Thursday, June 15, 2006

Terrorists Know Something Democrats Don't

Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, John Edwards and all their corndog friends have been yammering nonstop about how poorly our effort in Iraq has been going.

A document retrieved from al-Zarqawi's hideout suggests an amazingly different picture. Check it out here. Kind of makes you wonder what else they have been lying to us about.

One line line of reasoning and its conclusion that jumped out at me from Zarqawi's suggestions was that he thought the "resistance" would benefit from sparking a war between America and Iran. He cited "The possibility of acquiring new weapons from the Iranian side, either after the fall of Iran or during the battles." He also suggested pitting a wide variety of other groups against each other (all Arab) in order to benefit the terrorist insurrection.

So the terrorists in Iraq knew that if we took on Iran we would defeat them, they just wanted a chance to steal their weapons. That should go over well on the Arab Street. It isn't rubbing it in -- or spin or whatever -- to say this is bad news for Democrats. They have chosen to become the anti-war party. Hope they enjoy it while they last.