Saturday, August 12, 2006

Lucas First Dem To Get 'Liebermanned' reports Republican Rep. Geoff Davis leading Democrat challenger Ken Lucas in their latest poll.

If the widely anticipated Dem takeover of Congress is turned back this November, the post-mortem on the election will be very interesting. And it will have a lot to do with the lack of new ideas on the Democrat side. But also, Republican supporters are going to have long talks with their elected representatives. Being better than Democrats is one thing, but simply taking that for granted and continuing the spending orgy is a terrible disservice to our nation.

Saturday Morning Violence

Hey, who needs cartoons? This morning at RPK Headquarters the state Executive Committee will witness a battle of surrogates for Governor Ernie Fletcher and Senator Mitch McConnell.

Larry Forgy and Steve Pence's Chief of Staff Steve Huffman are both vying for an open at-large seat on the committee.

The last time Larry fought a battle there in February of 2004, he was successful with the backing of Senator McConnell.

The environment has changed a little since then.

Friday, August 11, 2006

GOP 2007 Fight Begins

Billy Harper has his running mate.

Dick Wilson of Paducah has signed on with Harper to run as a slate against Ernie Fletcher.

More Gubernatorial Intrigue

Sources report Rep. Lonnie Napier will be among the growing crowd of Trey Grayson supporters at the Louisville fundraiser tonight.

Please, No Exoneration Pep Rallies

Now that Governor Fletcher can't be charged in the merit hiring case, he should go to Louisville tonight to support his Secretary of State.

Hubbard: "Confused" About Civil Unions

Convicted felon state Senate candidate Carroll Hubbard told Project Vote Smart he opposes same-sex civil unions.

Then he inexplicably attacks an entire region of the state like this:

"Civil unions between same-sex couples - the public needs educated as to what this includes. Most western Kentuckians are opposed to same-sex marriage but are confused as to civil unions between same-sex couples."

You want to try that again, Carroll?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Next Big Thing In Frankfort

Kentucky's General Assembly passed an unconstitutional budget this year.

Some pretty high profile people are about to break their silence on this, too.

Here is some background info, courtesy of the Bluegrass Institute.

More Good News For America

Now that the United States has unilaterally -- with England and Pakistan -- violated the civil rights of two dozen more Islamic freedom fighters actively seeking to kill Americans, Democrats look pretty silly thinking they can win elections on raising the minimum wage and surrendering the war.

McCain Coming To Kentucky

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) will speak at a fundraiser for the KY Senate Republican Trust on Monday September 25, 2006.

Memo to Hillary Clinton: he will be leaving the proceeds here to benefit Kentuckians.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Little Birdy Report: KY GOV 2007

Spotted together at the Lexington Bluegrass Airport this afternoon were Paducah businessman Billy Harper and State Rep. Lonnie Napier (R-Lancaster).

The 7% Destruction Of Democrats

Understanding the gap between perception and reality is pretty important when it comes to public policy, especially when we are at war.

Enter Harry Reid and Chucky Schumer. In a joint statement, they said "The perception was that (Lieberman) was too close to George Bush and this was, in many respects, a referendum on the president more than anything else."

That might be interesting, but in reality today they are turning the Democratic Party into the war protesting party based on yesterday's vote of slightly more than 7% of the registered voters in the state of Connecticut.

Affording Enviro-Fascists Here At Home

Now that British Petroleum's screw-up is going to cut oil supply (and raise gas prices) we must take another look at Alaska.

Fletcher Campaign Imploding Over Grayson

Two sites (here and here)have picked up yesterday's Kentucky Progress story about Fletcher campaign people trying to shut down a Trey Grayson fundraiser. (How about a link, boys?)

This story is developing rapidly and sources have suggested a bombshell announcement may be coming this afternoon related to this story.

This wound is self-inflicted, guys.

Kathy Stein Lies For ACLU

The internet makes it much more difficult for moonbats to do this stuff.

Rep. Kathy Stein is on the Sue Wylie Show this morning denying that the ACLU ever represented the pro-pedophile group North American Man/Boy Love Association.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lieberman Loses

There has been and will continue to be massive speculation over what Ned Lamont's primary victory over Sen. Lieberman means.

I don't think it matters much. Sure, the Daily Kos boys finally won one, sort of. It was a primary and Lieberman will win the general as an independent.

Other than a few big Dems falling over themselves about who to support, there is nothing to see here. Move along...

Final Meltdown For McKinney

Wildwoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) is going down to defeat tonight. Her last statement on her campaign website isn't quite as bizarre as some of her other behavior on Capitol Hill, but is noteworthy nonetheless.

Here she says that her opponent Hank Johnson is lying about her just sponsoring one bill that was passed in Congress. Then she unleashes a 1000 word essay in which she admits that Johnson was right. Her best excuse includes something about getting lost in traffic.

And no, I'm not kidding about that one. Goodbye Cynthia.

Can't Make This Stuff Up

When asked to comment on Trey Grayson, Governor Ernie Fletcher said "he's been described as a rising star. I hope he's not a shooting star."

Good grief.

Now I am hearing from invitees to a Louisville fundraiser for Grayson this Friday. They say Fletcher supporters are telling them not to go and and not to support Grayson.

A very large crowd is anticipated at the event.

Hey Guido, Those Creeps Are Stealing Our Money!

Best letter to the editor of the day from Conrad Reynolds of Louisville. Followed by some BBB drone suggesting that those stealing from casinos should obey the 8th commandment.

I thought that was funny.

Also funny is the fact this is responsible gambling week or some such nonsense over at the American Gaming Association. "Be Responsible. Get Educated" is their sage advice.

Someone should ask New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine for his take on that one, as he is getting what amounts to a third kick from the proverbial mule as his state has repeatedly squandered all the money from their glorious casinos.

Ben Chandler Is Out Of '07 Race

Steve Pence is running for something. Not sure exactly what, but he looks like someone getting ready to launch a campaign. Despite conventional wisdom, Trey Grayson looks like he really is running -- and not for Secretary of State. In fact, he doesn't seem to be auditioning for a role as someone else's LG either.

For the D's, Ben Chandler is NOT running for Governor. I'll stipulate for argument's sake that if he runs, he wins. But that means nine years of serious lifestyle change and I don't think he goes there. Ben laughed off a suggestion he might run for President yesterday on Lexington radio, saying Presidents age 20 years in four. A Kentucky Governor in today's environment may not pack on years at that rate, but he would do so at a faster rate than a Congressman does.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Who Is In Charge Here?

Democrats keep talking about how bad things are with Republicans in control of Congress. But the numbers that don't lie show voting blocks of loyal Democrats combined with liberal Republicans putting the Left in charge on most key issues already.

Again, the "throw the bums out" sentiment should hit some deserving Republicans, but giving Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi more power isn't the best way to create positive change.

John Fund nails it in the Wall Street Journal.