Friday, October 13, 2006

Truth Found In Herald Leader Op-Ed

The Lexington Herald Leader's favorite story this decade has been about how great it would be if the Lexington city government owned the water company. So it was no surprise to see another one today.

Today's catastrophic abuse of reason and common sense contains one single shred of truth that cuts to the chase about the whole government takeover thing.

A yes vote on Nov. 7 would encourage whoever is in control of Kentucky American to negotiate with the city rather than risk having a Fayette County jury set a price as part of an eminent domain proceeding.

That's true. It's true in the sense that a bank robber "encourages" a teller to give him money rather than risk having a bullet placed gently inside her brain, but it is a true statement.

It's a good thing that more and more people are coming to realize that eminent domain abuse is a terrible way to get people to return phone calls to bureaucrats or whatever they are trying to "encourage" local businesses to do now.