What a nightmare. Like we really need another one...
Check back often for news and commentary about Kentucky by David Adams. Contact via email: kyprogress(at)yahoo.com or Lexington area telephone 537-5372.
"Cash-strapped mayors give the plan mixed reviews. Some, such as Woodcliff Lake's Joseph LaPaglia, are ready to take the deal, confident the state will be flexible in a repayment schedule if things don't improve by 2012. But Wayne's Chistropher Vergano, a Republican, is wary. He dubbed it an "election year gimmick.""
""It's not making the payment go away,'' Vergano said. "It's like a 30-year mortgage and turning it into a 35-year mortgage. … The debt is not going away.""
"It is our anticipation that working with the new Congress and administration, we'll be able to further shore up our liquidity needs through 2009," (GM spokesman Greg) Martin said. He described the current loans as "an interim measure."
"The health plan that covers teachers and state employees across North Carolina has been bleeding so much money that it is set to run out early next year, and officials say it needs an immediate $300 million cash infusion."
"President-elect Obama's economic recovery package will create jobs. But until those jobs exist, welfare reform as we know it must be changed."
"Here's a question to mull over the holiday season: By giving a tax-break to families instead of employers, could the Canadian government be en route (very tentatively) to more patient-friendly health care than the American government, which appears wedded to the goverment-corporate status quo?"Read the whole thing here. Canada has done a fair bit of socialism the last few decades. Might be worth considering why they are looking in the opposite direction.
"It might well have been better to implement these budget savings several years ago, when the economy was stronger and policymakers had the luxury of taking their time. But such foresight appears to be contrary to human nature, or at least to the nature of those who wield political power in our state (and beyond)."
"Yes, today Toyota with no union workers and what so many try to say is such a superior product is posting a loss for the first time in 70 years themselves."
"The government sector, which includes public education, public administration agencies and state-owned hospitals, gained 500 positions in November 2008. The sector has added 10,000 jobs since November 2007."
"The state board evaluated Draud in August and was supposed to present him with the findings at its October meeting, which was postponed because of his stroke."
"In his evaluation, board members applauded Draud's effort in starting two major task forces: one on improving low-performing schools and another looking at the state's assessment and accountability system."