Sunday, December 18, 2005

Will Georgia's Sex Offenders Move To Kentucky?

An article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution today discusses some proposed legislation in Georgia that could have an impact on Kentucky and other states that refuse to get tough with sex offenders.

One proposed law would prohibit sex offenders from working within 1000 feet of any place that children congregate. Should this pass (and I think it should) it would cause a mass exodus of sex offenders from the state. Think about it: how do you make sure that you are working 1000 feet away from children? What if a day care center moves in down the street or your employer moves to a building near a school? So the real question is where will these people move when Georgia passes this law, to Tennessee? What happens then?

People who commit sex crimes (especially those against children) should enjoy very minimal freedoms when they are released from prison. At the very least, Kentucky should make laws to establish our state as a place that is extraordinarily inhospitable to these people. If we don't, we may just inherit them as they flee other states who have strengthened their laws.

Some limp-wristed radio host in Lexington got a little whiny back in the summer when I suggested we decriminalize harassment of convicted sex offenders. But when other states start rolling their perverts downhill, we need to make sure that we aren't at the bottom of that hill.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Teachers' Union Weeps, Wails, Gnashes Teeth

As a public school graduate and parent of four young public school students, I would love to see a school voucher system to give people the choice of where to spend the tax dollars dedicated to their child's education.

This would only benefit the sincerely motivated public schools and, more importantly, the students. The schools would have competition, so they would have to survive without the crutch of a government mandated position at the top of the marketplace. The benefit to the children is surely too obvious to need mentioning.

Given this set of circumstances, I find it completely hilarious that the National Education Association issued this press release about a U.S. Senate effort to revive a voucher bill.
The school choice movement is just getting warmed up. And politicians of both parties should know that the status quo mentality will carry a heavy cost for you when school choicers get mobilized.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Liberal KY Group Wants $1.8 Billion Tax Hike

Just in time for the Kentucky General Assembly session to start up, a Kentucky organization is calling for a special kind of tax reform. The Kentucky Economic Justice Alliance wants $1.8 Billion each year in tax increases.

One specific proposal is to increase property taxes by nearly two and half times. Further, the group wants to raise personal and corporate taxes but doesn't say how much.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

What Are They Doing Now?

I might as well beat Mark Nickolas to the punch and give the Fletcher Administration a hard time for sending out a big announcement email trumpeting in capital letters that the state has taken out an advertisement in Forbes Magazine.

This does nothing for the image. Neither does the awkwardly worded announcement with a grammatical error in the first sentence. You will see it soon enough.


Just Exactly What We Are Doing Here

A very funny New York Times Magazine article talks about why they think conservative blogs are more effective than liberal blogs. (You may have to sign up to read the article, but it is free.)

The writer concludes, predictably, that conservative blogs thrive because of the conservative-dominated media that appeals to supporters' emotions and doesn't mind lying to promote an agenda. Liberal blogs, he writes, spend more time examining all sides of an issue and arguing the nuances with other liberals.

While the article is laughably slanted for a publication whose writers manage to keep a straight face when they recoil in horror from charges of bias, it does make one good point. Liberal bloggers are generally less effective when it counts than conservative bloggers.

The "culture of corruption" campaign slogan is effective, for now, on the lefty blogosphere. But when it comes to shedding light on issues that matter to people and not just preaching to the choir, the liberal blogs come up short.

Can the conservative blogs spank the liberals in 2006 like they did in 2004? No one knows. But little of a structural nature seems to have changed since then, except that the mainstream media pays a lot more attention to the blogs. There are many interesting subtexts to this story that I don't want to get into publicly now, but this will be a huge story one year from now.

Democrat Dreams in 2005; Lib Nightmare in 2006?

Watching activist Democrats feel their oats these days with their "GOP culture of corruption" chorus isn't much fun, but it seems to me most likely that their revelry won't last and may already be over. As the merit hiring investigation is about to get some national attention (more on that later), one has to wonder if it has run out of shock value for anyone but the most easily shocked Democrat partisan.

In the real world, inflation numbers out this morning show an actual decrease in November's general price level. That news comes as the media reporting of our nation's economic solid growth of the Bush years stays gagged and bound in the closet. That strategy may continue, but I wouldn't count on it attracting any cross-over votes for Dems next year. The class warfare card won't carry the day in our upwardly-mobile nation.

That leaves out-of-power spinmeisters to rail against the U.S. trade deficit. Seriously, though, I would like to see anyone make a solid case for what is wrong with running trade deficits. Seems to me that with so many foreign entities willing to trade their goods for our little printed pieces of paper, we should feel great pride in our ability to produce wealth and to inspire confidence throughout the world for such transactions. And while Congressman Chandler has made the rounds painting a picture of a U.S. Treasury Bond collapse brought on by hostile Chinese dumping, no credible people see that happening or --even if it did -- having the desired effect.

Running against the "horrible" economic policies of the Bush administration can only hold Democrats' hopes during an election season if the media decides keeping the lid on GDP statistics is more important to them than trying to recover some of their severely damaged credibility. Another Dan Rather incident in 2006 would be a tsunami-like catastrophe for the MSM. They may risk it if their influence continues to dwindle toward niche levels.

Emboldened by their extremists, Democrats seem intent on pushing for socialized medicine and a policy of appeasement for terrorists. Railing against health care costs is easily the better political move, but no amount of reasoning will keep the anti-war movement from crippling what is left of the Democratic Party.

Republican bad actors remain the GOP's Achilles heel, but the national and state Democrats run the risk of blowing their advantage in the Commonwealth's county courthouses. Democrats taking out their own grassroots support at a time that Republicans have handed them so many political opportunities would be extremely difficult for Democrats to overcome for a long time.

The current environment may help Democrats ward off a crushing defeat in 2006, though. That is certainly the conventional wisdom. But their ideas and tactics grow ever closer to running out of steam. Six weeks remain for good GOP candidates to come forward for next year's elections.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Education War, Day Two

Rep. David Floyd (R-Bardstown) fired the shot that could well be remembered as the first one in the battle to bring true reform to Kentucky education with his bill (HB 999) mentioned here yesterday.

Today from his office in Bardstown, Rep. Floyd said that his purpose for filing the bill was indeed to start the conversation about how we should finance our public education system. He also explained that he intends to revise the language in the bill that would mandate 62% of the state budget to go to education costs. The revision will simply add "no more than" prior to the number 62%, setting a ceiling on the portion of the budget that can be eaten up by Big Education. This is a good thing and will allow us to get off the bi-annual demands for more and more tax money for schools. That way, we can turn our focus to changing our approach to education rather than fighting about whether to throw more and more money at it.

In the current budget, the state spends 60.6% of its entire budget on education expenses.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Education War of 2006 Starts

Looks like we might be going back to the voting booth on another constitutional amendment. HB 999, pre-filed today, would call for a vote to decide if spending on education should be mandated at 62% of the state budget.

If nothing else, this will get people talking about education. It is a subject too many Kentuckians have given up on.

Obviously, more money isn't the answer, but I welcome the discussion. Conservatives have the upper hand here. They just need to play it. What a terrific opportunity.

Right To Work For Kentucky To Get Senate Help

Right to work legislation got a boost today when we confirmed that Sen. Damon Thayer is going to sponsor a Senate version of Rep. Stan Lee's much needed workplace freedom bill.

Sen. Thayer can get it passed and then Rep. Bob Damron can steal Rep. Lee's bill just like he did with the fetal homicide bill last year.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Education Liberals Go Wobbly in Kentucky

What exactly does The Prichard Committee on Academic Excellence do in Kentucky? Since they have been "on" academic excellence since 1983, a cynic might conclude that they haven't been doing very much.

But I wasn't that cynical until I went and looked at their website and found that they seem to be little more than a lobbying group for education bureaucrats to demand more money for "education."

Sometimes they do say good things, like that students should work hard and parents should get involved, but their credibility was dealt a crushing blow today.

In much the same way that war protestors say Arabs can't handle democracy, teacher's union officials were thought to be the only people who could claim with a straight face that school choice wouldn't improve schools in poor Kentucky like it does in nearly all the states that outrank our state in scholastic achievement.

So it was in this spirit that the Bluegrass Institute challenged Pritchard's leader Robert Sexton do debate the merits of school choice.

Mr. Sexton took his opportunity to step up, and he punted it.

Republicans in the General Assembly absolutely must take on education improvement issues in the 2006 session. They can start with getting rid of the discredited CATS testing and then move on to school choice. The Democrats have no bullets left in this gunfight. Now is the time.

Grassroots Tax Reform

Take a look here at the latest discussion of the Fair Tax. The people are picking up where the politicians dropped the ball.

And don't look now, but FairTax supporting candidates are 8-0!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Clinton Secretary of State Reads Liberal Blogs

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright can't get it right as Democrats continue to ignore Sen. Harry Reid's good advice to stop talking about the war.

Speaking on the Meet the Press program, Albright repeated the war protestor/liberal blogger/mainstream Democrat talking point that President Bush claimed Iraq was an imminent threat.

For the one millionth time, President Bush told us that if we waited until Iraq was an "imminent threat" it would then be too late.

Republicans have had their problems for the last year or so. But the craziness coming from the loyal opposition on the economy, war, and social/spending/entitlement issues makes it easier for the few bad actors in the GOP to skate by.

Just keep calling Bush a liar, guys. The opportunity that you are throwing away is not only damaging to your party, but also to your country.

You should think about that.

Ken Lucas Opens Mouth, Shoots Self In Foot

Ken Lucas isn't going to run for Congress.

Democrat activists have been, well, active is trying to crank up momentum for a Lucas return to Kentucky's 4th Congressional district. This is coming on the heels of their effort to draft him to run for governor.

The former Congressman's comments about current events seem to be a trial balloon for the Democratic party line. That is unlikely to fly in northern Kentucky, and the next poll will probably convince Mr. Lucas to spend more time with his family.

Some highlights for the "conservative Democrat" file at NRCC headquarters:

"I voted with my commander-in-chief for the war because he said you don't want to see a mushroom cloud over New York or Washington," Lucas said. "It became apparent after the fact that the administration had pretty much made up their mind that they were going; it was just a question of coming up with the rationale."

It's funny that a lot of Democrat poll readers haven't yet figured out the nuances of voter discontent with the war effort. Until they do, they would be well served to take Harry Reid's advice and say nothing at all.

This following quote has special meaning for northern Kentuckians, who deeply understand the value of keeping government close to the people to keep elected officials accountable locally. It seems Lucas is still hot on the idea of consolidating local governments in the name of "efficiency."
"There's a lot of inefficiency in duplication all over Northern Kentucky," he said. "But you have smaller governments who are very protective of their turf. Really, for Northern Kentucky to make some more strides, there needs to be certainly more cooperation and consolidation."

Saturday, December 10, 2005

League of Women Voters Dips Into Lexington Water

Central Kentucky observers who keep hoping for the water condemnation story to die are about to find themselves knee deep in the wet stuff all over again.

The League of Women Voters of Lexington have announced, via a small article in today's Herald Leader, that they have "studied" the condemnation issue and determined they are all for it.

This issue is not going away and truly conservative candidates at all levels in central Kentucky would do very well to embrace the issue and run on it.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Liberal Professor Calls God An Idiot

Here is an article about a Massachusetts professor who takes all his complaints about the human body and concludes that God must be an incompetent.

Kind of puts what they say about George Bush and Republicans into perspective, doesn't it?

Democrats Try To "Social Security" The War

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is urging Democrats to stop talking about the war so they can avoid uncomfortable circumstances like those presented recently by Howard Dean and the increasingly sane and sober Joe Lieberman.

"Just Say No" may be good politics for the Democrats. But the rest of us will spend this Christmas season praying they don't succeed in shutting down national defense the same way they succeeded in killing Social Security reform. After all, their "victory" on entitlements only costs us money.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

America Wins, Democrats Lose

Today, 193 House Democrats voted against extension of the 2003 tax cuts. And yes, Ben Chandler went right along, voting to increase your taxes. Too bad for them, 225 Republicans voted the right way.

"It's for the rich," they will say over and over again. All the multi-millionaires who saw their 15% tax bracket drop to 10% under President Bush know better. The middle class families who will escape the punitive alternative minimum tax do too.

History will show the solid economic gains of the first decade of the 21st century happened despite a world-wide war effort like none before and with the assistance of tax cuts that were delivered by Republicans and fought by Democrats every step of the way.

They tried to "Murtha" the economy and they failed.

Good day.

KY Schools Can't Live With Or Shoot Private Schools

The Kentucky Board of Education is treating the state's private schools like Maureen Dowd wants to treats men: keeping them around for convenience but kicking them to the curb when they get too uppity.

Yesterday, the KBE refused to put an end to the KHSAA's bid to remove private school athletic teams from state playoffs. This comes in the same week we find the KY Department of Education can't show increasing ACT scores without taking credit for private and home schooled students' scores.

Bad week for public education in Kentucky.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

No, Virginia, There is No Guaranteed Benefit

In ruling today that a Social Security recipient's benefits could be seized to pay delinquent student loans, the United States Supreme Court confirmed once again that there is no "guaranteed benefit" in Social Security.

Earlier this year, Congressional Democrats used their megaphone in the mainstream media to beat home the idea that Social Security benefits are guaranteed. This has definitively been untrue since the 1960 Flemming v. Nestor case stated that no such guarantee exists.

The existence of a "guaranteed benefit" was the cornerstone of Democrats' arguments against Social Security reform. Social Security will be insolvent in eleven years.

Sunlight V. Fake Blindness

Interesting article by Ryan Alessi this morning about fundraising in the Supreme Court race beween Justice John Roach and Judge Mary Noble.

It seems that Justice Roach is going to publicize campaign contributions more quickly than required by law. In response, Judge Noble told a group of fifty contributors, apparently to their faces, that she is going to pretend not to see any of them.

Is this what she thinks "justice is blind" means?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

KY Ed. Officials Take Credit For Private ACT Scores

Each year, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) touts the ACT scores achieved by Kentucky high school students. What they don't say is that those scores are skewed upward by the inclusion of scores made by private school students in the state.

The KDE, a state government agency, plays no role in the education of nonpublic-school students.

Accountability for our public schools has been a key federal government issue since 2001. The Bluegrass Institute has published a report that points out this reporting discrepancy and asks why Kentucky's public school officials "would rather hide behind the stellar performance of Kentucky’s nonpublic-school students than acknowledge more than a decade of stagnation in the commonwealth’s public schools. "

KDE spokeswoman Lisa Gross addressed the question by questioning the motives of BIPPS researcher Richard Innes.

"We have concerns about Mr. Innes," Gross said. "I can't refute his numbers but his conclusion is that we are intentionally trying to mislead people. If we had time to do that, we would do a better job of it."

Gross said that scores of thousands of nonpublic students are included in the KDE press releases because the ACT reports them to the state that way. ACT confirms this.

But is the incorrect picture of state school achievement simply the cause of laziness or lack of curiosity on the part of school officials? Gross said it isn't.

"We don't have any way of breaking (public versus nonpublic results) out," she said.

Innes scoffed at this claim. He said that the state's Office of Education Accountability, part of the state's Legislative Research Commission and located less than three miles from KDE, has public school ACT results for individual students going back to 1990. Figuring out the difference between public and private results is then just a matter of subtracting the number of public school students and their scores out.

"It's a simple algebra equation," Innes said.

Monday, December 05, 2005

KY Budget Chairman Finance Scheme Uncovered

Rep. Harry Moberly (D-Richmond), Kentucky's House Budget Chairman, spent money he didn't have last year to keep his office in Frankfort. One full year after the election, he still owes more than $20,000 to a company owned by a Kentucky Democratic Party executive.

One interesting thing about this is that you can pull up "Harry Moberly" on the Ky. Registry of Election Finance website and find an erroneous positive balance $2437.29. This doesn't take into account, though, his carrover debt from last year. To find the truth you have to dig down to the PDF file which shows Moberly's one year old campaign debt of $21,698.45 still owed to Emmons & Company Inc.

Looking at this brings up a few questions: why is Harry Moberly in a position of responsibility over the state budget when he can't even balance his own campaign fund? If corporate campaign contributions are illegal, why is Moberly allowed to carry indefinitely a debt owed to a corporation? At some point doesn't that amount to the same thing? And why does the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance continue to show Moberly's balance nearly $25,000 higher than it actually is?

This budgeting scheme allowed Harry Moberly to spend much more money than he had to get elected. (Good enough for government work, I suppose.) As the Kentucky vote buying scandal works its way slowly to the courtroom, we see some Democrats have moved past bag men, vote haulers, booze and McDonald's coupons. The new trick is to get a corporate sponsor to spend huge chunks of money on a candidate, who can then show it as a carryover debt in perpetuity.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

More Good News: Howard Dean Speaks

At the DNC meeting in Phoenix, Howard Dean pledged that Democrats will campaign in 2006 on taxpayer-provided health insurance for all, giving all illegal aliens legal status, and defense policy ranging from full surrender in Iraq in six months or going ahead and telling the terrorists to hide out for two more years (and pulling out then.)

The highlight, though, was when Dean suggested that Democrats have to talk even more about their core principles: "We have to stand up for what we believe."

Translation: "elect us to raise your taxes and spend it on HillaryCare for citizens and any Mexican who can swim. Then we will bring our soldiers home so they can fight terrorists from the comfort of our American cities."

Can't wait to see what they will stand up for next.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Hillary Clinton Problem

Two serious conditions exist that keep me from feeling too smug about Hillary Clinton's visit to Louisville last night. Fortunately, a third even more serious one will ensure that Hurricane Hillary does most of her damage on the Democrat side of the street.

First the bad news: too many Americans have joined in this hatred of oil companies to take immediate advantage of the fact that Hillary covets the "amazing profits" of American oil companies. She would mandate taking an extra cut of those private funds to establish a government research and development bureaucracy to magically do with speed and without pain what the best scientific minds in the world have not managed to do in decades: replace fossil fuels with something cleaner and just as efficient. This would be a great jumping off point for showing that HillaryCare has been expanded to include Hillary Oil, but too many of the same people who used to understand free markets, supply and demand, and capitalism now concede the premises of the Left. Until so many forgetful Republicans stop taking their economic analysis from the politicians who have actually spun the current string of solid economic growth (not seen since the roaring 1980's, mind you) into the image of a soup kitchen catastrophe, do we have a chance to expose the folly of putting the government in charge of such an important function of our still-free economy.

Also, Democrats persist in railing against the cost of health care when their best answer continues to be to put that cost on the backs of the American taxpayer. A Republican bill currently before Congress would allow people to go across state lines to purchase private coverage. States that haven't fattened health policies with lard-like mandated coverages found in Kentucky, would be a safe haven for many Kentucky health insurance consumers. A private solution to a government-created problem. Again, until GOP "leaders" can put government-run health care for all into a proper perspective, the allure of the single-payer system will persist.

The good news, finally (and, I think, decisively) is about the war. Too many Americans understand (as the flower children don't) that we are in a battle for our survival. No amount of nuanced verbiage will get the Democrats out of the hole they dug for themselves by seeking naked political advantage over the struggle against terrorists. Hillary can be for the war but against torturing terrorists all day long. She won't be trusted when push comes to shove that she can make the tough war-time calls that President Bush has made. Yes, the polls show unhappiness with the war. But I think these negative numbers are lumping in peacenicks with those who would prefer large-scale bombing until everyone we want to capture is turned over by their host countries. The anti-war folks will keep the heat on Democrats and their own tortured positions will just continue to vacillate day by day. This politicking, along with economic Chicken Little-ism (we have ample soundbites of Dems giving the GOP policies all the credit for their imaginary horrible economic conditions) will betray them in 2006.

On a local note, it was interesting that Jonathan Miller showed at the HillaryFest. Could this mean that he is taking himself off the stage in 2007? Or could it mean that he hopes to run as LG to non-attending Crit Luallen in an attempt to broaden a base for that ticket (we are both for and against Hillary!!!)?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Campus Pro-Life Group Making An Impact

On a night that the Democratic Party of Kentucky is meeting with none other than Hillary Clinton to figure out what they stand for, it is wonderful to see the good work that some young people at the University of Kentucky are doing.

They are the UK Students for Life. This week, when the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, UK Feminist Alliance, and other abortion groups staged a forum on campus to discuss abortion, more than two dozen members of UK Students for Life came, listened, and peacefully made their points.

Congratulations to the UK Students for Life and best wishes for continued success!

Thursday, December 01, 2005


On the eve of the Hillary Clinton visit to Kentucky (or, according to Sen. Julian Carroll, just Louisville), Kentucky's Democratic Party Chairman Jerry Lundergan announced this morning that none other than Ted Kennedy may be next.

I was a guest on the Sue Wylie Show talking about why Republicans are as excited about tomorrow's fundraiser as "conservative" Democrats are demoralized about it. Maybe we should start calling them non-liberals.

Anyway, Chairman Lundergan called in. He admitted that the Hillary visit was his idea and then dropped the bomb: Ted Kennedy may be next.

A caller suggested that anything that helped Democrats get their message out was good. I couldn't agree more.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

At Least He Isn't Our Governor

I've been looking for a reason not to post something about a comment by Rep. Ben Chandler this morning. The conventional wisdom holds that he can do little real harm for now from his minority position in the Congress. While that is true (hey, he could be governor!), it is immensely distressing to see such political strength vested in someone with so few actual accomplishments. Nevertheless, there seems to be little hope to gain traction against him and his policy positions even though Congressman Ben Chandler says things like this:

"The upper echelon of people in this country are not being asked to sacrifice anything and they are being given huge tax cuts."

What planet is this guy from, really? Anyone? In a nation whose government is financed by this "upper echelon" he has such a problem with and in a state where most ambitious people strive to climb to the upper reaches of the income scale, one would think that blind, stupid, hateful, and wrong statements like this would carry a price. No such luck when the rhetoric comes from the top Democrat in Kentucky.

Comrade Chandler made his comments this morning on the Jack Pattie Show in Lexington.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Kids Want More, Education Officials Want Less

Saw a very interesting gap between Kentucky high school students and the state's education bureaucrats in two stories in state newspapers. First, the Kentucky Post reports that students want tougher academic standards in public schools. Then, as if on cue, the Louisville Courier Journal reports on a proposal from education bureaucrats asking the federal government to lower the expectations the schools are held to.

I say we go with the kids on this one.

The Kentucky Department of Education wants the 2001 federal standards lowered for them by shifting the focus of testing from reading and math to include social studies, "practical living" (good grief!), and arts and humanities. I'm not sure what they mean by practical living, but suspect they want a pass if our high school students can show mastery of shoe tying skills. Further, they want to lower even the appearance of accountability by dropping annual test requirements and going to every other year. And then, of course, they want a reprieve from the requirement to allow students to transfer from failing schools after two years, making it three instead. That is what this is all about -- resisting calls to increase standards and accountability for doing what schools are paid tax dollars to do.

What we have here are divergent interests. Our children know that their very survival in the knowledge-based economy depends on how much they know. Too many education officials are bureaucratic drones who are too focused on preserving their own cushy jobs without too much work.

Again, I suggest we go with the kids on this one and let the managers of the public school system sweat a little bit.

From a political perspective, I think education could be the perfect wedge issue. Democrats in Kentucky have presided over mediocre results for decades. Republicans should show the courage to make them answer for their failure. Let's make Democrat lawmakers choose between children and their teachers' union supporters.

Hurricane Hillary Hits Friday

Sen. Julian Carroll (D-Mess in Frankfort) commenting today on the Sue Wylie Show about Hillary Clinton's visit to Kentucky:

"She's coming to Louisville. She's not coming to represent the values of Kentucky. She's coming to represent the values of Louisville."

Carroll admitted that he will be at the Louisville event and claimed that Sen. Clinton is trying to change her liberal image, just as he is. He suggested that Republicans are bad, but that he is just as conservative as they are.

There was another funny exchange with a caller in which Sen. Carroll confessed that he voted for John Kerry even though he says he had "disagreements" with "his morals."

This will be lots of fun watching the Democratic Party try to figure out who they are without completely self-destructing before the 2006 elections.

Bush Gets GOP Back In The Saddle On Immigration


Monday, November 28, 2005

Earth to Hillary: The Economy Is Good

This Friday, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) will have an opportunity to take her national "listening tour" to the average folks in Kentucky. That is, all the average people in Kentucky who put up $10,000 to get close enough for a photo with The Smartest Woman in The World.

We can only hope that one of these good folks will share these economic statistics with her.

Which One Is The Frontrunner?

The race for the 2007 Democrat gubernatorial nomination is on. Otis Hensley has filed with the Registry of Election Finance to start raising money. He will be facing Gatewood Galbraith.

At this rate, I can't imagine who will be next to file.

This Will Help: Democrats Want To Be "Mommy"

Now this is pretty funny. A Madison, Wisconsin man has written a children's book and called it "Why Mommy is a Democrat."

He claims that five percent of the proceeds from sales of the book will go to the Democratic Party. If the sample pages on their website are any indication, Kentucky's "conservative" Democrats might want to run away from this faster than they run from Hillary's Friday night soiree in Louisville. My favorite was "Democrats make sure we all share our toys, just like Mommy does."

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Media Waking Up to CATS Story

Two full weeks after Kentucky Progress reported on the Bluegrass Institute's (BIPPS) dismantling of Kentucky's fraudulent school accountability program, the media is starting to report on the disturbing findings.

It is about time.

This is a clear-cut tale of government abuse of children. The Commonwealth Accountability Testing System (CATS) very simply allows manipulation of school testing results. Parents then have an erroneous picture of the quality of education provided to their children. This is indisputable.

It is clear that repairing this instance of firmly entrenched waste, fraud, and abuse will involve clearing out more of the status quo holders in Frankfort. Anyone who has driven by the Kentucky Department of Education headquarters in Frankfort during election season knows that they function as a subsidiary of the Democratic Party. Republicans in Frankfort would do very well to make the education lobby take responsibility for their malfeasance.

Yes, I said malfeasance. If you have any doubt, you need only look at the quote from the Kentucky Department of Education's Lisa Gross. Her analysis of the BIPPS 50 page report was a curt "There's a lot wrong with it."

Oh, really? Can Ms. Gross name one thing wrong with the report, other than the fact that it embarrasses the education establishment in the state? Her arrogant answer suggests that the KDE has been exposed and hopes to spin it and make it all into some Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. But get this: the Bluegrass Institute has challenged Kentucky's top education officials to a debate about testing issues. Now that is something I would like to see. The bureaucrats have, unsurprisingly, gone underground into their no-debate spider hole.

Will the media stick to this very real story with anything like the tenacity our children deserve?

Sure hope so. I mean, it has everything: big money, big power, disadvantaged children pushed out of sight and high-achieving children used as unwitting accomplices to cover up the fraud. I suppose if the school officials literally took to defecating on our children, it would make front page, live at 6:00 news everywhere. That is essentially what they are doing. It is disgusting.

Maybe we should tell them it is all Ernie Fletcher's fault. Then the reporters would be on it like ducks on a June bug.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Terrorist News Network Shares Talk Points With D's

Amazing how this sounds just like what we keep hearing from the American Left.

Your Tax Dollars At Work: UK Studies Gay Politics

Take a look at this "Confidence in Government" study underwritten by the University of Kentucky. It seeks to survey people on the internet and the title seems fairly innocuous. But the survey questions seem to be predominantly interested in homosexuals, homosexuality, and the politics of homosexuals.

Surely this wouldn't have anything to do with the upcoming Lexington city council races, would it?

The Perfect Partisan Issue: Education

Just finished reading another petulant appeal for throwing more piles of money at the Kentucky education establishment. The author, unsurprisingly, is a former Speaker Jody Richards (D-Bowling Green) staffer.

As I was reading, it occured to me that there is bi-partisan agreement on the existence of a problem in education, but conservatives and liberals have almost no point of agreement on the path to improvement.

Republicans have historically done a poor job of taking advantage of Democrats single-minded clamoring for more money.

It is too easy. Asked what they would do with more money, Democrats insist that higher teacher pay is the answer. But we now know that Kentucky's teachers are the fifth best compensated in the United States.

More money isn't the answer. A different philosophy is.

Conservatives insist on higher standards, tough discipline, and accountability. Liberals champion permissiveness in the classroom. And when it come to holding the schools accountable, they permit outright fraud in the CATS program.

It has been two weeks since the Bluegrass Institute exposed very serious problems with the testing system that we use in Kentucky to evaluate our schools. The GOP is missing a fantastic opportunity to make real improvements to the schools that Democrats have papered over for decades.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Frankfort Should Change KEES Statutes

If the primary function of the KEES program is to hold Kentucky students in the state's public schools and colleges, then the way the program is set up makes sense. But if the purpose is to maximize educational opportunities for Kentuckians, then it needs a little work.

Currently, KEES money is not available to high school seniors taking college courses, nor is a full award available to home-school students. A college student may not currently use a KEES award for summer term courses.

All of these restrictions need to be eliminated.

A high school senior could have accumulated a $2000 annual award that will benefit no one if he or she plans to go out of state for college. A student who is undecided about plans for college or leaning toward going out of state could wind up spending some quite unproductive months during a senior year of high school. Allowing such students to use up a year of KEES money could provide substantial academic benefit to a student who would also be getting a taste of a state college that he might not otherwise have received.

Home school students who are limited to a KEES supplemental award are being penalized for not going to public school. This should only be so if we seek to make the primary beneficiary the public schools themselves. That's bogus. A home-schooler with a 28 on the ACT should be entitled to a full KEES award.

And students who go out-of-state to college could benefit from a KEES award spent at home on summer school.

These changes are a no-brainer improvement to the educational opportunities provided by the KEES program to the citizens of Kentucky. But of all the education lobbying going on in Frankfort, the only people who are not represented are the public school students. The effort necessary to correct these shortcomings in the law will help put the focus where it belongs.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

No More Lip Service: Let's Boycott CATS

You wouldn't know it if you just get your news from Kentucky's big newspapers, but the Kentucky Department of Education's CATS testing has been shown to be a fraud.

So enjoy your Thanksgiving. Rest and relax with family and friends this weekend.

On Monday, we start a full-fledged frontal assault and boycott of the wasteful CATS.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Crack To An Addict: More Money For "Education"?

Some things are just too far gone to fix. That is the case with Kentucky's government strategy for educating its population. It should be self-evident to everyone who doesn't depend directly on the status quo that blindly pouring more money into our state's public school bureaucracy is a bad idea.

And it is getting worse.

So that is why it was so curious to see "EDUCATION UNDERFUNDED" as the bold headline on the jump page in today's Herald Leader. The front page headline for the story was "State's job skills come up short" and the story was one of the typical agenda-driven factoid-laden pieces that gives the newspaper its bad reputation.

Seriously, look at who they interviewed. I count three Democrat politicians and one of them was Paul Patton! The didn't dare interview one single person who might have contradicted their premise. Our vaunted watchdogs serve so poorly when they shovel out this kind of stuff.

We continue to poor more money into public education, though the percentage of total spending decrease statistic that the paper tried to stick to Ernie Fletcher this summer was dutifully trotted out again.

Raising standards and average expectations at the primary and secondary level remains the only way to improve our education results. That doesn't take more money. Our legislators need to return disciplinary discretion to the teachers. We need to clean out the sham elements of the CATS testing and cut layers of education "management" at the county, district, and state levels.

But we already know this stuff.

The main idea of the news story today was that if we just put more money into secondary schools we wouldn't have to put state money into corporate worker training programs. But the same solution fits here. If teachers had more control in the classroom, dealing with disruptive children would not take up so much instruction time. If students had to meet higher standards to advance through school, more of them would be able to think more analytically as adults, making public financing of workplace remediation less necessary. Too much of our current focus is on the bottom tier students in our schools. If we took some simple steps to unshackle our top tier of students, they could excel with very minimal supervision at the secondary level. That would free up resources to push middle tier students toward their potential and past the point that such large numbers as at present graduate high school unable to survive either in the workplace or in freshman level college courses.

Our education bureaucrats are failing the challenge to increase productivity in the classroom. We should give more effort to helping them philosophically approach their jobs more effectively before acquiescing to their demands for more money.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Gatewood Galbraith First Dem Governor Candidate

Perennial candidate Gatewood Galbraith just announced on WVLK's Kruser and Krew program that he will register as a Democrat and run for Governor of Kentucky in 2007.

"The Democratic nominee will be the Governor in 2007," Galbraith said.

The "Last Free Man in America" isn't ready to totally buck his party boss, Jerry Lundergan, who is calling on Dem candidates to avoid expensive primary battles. Gatewood said he will meet with Rep. Ben Chandler soon and step aside if the Congressman wants to run himself.

The dynamics of a Gatewood campaign could be very interesting. If several Democrat opponents come forward, he should get lost in the crowd. An interesting possibility is that he could throw a Hail Mary attack against the eventual nominee and damage him (or her) for the fall. In a one-on-one battle for the nomination, this would have to be considered highly likely to occur.

Okay, guys. Who's next?

Meanwhile, as the Dem circus gets underway, Governor Fletcher announced penalties against Anthem Health Plans and ordered them to return $23.7 million to policyholders. Good job!

Iran's Parliament Urges Nuclear Reprisal Against Us

While the Worldwide Left is chattering about another memo (this one has President Bush bombing Al Jazeera, the Islamic media outlet), the Iranian Parliament voted to move ahead with the preparation of nuclear weapons if the UN persists in investigating Iran's preparation of nuclear weapons.

This is a much bigger story than Murtha/Sheehan. This is nuclear brinksmanship with a rogue fundamentalist regime is infinitely more serious than any coming out of the mouths out Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Howard Dean.

Incidentally, Iran has also jumped on the Murtha/Sheehan bandwagon and called for the United States to pull out of Iraq. Go figure.

Jim Gray On The Sue Wylie Show

Okay, so Lexington City Council candidate Jim Gray is just another liberal politician. What are we going to do about it?

Gray insists on continuing the long-dead issue of government theft of Kentucky American assets. Gray says he supports domestic partner benefits for city employees. And he doesn't recognize the private property rights of business owners who wish to allow smoking in their places of business. He fills in the rest of his speaking with psycho-babble about "good business practices."

There is still time for conservative candidates to emerge. When they do, they must not (and conservative activists must not) bring up the homosexual issue or anything close to it. There will be enough praise for his "courage" to run given his homosexuality to remind Mr. and Mrs. Voter of this controversy.

If handled correctly, having Gray on the ballot could benefit conservatives across the board in 2006. That means focusing on how domestic partner benefits makes it easier for unmarried heterosexual couples to live together, perpetuating an absence of personal responsibility that these heterosexuals pass on to their offspring. When conservatives make that case, and show the public how liberals want to shift personal responsibility away from the individual and toward the government, we win. Unfortunately, conservatives face a two-front battle because of Republican politicians who forget our values once they get elected.

Voter registration numbers continue to shift toward the GOP. As the Democrats try to battle their diminishing influence by stifling internal debate and shunning primary battles, Republicans are gaining greater strength and grow closer to the time that we in Kentucky can vote to "throw the bums out" from both parties.

"Bush Lied, My Brains Are Fried!"

Liberal blogger awaiting new signal from the Mother Ship.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Congressman Murtha, Your Fifteen Minutes Are Up

Democrats are destroying their own credibility on the Terror War.

Luckily, Rep. John Murtha continues to talk.

"The public turned against this war before I said it," Murtha whined about the backlash against his statement that we should pull out of Iraq immediately. Murtha was for the war before he was against it.

Democrats failed on Friday to support their own backseat driving on the war with actual votes. The resolution calling for a full surrender failed 403 to 3.

No amount of wishful thinking by liberal activists can keep support for the war from being the number one issue until we have a decisive victory. Seems like they would get on board with the war and get back to what is left of their domestic agenda. Sticking in the middle of the road on this one isn't going to do anything but give Republicans a pass on whatever they want to do. To be frank, America needs better from their opposition party.

Jim Gray For Lexington City Council

It is too early to make endorsements for Lexington's 2006 local races, but I think Jim Gray could make a very effective At-Large Councilman. His business experience is the main reason for my interest. Central Kentucky's largest city needs more serious leaders to compete in the years ahead.

Yes, Jim Gray is the man who publicly "came out of the closet" recently. And yes, I campaigned last year to define marriage as between one man and one woman. But with that battle won, I think we can look more to the qualifications for office. Jim Gray should be able to do the job very well. It will be very interesting to see how he puts his campaign together.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Another Day With No Democrat Plan On Iraq

Last night, Congressional Democrats refused to support the Cindy Sheehan Resolution and it failed by a 403 to 3 vote.

Rep. John Murtha, who made headlines earlier this week by calling for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq, turned his back on the measure which would have given him what he said he wanted.

Given last night's cut and run by the Dems, one might expect them to try again to find their voice on this or any other issue. Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer made statements at the end of this article which suggest in no uncertain terms that they still can't get it done.

Interesting that three Democrats put their money where their mouths were and voted to go ahead and surrender to the terrorist insurgency's base in Iraq. Cynthia McKinney of Georgia is a known Islamic terrorist supporter. Robert Wexler of Florida was the one Democrat courageous enough to admit their plan for Social Security is just massive tax increases. Jose Serrano of New York is an avid supporter of Communist dictator Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who is cooking up a proletarian revolt for Serrano's district in the Bronx.

The sorry spectacle of Democrats shrieking and tussling in the House chamber last night exposed to the world that they won't engage in serious consideration of vital issues until they have their precious power back. With behavior like they have exhibited recently, they could be in for a long wait.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Battle Lines Drawn On Spending In Washington

Don't let news stories that describe last night's vote on HR 4241 as one that "squeezes programs for the poor" or even as a "major budget cut bill" mislead you. The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (or what was left of it) was a pitifully small reduction in the rate of growth of a few programs.

Democrats who try to make hay out of Republicans pushing homeless children on train tracks will only succeed to the extent that the media so shamelessly plays along with their gambit. Unfortunately, conservative media serves the public poorly as well by fostering the illusion that $50 Billion in actual cuts were created last night.

Budget "cuts" proposed for future years hold no weight whatsoever, so the $50 billion is, in reality, little more than a quiet suggestion. But in the political world, it is the line in the sand. All House Democrats plus Socialist Bernie Sanders voted against the bill, rejecting even a whiff of slowing down entitlement growth. So while taxpayers gained nothing from last night's vote, citizens gained a voter's guide for 2006 elections containing a list of the entire Democrat/Socialist caucus who stand in opposition to Republican spendthrifts in Congress only in the sense that they are worse.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

A Crumbling Foundation: House Can't Muster Deficit Reduction

House Republicans in Washington are trying to pass the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 but weak Republicans are joining Democrats and killing it off.

This bill would merely reduce the growth rate of spending and provide straightforward reforms to Medicaid requested by the nation's governors.

Democrats are, as usual, charging that Republican cuts will leave poor people eating cat food. Sadly, Congressman Ron Lewis isn't taking a position on this commonsense legislation.

Omnibus Post Blasts Democrats And Republicans

If you haven't read Caleb Brown's takedown of omnibus bills, go ahead and read it now. These are the bills that combine many different policy initiatives in one bill. The example cited by Mr. Brown is Governor Fletcher's tax modernization bill. He has a point, of course, and small government Republicans in Frankfort who held their noses and voted for the "revenue neutral tax increase" know all too well. Most galling is that Brown quotes a Democrat lawmaker who complains that he didn't want to vote for the bill because of the tax increase on business, but had to because failure to support the whole thing would have cost his district dearly. He has a point and Democrats have already shown an eagerness to beat GOP candidates over the head with it next year.

And this happens on a day that a Dem Congressman from Pennsylvania urges us to go ahead and surrender in Iraq. Inconsistency among conservatives makes it pretty hard to keep Democrats in their little left-leaning box. In a time that even Hillary Clinton is trying to wear the conservative label, Republicans have to know that they are hurting conservatism itself when they seek to avoid issue-driven debate.

Another Transportation Cabinet Scandal Brewing?

Mark Hebert's story is online regarding an alleged bid-rigging scandal in the Transportation Cabinet. No smoking gun in last night's report, but sources indicate that the rest of the story might be a little more troublesome.

So far, though, I don't see much to this story. The evidence that I am familiar with seems to indicate that it doesn't go any higher than David Jones, though Jones suggests otherwise. But Mark Hebert says he is still working on it and thinks it goes higher up, so stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Frankfort Rumors: Trouble in Transport?

Mark Hebert is promoting a "big story" for 5:00 on WHAS in Louisville. He says he has uncovered details related to contracts on Transportation Cabinet work. The KSP is investigating.

This doesn't look good.

Media Helps KY Public Schools Hurt Kids, Waste $

Kentucky's Education Industrial Complex rules most counties (where the public school system system is often the largest employer) and, unfortunately, holds sway over our intrepid media outlets across the Bluegrass as well.

The Bluegrass Institute issued a damning report on Monday about the state's fraudulent use of CATS testing to avoid accountability and waste countless hours and taxpayer dollars. Several advance copies of this report went out on Saturday. So how many of our mainstream talkers, news writers, or news readers have explored these findings in order to protect the taxpayers and the children of this state?


That's pathetic. The Soviet Union was the gold standard of burying inconvenient bad news. Is that what you guys are up to? Apparent media complicity here is sickening.

If Governor Fletcher is looking for an issue to champion, this is it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Councilman Bill Farmer Splits The Baby On Water?

Supporters for condemnation of Kentucky American Water Company were reduced at the end to appealing to a nebulous fear of outsiders. Mayoral candidate Bill Farmer veered dangerously close to joining them today when he said "I do not believe it is in the best interest of Lexington for anyone other than the community or a community-based group of investors to own the (water) system."

While condemnation for its own sake was never a good idea, bowing to the xenophobiacs by calling for "local ownership" is more likely to make sense politically than it does economically. I don't think it works either way, though. Every other municipality in the world views inflows of capital as a good thing. Farmer is already marked with a big "B" for business because of his anti-condemnation stance. Now is not the time to go wobbly, even if it is just posturing rhetoric.

Democrat Surrender Vote Fails

U.S. Senate Democrats today failed in their bid to force President Bush to set a "timetable" for removing troops from Iraq.

Thirty nine Dems and idiot Lincoln Chafee voted for the "surrender in advance." The people whose fanatical thirst for political power contrasts their meekness before terrorist murderers don't seem to understand the results of recent polls. Republican discontent with President Bush has more to do with his capitulation to the Left on such issues as tax and Social Security reform, education reform, and Medicare.

Louisville-bound Hillary Clinton, by the way, voted French on this one.

Thanks to Kentucky Senators Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning for standing strong.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Hey, Let's Dumb Down Our Colleges Too!

Rep. Rick Nelson (D-Middlesboro) has pre-filed a bill that would direct Kentucky legislative staff to "study" the cost of college textbooks. Maybe the Democrats are cooking up a plan to "fix" higher education expenses just like they "fixed" health insurance back in 1994.

Nice spin on the current "gouging at the pump" craze, but not any more realistic than that or the utopian health insurance mess Governor Jones (D-of course) gave us.

Those kids don't need no book learnin' !!!

Bad News Travels Fast

Campaign finance reports are in and Governor Fletcher has raised $218,165.00 and spent $86,973.93.

This is not good and the Dems will be crowing as soon as they see it.

KEA's Shame: Waste, Fraud, Abuse on CATS Test

The folks at Bluegrass Institute have done it again.

As a parent of public school students, I have learned that demanding more gets good results. We learned last week that the teachers' union demands for more pay is another false alarm. Now we see that our program for testing accountability is a complete sham.

I don't see any need to send our kids to school on CATS testing days to prop up this garbage.

Such abuse of underpriviledged children should be the kind of thing the media would jump all over. Where are they?

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Purge The Mergers: Danville Mayor Goes Wild

Mayor John Bowling will hold a press conference Monday at 5pm at Danville city hall to discuss creating a single government for Boyle County.

Small government advocates may view this as a way to create fewer politicians. The problem is that the remaining office holders have more power and are less accountable to the people they represent.

If Danvillians really want to do something good, they should change their city government from a commissioner form of government to one represented by a city council. Commissioners serve the same purpose as a council, but are all elected citywide and oversee different areas of city government. This makes them accountable primarily to the city workers. A city councilman represents a specific geographic region and is accountable primarily to the people in that district.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Mike (Nancy Pelosi) Weaver Talks Smack

Rep. Mike Weaver is running for Congress against Ron Lewis. His official announcement is coming next week, but the DCCC has been blowing in his ear for months now. It is going to happen.

Interviewed recently, Weaver was bragging about how sticking him with the liberal label wouldn't work. That may be so when he is running for his safe little seat in Frankfort, but this is the big leagues. In a narrowly divided House, a vote for any Democrat is a vote for San Francisco freak Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House.

Exposed: KY Teachers 5th Highest Paid In Nation

State legislators buckled last year under agonizing pleas from the teachers' union that its members could not afford to feed their families if they were forced to absorb higher health care costs. Kentucky's education "reformers" have claimed for years that education nirvana could be found on the other side of higher pay for teachers.

We have been duped.

A study from the Raleigh, North Carolina-based John Locke Foundation has ranked the total compensation for public school teachers by state. Kentucky has long been listed at the bottom of educational achievement surveys and it is ranked 34th in terms of teacher salary. But when total compensation and cost-of-living are considered, Kentucky is ranked number five in the nation.

Here is the report.

The folks at the Bluegrass Institute told me about this one. They work on some very interesting things to improve education in Kentucky and are finding surprisingly little support from "conservative" and "family-friendly" legislators of both parties. Their plan is to take their information directly to parents. God help the politicians who stand in the way of this train when it gets moving.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

With Republicans Like This, Who Needs Democrats?

Let me get this straight: the GOP in Washington is killing off tax cuts as unaffordable, spending cuts as unpopular, energy independence as unfriendly to moosekind, and Medicaid reform as unfair.

Meanwhile here at home, the big press conference of the day is another weak (and failed) attempt to redirect the merit hiring debacle. The gathering conservative storm may not play out as some elected Republicans are hoping.

What continues to happen is that elected Republicans leave their right flank exposed for Democrats to out-conservative them. The only saving grace is the national Democrats. I certainly understand the strategy of reduced expectations, but aren't we making it a little easy for the lefties, their utter lack of workable ideas intact, to build support at our expense?

Bluegrass Institute Takes The Lead

It's a good day when the folks at BIPPS speak up. Today is looking like a very good day, indeed.

FALSE ALARM UPDATE: While today is shaping up to be a pretty good day at BIPPS, I'm told their explosive report on education in Kentucky will not be released until Monday. Kentucky Progress will have the first complete synopsis available ASAP.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Another Liberal Senator Coming To Louisville

The Louisville Courier Journal reports that Sen. John McCain is coming to Louisville December 14 to sell his book.

Democrats Cast Blame, Eat Fish in Danville

The Danville (KY) Advocate Messenger reports on a political rally in which Democrat officials attacked Republicans.

The money quote was from House Speaker Jody Richards who said "I'm proud to be a Democrat, proud to live up to the Democrats' message."

Which message is that, exactly, Speaker Richards?

Maybe we can ask him December 2 in Louisville at the Hillary Clinton fundraisers. Clinton will be in town to raise money for her pro-abortion, higher taxes, and nationalized health care Senate campaign in New York and, presumably, to benefit this same "message" for Democrat candidates in Kentucky. No word yet on how they are going to handle the Democrats' surrender-first foreign policy message or their special rights for gay adoptive parents message.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Grassroots Support Only For Good Republicans

Tall tales about a national Democrat resurrection in 2006 notwithstanding, individual donors continue to pour comparatively more money into GOP organization coffers. The notable exception is the National Republican Senatorial Committee, likely because of the "moderate" GOP group in that body.

In other words, a Dem takeover looks very unlikely unless they can figure out a way to be more conservative than the Republicans. Meanwhile, we have some breathing room to demand some more accountability from our Republican elected officials. That is a good thing.

Democrats Still Hiding Policy Positions

Roll Call reports that national Democrats have given up their efforts to express any specific agenda for America for now. This latest failure comes as Kentucky Democrats celebrate the far-out liberal achievements of Sen. Hillary Clinton (like her 8% rating by Citizens Against Government Waste; worse even than John Kerry's 25% failing grade and Ben Chandler's 15%).

What could they be trying to hide?

Monday, November 07, 2005

Typical Politician: On Both Sides Of The Issue

Ben Chandler supports his liberal friends' efforts to condemn Kentucky American Water, but now has a press release urging "strong safeguards to protect private property owners from having their property seized by the government." His distinction is that now he is talking about the U.S. Supreme Court's Kelo decision, but the difference in principle is non-existent.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Go Figure: Tax Reform Panel Speaks; We Yawn

For all of President Bush's talk about spending his political capital in his second term, the conservative revolution has misfired badly with him at the helm these last ten months.

Or has it?

Social Security Reform was bludgeoned nearly to death, but the Democrats with their hammers came off looking a little like the Arabs dancing in the streets on 9/11. Sure, they won. But the red ink that Social Security is drowning in will soon have voters wondering what all the celebrating in 2005 was all about.

The end runs around the crazed enviro-fascists will soon have us drilling for oil in the ANWR wilderness. This will clearly open the way to more domestic exploration that will substantially reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

The revolt by the most fiscally conservative House Republicans will likely result in reduced pork spending. A similar mutiny by conservative Senate Republicans will certainly result in the confirmation of a solid Supreme Court justice.

So now the President's own Advisory Panel on Tax Reform has issued its ideas for simplifying our tax system and everyone is waiting to see what the vox populi declares.

When President Reagan left the White House in 1989, the conservative movement suffered from the loss of a great champion. Could it be that President Bush will leave us stronger in his absence because of the way he has drawn out our liberal opponents from their fortifications with their arguments pulled down around their ankles?

I think so, yes.

The question then becomes "Can we do the same thing here in Kentucky?" Can the ground troops of the Bluegrass conservative movement wrest control of the Republican party and the social objectives that drew us to it from those who would use it for self-aggrandizement? Can we force discipline on a state government that raised our taxes last year, and continues to this day to keep us mired in an upward spiral of health insurance costs that could be alleviated with the stroke of a pen, just as the downward spiral of our public education system could be stopped dead in its tracks with a simple reform of higher standards and fewer layers of administration?

I think so, yes.

I don't know how much credit history will give President Bush for advancing conservative principles, but I fear that Kentucky will squander its opportunity for advancement without stronger conservative leadership. A few good men and women are working to change our course. I believe that 2006 will be their year.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Socialized Medicine: HillaryCare Coming To KY

We have confirmed with Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign that she is making plans to come to Louisville in December. It will be a beautiful thing to watch the "conservative" gaggle of Kentucky Democrats flit about in and out of her majesty's limelight like moths fascinated by a Bug Zapper.

Please, let this happen!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Another Inexplicable Hiring Move In Frankfort

When the Fletcher Administration set up the Office for Merit System Referrals in October, we complained that it seemed a poor use of state resources. That the office was soon scrapped may have had more to do with its director dissing Democrats on his website, but the taxpayers dodged a bullet either way.

Now we have word that the Personnel Cabinet will be expanded by 35 jobs costing $72,000 each. What in the name of fiscal insanity is going on here?

Conservatives who rose up in opposition to the Harriet Miers nomination have to be emboldened by the President's subsequent about-face. Is it time for Kentucky Republicans to take a similar approach?

Like Rush Limbaugh said, not a crack-up but a crack-down. I think the time is right.

Media Hound Strikes Again!!

I will be a guest on The Sue Wylie Show this morning at 11:00 to talk about the President's Advisory Panel on Tax Reform. Their consensus plan doesn't do nearly enough, but that is the next thing on the table. Tune in to 590 AM and call in to 859-253-5959.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Racist, Homophobic Republican Plot Uncovered!!!

Rep. Brad Montell (R-Shelbyville) must really hate people of color and members of other disadvantaged groups, a Frankfort citizen alleged today.

Rep. Montell filed a bill (BR 272) that would require citizens registering to vote to obtain a signature from a witness on their voter registration card. It is not clear how much of a burden this will place on dead voters on Election Day, but vote merchants complain that involving one extra person in the registration process would unfairly spread the legal liability for generating excess registrations.

"It would have a chilling effect, that's for sure," said a vote merchant named Tony.

Rep. Montell could not immediately be reached to comment on his bill, but liberal groups agreed that his intent was clearly racist and anti-human rights.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Back On Track: Alito Nomination Suggests Revival

Harry Reid is babbling about President Bush's Supreme Court nomination being outside the mainstream. All is well in the universe again.

Tomorrow, the President's Tax Reform Commission is to announce its final recommendations at 10:00 AM. This is Bush's big opportunity to move the ball forward. I think it would be wise to point out that Republicans gave Social Security reform a good try only to be shut down by Democrats, RINO's, and the mainstream media. If we get no action this year, we can campaign on it in 2006. And it would be lots of fun if the Dems try to filibuster Alito. Stay tuned.

Sen. Joey Pendleton Is From Mars -- And Venus

Some Democrats are still upset about Rep. James Carr switching to the Republican Party earlier this month. Senator Joey Pendleton is so hysterical his statements might lead voters to believe that he will be the next elected Dem to come on over to the right.

Pendleton (D-Hopkinsville) shrieks about "Democrats in the state House and Senate who are overwhelmingly anti-abortion and strongly supported the constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriage."

Bluegrass liberals must be despondent now that one of their own "leaders" is re-writing history (and his party's platform) to paper over not only Democrats' fascination with abortion-on-demand, but also the shining moments in last year's Kentucky General Assembly session when Democrats sought repeatedly in broad daylight to kill SB 245, succeeding once. Ultimately, the majority house Democrats turned to tapioca in the face of thousands of citizens marching on the Capitol in support of the bill. It was only then, as a last resort, that they started this "strongly support" business.

Someone should send press clippings of last spring's doings to Pendleton as well as a copy of the Democrat Platform. If he is as "conservative" as most elected Democrats now claim to be, he will switch his registration. Failing that, he will look at the hero's welcome given to Jumpin' Jim Jeffords when he jumped right to left in the U.S. Senate. Liberals then praised the "act of conscience" and didn't bother with any of this hand-wringing, bed-wetting sophistry we hear from them now.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Moron State Hiring Investigation

If you read the Lexington Herald Leader online, you know that at the bottom of every story about the merit hiring scandal, they have a link to all the related stories going back to the beginning. The label for this link is "More on the state hiring investigation." We are well past the point that any Republican who publicly demands the immediate end of the grand jury investigation deserves the title "MORON." Even when his other title is "President."

David Williams: assuming that you really said "It will put legislators in a bad mood" in calling for a halt to the festivities, you are a moron.

I've seen all the talking points, speeches, etc. The window of opportunity to salvage anything from this trainwreck is closing quickly. We must stop all the "noodling" BS and the attacks on the Attorney General.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Is Exxon Getting Roved?

While Karl Rove is, for the time being, not under indictment for an action that is not a crime, ExxonMobil Inc. is under attack for doing its job.

What is so hard to understand? Exxon makes money pulling black, sticky stuff out of the ground and selling it. The price of said sticky stuff jumps and you are surprised that profits climbed as well?

Where were all the people now so concerned over the oil business inner workings the last few years when Exxon was providing petroleum products at lower margins?

While Greg Stumbo wouldn't shock anyone if he started suing petro companies, it is sad to see Washington D.C. Republicans getting in on the act. Maybe they didn't understand what conservatives did to Harriet Miers.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Incumbent Protection Act Filed In Frankfort

Rep. Bill Farmer (R-Lexington) has pre-filed a bill that would criminalize the use of a person's name or picture in advertising without consent. I guess this could be defended as an effort to eliminate negative campaign ads. If that is the idea, then it is a stupid one.

If there is a problem with an incumbent, a challenger's ability to point that out is severely hampered under this bill. Saying "Ben Chandler votes like an anti-capitalist tree-hugging enviromaniac" might impress upon voters the need to explore Rep. Chandler's sorry track record. But having to say "The current occupant of the Sixth Congressional district seat votes like an anti-capitalist tree-hugging enviromaniac" shackles the opponent and forces the voter to figure out who is being outed for bad votes in Congress on oil exploration issues that could help lower prices at the gas pump.

UPDATE: I spoke to Rep. Farmer. He said that he didn't mean for the bill to come out so broad in its scope, but I'm not sure I feel much better about the explanation for what he did intend. He said the bill was in response to a local Fred "God Hates Fags" Phelps clone who put pictures of a dead Marine on his website. Rep. Farmer says that an Oklahoma bill in a related case caused a similar picture to be removed from a website produced there. Rep. Farmer said the bill will be re-written so that it doesn't affect political candidates. I remain concerned about the apparent abridgement of Free Speech.

By the way, I would have missed this one without the good work of Caleb Brown at His site is terrific.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Democrats Meet To Develop Slogan

This story made the front page of The Hill newspaper.

Hilarious. They are working on something like "Together, We Can Do Better." Given their recent record of failure, I know they hope so. More importantly, one might hope this indicates a willingness to rethink their obstinate resistance to reform of America's military, tax system, and social policies. We doubt it, though.

Kentucky's Democrats are always talking about how they are different than national Dems. So what should their slogan look like?

How about a few suggestions:

"We're different, but we still need union thugs."

"Kentucky Democrats: All The Rhetoric, Fewer Calories"

"You're All Right With Republican Lite"

"We're Not Liberals, But We Do Like Socialized Medicine, Higher Taxes, And Surrendering Like The French"

GOP Fighting GOP Good For America

Remember the line from Peter Pan about a fairy dropping dead when anyone said "I don't believe in fairies"? Even though he stirs up the fighting spirit among liberal stalwarts, every time Howard Dean says "I hate Republicans" another "D" voter drops into the "R" column.

It may not really work out that neatly, but the Democrats' failure to capitalize on Republican woes can only be attributable to the actions of the official "D's" themselves.

So that is why I think it is a good thing that Republicans are fighting against each other. Democracy thrives on friction and the opposition party can't muster anything but limp histrionics. So the fight goes on between Right and Center-Right and their various combinations.

Here is an interesting take on this fight. Ryan Sager dismisses the Left's hopeful comparisons of 2006 to 1994, saying that it is shaping up to look more like 1998.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Ben Chandler Plays Dumb

In the 2004 races, when Democrats faced a pro-Fair Tax opponent the strategy was simple: lie.

If Rep. Ben Chandler (D-Higher Taxes) is connected to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (and we know he is) then the new strategy is simple as well: play dumb.

This morning on the WVLK Jack Pattie Show, Chandler was asked specifically about his position on HR 25, the Fair Tax Bill. He said he had no position because he didn't know anything about it. That would be interesting news to the Fair Tax supporters who have spoken to him face-to-face, repeatedly, to urge support for this critical issue.

People concerned about the outsourcing of jobs would do well to consider the impact of the Fair Tax on American companies who now shift their workforce overseas.

Friday, October 21, 2005

It Must Be Good: Democrats Oppose Right To Work

Big Labor Unions are scared to death of losing their power -- and they are losing it fast.

In January, Kentucky will have the opportunity to pass a Right to Work bill, which simply gives workers the freedom to not have to join a union and pay "protection money" in the form of dues as a condition of employment. The bill is BR 199, pre-filed by Rep. Stan Lee (R-Lexington).

House Democrats vow to kill the bill. That might be a big mistake.

An organization called the Commonwealth Progress Council is ramping up its non-partisan effort in support of this bill. They will have a website up in the next couple of weeks and are seeking grassroots support now for the fight ahead. Economic development efforts across Kentucky can only go so far when we continue to be held hostage by the big labor unions.

The Right To Work could well be the biggest issue for Kentucky's future facing the General Assmembly in 2006.

Liberal Kentucky Website's Upcoming Story

Expect the liberal Bluegrass Report site to be crowing very soon about difficulty that the Governor's Mansion Preservation Foundation is having with its fundraising.

Irresponsible: Ben Chandler v. Ronald McDonald

Not only did Rep. Ben Chandler vote against the bill to keep fast food junkies from suing the restaurants who "make them do it," he voted for an amendment to exempt youngsters under nine years old from the bill.

Hello? Congressman Chandler? These kids would need a parent to think of filing a lawsuit. The same parent who can't avoid eating crap shouldn't be able to seek damages for feeding it to his child. We don't need Congress underwriting more personal irresponsibility and stupidity.

Fortunately, as is usually the case with Chandler's silliness, he was on the short end of both votes.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

An Example Of What Is Wrong With Public Schools

Today the Kentucky High School Athletic Association's Delegate Assembly voted to have separate sports championships for public and private schools. This outrageous act of cowardice was intended to benefit the public schools.

It will do the opposite.

Or it would, if this foolishness were to stand. Cooler heads are sure to prevail. But this was the act of school superintendents. It is this kind of thinking that will eventually sink the public schools in America. If you have to change the rules to make it look like you are improving, you aren't really fooling anyone but yourself.

KY Medicaid Reform: Just Follow Florida

The only way to diminish the devastating impact of the Merit Hiring scandal is to positively (and publicly) address some of the real problems facing Kentucky.

We don't have to re-invent the wheel on Medicaid.

Check this out. We may need to open up the market to more insurance companies first, by dropping some of the mandated coverages. But we do need to act.

The big problem with Kentucky's health insurance legislation is that it treats people like idiots. Give us some choices and we may surprise some in their ivory towers with our decision-making ability.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Protect Your Children; Legalize Drugs Now

The War on Drugs has only caused the price of drugs to go higher and the violent crime rate to go up higher still. Think of the huge number of robberies and burglaries committed by drug addicts. They need your money to buy their drugs and they need your money again when they face treatment or incarceration.

Do you agree that drugs would be cheaper if people didn't have to risk their lives to buy or sell them?

Does it make sense to you that if law enforcement resources were removed from trying to stop the drug trade, then we could deal more effectively with the bad effects of the drug trade?

When we put the cart before the horse, we get no gain from either the cart or the horse. Drug criminalization is no different than alcohol prohibition. Ending the 1920's prohibition didn't cause the end of the world. In fact, by lowering the risk premium attached to making and selling alcohol, we reduced significantly the collateral damage caused by those evading that law. Ending the real quagmire, the War on Drugs, will give us a different looking world. Watching someone walk quietly down the street smoking a joint will take some getting used to. But the result would undeniably be safer cities and neighborhoods in which to raise our children. Don't you agree?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Conservative Revolution in Kentucky Coming To Web

Idea #1: Rather than spending time giving away refurbished state computers to kids, Frankfort's leaders would do well to eliminate state income taxes.

The No Child Left Offline initiative doesn't even sound like a good idea. There is no magic involved in giving a child a computer. Give him a fish and he eats for a day. Give him a computer and guarantee easy access to porn (and a learning tool of very limited value). Give him a stack of worn-out paperback classic novels and if he doesn't read them, they will do him more good than an expensive word processor/game box. The smallest public libraries offer online access for free.

We clearly need some fresh ideas. Bringing health insurance companies back into the state could be done and the ideological battle to make it happen would be extremely healthy in the current environment. Balancing the Medicaid budget could work the same way. Instead we are screwing around helping Lexmark market printer cartridges and ISPs expand their reach with a stunt like this.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Conservative Magazine Lists Favorite Legislators

Conservative weekly mag Human Events has issued a list of its ten favorite Senators and House members.

Kentucky got no mention on the Senate side, but freshman Congressman Geoff Davis came in at number nine on the House list.

Rep. Davis' strong support for the war and for making the Bush tax cuts permanent make up for his opposition to Social Security personal accounts. As of our last conversation he was not committed to a particular tax reform plan. At the age of 46, Davis will likely be smacking the left down for a long time.

One suggestion, though: Rep. Davis would do well to join Reps. Northup and Lewis on the Republican Study Committee, the group seeking to cut wasteful government spending to finance the Katrina bailout.

Grayson's Star Keeps Rising

Secretary of State Trey Grayson hits another home run with his proposal to allow gubernatorial hopefuls to hold off on naming a running mate until after the primary. Expect him to get bi-partisan kudos for this. Might such a move benefit the Dems in 2007? Sure, maybe. But it just might help the GOP at the same time.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Kentucky Democrats' Next Line of Attack

Wondering where the next attack on Gov. Ernie Fletcher is going to come from? Think Governor's Mansion renovation. The effort to fix up the poorly maintained Frankfort residence obviously requires a lot of money. That means fundraising. And clearly that means charges of shakedown and influence peddling. How the Governor's political team handles this hanging curveball will show quickly if any lessons have been learned during the merit hiring debacle.

Here's hoping...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

$172,500 A Year?!?!

Any time a newspaper story has the byline John Cheves, you know that any Republican in the story is going to be portrayed in a negative light.

Jerry Lundergan and Charles Wells get paid to say bad things about Republicans and they have a field day on this one.

The problem is that they have a point about the new Office of Merit System Referrals and the Fletcher Administration is just going to look worse the more they try to spin this back the other way.

Has anyone talked to Hal Rogers since that story about which members of Congress support the Governor? The Louisville Arena, another dime on the cigarette tax, and now this.

What's next? I hate to even think about it.

Friday, October 14, 2005

LexTran Taxer Running For City Council

Local tax bills are hitting mailboxes this week and they include a line for the "LexTran Tax." Fayette county voters passed a referendum last year to hit themselves with this one and the time has come to pay up.

The good news is that the manager of the campaign to hit you with this tax is running for the Lexington City Council's 7th district. His name is Justin Dobbs. Conservatives in the District have a candidate to beat him. (Not ready to go public with the name yet, though.) When she does announce though, conservatives from all over the state would do well to send her a few dollars.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Whither the Conservative Movement?

I'm not too upset about the Harriet Miers nomination. I think too many conservative pundits are forgetting that a half dozen Republican U.S. Senators are admittedly pro-abortion and not part of the conservative movement. That leaves the President with the challenge of getting Supreme Court nominees through a chamber ruled by liberals.

I was eager for a fight over a serious conservative jurist as well, but Miers will get confirmed. Better to get a so-so candidate through than to see the perfect nominee squashed by our own Judiciary Committee Chairman.

More important is the work going on behind the scenes at the President's Advisory Panel on Tax Reform. Yesterday, the panel voted to discard the Fair Tax from consideration. Short-sighted partisanship has so far prevented elected Democrats from getting on board with this, but a lot of normal people registered as Democrats (and are less interested in empowering liberal politicians than in getting government off the backs of the middle class) are climbing on board.

The 2004 election cycle saw a lot of Democrat "leaders" lie about the Fair Tax. The interesting thing to me is that as we watch the President's people coming up short on another issue, we have the prospect of a Reaganesque conservative revolution seemingly building up a head of steam as a revolt against a Republican administration.

That Karl Rove really is a genius, isn't he?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Fight Worth Fighting

You thought 2005 was not going to be an election year in Kentucky. You may still be right, but if the KY Supreme Court caves in to some kooky Lexington xenophobics' desire to steal Kentucky American Water Company, Fayette county voters will head to the polls November 8.

It probably won't happen. The elected city council already decided early this year to end the condemnation effort of a handful of sclerotic leftists and their dutiful supporters. The Supreme Court should be able to quash their kibitzing based solely on this fact.

But the overreaching power grab of a dangerous opponent must be addressed quickly and decisively. This latest outrage by the people who call themselves Let Us Vote Lexington deserves swift retribution whether or not this issue comes to a vote four weeks from today.

Cuddly little muddle-headed Kentucky liberals have tried feebly for years to prop up their brand of public policy initiatives through judicial fiat. Their current day media-savvy comrades draw blood with bare knuckles, snappy slogans, and tight-fisted media control.

Their brand of persuasion works when most people aren't paying attention and get off the main issue.

The main issue here is that eminent domain abusers on the left have sought to overturn the 2004 Lexington city council races with an unconstitutional court battle to spend more public dollars for an unneccesary extra election to promote their political careers. Teresa Isaac and Ben Chandler are the two heads of this monster.

If you live in Lexington, go here and learn how you can help turn these people back. And if you don't live in Lexington but do live in Kentucky's Sixth district, call Ben Chandler and tell him to tell the FLOW people to quit crying and try to promote their government takings during election years. He won't do it, but he should be forced to talk about why he is on the unconstitutional side of this issue.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Republican Opportunity For 2006

Primaries aren't a lot of fun, but they can help a truly dominant political party reload for future victories. Before its rapid decline, the Kentucky Democratic Party understood this. The old line about fighting like cats in May and having more cats by November has been told over and over as the reason for a nearly unbroken string of Democrat electoral wins.

KDP Chairman Jerry Lundergan doesn't want to play it that way any more. Lundergan told the Courier Journal that he is encouraging potential 2006 Democrat candidates not to engage in primaries. That sounds good to me.

I'm not saying that the GOP should actively seek primaries. We will be better off when widespread Republican primaries are more the rule than the exception, but it will have to develop on its own. I am just enjoying the fact that Democrats are having to come to grips with their erosion of support that is causing them to admit to fixing primaries. Your county clerk may still tell new voters that they have to register Democrat to vote in the primaries, but the reality is that those days are over.

The simple fact remains that the far-left segment of our society is propped up by the more sane Democrats. We can rage against Ernesto Scorsone and Mary Lou Marzian all we want to, but their districts keep sending them back. The Republican party will only reach majority status in Kentucky by pointing out that "conservative" Democrats are the real problem. Continuing to take those of sensible middle-American values out of the Democratic Party causes the anti-war, anti-capitalist goons lose their voice and their influence.

The target for 2006 in Kentucky must be disaffected conservative Democrat-registered voters. The message is that the middle-of-the-road Democrat office holders are lending credibility to those with the worst ideas. Giving so-called "conservative" Democrats a pass because they "aren't so bad" misses the point and stands as the major roadblock to real progress in our state. Problematic Republicans will become much easier to deal with in a single-front effort.

KDP is holding the door open for us. We just have to bust on through.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Go Ahead: Overturn Roe V. Wade

Maybe you have heard the liberal talking point that conservatives don't really want to overturn Roe V. Wade because we would then no longer have the "abortion issue" to campaign on.

That's bunk.

While I don't doubt that some Republicans may subscribe to this line of reasoning, it couldn't be further from reality.

Overturning Roe, first of all, won't make abortion illegal everywhere. It would just return the decision to the states. Secondly, the phantom "privacy rights" used to interpret abortion on demand into the Constitution could just as easily be interpreted back in if a conservative Supreme Court were to one day be reversed. The battle would rage on unabated.

President Bush may well get a third Supreme Court nominee. After out-flanking the Democrats again with the Miers nomination, we may well see some progress on this front. I hope we embrace it.

Capitol Hill sources say that the President's initiatives will pop up in rapid-fire succession just after the middle of this month. Conservatism itself faces a put up or shut up moment. Do not flinch.

The Rep. Carr party switch is nice, but little more. Saying that the Democratic Party is no place for a conservative Christian is true, but it is merely stating the obvious. Now is not the time to take our eye of the ball by cheering a minor victory. Social Security reform, Medicaid reform, and federal tax reform are coming very soon. Democrats will be out to wreck the 2006 Ky. General Assembly session just as their Washington counterparts have done on the federal level. These are historic times. May we take full advantage of them.