Monday, January 09, 2006

Democrat Response: 2025?! That's Not Even An Election Year!

The most telling aspect of Governor Fletcher's State of the Commonwealth address was in the Democrat response. After hearing the Governor lay out a wide array of short and long-term goals, Sen. Ed Worley and House Speaker Jody Richards couldn't get past the fact that Fletcher mentioned some standards for the state to reach by the year 2025.

"Setting ambitious long-term goals and laying out a vision for gradual improvement was a bold stroke for the Governor," Senator Worley utterly failed to say. Then he did not hasten to add "Democrats just don't have any ideas at all, so we are kind of stuck on whining about minutiae."

The upcoming budget speech is where we will get the real meat, but this was pretty good. The Democrats are just chafed about the Right to Work bill.