Wednesday, January 03, 2007

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Income Study Shines Light On Kentucky

Kentucky has the 6th highest percentage of personal income from government transfer payments, according to the National Center for Policy Analysis.

Surely all of us except for Jonathan Miller can agree this is not a good thing.

The best way to decrease our dependence on government largesse is to spur business growth. And that starts with not taxing companies that aren't making a profit.

This shouldn't be so hard when we have a Republican governor and a Republican Senate.

The Virtual Campaign Of John Edwards

The Edwards for President blog ad flashes the words "Iraq. Poverty. Energy. Universal Healthcare. Global Warming. Join Us."

It will be interesting to see how long Edwards or any other Democrat can keep this up. He is trying to build a campaign in 2007 by pretending that it is still 2006. When Democrats were in the minority, they could get away with just throwing rocks. I'm not saying shallow campaign slogans can't win the Presidency, but if Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid can't deliver more than empty promises in 2007 it will be more difficult for Edwards and friends to stay that course in 2008.

So what could be the issue that carries one Democrat hopeful to the nomination for the White House? Probably Universal Healthcare. Watching the various candidates trot out their plans for a government takeover of medicine could be very interesting. I can see it now: Edwards takes the Canadian model, Hillary goes for Belgium, and which way will Obama go?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hot GOP Primary Rumor

Washington D.C. sources report a Republican primary challenger to Governor Ernie Fletcher has committed to run and will announce soon.

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Stan Lee Wins Whip Slot

Rep. Stan Lee (R-Lexington) has been elected House Minority Whip.

This is a very good thing. We need to get some fiscal conservatism back in the legislature. This move should help.

Update: And the Democrats move Left by electing Charlie Hoffman of Georgetown as Caucus Chairman. Interestingly, defeated Chairman Bob Damron's biggest accomplishment in the legislature was passage of the 2004 fetal homicide bill he stole from Rep. Lee.

Kavanaugh On Health Care Costs

Dr. Kevin Kavanaugh of Somerset, chairman of Health Watch USA, makes the case today in the Lexington Herald-Leader for repealing Certificate of Need. As he says, before we try to improve pricing by trading out big corporations for big government, we should try releasing the stranglehold providers have on pricing information.

Repeal of Certificate of Need is a no-brainer for legislators who aren't bought and paid for by hospitals. This should have wide bipartisan support. It's a sorry shame this does not.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Back Door Benefits Scam Will Fail

Unmarried University of Kentucky employees currently pay $25 per month for full health insurance benefits. If the Rainbow Alliance has its way, these same single employees will be able to add a boyfriend or girlfriend to their plan -- the administrators at UK are spending your money, so they don't care which -- for a mere $221 per month.

The real cost for a single plan is $380 per month. Since the real PPO premium for an employee's spouse and children is $568 ($948-$360=$568) and with the combined credit the total monthly cost of adding a non-spouse partner and children would be only $126 per month ($151-$25=$126), this whole "homosexuals are more creative than straight people" scam really just amounts to clamoring for a $5304 a year sex-based goody($568-$126*12=$5304) per domestic partnership. Being as compassionate as they are creative, the homosexual ones of course don't mind demanding more taxpayer dollars to give the same goody to their less creative, but also unmarried, fellow employees.

House Speaker Jody Richards is basking in the glow of liberal blogger love for now, but when this whole thing is viewed properly as just another money grab, even the politicians in Frankfort will come to their senses on this one.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Miller: "Love Thy Neighbor," Vote For Me

Democratic gubernatorial hopeful and former Al Gore staffer Jonathan Miller gives a glimpse of his campaign's message in the video below. A quote: "Our core, shared values such as loving your neighbor as yourself, and promoting stewardship of God's creation and of taking care of the needy and disenfranchised that those are the values we share and that we should be promoting in public policy and that it's the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates who have been the ones who have been stepping out most on those issues."

Watch the video here.

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Blogging The Democrat 2007 Primary

Checking in from Orlando-- I find that one little week out of town is more than enough for the 2007 silly season to get up and running.

Newcomer The Rural Democrat favors Gov/LG combo Steve Beshear/Daniel Mongiardo and has gone on the attack against Jonathan Miller/Irv Maze supporter Bluegrass Report alleging undisclosed financial arrangements and past firings for embezzlement.

Wow. And I thought a primary without serious candidates wouldn't be fun to watch.

Saddam Treated Like A Minimum Wage Worker

With all the noteworthy things going on in the world, Rep. Ben Chandler has a "constituent survey" on his website asking central Kentuckians if their mouths water at the hailing of the Democratic Party's favorite talking points.

Large majorities of voters support raising the minimum wage because they don't think it affects them in any way. But no one can justify making it the top economic development idea for the Democrat Congress. Middle class teenagers rejoice, but otherwise we all pay for a big government feel-good move that does nothing to impact poverty in America.

The second question asks if you "favor embryonic stem cell research." What Rep. Chandler means to ask is if you prefer spending even more of your federal tax dollars on research that, if only it showed any real promise, would have already been overwhelmed with private research dollars. Think about that.

As the hanging of Saddam Hussein puts things that are actually happening in Iraq back in the spotlight, we deserve better leadership on domestic issues than this.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Privatize, Privatize

Democrats found out in 2005 that "privatizing" Social Security didn't poll well and they succeeded in selling the idea that adding optional personal accounts to the money-losing program would somehow send packing all the bureaucrats who run the federal entitlement.

Well, things change in politics. It is certainly early, but I think we need to start talking in earnest about all the government functions in Kentucky that would benefit from privatization. If we change the focus from "government is a great service provider" to "but it costs too much in the long run," we will then find the will to alleviate most of the structural imbalances we face.

Roads should be first. Just look at what Indiana has done.

Since the biggest problem our state government has is paying for state employees' retirements, it seems reasonable we should not be looking for more things for the state government to do.

Monday, December 25, 2006

New Dem Legislator Exploits Special Needs Kids

Rep-elect Carl Rollins (D-Midway) is talking about filing a bill that would accomplish absolutely nothing for education in Kentucky. Needless to say, he is excited about it.

"Its a win-win situation. I want it to be available to low and middle-income families so it will be available to help them throughout life," Rollins said.

His grand plan is setting up an education savings plan trust for students with special needs. Currently, nothing prohibits kids with special needs from participating in any available savings plans. Such a "targeted" plan is merely marketing for a politician.

If Rollins really wanted to do something for special needs kids, he would support Rep. Stan Lee's special needs scholarship bill. But for reasons known only to his KEA handlers, he won't.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006!

Thanks to everyone who checks this site, comments on this site, ridicules this site, or provides material -- intentionally or not -- for this site.

We have much to be grateful for in this wonderful country of ours. Not the least of which is that in another time or place many of us rabble-rousers not only would not be encouraged or tolerated, we would be rounded up and shot.

This has been a tough year in a lot of ways, so I am packing up my family and heading off to Disney World for a week.

My wife has threatened me with a fate worse than Hillary in '08 if she catches me using any of our vacation time to write, so it may be a little sparse for the rest of the year. But check back when you get a chance. I will do my best to get something up every day.

Merry Christmas!

John Kerry Still Gets It Wrong On Iraq

Sen. John Kerry's fake magnanimity on Iraq shows the rest of us why he won't be elected President in 2008:

No one should be looking for vindication in what is happening in Iraq today. The lesson here is not that some of us were right about Iraq or that some of us were wrong. The lesson is simply that we need to change course rapidly rather than perversely use mistakes already made and lives already given as an excuse to make more mistakes and lose even more lives.

But as distasteful as his snooty superiority complex is, his rhetoric about going forward in Iraq shows the same self-serving disloyalty to our country as his well-known exploits in the 1970's:

Refusing to change course for fear of the political fallout is not only dangerous -- it is immoral. I'd rather explain a change of position any day than look a parent in the eye and tell them that their son or daughter had to die so that a broken policy could live.

It is fun to impute the worst of intentions to a political opponent. But when Kerry says the continued war effort is the result of fear of political fallout, he is demonstrably -- almost comically -- wrong. The political fallout has already happened. Democrats will have their opportunity to sell implementation of "cut-and-run" soon enough. Somehow I think clashing motives in 2007 will lead to a courageous change in tactics on the Left.

Kentucky: Ford Country Or Land Of Rising Toyota?

In his column, George Will addresses the current difficulties and future challenges of Ford Motor Company. Ford directly employs thousands of people in two Louisville plants, so its precarious situation has important implications for Kentucky.

With the remarkable ascendancy of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Company, a similarly massive Kentucky employer, interesting questions about international trade, protectionism, labor unions, and even racial issues will be raised.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Gas Price Graph = A Thousand Words

(Hint: the "Adjusted for Inflation" line is the one that really matters.)
Hope you didn't forget to thank the Bush administration for not freaking out about gas prices in 2006. They could have fixed prices, raised taxes, or emptied out the Strategic Petroleum Reserve but they didn't.
Remember this?

"Are You Kidding Me?" Global Warming Alert

It's warm outside, winter coats are on sale, and the New York Times is in the fetal position whimpering softly about how it is all George Bush's fault.

This has been the warmest December since Mastodon flatulence melted the last Ice Age -- er, since 2001 -- and the scientists and clothing designers are up in arms:

The real worry is that this holiday season will not be an anomaly. Retailers and clothing designers are generally the last to weigh in on scientific debates, but some fear that they are seeing hints of global warming.
“The warm weather this season is really bringing it home,” said Dana Buchman, who creates women’s clothing for high-end department stores “What is scary is that people are saying it’s nice. It’s not good news. It’s scary.”
Scientists are less sure. While they have concluded that the global climate is warming because of trapped greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, extremes in any one season cannot be firmly linked to an underlying trend.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Harper Needs To Speak Up About School Choice

Gubernatorial candidate Billy Harper has been all over the place on education. His ads promote his support of KERA, but his campaign says he favors school choice. Meanwhile, his name appears on a one year old letter from Prichard Committee for Academic excellence director Robert Sexton claiming school choice isn't worth discussing.

Harper's name doesn't appear on a current list of the Prichard organization's committee members, though. If he left the liberal group over school choice -- or some other education issue -- he might want to be talking about it. Republican primary voters will be looking for strong leadership on education policy in May. Continued silence on this issue only benefits the status quo.

Spending billions of dollars on "education" in Kentucky only to get beaten up for not spending billions more may be fun for a Republican governor who sees pretty weak opposition standing between himself and re-election, but Kentucky schoolchildren really could use the leadership.