Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Naked Money Grab: Incentive Scam Is A Waste

Energy plan supporters who claimed the scheme at the heart of this weeks special session wasn't a government giveaway now need only look at the appropriation on page 106 of the bill in the amount of $5,319,500 from the General Fund.

That is for the first year interest payment on the $100 million bonding appropriated on page 105 of the bill for the purpose of giving companies cash in advance of the start of their projects.

What is that if not corporate welfare? In the mountains of eastern Kentucky, they call welfare "crazy checks." Maybe we need to start referring to HB 1 as the Coal Company Crazy Check Act of 2007.

It wouldn't be quite so bad if we weren't borrowing the money before we give it away. But there is no justification for a fiscal conservative vote in favor of this mess. And since the powers-that-be have put out the word that only one technical correction to the bill will be allowed -- but no amendments -- the responsible thing to do is to vote against the bill.

Herald Leader Goes Daily Kos On Dick Cheney

Part of the fun of writing a blog is that you can take someone's comments out of context and beat him over the head with them.

The Lexington Herald Leader knows the feeling. The online version's editorial page this morning reprinted Nicholas Kristof's column from yesterday's New York Times.

It starts like this:

Saving energy doesn't have to mean shivering in the dark.

Vice President Dick Cheney once scoffed that energy conservation can be a "personal virtue" but is no basis for an energy policy.

Growing evidence suggests he had it exactly wrong.

Actually, growing evidence suggests the "professional" media is using the blogger's trick to slap a political enemy.

Here is what Cheney actually said:

Now, conservation is an important part of the total effort. But to speak exclusively of conservation is to duck the tough issues. Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue, but it is not a sufficient basis all by itself for sound, comprehensive energy policy. We also have to produce more. The American people have worked very hard to get where they are, and the hardest working are the least likely to go around squandering energy or anything else that costs money. Our strategy will recognize that the present crisis does not represent a failing of the American people.

And now Kentucky's General Assembly has worked up an energy policy compromise measure that is worse than the first two proposals. Tax credits are one thing, but now we are bonding $100 million to give away in advance of any energy production or job creation. Creating jobs is a good way to sell any kind of economic development project, but the fine print in the bill reveals we will be funding many of those jobs with borrowed government money.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Worley Returns To Frankfort Millions Lighter

Sen. Ed Worley (D-Richmond), one the most outspoken casino gambling supporters in the legislature, settled a fraud lawsuit earlier this summer for what is believed to be at least two million dollars.

If you see him this week, you might want to offer to buy him lunch. But don't get mixed up in any land deals with him.

I Have An Idea For The Next GOP Photo-Shopper

How about Steve Beshear in an adult diaper and a rain coat, headed to the Kentucky Casino?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Central Kentucky Can't Afford For Lexington To Be A Sanctuary City

Now that Lexington police are practicing catch-and-release with illegal aliens who break local laws, the illegal immigration issue will soon take on a new dimension that will impact all of central Kentucky.

As word gets out that Lexington is a sanctuary for undocumented criminals -- and no, I'm not talking about farm workers without visas -- the problem will grow much worse than illegals clogging up our hospitals and courthouses.

I'm talking about gang activity.

Immigrant gangs are already present in the Cardinal Valley area of Lexington. As their activities become more widespread, "guest workers" who are only trying to better themselves and their families will get killed in the backlash.

For the safety of central Kentuckians, it is just about time to run off our local illegal immigrants.

Herald Leader's Back-To-School Tax

The editors of the Lexington Herald Leader are upset about taxes again.

This morning they -- predictably -- joined the Fayette County School District in complaining that property taxes aren't high enough to pay for school renovation.

Fayette County ranks 54th out of 176 school districts in the rate of property tax dedicated to schools.

Some of the schools schedulted (sic) for renovation were built early in the last century. None have been renovated in the last quarter-century.

Given that school financial accountability is so lacking in Kentucky, we should really look at spending first. And repealing the prevailing wage law in Kentucky would be a good second step.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Special Session Redux

Legislative leaders agree the special session will take about five days. Any guesses on when or if extra projects and domestic partner benefits get added to the call?

Macaca II For Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani says if he weren't running for president himself, he would support Sen. John McCain.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Bell County Says No To Casinos

Governor Fletcher's campaign sent out a release this afternoon touting Bell County Fiscal Court's resolution to reject casinos.

This is a good thing and other counties will surely follow suit.

Folks, this is your vote on casinos. And the people who are upset about this need to move fast to escape Steve Beshear's slavish devotion to out-of-state casino operators.

Maybe the Republican Party of Kentucky should send out doctored pictures of Steve Beshear's head pasted on top of Princess Leia's body when she was Jabba the Hutt's slave on Tatooine.

Rudy Giuliani's Macaca Moment

This comment about his time at ground zero will end the Giuliani campaign:

Thursday, August 16, 2007

CYA: Why The FCDC Is Releasing Videos

The ongoing Department of Justice investigation into prisoner abuse at the Fayette County Detention Center has City Hall so rattled they are releasing to the media internal video of a by-the-book takedown of a mouthy inmate in a high-profile arrest.

Will this provide sufficient cover to the still-employed miscreants at the jail and their enablers at City Hall when the feds come in to make their arrests?

No. And it isn't even a good try.

Bush Veto Will Save Kentucky $600 Million

Kentucky would lose more money than any other state but Florida over the next five years under the U.S. Senate's S-CHIP expansion plan, according to a Heritage Foundation report.

The Jonathan Miller Act Of 2008

Senator Damon Thayer (R-Georgetown) is putting together a bill to shut down the political rest area known as the state treasurer's office.

State Allows Some Medical Proliferation

Kentucky's certificate of need laws give the state the power to decide who needs how much supply of what medical service.

According to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, more health providers leads to higher healthcare prices.

The purpose of Kentucky's Certificate of Need process is to prevent the proliferation of health care facilities, health services and major medical equipment which increases the cost of quality health care in the commonwealth.

It will be interesting to see how much of an increase Louisville hospital patients will suffer now that the state has has agreed to allow Jewish Hospital to add 75 beds.

As any freshman economics student quickly learns, increased supply causes lower prices.

While we are at it, could we get the CHFS to victimize Jessamine County just a little bit? We don't have a hospital at all. Frankly, when it comes to the economic theory of health care bureaucrats in Frankfort versus the real world, it looks like Kentucky could use a lot more of this proliferation stuff.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Not Good: Keeping Merit Hiring On The Front Page

Governor Fletcher's campaign manager was quick again today to declare victory in the ongoing merit hiring scandal when the Executive Branch Ethics Commission ended its investigation into the Governor's involvement.

"This letter is being released as further evidence that the (Attorney General Greg) Stumbo led witch-hunt was pure political opportunism that is now being trumpeted by Steve Beshear,” said Marty Ryall, campaign manager for Fletcher, in a news release.

Does anyone really think this is going to win back any support for the Governor's campaign?

Given that the Ethics Commission apparently only seems to have been able to find actionable fault with former administration officials who supported Anne Northup in the primary, I would have to guess it won't.

Same Old Education Spin In Kentucky

The ACT has issued their state-by-state average test scores and the Lexington Herald Leader dutifully marched out and interviewed state education commissioner Kevin Noland, who was more than happy to take credit for the slight increase.

"The ACT results are valuable because they provide another means for Kentucky's secondary educators to focus attention on specific areas," said Interim Education Commissioner Kevin Noland. "Kentucky's students are making progress, and that is most evident when we look at long-term trends."

What the bureacrats and their adoring fans in the MSM don't want you to know is the statewide statistics include private and home-schooled students. A breakout of those numbers will be available soon. They will likely show -- again -- an actual decrease among public school students and the media will ignore the real story -- again.

More Bad -- But Fixable -- KDE News

The Bluegrass Institute's Dick Innes reports the education testing people at ACT will introduce this fall a testing solution Kentucky desperately needs, but that education bureaucrats will resist.

ACT will have "a coordinated set of curriculum outlines for about 16 college preparation courses and corresponding end of course exams," Innes said. "Right now, the Kentucky Department of Education is very slowly trying to create end of course exams in just a couple of subjects."

Innes is the education analyst for the Bluegrass Institute.

Someone in the legislature should step forward as an education leader and force the KDE to abandon tests they can manipulate in favor of those that will better serve our children.

Jack Conway, Kentucky's Angry Liberal Pol

Anti-business, pandering redistributionist, and loud. If Conway didn't look the part, he would be a laughingstock.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Yellow Jacket Tuesday Open Thread

I'm taking my son to Atlanta for college on Tuesday. Talk to you Wednesday!

Hey Coach, Put Richie In

Agriculture Commissioner Richie Farmer gets discounted as a conservative leader because of his athletic career at UK and his eastern Kentucky roots. But an emerging strategy for a bold fall campaign could change that dramatically.

Early polling shows Farmer continuing his prolific voter attraction from 2003 and extending it this fall against a dreadful Democratic nominee who will be lucky to stay out of jail. Farmer's many accomplishments in office have given him quite a story to tell. What he does next could have a lasting, positive impact on the state.

"The Stress Of Success"

Massachusetts officials admit to the Boston Globe they are losing over half of the applications mailed to them for the state's new socialized medicine plan.

Thomas Dehner, the state's Medicaid director, calls it "the stress of success."

Does Kentucky really want to go through this mess again? Steve Beshear thinks so and Governor Fletcher has made troubling comments recently.

A little common sense on health care regulation shouldn't be so hard to muster. We keep trying more and more regulation and keep getting negative results. I guess we can keep doing that until we bankrupt the state.

Liberty, Security, Or Neither?

Anti-war activists like to co-opt the old quote about people willing to trade their liberty for their security deserving neither when opposing federal efforts to track domestic terrorist activity.

The same people like to decry the plight of the poor, overworked low wage American worker who just needs a union to fight off "the man" for him. But it seems we have more evidence that poverty would diminish on its own if more people simply turned off the television and went to work.

Bring On The Former Presidential Candidates

It is time for failing presidential campaigns to start ending. Today it is former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson. With any luck, Sen. John McCain will be next.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Daily Kos Takes Credit For Ben Chandler

The extreme left-wingers took a break today from forcing the Democratic party over the cliff on national defense and any semblance of fiscal sanity to take credit for electing Blue Dogs to Congress.

It is amazing to see Kos pat himself on the back for electing the last legacy politician in Kentucky and with a straight face continue to run away from the liberal label in favor of the preferred "progressive" term (which apparently means to pre-emptively surrender all potential military actions, shut down international trade, and stick everyone in a union):

"This had nothing to do with being centrist or liberal or conservative. It had to do with standing tall for core progressive principles. In fact one of the first people we supported was Stephanie Herseth in South Dakota who is now a Blue Dog. Ben Chandler in Kentucky."

Rep. Chandler has already run away from Montana left-wing polemicist Mark Nickolas. How fast will he duck and cover to escape a bunch who wants to chase off Hillary Clinton for being too conservative?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Backward Step On Most Basic Human Right

A pro-life source with inside knowledge of the campaigns of Steve Beshear and Jack Conway reports the two are planning a repeal of Kentucky's fetal homicide law utilizing Attorney General opinions declaring that a fetus is not a person.

Rep. Stan Lee sponsored the original fetal homicide bill in 2004, requiring that anyone charged with killing a pregnant woman and her unborn child be charged with two deaths. Governor Ernie Fletcher signed the fetal homicide bill into law.

Steve Beshear declared in a 1982 Attorney General opinion that an unborn child is not a "person" and instead only becomes "human" at some later point he did not specify.

It Is August, Where's Our Stupid Tax Holiday Bill?

On a day in which the Louisville Courier Journal wastes valuable ink setting the stage for an editorial calling for tax increases to fund crayons, notebooks, and clothes for schoolchildren, I have a question.

When will someone file another bill "giving" Kentucky parents a back-to-school sales tax holiday?

Rather than feel-good legislation though, wouldn't it be better if we repealed corporate income taxes across the board for the whole year? Consumers wind up paying them anyway, in addition to business compliance costs and avoidance techniques.

Bad tax policies hurt everyone in the state. Dropping sales tax on a few items for one weekend each fall does nothing at all to improve that.

Bloggers To Kill Off More Newspapers?

Well, not exactly. Not yet anyway. But if Rupert Murdoch takes the online version of the Wall Street Journal from subscription to free, you will see a lot of newspapers go down the tubes as a direct result.

Further changes to how information is delivered will have a very interesting impact on our political process.

If These People Did This To My Kids, I Would Be Going To Jail For A Long Time

And the thing is, if this happened in my local school district, I would be joined by a whole lot of friends in tearing these people limb from limb. If only we could match our social conservatism in this state with activism for education quality and for fiscal conservatism, we wouldn't be in a lot of our current messes.

Friday, August 10, 2007

More Polling Data To Check Out

The Lane Report poll making the rounds has a few interesting things I haven't seen reported. First, 49% of respondents said House Democrats did the right thing in ending the first special session without taking any action. Governor Fletcher was backed by 38% on the issue.

The Attorney General's race has the highest undecided tally at 53%. That has to be a positive for Stan Lee, whose support will grow for several reasons. More on that later.

Linda Greenwell's rematch against Crit Luallen should get a boost with the news that the race is a close 32%-26% with 40% undecided.

Here Comes The Cavalry

Former Congressman Pat Toomey, now head of the Club for Growth, is coming to Kentucky October 24-25 to raise money for free-market fiscal conservatives in the Bluegrass state.

Will Fletcher Be Like Isaac Or Davis?

Yesterday I was talking to Dave Krusenklaus, host of Kruser and Krew on Lexington's WVLK AM 590, and he brought up a parallel between Governor Ernie Fletcher and former Lexington Mayor Teresa Isaac. After never getting much traction in the polls last summer and fall, Isaac failed to get re-elected.

So is Fletcher going to be more like Isaac or instead like Rep. Geoff Davis, who trailed throughout much of the campaign last year and pulled off the win?

What do you think?

By the way, I will be on the Kruser program today at 1pm. Call in at (859)253-5959 if you get a chance.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Let's Make 2008 The Year Of The Open Budget

Kentucky's legislative leadership now writes our state's budgets every two years behind locked doors, covered windows, and armed guards.

Whether you want the budget trimmed of fat or loaded with more, you can't be happy with the thuggish tactics we see played out in the spring of each even year.

The only reason the budget isn't worked out in public is because no one has called them on it.

This should also be an issue in this fall's elections.

The Wrong State Of Emergency

Kentucky is still suing Marathon Oil over violation of a "price gouging" law that doesn't exist anymore.

Publicity hound Attorney General Greg Stumbo started the lawsuit, which charges Marathon Oil made "too much" money from Kentucky consumers in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The state of emergency which triggered the old law, though, was called by Governor Fletcher.

The new price gouging law doesn't allow a never-ending state of emergency. Currently, we are still under the one from 2005.

Our government wasn't set up to allow politicians to attack private businesses without making a very strong case. While all these guys are trying to get our votes, they should explain in detail why we should be suing under flimsy pretenses using a 2004 law we did well to repeal earlier this year.

There are two key issues here: one, if politicians can go after one industry in such a clumsy, overbearing manner, they can go after another and yours might be next. And two, despite the current fever for alternative fuel sources, we are easily decades -- if not centuries -- away from replacing oil. It is premature and unwise to be picking meat from the carcass of fossil fuels just yet.

Governor Fletcher and Attorney General candidate Stan Lee would do well to at least denounce Stumbo's crass action against Marathon.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Cutting The Size Of Government Isn't Easy

America's Governor Mark Sanford is struggling against his own party to change the political structure and culture in South Carolina.

Keep up the good fight, Mark.

Fat And Happy On Your Dime

Rep. Harry Moberly (D-Richmond) has gotten himself in position to be appointed president of Eastern Kentucky University and, of course, to rape our public pension system while he is at it.

The fine print on House Bill 299 from 2005 allows legislators to take state jobs for three years and draw a full pension for life.

I'm Pro-Choice On Education

As our children return to government monopoly school, it might be a good idea to read up on the spreading success of school choice in America.

It looks like Newt Gingrich is on the front lines in Detroit, but the same could be going on here.

Put Up Or, Well, You Know

Global warming alarmists must be excited Kentucky temperatures at an all-time high since 2005.

They can also make some money off your mantras with a contest that pays $100,000 to anyone who can prove man-made global warming.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Governor Fletcher Goes Left On Healthcare

I understand that Steve Beshear is a weak opponent who is talking himself out of the race with his slavish devotion to out-of-state casino owners. And I understand Governor Fletcher needs to expand his base to put Beshear away. But this latest promise from the Fletcher campaign is very disappointing:

The Governor will focus on expanding access to care for thousands of Kentuckians and will help every child in Kentucky to have health care coverage.

Unfortunately, every time government tries to equalize outcomes it winds up raising costs for all of us. I know no one in the Fletcher camp is listening, but taking care of our own kids would be much easier without the government doing so much to "help."

Beshear is still demonstrably worse on the issues, but this stuff is getting harder to swallow.

... And This Was Edited By One Of His Friends

Jack Conway seems pretty upset about his race against candidate for Attorney General Stan Lee. Pretty funny that the best he can come up with is that the Lexington Herald Leader editorial board doesn't like Rep. Lee.

Next week, Conway will report that the Courier Journal editors don't like him much either.

And after Conway's years of electoral frustration, I'd hate to see what kind of government Conway thinks the people of Kentucky "deserve."

Is Steve Beshear The Next Jennifer Granholm?

Steve Beshear is going to have a hard time getting through to November without doing a John Edwards and admitting that his agenda really means big tax increases.

And should he get elected, another interesting transformation would take place: when his gambling plan fails to gain support in the House or Senate, he will start a crying tour for higher taxes like Michigan's Jennifer Granholm is doing now.

Here's A Job For Liberal Blogger Union Thugs

Instead of standing by quietly while the left-wing Congress keeps voting to raise taxes and give the money to illegal aliens or push Americans young and old off their private health plans, soon-to-be unionized lefty bloggers should join the rest of us in fighting this:

Monday, August 06, 2007

Thank You For Gambling

Our son is packing to go to college next week. He is taking a $2500 KEES scholarship (lottery money) with him. He could go to University of Kentucky and pay $7096 in tuition, but he isn't going to do that. He is going to Georgia Tech, where tuition is only $4088.

Georgia has twice as many schools and twice as many students, while spending less than 70% more than Kentucky does on higher education.

So what is Kentucky doing with our money?

I'm grateful to the lottery ticket buyers of Kentucky for paying nearly all of my son's tuition, but sorry more Kentucky citizens don't demand better stewardship of our public education system.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Don't Just Stand There, Privatize Something!

Trusting government to continue maintaining our roads and bridges isn't a very good idea, according to a Wall Street Journal columnist.

Some objections to private ownership are simply cynical ploys by politicians looking to maintain their hold on public assets, especially since roads and bridges operated by transportation authorities are often job-patronage mills. Politicians from both parties in New Jersey railed against a recent study recommending leasing some of the state's toll roads, claiming such a deal would shortchange taxpayers. Of course, the state government is among the most bloated and costly for taxpayers in the country--and the Reason Foundation recently rated New Jersey roads worst in the nation. Yet the politicians worried that an auction, which could have raised some $20 billion for the fiscally challenged Garden State, might allow a private operator to take advantage of its citizens.

Unfortunately there are too many officials in both parties who are comfortable with the size of government and its continued expansion. What we really need is serious citizen activism to enforce a contraction of government's reach.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Chandler, Yarmuth Vote For Higher Gas Prices

U.S. House Democrats passed a ridiculous bill today to raise taxes on evil oil companies.

Guess who gets to pay those?

President Bush will veto the bill if it gets to him and this will be used against some of the people who want Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton ruling the world. Moments like this underscore the tragedy of the wasted twelve year opportunity of Republican majorities in Congress.

Reagan Warned Us About Socialized Medicine

Thanks to the Club for Growth for passing this along.

You might to scroll down a bit to see the video of Reagan, but it is worth it to see what way too many people want to do to us.

Friday, August 03, 2007

S-CHIPPING Our Way To Single Payer

The U.S. House and Senate have both passed bills expanding government-paid health insurance to people who don't come close to qualifying for Medicaid.

Watching the Democrat Congress run this garbage through can surprise no one. But the most disgusting part of this whole mess is watching Republican "leaders" get religion about free market principles now instead of before they lost their Congressional majorities.

The bills go to conference committee now so anything can happen. But putting middle class families in a position to drop their kids off their health policy and let the government take care of them is not pointing us in the right direction.

We will always spend too much on our healthcare system until we start spending fewer taxpayer dollars on benefits for people who can take care of themselves.

Will Beshear Champion Kentucky Porn Site?

California is looking at setting up a state-owned online casino.

So when will Steve Beshear up the ante and start proposing a Kentucky Porn Site? Isn't it about time we kept our own perverts' money at home, Steve?

Bad, Bad Taxes

I will be on Leland Conway's radio show (630 WLAP) at 9:30 this morning talking about some bad taxes and one possible solution to many of our problems.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bridges And Roads Should Be It For State

Now that states spend so much time picking winners and losers in the business world and subsidizing bad personal decisions, can it be any surprise that bridges and roads -- a proper state government function -- are in such bad shape?

And even if roads and bridges are fine here, it would be great if we could avoid the debt and instant political gratification of all the excess junk.

Shutting Treasurer Office: Does State FOP Agree?

After eight years of serious waste in the Treasurer's office, the race for the office this year is about shutting it down.

After the state FOP endorsed all the Democrats they could, they took a pass on the Treasurer's race. The Democrat in that race seems like a decent fellow, he just doesn't seem to get that the office is a waste of time and money. The Republican, Melinda Wheeler, says shutting down the office is the right thing to do.

That should be enough to get her elected.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Junk Lawsuits By Any Other Name...

Thirteen states' trial lawyers associations have sought to conceal their identities by changing their names.

The Kentucky Academy of Trial Attorneys, for example, now calls itself the Kentucky Justice Association.

Tom Donohue, President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, points out the damage an unfair legal system can do to a state like Kentucky.

"An unfair legal system sucks the life out of a state’s economy. It affects business expansion, it affects jobs and it takes money out of consumers’ pockets," Donohue said.

Kentucky recently ranked 33rd in the nation in terms of the fairness of its state legal system.

Kentucky's Democratic Party is trying to elevate two trial attorneys -- or should we call them "justice associates" -- to the two most powerful political offices in the state. Anyone who works for or with a business should be warned.

Illegal Immigration Opponents Can't Honestly Support Democrats' S-CHIP Expansion Bill

Rep. Ben Chandler might talk a good game about managing illegal immigration, but he's blowing his rhetoric out of the water with his party's massive expansion of S-CHIP, the Clinton-era follow-up to the failure of Hillarycare.

Among many bad things the bill would do, it provides taxpayer-paid health coverage (S-CHIP and Medicaid) for illegal aliens and even spends money telling them how to get it.

We Should All Agree On This One In January

Rep. Jim DeCesare is pre-filing a bill to repeal the Limited Liability Entity Tax, the heinous gross receipts tax formerly known as the Alternative Minimum Calculation and often referred to as the Alternative Minimum Tax in the primary election.


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Spend Money, Wait For Gambling Losses

The new fiscal planning for states who depend on expanded gambling revenues involves spending gamblers' projected losses first and then filling in the hole later when they actually lose their money.

A report that should be instructive to Kentucky's expanded gambling hucksters informs us that plan isn't working so well in Florida where insufficient gambling losses have blown an $80 million hole in school funding.

Time To Roast This Pig

When Sen. Gerald Neal's actions landed him in legal hot water the liberal Kentucky media mostly yawned.

Now that he has been caught sexually harassing a television reporter who questioned him about his actions, our friends in the media have a decision to make. If Neal were a Republican, they would call for his head. Will they have the courage to treat a Democrat the same way?

Monday, July 30, 2007

Legislature Goes Home Empty-Handed

Domestic partner benefits got a rally today urging repeal, but no action by the House this afternoon. The Senate previously approved SB 5.

So the issue lives on.

The House Dems obviously decided they could handle attacks that they cared less about violating the constitution than they did spending taxpayer dollars on liberal issues.

Their defense to those attacks is to point out Governor Fletcher's appointees could have killed domestic partner benefits but didn't.

Unfortunately, it's a good point. The failure of school board appointees to hire a legitimate commissioner could also present a problem in the campaign.

Also, the legislature isn't completely empty-handed until they figure out how to give their paychecks back to the state.

Jonathan Miller Is Like A Box Of Chocolates

As I think about Treasurer Jonathan Miller bragging on television Saturday how great he has done getting financial literacy taught in the schools and about how casino gambling in the state will solve $500 million or more worth of Kentucky problems each year, two things seem worth bringing up.

One, does Miller realize all the other states around us without casinos are hearing the same argument that they need casinos to keep their own gamblers at home?

And two, if we taught Kentucky kids financial literacy in school they would know the odds and we could let the other states gamble themselves silly while our young people slowly and steadily build up real money in their retirement accounts.

It's not the government's job to keep us poor and stupid.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

More Smoke Betrays Raging Inferno At FCDC

The thuggish bureaucrats at the Fayette County Detention Center now have another line of malfeasance to deny.

From Beth Musgrave in Sunday's Lexington Herald Leader:

As part of an ongoing child custody dispute, David Eaton was required to be drug tested more than 100 times over the past 18 months. Some of those tests were positive.

But Eaton says he never used drugs or alcohol and is suing the Fayette County Detention Center's Community Alternative Program, alleging the program's urine drug testing is unconstitutional and inaccurate.

Sources currently employed by the FCDC report there is more than enough evidence to support Mr. Eaton's complaint and many more like it. Now just like the prisoner beatings they tried to blame on the whistleblower and the systematic intimidation of witnesses no one at city hall seems to know anything about, this is one more thing for Mayor Jim Newberry to ignore and wish away.

Interesting strategy, Mayor.

At Least We Are Consistent

Lots of recent talk about energy has broken some of us down into two camps: those who want less government involvement in energy (fewer "price gouging" lawsuits and less subsidization of "alternative fuel" projects) versus those who want more (getting tough with Big Oil and doling out cash for experimental production.)

If you are persuadable at all, reading this will help.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

YouTuber Alert: Jonathan Miller On Television

I hope the folks at RPK are taping Jonathan Miller on WVLK's Newsmakers program.

Just one little goody as Miller tries to justify having a Treasurer's office:

"If you took away our budget and took away our staff, the business of government couldn't get done."

I'd like to see him back that up with a fact.

Spending More Of Your Money For You

A joint committee meeting of A&R members get together Monday afternoon in Frankfort to begin discussions on the 2008-2010 state budget.

Some of the folks in town for the earlier domestic partners rally should stick around to push for responsibility in the budget.

Meanwhile, Senator Tom McClintock in California is advocating $2.9 billion in cuts to his state's budget. With some of the problems we have on the horizon (think pensions and debt), we need a McClintock.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Barack Obama's Revenge

This thirteen minute video is worth watching all the way through.

Jonathan Miller's Day Off

State Treasurer Jonathan Miller delivered another taxpayer-funded contribution to his Democratic Party today. He met with WKYT's Bill Bryant to tape an episode of Bryant's "Newsmakers" program to air tomorrow.

In the interview, Miller claimed gubernatorial challenger Steve Beshear isn't just a one issue candidate.

I'm still waiting for a certain brave legislator to file the bill to abolish the state treasurer's office. Jonathan Miller is the poster boy for this important action.

Did We Learn Anything From Barbara Erwin Mess?

Does anyone expect the Kentucky Board of Education to do the right thing for Kentucky's children at their meeting tomorrow?

Governor Fletcher is inexplicably missing the opportunity to publicly weigh in on this most important function of state government.

The yellow dogs at KEA aren't going to support his re-election under any circumstances. Might as well encourage the Board to pick a no-nonsense commissioner.

Following Hillary Off The Wrong Cliff

A lot of otherwise right-thinking Americans are starting to talk about how America has no choice but to go for some form of HillaryCare.

Meanwhile, a Canadian doctor says we are moving down the road to socialist healthcare while other nations are coming our way:

Canadian doctors, long silent on the health care system's problems, are starting to speak up. Last August, they voted Brian Day president of their national association. Day has become perhaps the most vocal critic of Canadian public health care, having opened his own private surgery center and challenging the government to shut him down.

And now even Canadian governments are looking to the private sector to shrink the waiting lists. In British Columbia, private clinics perform roughly 80% of government-funded diagnostic testing.

This privatizing trend is reaching Europe, too. Britain's Labour Party — which originally created the National Health Service — now openly favors privatization. Sweden's government, after the completion of the latest round of privatizations, will be contracting out some 80% of Stockholm's primary care and 40% of its total health services.

Since the fall of communism, Slovakia has looked to liberalize its state-run system, introducing co-payments and privatizations. And modest market reforms have begun in Germany.

Yet even as Stockholm and Saskatoon are percolating with the ideas of Adam Smith, a growing number of prominent Americans are arguing that socialized health care still provides better results for less money.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Treasury Secretary Pushing Tax Reform

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is talking today about reducing corporate taxes across the board:

In an opinion piece published last week, Paulson did not make any specific recommendations for ways the tax code should be changed. But he said areas that should be examined include taxes that discourage capital formation, the current tax depreciation system which does not treat investments uniformly, and targeted tax provisions that add to the complexity of the tax code and contribute to the estimated $40 billion that businesses spend annually on compliance.

This is a terrific development. Come on guys, you can do it...

Over-The-Top Alert: Union Thugs Try To Tie KY Governor To 9/11 Deaths In New York

Stopping "Domestic Partner" Benefits

The Family Foundation is leading the way on getting the legislature to drop Greg Stumbo's "Boyfriend Benefits Plus" program.

Supporters of fiscal sanity on this issue will meet Monday at 2pm in the Capitol Rotunda.

The Senate has already passed SB 5 and the House Democrats are sitting on it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Courier Journal Hides Truth In Plain View

Okay, let's say you see a headline in a newspaper that -- oh, I don't know -- carries the water for Kentucky's liberals day in and day out. The headline looks pretty innocuous. In fact, it reads "U.S. seeks $1.4 mil. over Broadway Cinemas."

Snore, right?

Unless you really care about something called Broadway Cinemas, you could be forgiven for not even reading the story.

But let's say you do anyway. Here it is:

The U.S. Attorney's office in Louisville is suing Raymond M. Burse, Gerald A. Neal, and Walter P. Porter of Louisville, seeking nearly $1.4 million for the Small Business Administration.

The government claims the three guaranteed an SBA loan to the company that attempted to develop a former Winn-Dixie grocery at 13th and Broadway into Broadway Cinemas.

Burse, Neal and Porter have not made payments to the SBA since 2001, the government claims. In addition to $1.39 million, the government seeks daily interest of $189.57 since May 31.

Of those who managed to get past the bland headline, how many people realized "Gerald A. Neal" is a liberal state Senator from Louisville?

Neal should have to declare this as an in-kind contribution to his re-election campaign.

Another Revelation In Fayette Jail Scandal

Lexington Mayor Jim Newberry is making plans to move Fayette County Sheriff Kathy Witt over to the Fayette County Detention Center to serve as the new director.

Senate Agrees To Kill Special Session, Then Start New One In Mid-August

The Kentucky House and Senate have agreed today to kick Governor Fletcher to the curb on domestic partner benefits and a laundry list of spending issues.

In exchange, we will probably wind up with some kind of environmental give-aways in addition to subsidies and tax credits for coal-to-liquid technology.

More Handwriting On The Wall About Casinos

New Jersey has managed to blow a $58 billion hole in its public employee health plan since 1994. They have had casinos operating in that state since 1978.

Kentucky's public employee health plan is not quite so deep in the red yet. Kentucky's state employees should ask themselves who they want making the tough decisions on funding their future benefits, a second-term governor or one who bravely steps up to the plate when asked about this problem and says this:

Bipartisan False Choice On S-CHIP

The Bush budget expands spending on S-CHIP, the health coverage program for children from low-income families who don't qualify for Medicaid, by $4.8 billion over the next five years.

The Louisville Courier-Journal and liberal media elites across the country are too busy convincing everyone that we really want government bureaucrats controlling healthcare choices in America to quibble with facts:

If Mr. Bush ignores compromise, it will prove that, rather than just staunchly conservative, he is reactionary.

To compromise, the lefties want Bush to set aside his $4.8 billion increase in favor of the Senate's $35 billion or the House's $50 billion increase.

Unfortunately for us, even Republicans in Congress are going along with the scam.

What we need is more real "reactionaries" to make the case for getting government to at least slow down its takeover of American healthcare.

The fact is the American tradition of freedom combined with our growing appetite for free stuff is giving us expanding numbers of people who abuse their bodies with junk food and sedentary lifestyles and then run in for their taxpayer-supported medical attention when the damage has already been done. It would be cheaper and more humane to incentivize healthier lifestyles by allowing natural consequences to run their course.

That's one reason I'm not a candidate for anything in the current environment. I would let S-CHIP expire this fall. Weaning working, able-bodied Americans off the government teat is critical to our nation's future.

The liberals' exit strategy from this war -- which we are losing -- is to leap head-first into policies China and the former Soviets are running away from as fast as they can. Congressional Republicans who go along with this are no better than useful idiots.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Reopening A Big Can Of Worms

When a Louisville judge ruled today that Kentucky's law restricting registered sex offenders from living with 1000 feet of places where children congregate is unconstitutional, he did what he had to do.

But when legislators passed the law, they were doing what they had to do as well. Several surrounding states had passed similar restrictions and we didn't want to be a magnet for sex offenders fleeing restrictions in those states.

This will continue to bounce around in the courts, and neighbors of sex offenders will continue to suffer when their streets pop up on sex offender registries.

Legislators will probably have to go back to the drawing board on this one.

The Other Kentucky Dem Primary In 2008

While Hillary Clinton and friends will be ignoring the Bluegrass state's voters next year in our state's meaningless presidential primary, Greg Stumbo and a soon-to-be crowd of Kentucky Democrats will be vying for the right to promote the the agenda of surrender and socialism.

Stumbo announced his plans to run today, but there is no way his fellow Dems allow themselves to be represented by his baggage without a fight. Should be interesting to watch.

Maybe We Should Recruit Wisconsin Employers

Wisconsin is trying to pass socialized medicine and, interestingly, they are admitting how outrageous the costs will be. There is at least one bright spot for Kentucky that I see in Wisconsin's self-imposed misery:

As if that's not enough, the health plan includes a tax escalator clause allowing an additional 1.5 percentage point payroll tax to finance higher outlays in the future. This could bring the payroll tax to 16%. One reason to expect costs to soar is that the state may become a mecca for the unemployed, uninsured and sick from all over North America. The legislation doesn't require that you have a job in Wisconsin to qualify, merely that you live in the state for at least 12 months. Cheesehead nation could expect to attract health-care free-riders while losing productive workers who leave for less-taxing climes.

In other words, they wouldn't even need subsidies or special tax breaks, just an absence of disastrous health insurance policies. There are enough House Democrats who remember well our debacle in 1994. Our experience should serve as a valuable object lesson for citizens of other states as well as our own.

What's Wrong Boys, You Already Have Casinos!

Property taxes are up in Indiana, and Indianapolis just raised income taxes by 65% to fight crime.

While officeholders everywhere in both parties are set on growing spending and entitlements, and given our mounting troubles with public pensions and illegal immigrants on welfare, when are we going to start shrinking government?


Monday, July 23, 2007

Make KEES Awards More Meaningful

Rep. Carl Rollins (D-Midway) is working up another bill to double KEES awards. It is foolish to be giving more money to kids who couldn't get a 3.0 GPA in high school.

By feeding public money to future college drop-outs, we are just raising the cost for everyone else. I like the idea of raising KEES awards, but only for students who can manage to make solid grades in high school.

Making Kentucky Schools Better 2007-2011

The Lexington Herald-Leader has challenged the gubernatorial campaigns to talk about education:

Fletcher needs to explain how he would reverse the backsliding of his first term, and Beshear needs to spell out how he'd do better.

I can't agree more than halfway with the premise that we have backslid under Governor Fletcher. The education establishment which has used its decades at the helm of Kentucky's schools far more effectively to hold us back than anything Fletcher has done since December of 2003, can't really complain about too much except for the use of the ACT exam to better measure achievement.

And I think that is the best thing we have done in a long time.

We must demand that both candidates address education plans for the next four years with specifics. And if Governor Fletcher is looking for another area of his campaign to fine-tune, school choice is just sitting there waiting for him.

Subsidizing Bad Career Choices Means We Will Get More Of Them

The U.S. Senate is expected to introduce a bill today that would dramatically expand unemployment benefits for service workers who claim to have lost their jobs to free trade overseas.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

No Need To Subsidize Zero

Fiscal Conservatives Strike Back

The Kentucky Club for Growth got some well-deserved good publicity today.

A whole lot of what is wrong with our state will go away when more than just a few legislators focus on promoting good policies.

Kentucky's Future Under Governor Beshear

Kentuckians might want to pay attention to the effort to further expand casino gambling in Indiana in order to raise -- you guessed it -- more revenue.

How many times to we have to go through this? States sell casinos as a solution to revenue shortfalls. Then they spend all the money they see coming in and spend more for the added social costs. Then they build more casinos on the promise that just a few more will fix the problem for good.

Then they do it again.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Reforming Med-Mal + Repealing CON = More Doctors, Healthier Kentuckians

It certainly won't be any easier if we fail to dispatch liberal trial attorneys Steve Beshear and Jack Conway in November, but Kentucky needs to take another look at medical malpractice reform.

How about a little real-world evidence that reform actually works?

Greg Stumbo Asleep At The Wheel

There was a whole lot of gouging going on last night and our illustrious Attorney General hasn't done anything about it.

My wife and daughter went to Joseph Beth bookstore in Lexington last night for the Harry Potter release. They picked up a pre-paid copy of the book we bought six months ago for $29 while innocent consumers paid an outrageous $37.

Meanwhile, Walmart was selling the same book last night for $17. Since we are still under a state of emergency from 2005, I assume we should expect a price-gouging lawsuit soon.

This Should Inspire Confidence In Our Leaders

Friday, July 20, 2007

Lots Of New Hot Air In The Rocky Mountains

Get this: former Kentucky liberal blogmeister Mark Nickolas has proof that global warming is cooking Montana.

NIMBY Alert: Beshear Casino Plan For Midway

A Democratic Party source reports Woodford county officials and casino candidate Steve Beshear have cooked up an elaborate ruse to build a stand-alone casino in beautiful Midway, Kentucky.

The site is called the Midway Station Commerce District and is promoted by organizers as something that "will become a vital part of the region as it embodies the values of the New Economy."

But it is really just going to be a casino that will suck the life out of local businesses.

Start Phasing Out Kentucky Corporate Taxes

Over 49% of GOP primary voters this year pulled the lever for candidates who made corporate income tax reduction key planks in their campaign platforms.

It may be difficult for Washington to have a real discussion about lowering federal corporate income taxes, but we shouldn't let that stop us.

The worldwide case for lowering corporate taxes is overwhelming. Eliminating them in one fell swoop is worth considering hypothetically, but politically it is a non-starter.

An across-the-board one percentage point reduction in corporate taxes should easily create enough economic activity to justify talking about further cuts.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

It's Raining Subpoenas!

It's a mess down at the Fayette County Detention Center tonight after federal authorities dumped subpoenas on several suspects and witnesses in the prisoner abuse scandal.

And the city's lawyers are scrambling to drop soon-to-be defendants and to make them get their own legal representation.

The Isaac/Newberry cover-up has just about run its course.

Honor Among Thieves In Indiana

No word yet on how many Kentuckians are among those who may face criminal charges because a big casino in Indiana put the wrong software in one of its slot machines.

Someone should ask Jack Conway what he would do to protect Kentucky consumers in the case of such a screw-up here. And will AG Greg Stumbo do anything to protect his constituents from such a malicious prosecution by another state?

Jack Conway, Consumer Protector Or Not?

Attorney General candidate Stan Lee is on the Leland Conway show in Lexington this morning asking his opponent, liberal activist Jack Conway, to join him in opposition to Steve Beshear's casino gambling scheme.

Jack can't seem to do it, though. All he can manage to do is call Stan Lee names.

For someone who keeps talking about wanting to raise the level of anti-business activism in the Attorney General's office, Jack Conway's continued silence on the casino issue is illuminating. This issue should be a complete non-starter for everyone but Steve Beshear.

Where are you, Jack?

Lightweight Love

The Louisville Courier Journal gets stupid propping up John Edwards.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Time For A New Topic In Gubernatorial Debates

Governor Fletcher and Steve Beshear debated again today and got the most attention for arguing about Beshear's casino gambling "plan."

A more important area of difference to highlight is Beshear's plan to expand government's role in the doctor-patient relationship. Of course this might necessitate a stronger free market position from Governor Fletcher.

He really, really needs to push for repeal of Certificate of Need. Seriously, ask Terry McBrayer.

Short of that, he could start talking about eliminating mandates in health insurance policies. And if he can't do that, at least point out how expensive health coverage will be for all of us when Steve Beshear makes it "free."

Now This is More Like It

Tomorrow the legislature's Interim Joint Committee on Education will meet at the Galt House-West in Louisville. Dr. Robert Barr, author of "How To Create Alternative, Magnet, and Charter Schools That Work" will be there to speak.

Kentucky really needs charter schools.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Getting It Right This Time

I'm hearing good things about Dr. Penney Sanders as a candidate for Kentucky's education commissioner.

Much more on this soon...

Meanwhile, check out John Edwards' fake education reform.

Lexington Jail Scandal Rolling Now

Beth Musgrave at the Lexington Herald Leader is working on the story.
FBI officials later said that they were investigating whether officers at the jail used excessive force on inmates. A Covington federal grand jury has heard testimony in the criminal case. No one has been charged. David Beyer, a spokesman for the FBI, said the investigation is ongoing and he could not say more about the status of the case.

This is about to get very fun...

Kentucky Economic Developers Take Note

The Democratic Party's standard bearer, Senator Hillary Clinton, says as president she will "eliminate incentives for American companies to ship jobs and profits overseas."

Well, we know she is isn't going to lower taxes on any evil corporations. She must be talking about forcing companies to keep operations here or risk facing punishment.

Given that Queen Hillary and Steve Beshear are two politicians who do better only by saying less, it sure would be fun to get them both talking about how they would keep employers from fleeing their respective domains.

Enjoy The Gridlock While It Lasts

It would be pretty hard to deny that House Democrats will come around and support everything on Governor Fletcher's special session call after the election.

Talking On Tuesday

I'll be on the radio this morning talking about pre-filed bills for the 2008 Kentucky General Assembly. Tune in to 630 AM at 10:30 this morning or catch "The Pulse of Lexington" show with Leland Conway on the internet at wlap.com. Just click on "Listen Live" in the top-right portion of the page.

If you haven't already, you might like to go to www.kyvotes.org and sign up for regular updates on what the legislature is doing. They are working on the laws today that you will have to live with tomorrow and Kentucky Votes is a great way to stay on top of their current activities and check up on some of the things they have already done.