Friday, June 16, 2006

I Just Joined Unity '08, You Should Too!

Unity '08 is a political organization whose purpose is to bring people together to move America forward. Let me hasten to add I have not left the Republican party and you don't have to leave your party either in order to get involved with Unity '08. The point is to work with people from all political perspectives who are tired of the status quo.

You might think that Unity '08 is a little late to the two-party party to actually have an impact in 2008. And you would be wrong.

Actually, Republicans and Democrats will be behind in the spring of 2008 when they hold their precinct elections and start the process of rewriting their state and national platforms. Their advantage is they already have people, but the same people show up and propose the same platforms so little changes. What Unity '08 lacks in sheer numbers, in another two years it could make up for in energy and by working the same process in a fresh way. They are bringing the people together first and then working out the ideas.

We all know the environment is ripe for a new movement. It is even okay that partisans like me will be looking for a way to manipulate Unity '08. If it becomes anything like a forum where we can hash out philosophical differences honestly, it will have significantly more power per capita than the Dems and Republicans telling themselves the same things.

I suspect things will get pretty dicey with Unity '08 when the time comes to pick a slate for President. But the most interesting point of a political discussion is where the strength of ideas change open minds. Based on that, Unity '08 is worth a hard look.