Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yeah, we know...

President George W. Bush, discussing today his role in the government bailouts:
"I'm a market-oriented guy, but not when I'm faced with the prospect of a global meltdown," Bush said.

Actually, Mr. President, a time of crisis is precisely the time in which we need our market-oriented guys.

Otherwise, we're just giving lip service to capitalism and the free market. And that is precisely why we are in the mess we are in and not likely to get out any time soon.

Obamamessiah to disappoint Ky. House Dems

Regular readers of the Bluegrass Policy Blog learned back in June that Barack Obama had no plans to help Frankfort by nationalizing the massive state employee health insurance liabilities.

"Some Democratic legislators have stated quietly their belief that a federal universal health insurance plan will save them the trouble of catching up with the rising costs of state and local employees' and retirees' healthcare costs. The funny thing is, none of them have bothered to ask Sen. Barack Obama about that."

"What's even funnier is that Sen. (Tom) Buford did ask." (click here for more)

Don't tell any of the Obama fans in the General Assembly about this, though. Let them learn it the hard way.

That's another half-million, Governor

Every day that Gov. Steve Beshear stonewalls on his $180 million efficiency study, Kentucky taxpayers lose another $493,150.69.

Better talk to the people, sir.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Which gang is Mayor Jim Newberry's favorite?

If you go down to Garden Springs Park next to Garden Springs Elementary School in Lexington, you will see evidence that Lexington does indeed have Hispanic gangs. In this case, it's the Latin Kings.

Continuing failure to enforce existing immigration laws in Lexington appears to be emboldening those who would spread gang activity into our neighborhoods.

Don't bail out Big Momma

Kentucky legislators are responding to a March of Dimes study about pregnant women who smoke. Before we start blindly writing more checks, we might want to think about how we hope to alleviate the social costs of bad behavior.

More people are catching on to Beshear

WHAS reporter Mark Hebert is asking Gov. Steve Beshear where our $180 million from the last year went.

This time next year, will we be asking about another $180 million or will we be too busy paying his new taxes and paying off his new debt?

Can't blame Ernie Fletcher for this one, Governor.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Let's be clear: auto bailout is a union bailout

One of the talking points du jour is that gas-guzzling SUVs caused the domestic auto companies' current woes when people stopped buying them.

The truth is just a little bit more complicated than that.

The Big Three automakers struggled to transition out of SUVs when gas prices killed demand for them because union-negotiated retirement benefits had already wiped out any financial flexibility the companies once had. Decades ago.

This latest speed bump wouldn't have wrecked the companies if union contracts hadn't already caused the companies to rust through from the inside out.

People still need cars and they will continue to buy cars from someone. But taxpayers don't need to throw good money after bad to prop up a labor system that went bankrupt a long time ago.

Let the companies re-organize and toss the United Auto Workers overboard.

Make no mistake: if we bail out Detroit's car manufacturers, we are paying for fat lifestyles of union thugs. No thanks.

Think tank tells states to raise taxes

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has built a reputation as a reliable, if not always coherent, provider of talking points for big-government politicians.

Their current advice, in favor of tax hikes rather than spending cuts, fills the bill nicely:
In particular, the government spending that would be reduced if direct spending programs are cut is often concentrated among local businesses…. By contrast, the spending by individuals and businesses that would be affected by tax increases often is less concentrated among local producers — since part of the decline in purchases that would occur if taxes were raised would be a decline in the purchase of goods produced out of state. Thus, more of the reduction in purchases that results from tax increases than from government budget cuts falls on out-of-state goods (relative to in-state goods), lessening the adverse impact of a tax increase on the state economy. Reductions in direct government spending consequently could have a larger adverse impact on a state's economy than tax increases, which have a stronger adverse impact on out-of-state goods and services.

This is complete nonsense, but expect to hear something much like it very soon from the tax-and-spend crowd in Frankfort.

The truth is that taxation can't benefit an economy as much as leaving money in the economy where it was produced because the bureaucracy that has nothing to do with the production of wealth has to take its cut before any of the money gets re-distributed and re-circulated.

Common sense.

President Obama loves his people

Just discovered the election of Barack Obama has so terrified the gouging gougers in the produce industry that they have dropped the price of large grapefruit forty cents at Walmart.

Thank you, Benevolent Leader.

Actually, there are very serious consequences for a nation who holds its politicians is such a state of worship. It opens the door to great loss of personal freedoms.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Gotta stop welfare abuse somehow

Michigan is trying again to limit how much of their welfare budget goes to buying illicit drugs. A new bill would require drug testing of welfare recipients every six months and require the recipient to pay for the test.

Michigan passed a similar bill back in 1999 but it was found to be unconstitutional because it mandated random drug tests. Kentucky failed to pass a similar bill last session with the same unconstitutional provision. A Kentucky bill for 2009 repairs that problem by making the drug tests subject to a finding of probable cause.

Tax increases won't get it done in Kentucky

President-elect Barack Obama and Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear have all kinds of tax increase plans for you.

You won't read about it in Tuesday's newspapers, but we got more evidence Monday to suggest tax increases will not solve what in Kentucky is simply an overspending problem.

And Kentucky's spending cuts in the area of lottery advertising seem to have not resulted in lower revenues there either. We should make deeper cuts in the Kentucky Lottery's advertising budget as soon as possible.

Who needs pickpockets? We have Jack Conway

Attorney General Jack Conway is supposed to be the top law enforcement officer in the state. That's not working out so well for taxpayers who don't like to get ripped off by legislators who abuse contracts with other government entities.

Back before the election, Conway was dragging his feet on investigating a money-for-nothing scandal involving Sen. Joey Pendleton.

Conway can not deny that he has known about this issue at least since April. Further, he can not deny participating in Sen. Pendleton's re-election campaign. Only now is he claiming to be investigating the matter.

This looks strangely like that good old boy system we used to hear so much about.

Republican Party of Kentucky Chairman Steve Robertson weighed in with this: "The most troubling aspect of this situation is that Jack Conway had one story before the election and another story after the election. It is a shame that this state’s chief law enforcement officer engaged in a political cover-up and hid the truth from the voters of Kentucky."

A moment in the reinvention of the GOP

Just saw native Kentuckian Diane Sawyer go blank when Bill O'Reilly asked her on Good Morning America who the head of the Republican National Committee is. The point he was making in asking her the question was that "no one knows" who heads the Republican Party, the party has no message, and that "there is no leadership."

Sunday, November 09, 2008

"Catastrophic circumstance," Senator Williams?

Just as national Republicans have had their heads handed to them two elections in a row for playing footsie with big spenders, Senate President David Williams told the Louisville Courier Journal that he might be open to a tax increase:
"Asked if he has ruled out supporting a cigarette tax increase, Williams said, "I'm not going to get involved in a discussion about ruling out anything. I've never signed a no-tax pledge in my life because you could have some catastrophic circumstance that would require additional revenue.""

What does that even mean? I thought we all agreed that catastrophic circumstances were exactly the wrong time to raise taxes.

The only way Kentucky is going to get out of any fiscal holes with tax increases is if Frankfort continues its smoke-and-mirrors routine. And we have to know by now we can't keep doing that.

Williams has been one of the few voices of reason on Kentucky's public employee benefits disaster. Let's hope he doesn't mar that record with any more talk about raising taxes.

Saturday, November 08, 2008


Apparently Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid want to expand the banking bailout to the car industry:
"It is our hope that the actions that Congress has taken, and that the Administration may take, will restore the preeminence of our domestic manufacturing industry so that it can emerge as a global, competitive leader in fuel efficiency and in new and path-breaking energy-efficient technologies that protect our environment."

It's time for Sen. Jim "Beanball" Bunning to start his 2010 re-election campaign with a little Capitol Hill headhunting.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Obama's specifics: I liked the fluff better

Now that he has been elected president, Barack Obama can't get away with just promising to make the sky blue and to make his wife proud to be an American: he's shifting to making detailed policy prescriptions. Hold on tight:

Of course, the one missing piece from this mounting disaster is a big tax increase. Nevertheless, these are precisely the wrong things to be doing. Deep tax cuts are the way to stimulate us out of this. The same old borrow-and-spend tricks will only prolong the agony.

Obama's political future depends on his ability to either stimulate the economy or deflect blame while doing nothing that would really help. At least at first, he appears to be opting for the latter.

Don't leave town yet, Gov. Beshear

Gov. Steve Beshear is heading out for a vacation next week just as a transitioning President-elect Barack Obama goes to work on pushing through his plan to bankrupt the coal industry.

Better call your guy, Governor.

In the early stages of Obama letdown syndrome

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Did you get the late-breaking memo?

A friend just pointed out ridiculously coordinated media coverage about the dramatic drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average since Barack Obama was elected two days ago.

Earlier this afternoon the headline "Stocks tumble, lose 10 percent since election day" may have given someone the impression markets were not entirely comfortable with the new president-elect.

Can't have that.

If you do a Google search of that headline, you will see every media outlet who carried the AP article made the same change. I didn't do a screen capture of the original article, but the screen capture below certainly suggests everyone got the memo.

Now there's a great plan

California is back in the news with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposal to raise taxes by $4.7 billion "to get our budget back on track, invigorate our economy and generate jobs for the state's unemployed."

Stopping government takeover of private sector

Lexington's Warren Rogers went to bat a few years ago to stop the government takeover of Kentucky American Water Company. Now he is back, as Chairman of Kentucky Club for Growth, battling the federal effort to usurp private sector jobs.

This morning, Rogers debated Kentucky AFL-CIO President Bill Londrigan. To Londrigan's credit, the union thug did not scream or utter any profanities during the entire debate.

The discussion primarily was about the card check provision of the Employee Free Choice Act which would increase union intimidation of workers. Interesting, Rogers pointed out a provision that is even worse than that:

For more coverage, go here.

Will work for massive pension boost

Expect to see Sen. David Boswell retire now that his bid to either get hired in the Beshear administration or go to Congress have failed. Had he been able to get a state executive branch job, he would have been able to artificially increase the state pension you will pay him. Since he couldn't, his pension payments are set to go down on January 1 if he is still in the Senate.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Thinkin' about goin' to Washington anyway

She's not talking, but it's looking like we could soon have a Sen. Sarah Palin from Alaska.

Sen. Ted Stevens appears to have been narrowly re-elected despite his felony convictions. His ouster would create a very interesting opportunity for Gov. Palin.

She could help keep Sen. Mitch McConnell in line while she gains that critical Washington experience.

Well, okay, there is this

The chairman of the economics department at George Mason University in Virginia has one pretty good reason free-marketeers shouldn't commit suicide just yet:
5 November 2008

Editor, Washington Times

Dear Editor:

Re "Obama wins presidency" (November 5): to all persons who understand that freer markets bring greater prosperity, I offer a reason to applaud Obama's defeat of McCain.

A President McCain would have followed Bush's script: singing paeans to free markets while simultaneously meddling and spending in harmful ways. Nevertheless - with popular attention on the song rather than on the substance - the problems caused by these intrusions would have been blamed on "free market fundamentalism" or even laissez-faire capitalism. At least Pres. Obama's destructive policies will not unjustly give capitalism a bad name.

Donald J. Boudreaux
Chairman, Department of Economics

Score one for laissez-faire capitalism maybe not getting blamed for the next failure caused by government manipulation. By that reasoning, we can wonder what kind of financial market fix President John Kerry would have been able to get away with if he couldn't blame the problem on free markets.

And in other news...

The most important Kentucky race of 2008 just really gets started today.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The most important man in Washington

President-elect Barack Obama will have one person standing in the way off his agenda next year. That person, of course, is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

That's because Senate Democrats fell short of a filibuster-proof 60 votes. Sen. McConnell knows better than anyone how to tie up bad bills in the Senate. That means a rough road ahead for tax increases and some of the new spending programs Obama has in mind. Unfortunately, Obama won't need Congress to take over the mainstream media with a new Fairness Doctrine.

Starting in January, Sen. McConnell is America's firewall.

Anyone want a ten-bagger?

If you still think Sen. John McCain can win and want to put your money where your mouth is, you might be able to turn $100 into a quick $1000.

Just go to

Election coverage tonight online

I'll be on the radio with Clearchannel's Leland Conway tonight from 6 pm to 10 pm eastern. That's 630 WLAP or

Call in on 859-280-2287 or email or message me on Facebook. It will be a very interesting evening.

Trying times

Considering the alternatives to be worse, this morning I voted for two men who loudly supported the banking bailout that Washington D.C. is now trying to expand into other industries.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Endangering lives at Fayette jail

Last week, Officer Luke Valdez blew the whistle on dangerous policies at the Fayette County Detention Center. This week, he is back again with more:
"It will only be a matter of time when the inmates housed at Fayette County Detention Center figure out the times when the minimal amount of people will be able to respond to emergencies. This will happen at least nine times in a twenty-four hour period. Inmates will use this against the officers and take advantage of these windows of opportunity in an effort to maximize the amount of disruption they can cause. I understand that the way we handle breaks and work shifts had to be changed due to the lawsuit, but the officers of FCDC feel that we are being retaliated against because of this. I have been told several times that FCDC officers receive some of the best training in the nation, yet we are not treated in this manner. Currently Operational Order 3.1-2C states that if an officer responds to an emergency tone, without a commander’s permission and is on break, he or she will write a report and the major will take progressive disciplinary action on that officer. That officer is only doing what he has sworn to do. Before the changing of the Op-order, if an emergency tone went off you were required to respond and once you were relieved by a commander you continued your break, and this worked smoothly."

Don't hold your breath waiting for Mayor Jim Newberry to do something about this. As Officer Valdez suggests, this looks a lot like retaliation for the wage and hour lawsuit.

A strong indicator of newspapers' state of decay

If you are looking for proof that agendized newspapers are counting on Sen. Barack Obama to give them the fairness doctrine so they don't have to compete so hard in the marketplace of ideas, look at the Bowling Green Daily News. That paper's whiny general manager is picking fights with high school yearbooks:
"This isn’t even close. High school yearbooks should not be on the agenda or getting awards where budding high school journalists are in attendance."

And if you are still looking for a reason to keep Sen. Mitch McConnell in the U.S. Senate, let this be it. It could well be that in January, Sen. McConnell is all that stands between us and a radical shift to the left none of us want or can afford.

Caring about kids Steve Beshear's way

Gov. Steve Beshear has unveiled a new, expensive program to recruit families who are eligible for public health benefits but aren't partaking of them. Today, he launched the web site and called for a November 18 pep rally.

The program seeks to spend at least $25 million a year on expanded government health insurance benefits. That's $25 million a year we already don't have. That means we will have to borrow it.

Then there is this from the press release:
"To celebrate the launch of the KCHIP initiative, Gov. Beshear and Kentuckians who care about children’s health care will gather at 2 p.m. ET on Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2008, at the Frankfort Civic Center in downtown Frankfort. The public is invited to attend."

Something tells me they aren't going to be much interested in hearing from Kentuckians who care about children's health care and want to improve it by getting the government out of it as much as possible. At a minimum, we could care for kids by repealing Kentucky's counterproductive Certificate of Need law.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Barack Obama shifts to spreading misery

Have you heard about Sen. Barack Obama's plan to bankrupt the coal industry?

Always the last to know

It seems knowledge of Kentucky's fraudulent K-12 school testing system has gone from California to New York and somehow avoided getting picked up in Kentucky. Except, of course, by the Bluegrass Institute.

It's hard to bring up Kentucky's fixation on its flawed assessment process without resorting to name-calling.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Who do you think you're foolin' Obama?

Samuel Thompson is a law professor at Penn State who is circulating an email claiming that Sen. Barack Obama's "spread the wealth" hubbub is only about $4.60:
"What would happen to Joe if he were successful in buying the business and making over, say, $350,000 per year? Under the current Internal Revenue Code, for each $100 Joe earns over $350,000, he would pay a tax of $35. Under Senator Obama’s tax plan, for every $100 Joe earns over $350,000, he would pay a tax of $39.60. Thus, Senator Obama’s plan would tax Joe an additional $4.60 for each $100 Joe makes over $350,000, and this $4.60 is the basis of the argument around Joe the Plumber."

This would only have a possibility of being true if, for starters, you didn't pay any attention to Obama's Social Security tax increase and his health insurance scheme tax increase. And then there are some of us who didn't believe Bill Clinton when he campaigned on a middle class tax cut. That turned into the biggest tax increase in U.S. history. Why should we expect Barack Obama, backed by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, to do any differently?

Term limits would fix this

A Lexington Herald Leader article about Kentucky's dependence on long-time incumbents in Washington D.C. building their careers on how much pork they can bring back to the state features the Bluegrass Institute's Jim Waters:
"That's a great indicator that Kentucky is falling behind the other states economically," said Jim Waters, spokesman for the Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions, a free-market think tank in Bowling Green.

"It really indicates the depths to which our political campaigns have sunk," Waters said. "All we hear from our sitting U.S. senator is the amount of pork he's brought back. We need to be discussing national security and how we're going to strengthen our economy. We're not hearing about any real issues."

Again and again, we see redistribution of wealth serving mainly those who live off the government. The only fair way to fix this is to limit lawmakers' terms in office and cut Kentucky's dependence on federal dollars cold turkey. We will be a wealthier state in the long run with this approach. The old Great Society way isn't getting anything good accomplished.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama energy policy

Barack Obama wants to force energy prices higher to lower demand. In his own words:

Hidden camera strikes again at Lexington jail

Correctional Medical Services Director Jonathan Bowen of the Fayette County Detention Center won't allow his nurses to give medical attention to jail staff even in the event of an emergency.

So what was he doing in Assistant Director Todd Eads' office Wednesday administering an allergy shot?

Obama commercial sticks to the facts

It's not a shortfall if you never had it

After yesterday's press conference in Frankfort about our projected overspending of $294 million in Kentucky this year, the big newspapers are all using Gov. Steve Beshear's word for the red ink: shortfall.

This is ridiculous and underscores the biggest problem we have with big government in Kentucky. Everyone knew we were spending in the new budget money we weren't likely to have, but the legislature did it anyway.

Revenues fell short of their political wish list, not of responsible spending priorities. Ignoring that reality allows a politician -- Beshear -- who campaigned on not raising taxes to claim a new and unexpected reality in which tax increases are a "necessity."

It would help if our big media didn't swallow spin about overspending quite so easily. We need more people to see fiscal mismanagement for what it is. That's the only way we will ever stop it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Finding some Kentucky government waste

On the very day Gov. Beshear admits we will overspend at least $294 million this year, The Bluegrass Institute has the latest on the Kentucky Department of Education's waste-of-time-and-money task force affecting our children.

Education Commissioner Jon Draud and friends may have thought no one would notice.

To learn more, click here.

Another small step for nontaxable income

Even Rhode Island is starting to talk about repealing its income tax and relying instead on consumption taxes.

Massachusetts is actually leading the way this year on income tax repeal. Looks like Kentucky might be getting on board the train as well.

Ted Kennedy, moral leader on the world's stage

Sen. Ted Kennedy sent out an email this morning. Something about, uh, morals and electing Barack Obama and redistributing -- I mean building -- the economy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Missing another golden opportunity

Years of state and local government overspending will have no reason to correct itself if the feds pass their new bailout package. From the Wall Street Journal:
"House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D., N.Y.), said he wants upcoming fiscal stimulus legislation to funnel aid to states and localities. He said he hopes that package can be approved shortly after the election."
""Our hope is that the leadership of both parties will be able to confer and come back after the election, and see what we can do to provide assistance to our local and state governments, as we have been able to do for our banking and finance industry," Rep. Rangel said at the outset of a committee hearing Wednesday on stimulus discussions."

"U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel said he wants upcoming fiscal stimulus legislation to funnel aid to states and localities."
"State governors and local officials testifying at the hearing put forward to lawmakers a wish list worth tens of billions to help shore up their finances. Their argument: we didn't create the financial mess, and we need Washington's help to get out of it."

Kentucky is never going to shake off its poor-state status if we don't learn to lower our dependence on government. This garbage is a big step in the wrong direction. It will certainly gain widespread bipartisan support.

Jim Keller and his good old yellow dog

In a radio ad for Fayette District Judge Julie Goodman, former Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Jim Keller tells listeners to vote for the Beshear appointee to keep her seat.

That reminded me of a 2006 post quoting Keller, who was then running for the State Senate, on the stump telling listeners to vote for Supreme Court Justice Mary Noble because "she is a yellow dog Democrat!"

Also worth noting in a year most Kentuckians will vote to not turn over the federal government to Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, that 2006 Congressional candidate Tom Barlow said:
"But the funniest harangue came from congressional candidate Tom Barlow, who said: "We are delivering lower gasoline prices and when we take office in January we are going to bring peace to the Middle East peacefully, we are going to have affordable medical care and high paying jobs!""

That hasn't exactly worked out, has it?

Pandering differently; same type of results

So it looks like we are going to shift from a focus on parents dropping their own children off health insurance policies in favor of putting them on government programs to employers shutting down because their competition was deemed "too big to fail" or "too important not to subsidize" by the government.

Seems that our best hope may be city and state governments bankrupting themselves and having to cut back on spending and nannying just so people will see that small government can work. Out of control public employee pensions just might do the trick in some places. And then there is Birmingham, Alabama which is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy because of the way it tried to finance its sewers.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another victim for Ron Bishop

A corrections officer at the Fayette County Detention Center has distributed an email at the facility that will earn him the wrath of the secretive thugs running the place. From the email:
"Safety is the major concern. In the event that you are being assaulted by an inmate and I am on break, I will not be allowed to assist you, unless I am given approval by a commander. Understand that if I stop an assault or an attempt to take your life, without direct permission from a commander, I will be progressively disciplined. Keep in mind that we have been trained with a USELESS self-defense method and your hands are tied. PPCT does not protect you from multiple attackers, attackers armed with bladed weapons, or any of the mixed-martial arts that are wildly popular today. So while you wait for designated "responding rovers" and a few command staff, you will be forced to use an incompetent self-defense method. Regardless of the consequences, I will respond to all Signal 7s. DO NOT let our lives be left to the hands of ignorant operational orders."

"By NO means am I asking that we be irrational, irresponsible, or unprofessional. I am asking that we all take the proper steps to make the changes that we need. Whether you have faith in the CWA or not, I suggest that we file our grievances and use them until the option is exhausted. If the union is ineffective then we will act as corrections officers on our own behalf. If the problem persists we will go take it up the chain to LFUCG and stay persistent until an agreement can be made. Please, for the sake of making this a safe and enjoyable work environment, don't just turn a blind eye to the problem and hope that it passes, because it won't."

Rather than address the issues brought up by the officer who wrote this, Director Ron Bishop and friends will likely just fire him. And Mayor Jim Newberry will have no comment.

Kentucky teacher quote of the day

A teacher friend said she received a political phone call at home asking her who she was going to vote for in Kentucky's U.S. Senate race. After answering that she was undecided, the caller told her the Kentucky Education Association supports Bruce Lunsford.

"Well," the teacher replied, "then I'm voting for Mitch McConnell!" And she hung up the phone.

State investment gurus won't show the money

I've been waiting for a week to get information about the toxic mortgage-backed securities held by the $17 billion Kentucky Retirement Systems (KRS).

I specifically asked for the cost-basis of the mortgage-backed securities they hold and their current market value. This morning, after I asked again, I was told that the information is not available.

Poor investment returns combined with fiscal mismanagement by the General Assembly for more than 25 years have combined to create a $28 billion actuarial deficit in the state public employee benefits accounts.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Kentucky Club rocks

If you aren't reading the Kentucky Club for Growth web site, you should be. On Monday, Andy Hightower hit the high notes on three different races:

McConnell vs. Lunsford

Flood vs. Ward (Kathy Stein's old seat)

Moore vs. Weaver (House 26)

And if you want to look up details on any of the bills Andy mentions, go to Kentucky Votes.