Thursday, June 22, 2006

Blog Blockergate A Pathetic Scandal

I don't blame liberal bloggers for trying to make Blockergate into some kind of constitutional crisis. If conservatives didn't have any ideas, we would probably be doing the same type of thing. (As it is, we can let them yammer about censorship. We need to continue working for tax reform, school choice, and fiscal responsibility in Kentucky.)

But my scorn for all this hubbub does have its limits. The Bluegrass Institute adds to policy debates in a way the partisan blogs don't. If anything, state workers need to be encouraged to read and to check to keep tabs on the legislature.

Now that people can surf the web on their cell phones, or download software to get around "blocks" on sites, and when rumor, innuendo, and hearsay zooms through Capitol offices faster than a T1 modem, I think we will survive this just fine.

While the Lefties are going gonzo on this, it might be a great time for the Fletcher Administration to start to work on a solid conservative initiative for the next session. Repealing Certificate of Need restrictions on medical care would be a good one.