the coming showdown on this -- and the unceremonious death of this bad bill -- will underscore once again that as bad as the GOP might have been, the Democrats are worse. It's hardly a campaign slogan, but cutting off our noses to spite our faces is a luxury we can not afford now.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Anti-War Party Exposes Rear Flank

The U.S. House of Representatives voted today to support the War On Terror through to victory. This means, of course, that the majority of Americans will not join the Culture of Quitters who want to cut and run -- head-in-sand-like -- in hopes the terrorists won't kill us if we just stop doing things that might hurt their feelings or conflict with their deeply held non-Christian religious beliefs.

It should go without saying, but the Democrats voted against this.

Terrorists Know Something Democrats Don't

Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, John Edwards and all their corndog friends have been yammering nonstop about how poorly our effort in Iraq has been going.

A document retrieved from al-Zarqawi's hideout suggests an amazingly different picture. Check it out here. Kind of makes you wonder what else they have been lying to us about.

One line line of reasoning and its conclusion that jumped out at me from Zarqawi's suggestions was that he thought the "resistance" would benefit from sparking a war between America and Iran. He cited "The possibility of acquiring new weapons from the Iranian side, either after the fall of Iran or during the battles." He also suggested pitting a wide variety of other groups against each other (all Arab) in order to benefit the terrorist insurrection.

So the terrorists in Iraq knew that if we took on Iran we would defeat them, they just wanted a chance to steal their weapons. That should go over well on the Arab Street. It isn't rubbing it in -- or spin or whatever -- to say this is bad news for Democrats. They have chosen to become the anti-war party. Hope they enjoy it while they last.

"Improving Education" Liberal Style

I can't believe some people are getting so plugged up over how Kentucky schools read a calendar.

This wasn't about improving education. This was about moving our state one inch closer to the ACLU. We can do without that. You want to make kids aware of the new terms? Here: "Hey kids! Some liberals say B.C.E. when they mean B.C. and C.E. when they mean A.D. Got it? Good!" Now, if you want to talk about improving the schools, let's talk about school choice. If a parent could take the tax dollars we spend on each child and direct those dollars to another school of his choosing, don't you think our schools would get more serious about results and spend less time on left-wing propaganda like all this B.C/A.D B.C.E/C.E. BS?

Fletcher Speaks To National Health Group

Governor Fletcher will serve as keynote speaker to the Government Health IT Conference and Exhibition in Washington D.C. He has been asked to discuss Kentucky's success with electronic medical recordkeeping to give other governments insight into duplicating what we have done here.

Hold your applause. He is just getting warmed up.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Liberal Lexington Judge Writes New Law

Fayette Circuit Judge Gary Payne must believe in fairies.

That is about as reasonable an explanation as I can come up with for why Payne would unilaterally change a local election law today pertaining to the collection of candidate petition signatures. The law in question, when applied to any city council candidate other than Mayor Isaac's pal Julian Beard, requires 100 petition signatures for a candidate's name to be on the ballot. Signatures appearing also on opposing candidates' petitions are not counted and no one has had a problem with this for the last three decades.

That all changed because Beard's petition for this year's race, minus duplicate signatures, left him with less than 100 names and, therefore, not legally eligible to run.

His own personal shortcomings should be sufficient to keep him from winning election anyway, but Beard is now "legally" on the ballot to face businessman Bill Roberts in the 4th district council race.

Governor Fletcher Flies To Washington

When Kentuckians think about the shameful behavior of Paul Patton, what comes to mind is, of course, Tina Conner. But don't you remember Governor Patton crying about Medicaid and tossing people out of nursing homes? A huge part of the "mess in Frankfort" was the deplorable state of the Medicaid program. Its exploding deficits put much of the rest of the state at risk.

Governor Fletcher has righted that ship with very little fanfare. Today, he will be in Washington D.C. to talk about some of his success.

UPDATE: Liberal Blogger Mark Nickolas picks up the story and goes ballistic because Governor Fletcher is talking to conservative people in D.C. Horrors!

You know how they talk about momentum shifts in politics? When we see the Left getting all bunched up about something like this, it suggests that we are seeing just such a shift in Kentucky. If hatred of Republicans and conservatives is the closest thing to a party platform the Democrats can pull together, things are definitely looking up for the GOP.

Education Liberals Target Calendar, Still

Good grief. While Frankfort education bureaucrats continue to try to remove any reference to Jesus Christ from everything, we still wonder why our schools fail to make the grade.

Right after the left goes down today on their B.C.E/C.E nonsense, we need to turn the conversation around to school choice.

Why National Democrats Won't Be Celebrating Christmas In November

While Americans want to win the war, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry still hope to turn Iraq into Vietnam. Keep talking guys!

What will they do next, complain about how terrible the economy is?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Liberal Judge Protection Act Faces Scrutiny, Cronies To Go Crazy

A lawsuit filed by a conservative Kentucky Supreme Court candidate has liberals upset that people might be allowed to ask judicial candidates if they are liberals.

Marcus Carey has a strong case and should be commended for standing up to the status quo here. We don't need liberals hiding behind a wall of secrecy in the name of bogus judicial "ethics." Allowing them to continue to do so could only make sense to a radical left-winger with something to hide.

The people with something to hide should make a spectacle of themselves on this one.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Kerry: Let's Surrender And Hand Over Schedule To Terrorists In Iraq

Hey, it's a Culture of Quitters in the Democratic Party! Just ask their standard-bearer John Kerry.

Fundraising Challenge Might Help GOP

The power squabble on the first floor of the Capitol is affecting state legislative candidates. It is noteworthy in that it is mainly a minor irritant and not a catastrophe. The end result could be a less-centralized Republican party next year. That would be a good thing.

Apparently, someone in the administration is calling candidates who have booked LG Steve Pence for fundraisers and suggesting they would do better to have Robbie Rudolph appear instead.

The answer to this is simple. GOP candidates should be looking way outside the Governor's office for fundraiser support. Most already are.

Ben Chandler: Kingmaker?

Ryan Alessi quotes Congressman Ben Chandler saying he hopes a strong Democrat candidate for Governor comes forward. If Rep. Chandler isn't going to run, his stamp of approval on one of his fellow Dems could have an interesting impact on the race.

The way it is shaping up now, the most important races in 2007 are for Attorney General and Auditor. If the best the Dems can do is Steve Henry for Governor, the real action will be in Republican primaries. Either way, I think we are looking at the most boring Fancy Farm in years this summer. The moves that matter will all come after the November elections.

ACLU To The Rescue

It is a shame that less than a week after we changed Zarqawi's religion we are facing a renewed effort by American leftists to go ahead and surrender Iraq.

Once again, they are overplaying their hand. Today, the ACLU court case against NSA wiretapping of potential terrorists begins.

Just another reminder that this is what you get when America supports its left wing.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

It Must Be June: Democrat Implosion Begins

Congressman John Murtha wants to ride his left-wing stance on Iraq into House Leadership, starting now.

Friday, June 09, 2006

A FairTax Opportunity Presents Itself

The Senate vote this week on a Definition of Marriage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution failed to reach the needed 60 votes for passage. Some conservatives started immediately calling for a constitutional convention.

This could get interesting.

While there may be some disagreement with protecting marriage (some call it the HATE amendment), I have a thought about a possible constitutional convention that should have very broad appeal.

First, we only need 34 states to call for a constitutional convention on marriage. That should be relatively easy. Second, once such a convention starts, anything can happen. What needs to happen is repeal of the 16th amendment (that's the one that allowed the federal government to start taxing incomes through the IRS).

That clears the way for real tax reform. That clears the way for the FairTax.

Mike Weaver's Principles

It is customary for Democrat congressional candidates to make statements about the issues they deem important or to run and hide from anything that might tie them down to any kind of policy position. Both strategies are fun to watch.

What happens is candidates either get way out trying to speak "truth to power" or they spend a great deal of time saying absolutely nothing. While John Yarmuth admits with a straight face that he wants to surrender Iraq and put every man, woman, and child on Medicare, can you guess which approach Mike Weaver is taking?

Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen so many words on a "Principles" page without mentioning a single principle -- unless you count "faith trust."

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Don't Like The Death Tax? Think FairTax

When we stop taxing incomes and wealth and start taxing consumption, we spread out taxation more evenly. A side benefit is that we wouldn't have to endure idiotic Washington post columns like this one.

Liberals like to harp on Social Security since they consider screwing up reform their greatest policy achievement in years. The FairTax makes it a moot point.

Another Reason To Vote Republican

In case you needed another reason to vote Democrats out of office this November, we see today that we have too many of them in the U.S. Senate to kill the Death Tax.

So, if you are keeping score at home, just this week it's one special election victory for an anti-amnesty congressional candidate, a gay marriage "victory" for Democrats in the Senate, and now they are trying to bring the Death Tax back in 2011.

Don't bother coming up with a "message" this year, Democrats. We already know.

One If By Port, Two If By Homebuilder

Lost in the al-Zarqawi killing hoopla is the news that a Dubai company bought up a California homebuilding firm for $1 Billion in cash.

Could it be that the fabulous news of the death of a terrorist leader is enough to knock the economic illiterates who screamed bloody murder about the Dubai Ports deal off the trail of this one?

Let's hope so.

Attracting foreign investment has built this nation and continues to help us grow. The doomsayers who predicted in the 1980's that we would be turned into a Japanese colony because of their investments don't need another run today.

Fiscal Conservatism? In Kentucky?

Could it possibly happen here? Well, actually, yes.

The Club for Growth is close to announcing establishment of a Kentucky State Action organization to make an impact on this November's legislative races.

Fiscal liberals in both parties may not know what this means for them just yet, but they will soon enough.

Please go here to join the Club for Growth. And you might want to go here and see what some of the other CFG state groups are up to.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Fletcher's Strong Move On Tax Policy

After today's LRC meeting in Frankfort, both Jody Richards and David Williams said they had not heard anything from Governor Fletcher about when a special session might be called to repair some nastiness that has hurt small businesses.

Observers were left to speculate there may not be a special session.

But the Herald Leader's Jack Brammer was on the case. He called the Governor's office and got the scoop.

It seems the Governor's office is working with legislators other than the top two in leadership:

Cave said the administration has talked to certain members of the legislature who are working with "a constituent group" on formulating a tax plan. He declined to name them, saying they have come to him in confidence and include senators and representatives. Cave also said legislative leaders will play a role in a tax plan, but they have not yet been contacted out of respect for their time.

Ooooohhhh.... A power play. I like it!

Democrats Lose Only "Policy Position"

Democrats have been campaigning all year on one thing: their contention that all Republicans should be dead or in jail. I think they are going to have to come up with one more talking point.

Francine "You don't need no stinking green card" Busby lost yesterday's bellwether special election to Brian Bilbray (R) in the race to replace disgraced convicted criminal Randall "Duke" Cunningham, a Republican.

Busby was running a close race when she destroyed herself by getting caught telling an illegal immigrant "supporter" that citizenship wasn't necessary to vote for her or work on her campaign.

Dems are already skating on thin ice with this "culture of corruption" platform. In a time when they need something else to offer the American people, they come up empty.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Shining More Light On Frankfort

The Bluegrass Institute is pushing the legislature to post committee votes online and the legislature is pushing back.

Showdown tomorrow in Frankfort. Here are details.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Yarmuth Stooge Unmasked

Robert Kahne admits to being a liberal. He proudly states that he hates all Republicans and dreams of killing them all. He says "I wish we could have a liberal inquisition and do like the Spanish, where we would go up to people and say 'are you a Republican?' and if they said yes, we would kill them. With swords, of course. Guns would be illegal."

Mr. Kahne sounds like he needs professional help. But he was providing valuable assistance to the John Yarmuth for Congress campaign when, as a Yarmuth intern, he attempted to infiltrate the Anne Northup campaign as a spy, steal her materials, and -- if he could sneak in a weapon -- who knows what else?

While Congresswoman Northup is used to all kinds of craziness from her hapless string of past opponents, it looks like the latest one plans to sink to the lowest of lows. Northup's campaign had this to say.

Yarmuth hasn't worked up an apology yet. Don't hold your breath. If this is the sort of thing we get from Yarmuth now, just imagine how he will crack up when he realizes he can't kill enough Republicans (or sensible Democrats) to win his race.

Update: The Herald Leader has picked up the story and it looks like the Yarmuth campaign is going to throw young Robert overboard and claim they didn't know anything about it. Right...

Might As Well Drop An F-Bomb Here

The main frustration with the Fletcher administration has always been about communication.

Today's Ryan Alessi column sums it up all too well:

Cave insists the governor's troubles with getting out his message have less to do with the internal communications strategy than with "a biased press."

"We have not been able to communicate effectively through the print media because I think it's no secret that the print media does not like this administration," Cave said, although he declined to list any specifics.
What, not even one? When you complain to a reporter that he isn't giving attention to your accomplishments and then --when asked point-blank -- can't tick off three or four immediately just to drive your point home, you should realize what the problem is.

Might as well have dropped an F-Bomb.

Best Sizing Up Of Merit Hiring Mess

This guy really nails it.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Welcome DOJ Readers!

Senator Ed Worley's problems continue to mount. Someone in Washington D.C. on a U.S. Department of Justice computer yesterday wound up reading this post on Kentucky Progress via a Google search for "Ed Worley."

Try it here. Fun!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

A Fletcher Revival?

Well, clearly I was wrong when I said last week Governor Fletcher was going to drop out of the 2007 race very soon. He spoke forcefully this morning to Republicans in Louisville and clearly is not leaving the scene without a BIG push. I had surmised that encouragement from above would get it done before the June 7 arraignment. Witnesses were split on whether or not the move to add Robbie Rudolph would ultimately help him win re-election, but no doubt remains about his plans to fight on through next year.

The next thing to happen is the court case on the merit hiring thing. Governor Fletcher didn't sound like a man who is about to go plead guilty to make it all go away. (Not that that would work at this point, anyway.) Concerns were voiced about today's new enthusiasm being too little and too late. Time will tell, but I don't think we have heard the last of the ugliness with Steve Pence.

Now the focus (with regard to the Governor's race) has to be on Congress. Democrat hopefullness aside, the Republicans might lose seats but can't realistically be expected to lose the majority in the House. Even if the D's get close, Chandler is still in the minority and, I think, becomes slightly more likely to jump into the 2007 race. Hal Rogers also becomes significantly more likely to stay put, leaving Governor Fletcher a clear shot through May. Chandler has a little pink in his voting record, which could be a real liability for him in trying to move up. If Ernie can revamp his image sufficiently, the current conventional wisdom that Chandler would win in a walk notwithstanding, Ben may even become dissuaded from running.

Even a damaged Fletcher beats anyone else on the Dem side next year.

Friday, June 02, 2006

What You Can Do About Prices

Americans spend a lot of time talking about the price of things like gasoline, food, clothing, and education. We also spend a lot of time and energy concerned with the price of money (namely, interest rates), but we think of it as something we have even less control over than the commodities we can't live without.

I have an idea for you.

There is one thing Americans can do to take back some measure of control over our interest rates. We simply must support the FairTax. Doing so would cause our interest rates to decline by as much as one-third.

To understand why, it is helpful to view interest rates from the proper perspective. Interest rates are nothing more than the price we pay to purchase money. That is what we do when we take a mortgage, a car loan, or plunk down a credit card. When we do these things we obligate ourselves to pay back the borrowed money and pay interest as well. That interest "price" pays the financial institution's profit and overhead, which, of course, includes its federal income taxes. When the FairTax is implemented, there will be no more federal income tax. So banks will be able to make the same profit on approximately one-third less revenue. In the hyper-competitive financial services industry, that means prices are coming down.

So if were looking for one more reason to support the FairTax, here is one: lower interest rates. Spread the word.

Eighteen Months

Problems have a great way of focusing the mind. Well the Governor's Administration has problems.

It is time to focus on what can be accomplished in the next 18 months.

You want a positive legacy? Focus on education.

The fact is that waste, fraud, and abuse have been reduced during the Fletcher administration. Bringing in the World Equestrian Games for 2010 will prove to be a great coup as well. But it has all been trashed by bad (no, make that horrible) public relations.

Kentucky public schools would benefit from injecting some form of school choice into the process of educating our children. This administration may not be the one to pull it off, but it is time for this idea and the home team needs a little help.

US House To Kill Amnesty Bill?

The Washington Times reports House conservatives can kill the U.S. Senate's immigration bill for Constitutional reasons. All bills that raise revenue to the federal government -- as the Senate bill does -- must originate in the House.

Bill Frist says the bill can be added on to a bill the House already passed and then sent on to the conference committee.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Don't Fire Pence, Fire Brett Hall!

I worked my tail off as Jessamine county co-chair of Fletcher Pence to help get Ernie Fletcher elected Governor in 2003. So now, in the last days of the Fletcher administration, I sure would like to see the focus removed from politics and on to moving the state forward. Some of that has happened, but not nearly enough to balance out the bad stuff.

And Brett Hall, the Governor's spokesman, just makes it so much worse when he handles a bad question classlessly: "F**k no, he's not going to resign." For the record, Hall was talking about the Governor of Kentucky. And yes, I will take Larry Dale Keeling's word for it. I don't like his politics, but he gets quotes right and Hall has done this kind of thing before.

Next Headline: "Fletcher Not Running In 2007"

The announcement is coming within one week.

Herald Leader Staffer Caught Shilling Condemnation Disguised As A Squirrel

Check out a website called Lexington Mayor's Race 2006 in which a newspaper staff writer is caught writing nastygrams against Kentucky/American Water Company.

Abuse of government condemnation power will be the biggest issue in Lexington again this year.

Thought of The Day

The answer to almost everything is persistence. Pushing on in a worthwhile pursuit while facing resistance usually leads to some measure of success. The corollary to this is the answer to everything else is indifference. If a failure causes dejection and prevents future effort, all is lost.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

His Cow Gone, Reid Closes Barn Door

Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) has been in the news recently for accepting free boxing tickets while "considering" legislation affecting his benefactors. Now, he says he deserves an ethical mulligan.

It is interesting that the U.S. Senate Democrat leader is acting badly with unsavory characters. Here in Kentucky, Sen. Ed "Snake Eyes" Worley -- the state's Senate Democrat leader -- is doing the same thing.

Burying The Lead: Pence Versus Fletcher in '07

The Courier Journal asked LG Steve Pence if he supported Ernie Fletcher's re-election bid in 2007 and Pence said he was "going to focus on the elections coming up in 2006." If you go to the link above it is in the last sentence.

Pence put the focus on the 2007 races himself when he said he wouldn't be running with Governor Fletcher, and put the Governor in a box when he added that he isn't going to resign his post and intends to serve out his term. So we will have an LG who isn't running and a candidate for LG who is running with the incumbent Governor.

Republicans frustrated over the problems surrounding the Fletcher administration will soon be asked to take sides.

Vanity: Media Appearance Today

I'll be on the Sue Wylie Show this morning talking about Steve Pence. Tune in to 590 AM at 10:00.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

How Much Govt Gridlock Do We Want?

Everytime we turn around, another article is being written about Democrats taking over the Congress in November. Meanwhile, Republican Governor -- and presidential hopeful -- Mitt Romney of Massachusetts has gotten his controversial health insurance plan passed through a state legislature controlled by Democrats.

Even as it becomes increasingly likely that Democrats' "culture of corruption" campaign theme will backfire (Rep. William Jefferson and Sen. Harry Reid), the question of how such a schism in Washington would work persists. (Despite the de facto Senate Democrat majority giving us clear guidance that it won't pan out very well.) Further, if Romney's big-government health care plan can be used as a guide -- and I think it can -- the GOP would be well-advised to stick with an admittedly uninspiring "Democrats would be worse" theme this fall. The alternative clearly involves conservative/liberal hybrid governing that gives us losers like the Medicare prescription drug benefit, No Child Left Behind, and RomneyCare (or, as in Kentucky, Tax Modernization).

While executives like President Bush and Governor Romney get to claim credit for working with political opponents, Americans are left to wonder if we might all be better off if our political figures weren't getting along so well.

Democrats have struggled with the "obstructionist" label, even while celebrating their obstruction of Social Security reform last year. Despite their dubious triumph against Social Security continuing to cost us many billions of dollars, might their tactics prove useful for conservatives should Democrats gain seats?

Probably would. Some hard-core conservatives want to see it happen in order to "send a message" to middle of the road Republicans. While that approach is commonly credited with giving us Reagan, the stakes in the War on Terror are just too high for a full retreat now. What is missed too often is the race between the two parties to see which one will self-destruct first. Liberal versus conservative members of both parties are playing tug-o-war. Those who manage not to lose their grip on the rope first will determine much of our nation's future.

We Told You To Learn English!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Markos Moulitsas Was Right About Ports Deal

When liberal blogger Markos Moulitsas spoke to Democrats in Louisville back on May 10, he said a lot of the usual things about conservative people that would surprise no one. But he nailed it when he pointed out the one thing that has really damaged President Bush and Republicans.

The Dubai Ports Deal.

Now I am not one of those who might suggest a liberal takeover of Congress this November. It is more accurate to say that it already happened -- the de facto Democrat majority in the US Senate serves as Exhibit One. And we have the 50-49 vote in favor of giving illegal aliens Social Security benefits to give us a list of names.

Nevertheless, Pesident Bush blew it big time when he caved on the Ports Deal. In fact, if he had taken the time to explain why Dubai was no threat then, he would have some credibility with conservatives as he now tries to pave the way for illegal Mexicans to gain citizenship.

I know that isn't what Kos meant, but Republicans aren't going to worry too much about how the far left plans to vote. We already know. Politically speaking, Republicans have only to demonstrate that Democrats are a worse alternative. That is -- still -- a pretty low bar to hurdle.

Immigration is going to tie up Congress for a while, but Republicans would do well to get back to real tax reform and entitlement reform. Allowing Democrats to cast themselves as the party hoping to sustain the status quo on these issues would be a help right before the elections.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Ed Worley, Gambling Man

Found an old radio ad from 2002 in which Sen. Ed Worley says "Senator Ed Worley is against gambling."

He still says he is against gambling, when he is in his conservative district.

But he told the Louisville Courier-Journal "he would work to convince the public that Kentucky is losing 'millions and millions' of dollars to Indiana's gambling boats -- money that could be used for schools and services."

He told Cincinnati.com: "We danced around it now for years and years," said Senate Democratic leader Ed Worley of Richmond. "It's time. Unquestionably there is $450 million lying on the table. This is an option the people of Kentucky ought to have as opposed to having their taxes raised," said Worley, who favors racinos and casinos.

And Bloodhorse.com: "To maintain state government at the level we're spending, the answer is expanded gaming," Worley said. "Our forefathers feel the legislature should be made up of all kinds of people in Kentucky. The difficulty in that is getting legislation through with that diverse of a group. It isn't always political, but a level of understanding."
Worley said educating people and reaching out to those in all walks of life is contagious. "It effects politics in all ways," he said. "Keep spending your money to educate people and this will all work out in time."

Worley is undoubtedly trying to pull in the Big Gambling money to his campaign and that might work. But what will the people of Madison, Lincoln, and Rockcastle counties say when they learn he is trying to sell them down the river for the fool's gold of casino gambling?

Given his other scandals, lies, and deceit, don't bet on them keeping him around.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Welfare As We Know It

One amendment that failed to make it into the Immigration bill yesterday says a lot about where the United States Senate really is on using "reform" to expand the welfare state. The liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has a revealing essay on their site about Republican efforts to slow the flow of people who come to this country just to live off the American taxpayer. The liberals are against it, of course.

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) filed the amendment to prevent anyone given amnesty from converting their new legal status into an invitation to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit refund.

EITC already dwarfs what we used to call welfare. If handing it out to millions of "guest workers" is such a great idea, why don't we start running those EITC commercials in Mexico and sign them up down there to save them the trip?

Don't Buy A Fake Social Security Card Yet

If you are paying attention, you are probably not very happy with the U.S. Senate for passing an immigration reform bill that allows illegals to sign up for Social Security benefits based on their bogus cards and stolen numbers.

Fear not.

Senator Mitch McConnell said "I believe more work needs to be done to improve the bill as Congress considers it further. However, this is a necessary first step to balancing our tradition as a nation of immigrants, but also a nation of laws." In other words, the conference committee will be able to fix the bill. The important thing was getting the bill to them and away from the de facto Democratic majority in the Senate before they made it any worse.

Too Much Time, Not Enough To Bet On

Grab your Blackberry, folks.

There is a website that is now taking bets on when the Kentucky special legislative session will begin.

Lexington's Water Fiasco Victim: Jessamine County

Water takeover proponents in Lexington are hankering to spend more tax money on their court battle. While the lawyers live large, innocent people in neighboring Jessamine county face a risk to their health that has received almost no attention.

While diverting funds that could have been better spent on higher priorities these past four years, Lexington (LFUCG) has been neglecting another most precious resource: sanitation.

The West Hickman Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Jessamine County treats half of Lexington's wastewater. The plant is owned by LFUCG. A couple of things should happen: Jessamine county should put a meter on the pipe running into the plant and start charging a usage fee immediately. Jessamine should ask LFUCG to stop their condemnation of KY American (which also serves Jessamine) and threaten to condemn the West Hickman plant if Lexington doesn't provide the necessary maintenance to their property.

This needs to happen before the influent screw pumps give out and north Jessamine county is bathing in Fayette county's sewage.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Is Bush Unpopular Because of Success in Iraq?

I think so. That certainly goes against the grain of what the MSM says every day, but read this and I think you will agree.

Too many of us are upset because we don't really think the terrorists might win anymore. So we are looking at other issues that we had placed on the back burner until after the 2004 elections.

I would be interested to see how many people would be just fine with bombing Iran back into the 11th century. Those people might be frustrated with President Bush, but they sure aren't going to vote to let the party of Cindy Sheehan turn to negotiating us into oblivion.

Senator Christopher Dodd was on the Don Imus show this morning talking about his presidential aspirations. He was trashing Bush for not seeing the wisdom in negotiating with those who want to saw off our heads. He spoke dreamily about the endless negotiations we had with the Soviet Union in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. I think too many of us remember what that was all about, even if we are only old enough to have seen the Soviets running circles around Jimmy Carter.

"Stay the course" works pretty well compared to "cut and run." It always has -- when it comes to defending ourselves -- and Democrat candidates who want to gloss over this fact and run nationalized elections will probably be confused again by the election returns in November.

Will FairTax Be An Issue In KY-4?

(Update: Rep. Davis' office says he is not in favor of the FairTax.)

Last year, Congressman Geoff Davis' name was added as a co-sponsor of HR 25, The FairTax.

Three weeks later, he withdrew his name from the bill. (It turns out his name was added to the bill by the sponsor mistakenly.) Rep. Davis has taken some undeserved heat from FairTax supporters on this.

This year, former Congressman Ken Lucas, Davis' Democratic opponent this fall, is looking at the FairTax himself.

We are expecting word from both campaigns this afternoon with regard to their current positions on the FairTax. The Lucas campaign can be reached by calling (859) 331-0832. Rep. Davis' office number is (202) 225-3465.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Water Fight In Lexington Takes Over

It was going to be tough to petition the courts to stop the Lexington condemnation vote and campaign for the public to stop the condemnation effort.

So KY American dropped the court bid and will focus on working with the public.

Have to hand it to Jim Newberry for working this issue artfully. If it wasn't sealed already -- and I suspect it was -- Newberry just earned himself a term as Lexington's next mayor.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So You Think Democrats Will Lower Gas Prices?

Finally, someone has come up with a nice mixture of clarity and humor on the politicization of gas prices.

Go here to see it.

Liberal Enough? Check!

Fresh off his brother's failed attempt to influence the New Orleans' mayoral race, Democracy For America's (formerly Dean For America) Jim Dean is touting Ned Lamont in his primary race against -- not liberal enough -- Senator Joe Lieberman. The same link shows the Deaniacs have raised more money for Socialist Bernie Sanders than for any other of their preferred candidates.

Keep up the good work, guys.

Carlson Bows Out

Her heart was in the right place, but Elaine Carlson could gain no traction in her bid to unseat Rep. Ben Chandler. She dropped out of the race this morning.

This is bad news for vulnerable Democrats across central Kentucky like Rep. Charlie Hoffman, Rep. Don Pasley, and Sen. Ed Worley.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Cato: Republicans Out of Gas

Whining about "high" gasoline prices seems to have fallen, mercifully, off the front pages and off talk radio. But the yammering from eager politicians continues unabated. Sadly, too much of it is coming from Republicans.

Focus on Big Education in Lexington Thursday

Have you ever considered that while we are all upset about Big Oil, the big dollars are really being siphoned off by Big Education?

Injecting a little competition into the public schools starts at the top. The death grip bureaucrats and teachers unions have on our schools costs us significantly more than gas prices that, while increasing, haven't even kept up with inflation. The public education situation is risking the future of our nation in a way that $3 a gallon gas can't even come close to.

A clash between those bureacrats and concerned parents is coming up fast. This Thursday evening, ABC's John Stossel will speak at the Marriott Griffin Gate. His presentation is titled "Stupid Schools: How The Government Monopoly Cheats Kids."

The union thugs will be outside screaming and yelling. So far, about 230 parents and concerned citizens have committed to attend.

Click here for details.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

William Jefferson Raid: Who is Upset About This?

Just heard a radio report that the FBI raid on Rep. William Jefferson's office angered "House leaders." I can't find that element of the story in print yet, but I sure would be interested to know exactly which "leaders" didn't like the idea of authorities tracking down this criminal's activities.

National Dems: Where Did Our $45 Million Go?

They want to control your money, but the Democratic National Committee has blown through $45 million dollars marketing themselves this year and can't account for having accomplished anything.

None other than former Clintonista Paul Begala says that without any kind of coherent message, Democrats are merely making noise.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Gun Battle Coming Soon To Kentucky

After the confiscation of guns only from law-abiding citizens in New Orleans following Katrina, the National Rifle Association is pressing police chiefs and mayors across the nation to promise such a thing will never happen in their cities.

This could play a major role in the Lexington mayor's race. I can't imagine Teresa Isaac making such a promise. Jim Newberry, what say you?

How To Reform A GOP Tax And Spend Mess?

Ken Blackwell is running for Governor of Ohio. He is a conservative Republican and a very good candidate. The only problem is he is running to replace two-term Republican Governor Bob Taft.

Blackwell is running to reduce Ohio's high tax rates and cut back spending.


Crime in Russell County


There is hope for these kids!

I can't imagine where the ACLU finds a violation of anyone's constitutional rights in a high school graduation prayer, but this one is not going away. We've got football games coming up soon.

Call it the ACLU tax. When small towns or counties have to defend themselves against left-wing atheist attacks from the ACLU, the innocent people have to pay.

This underscores the need for conservative judges.

Friday, May 19, 2006

KY Supreme Court Ruling: Like Kissing Your Sister

I don't think we should be using the word "vindicated" with regard to anything that comes out of the merit hiring fiasco, much less yesterday's ruling that previously pardoned people can not now be indicted.

You want to talk vindication? Fine. Let's start talking about candidates who can oust the scandal-plagued Greg Stumbo as AG.

Tim Feeley should get the nod. The top law enforcement officer in the state needs to be someone who has broad bipartisan respect and the ability to rise above politics and rancid shenanigans and just do the job.

We need an Attorney General who we don't have to worry about what he is doing, who he is doing it with, and whether or not he gets "lost at sea."

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Fahrenheit 40356

Mike Moore is mad at me.

No, not that Michael Moore, just the editor of the Jessamine Journal in Nicholasville. It seems he got a little upset over this post on Kentucky Progress.

Actually, he got more than just a little upset. He came completely unglued and wasted a lot of ink barking at me from the editorial page of today's Journal. Mr. Moore is new to town and doesn't know me very well. I'm just getting warmed up, so he should probably stay twisted up for quite a while. Can it be long before -- like his Hollywood namesake -- Mr. Moore starts following me around with a video camera?

Roll tape!

You Want Some Cheese To Go With That?

The Lexington Herald Leader Editorial Page starts off the day with a big glass of whine.

They are upset at Rep. Joe Barrows for depriving Democrat primary voters in the 56th of a vigorous primary to replace him.

Barrows conspired with fellow Dem Carl Rollins, a weak candidate, rather than admit his plans and encourage others to join the race.

I suspect they are mainly upset that Republican Kevin Locke will win the seat and make the 56th a key pick-up for the GOP.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Columnist Says Fletcher Is Finished

John David Dyche says Governor Fletcher should drop out of the 2007 election.

There is no way to deny Ernie's political fortunes have taken a huge hit in the last year. We've reached the point that Republican gains in the state House and Senate this fall can help Republicans without helping the Governor. That is a stark reality, if not an iron-clad case for scrambling for a new candidate at the top of the ticket. A more immediate priority -- and maybe even a better move -- should be filling out the ticket for the rest of the constitutional offices. If we have learned nothing else, we should know that holding the Attorney General's office is not only important, but might speed up the demise of the decaying Democratic Party in Kentucky. With any number of accomplished attorneys, the Republican party could put up a candidate to run rings around the baggage-laden Greg Stumbo. Then we could dare other elected officials to say how great Stumbo is in front of a camera. I'm betting there would be precious few takers.

A Republican AG could do more to clean up the Democrat bloodsport of merit system abuse than a Republican Governor ever could.

Auditor and Attorney General should be Republicans' top priorities for 2007. As a trade for Governor? Maybe, maybe not. But we can't reasonably deny that we should be having this conversation.

Another One Bites The Dust

Liberal extremist David Wilson won a recanvass of the Garrard County Judge Executive race this morning in the Democratic primary over incumbent E.J. Hasty.

That means Republican John Wilson is a shoo-in in November.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sea Change In Jessamine County

Yeah, it's just little old Jessamine county, but it is growing fast and quickly becoming a GOP county. Sammy Brown's decisive victory in the primary for Sheriff bodes well for a win this November against a weak Dem opponent. With County Attorney Brian Goettl unopposed, the make-up of the courthouse is changing. Wilmore is already very conservative and, while Sam Corman looks likely to regain his mayoral post, the city commission could be tough for him to deal with. Expect Chris Moore and Betty Black to win this fall. One more good commissioner and they will control city hall.

And the coming revival of the Lexington Water Takeover will invigorate conservatives in all the contiguous counties.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Failure To Skewer Rove Cracking Up AP Reporter

This is the most pathetic attempt to write a hit piece on Karl Rove or any other public figure I have ever seen from a "professional" reporter.

It's a good thing that, unlike bloggers, reporters like Deb "I can read Rove's mind" Riechmann have layers of editors to keep mindless drivel from making its way out into the public domain.

Election Night Surprise

Lexingtonians of all political stripes will be talking Wednesday about Tuesday night's election party at Fayette Republican HQ.

Anyone care to guess what the hot topic of conversation will be?

Richmond Register Jumps Into The Fray

Central Kentucky election officials are used to watching area voters show up at the polls with Lexington Herald-Leader endorsements in hand, ready to vote against the paper's recommendations.

The paper's predictable calls work like this: pick the weakest Republican candidate in the primary and pick the Democrat in the fall. Case in point: the Herald-Leader endorsed Steve Nunn just prior to his 3rd place finish for Governor in 2003. This year, they endorsed Albert Spencer, a good candidate and a very good man, who is nonetheless ill-equipped to handle the vicious, dirty campaigning tactics of Sen. Ed Worley.

For the first time, The Richmond Register today endorsed candidates for election. In stark contrast to the Herald Leader, they chose to support the stronger Republican candidate -- former Senator Barry Metcalf.

Interestingly, they also suggested voters bring a new Sheriff to town, replacing an incumbent. Also, they counsel keeping a popular and efficient county clerk.

Money Monday: Give A Little, Get A Lot

Today is a great day to donate $10, $20, $50, $100 or more to Kentucky Votes. They are the folks who sort through the muck to put General Assembly votes online. They are currently leading the fight to give the public greater access to committee votes. The futile resistance they are getting from hapless House Speaker Jody Richards won't stop them, but your donation will help.

Go here and give a little green. You will feel better when you do. I did.

Ben Chandler For Governor?

Ryan Alessi's Herald-Leader column this morning about the Governor's race mentioned Ben Chandler's name a dozen times.

Meanwhile, Chandler's comfort in his Congressional office might come back to bite him when he tries for another run at the Mansion.

Just last week he voted to raise your taxes, abort more babies, and cut missile defense spending.

Good thing he represents only the shrieking minority of Congress and doesn't speak for the people of Kentucky, don't you agree?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

2006 Political Trump Card: Economy And Taxes

Click here for some perspective on the economy and taxes.

And yes, Ben Chandler voted again to raise your taxes. Too bad he is running unopposed this year.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Jessamine Countians For Jim Newberry

Lexington mayoral candidate Jim Newberry wants to add a sales tax onto purchases made in Fayette county.

As a resident of neighboring Jessamine county, I think that sounds great. Y'all come on down and make your purchases in Nicholasville!

Of course, I'm kidding. Lexington is the engine for the region and we don't need to see them take a hit like this. If you live in Lexington, do the right thing and vote for Bill Farmer.

"No Comment" Would Have Been A Lot Better

"We would prefer that the governor not appear and deprive Greg Stumbo the satisfaction of making the governor do a perp walk. That's unbecoming of the office of the governor. Especially for a measly misdemeanor," Fletcher spokesman Brett Hall said.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Andrew Horne Wades In Over His Head

Greg Stumbo is, uh, "stuck out on the sand bar overnight" again. This time, though, we know who he had with him.

Third district Congressional candidate Andrew Horne has joined AG Stumbo in an ill-advised attack on Secretary of State Trey Grayson.

Horne campaign volunteer Shawn Reilly is being used as a pawn by people who support voter fraud. This whole thing started when Grayson's office joined with South Carolina and Tennessee to compare voter registration databases and clear out people who were registered in more than one state. Reilly had moved from Kentucky to South Carolina. This move invalidated his Kentucky voter registration. It got a little tricky when he moved back to Kentucky. But what the Stumbo/Horne people don't want you to know is that this would not have prevented Reilly from voting in the May 16 Democrat primary. There are well-established procedures that would have quickly corrected the oversight. Interestingly, it is Reilly's own error in registering as a Republican that will keep him from voting for Horne or any other Democrat on Tuesday.

So when Stumbo spokeswoman Vicki Glass said "there are going to be a lot of Shawn Reillys out there," we must assume that she is talking about people who are trying to vote in the wrong primary and not about the silly lawsuit that has the AG and Horne all worked up now.

Incidentally, Stumbo and Horne were just about to start a joint press conference at the Jefferson county clerk's office when they were informed that doing so would be illegal electioneering.


Today is Day 1092 of wishing Kentucky had elected Tim Feeley as Attorney General.

Newberry Strikes Back: "HillaryCare Not All Bad"

Mayoral hopeful Jim Newberry (Liberal #2) must be getting nervous. He has unleashed an attack ad on conservative candidate Bill Farmer.

In the ad, Newberry tries to spin his work in support of the health insurane mandates that destroyed Kentucky's individual insurance market twelve years ago.

For the record, the HillaryCare analogy really fits.

Conservative voters in Lexington really just have one choice this year.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Jessamine Newspaper Too Afraid To Print This

Jessamine County Sheriff's Captain Kevin Corman has quietly been shopping a plan to hand over the law enforcement duties of the Sheriff's office to the Nicholasville Police Department.

It isn't a new idea, but the fact that the Democrat nominee and heir apparent to Sheriff Joe Walker is discussing consolidation makes it worth asking about.

Interestingly, when questioned directly about his idea, Corman launched a distorted attack on the plan to spread citizen representation evenly across town with a Nicholasville City Council. He then denied that he wants all the salary that comes with election to the office but little of the responsibility that normally comes with the job.

(Note to reader: skeptical newspaper columnists love it when targets answer a direct question with dodges and unrelated political attacks. Kind of like waving a bloody shirt in front of a charging bull.)

Captain Corman might want to get better at answering questions before this fall, but an analysis of his years on the Sheriff's department suggests he lacks the experience necessary to really benefit public safety. All this might explain somewhat why four Republican candidates signed up for the chance to run against him.

After many years of picking Jessamine county's elected officials in the May primaries, registered Democrats eager for a law enforcement upgrade will have to wait to see who Republicans vote for in Tuesday's election.

Fortunately for all of us, three of the four candidates running in the Republican primary have some qualifications that suggest preparation for the job. But limited media coverage of the race has relegated what is easily 2006's most important countywide contest to a yard sign counting competition. That is a shame.

The job of primary voters is to choose their party's best chance to get elected in the November election. That charge would best be met this year by voting for Deputy Sammy Brown.

The Democrat nominee is a political appointee to the position of Captain. As Jessamine county growth brings more law enforcement challenges to the area, the time for partisan favoritism is past. Nevertheless, the fall campaign will be fierce -- and probably will get nasty. The most important base to cover is to nominate someone who knows the needs of the department. As a current Deputy, Brown can best fill the bill. This basic fact should keep voters focussed when the mud starts flying.

Deputy Brown earned the 2002 National Deputy of the Year Award. He won the award for keeping his cool on the morning of November 13, 2001 when all hell broke loose in Jessamine county.

Deputy Brown was serving a warrant with two other officers when the man they were pursuing opened fire with an M-1 carbine rifle at close range. Brown was hit with three shots and Deputy Billy Ray Walls and Captain Chuck Morgan were killed. Deputy Brown stopped the shooter and struggled to get to his car to radio for help.

At the time, Brown was only thirty years old and had been on the job a grand total of five months. He had already been awarded three letters of commendation.

Deputy Brown says that his first actions as Sheriff would be to put more officers on the street and to pursue grant money available to the department. The Sheriff's department already has the money for three additional deputies but, in an act of sheer political gamesmanship, Corman is promising jobs for after the election rather than filling them now. Poor recordkeeping in the Jessamine county department explains our inability to gain grants, a staple in well-run departments.

Jessamine county Republicans would do very well to vote for Sammy Brown on Tuesday. In a low turnout off-year election, every vote will count. And in this race, we can't afford for your voice to go unheard.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

FairTax Kentucky On The Move

If the United States repeals federal income taxes and replaces them with retail sales taxes, the resulting economic boom will cause many states to consider the same approach.

The obvious problems that would result from inconsistent comprehensive reform on a state-to-state basis suggests that all states will want to move together on this. Several states have begun studying how this would work. Today, Kentucky joined them.

Details are forthcoming.

Cegelka Goes Negative

Just saw the first negative ad in the Larry Roberts/Bill Cegelka County Attorney race in Fayette County. Cegelka plays an audio tape of Roberts calling early-morning female joggers "dumb" and has Roberts saying homosexuality is "not a victimless crime at all." The climax was a printed quote from Roberts explaining that black criminals are more likely to get caught because they are more noticeable.

Wow, hot stuff!

And Roberts is running ads prominently featuring Democrat Senate candidate James Keller.

Looks like Fayette isn't going to get much a County Attorney upgrade.

Update: The Dems are going CRAZY about this race. Funny.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Still Courting The Convict Vote

Fresh off a failed attempt to re-enfranchise convicted felons, Kentucky Democrats are cooking up a plan to push for conjugal visits in prisons.

Now that all Democrats are conservative Bible-thumpers, I can't wait to see which one has to sponsor this one.