Thursday, December 29, 2005

This Time, Open Mouth Disease For Howard Dean's Brother

Jim Dean just put himself in the running for idiot of the year.

In a letter to supporters of his website "Democracy For America", Jimmy made a list of successes in 2005. Several of them are noteworthy-- shutting down the discussion on Social Security, joining the Cindy Sheehan parade, electing a Democrat governor in New Jersey, and shutting down conservative ballot initiatives in California, but one talking point surprised even me.

Here it is, from the brother of Howard Dean:

"In June, you helped expose the Bush administration's rush to war by forcing the Downing Street Memos into the mainstream media. Public support for the war has been on the decline ever since."

First off, it took about 48 hours for even the New York Times to admit that there was nothing to the Downing Street Memo. But that isn't a big deal. Touting a decline in public support for the war as some kind of badge of honor for the fringe left leaves me speechless.

When are Kentucky Democrats going to publicly repudiate this character and his brother? Why won't they do this? Will they stop at nothing to relive their glorious days of our loss in Viet Nam?