Friday, July 08, 2011

End taxpayer funded primary elections now

You don't often hear complaints in Kentucky about public financing of political party primary elections, despite the millions of dollars in costs each year directly associated with them. That's largely because most people don't think about it, but also because most voters belong to one of the two major parties and would consider themselves beneficiaries of the status quo, if they thought of it at all.

That's no reason to keep doing it. Democrats and Republicans in Frankfort have combined to rig ballot access laws to protect their duopoly. And most of them would be just as happy to continue socializing their candidate selection costs as well. This setup has benefited the Republican Party in adding additional voices to public policy debates in a Kentucky once totally dominated by Democrats, but any analysis of the nearly unanimous voting in favor of recently passed, disastrously constructed state budgets suggests further action is needed to end suppression of more voices in the state.

Political duopoly isn't working in Kentucky and we can help improve the situation quickly by improving ballot access laws to remove the artificial benefits enshrined in statute for the sole purpose of boosting the major parties. Then we can stop making independently registered voters pay for political primaries. It's not just a matter of fairness for those left out of the process in May. It will very likely lead to better public engagement on the issues and better choices for all of us in November.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Take debt ceiling fight to the states

The federal debt ceiling has been raised 74 times since 1962. I'm sure someone at this very moment is whining that the Tea Party was silent each time Congress took it up, but the point that is that we certainly aren't being silent now. What was once a quiet vote without debate now has Washington D.C. tied up in knots.

It is time to take that fight to the state level.

Frankfort officials very quietly blew $30 million dollars two weeks ago on bond market shenanigans designed to make Kentucky's state budget appear balanced. You have heard absolutely nothing about this in the mainstream media even though state-level waste should be a greater concern to us because Frankfort can't just print up more money.

Now is a great time to draw attention to the need to tie Kentucky politicians hands to keep them from plunging us even further into debt. They will say that the bond market and the ratings agencies keep them from borrowing too much, but we have been down that road before. Lots of people are talking about the federal debt ceiling now and that should continue at least for the next several weeks. Let's take advantage of that to encourage our friends in Kentucky to contact their state representatives and tell them to set a limit on how much the state can borrow.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Aetna bails, Beshear wails

A frantic letter from Governor Steve Beshear's Insurance Commissioner to the Obama Administration today paints a clearer picture of how ObamaCare stands to hurt Kentucky.

In the letter, Commissioner Sharon Clark states that Aetna, the nation's third-largest health insurer is pulling out of Kentucky's individual and small group health insurance markets immediately. ObamaCare is the reason for their departure, which makes Kentucky's health insurance market even less stable and less competitive since Congress passed the new law.

Clark wrote: "Kentucky's individual marketplace remains fragile and in recovery after a previous health reform efforts (sic) in the 1990s. Given Aetna's intentions, the Commonwealth of Kentucky remains concerned that insurers exiting the market may cause an unsustainable influx of individuals into Kentucky Access, Kentucky's high risk pool. With the current budgetary environment, the effect of a large increase in membership into Kentucky Access that may occur with an additional carrier exiting the market could be extremely detrimental to the pool."

In other words, Kentucky is still trying to get over our flirtation two decades ago with HillaryCare. This is our own Democratic Governor starting to realize that Obama's health fiasco will hurt Kentucky. Please keep spreading the word about bad policies like ObamaCare. When even elected Democrats are getting the message, it's clear the Tea Party movement is having a major impact.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Just a $30 million political game, this time

One week ago, Kentucky state finance officials went to New York and spent $30 million on a bipartisan campaign stunt. You probably haven't heard anything about the nearly $400 million our state borrowed last week or the net loss of $30 million on restructuring of bonds for the sole purpose of making last year's state budget appear balanced. Want to know why?

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans in Frankfort care to draw attention to the fact that their self-congratulatory press conferences about how they set their differences aside and balanced the budget are based on you not knowing how much the charade is costing you.

We will never stop this kind of nonsense from repeating itself until we can draw attention to it and turn up the heat enough to make it stop. Kentucky Knows Best PAC blew the whistle Tuesday on how convicted felon state legislators are allowed to keep their fat pensions for life and already that issue has stirred Kentuckians to action.

With the state budget, the stakes are much higher and the need for sustained action is much greater.

Please forward this message as widely as you can and tell everyone you know that pretending to balance Kentucky's budget while borrowing and spending hundreds of millions of dollars is a fraud perpetrated against the people of Kentucky and that we have the power to make the politicians stop it. Working together, we can exercise that power.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Solving Kentucky's felon legislator problem

Kentucky has made national news today by paying a bloated legislative pension for life to former Beshear administration official and former State Rep. Steve Nunn. So the obvious question now is about preventing this from happening again.

That should be easy.

We just need to amend KRS 6.696 by striking the words "relating to his duties as a legislator" and the next time a former state legislator gets a huge pension boost via gubernatorial appointment and then gets convicted of a felony, taxpayers at least won't have to pay him a huge pension.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blago loses pension, Steve Nunn keeps his

Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, found guilty of trying to sell President Barack Obama's old U.S. Senate seat, will lose his state pension due to the felony conviction. Former Kentucky State Representative Steve Nunn, however, gets to keep his state pension even after pleading guilty to murder earlier today.

Kentucky law states a lawmaker convicted of a felony loses his pension only if it is a felony "relating to his duties as a legislator." Nice loophole, I guess. Nunn is also a beneficiary of the 2005 legislative pension grab, though it could have been worse.

Kentucky Roll Call's Lowell Reese determined that Nunn's 2009 arrest saved taxpayers half a million dollars in pension benefits, but he will still be able to draw nearly $30,000 a year in prison.

cross-posted on Kentucky Knows Best.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Walking back Weiner's wild wages

Now that Congressman Anthony Weiner is taking his photography and social media skills home from his illustrious legislative career, the next thing to do is look at the fat government pension he gets.

Apparently his taxpayer-provided benefits are worth about a million dollars.

Today should be a great day to ask professional politicians to try to justify their pensions in order to get some of that money back.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

They must be joking update

The Lexington Herald Leader covered Governor Steve Beshear's big announcement today that he sold a 2.1 acre lot in Frankfort to Franklin County. Interesting spin here:

Of course if you are keeping score at home, the number that matters to you is not $78,750 or $7.4 million, but instead $30 million, which is what this bipartisan charade will cost you next week in the bond market.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

If Mitt Romney governed Kentucky...

Consider the interesting way in which Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is both against ObamaCare and for it on the campaign trail. It's kind of pathetic, really, and there is no way he is going to get away with it.

Too bad he is not a Democratic governor running for re-election in Kentucky. Steve Beshear appears to be getting a total pass for refusing to oppose implementation of the federal health care takeover while quietly seeking exemption from it.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The sincerest form of quackery

Anyone who remembers the mess Kentucky made of its health insurance market in 1994 forcing insurance companies to ignore pre-existing conditions should know enough to not expect much from ObamaCare's Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan.

Inexplicably, Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear remembers, but stops short of doing enough to protect Kentuckians.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What part of "freedom" don't they understand?

Section 8 of Kentucky's Constitution reads as follows:

"Printing presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the proceedings of the General Assembly or any branch of government, and no law shall ever be made to restrain the right thereof. Every person may freely and fully speak, write and print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty."

Nothing there suggests any kind of authorization for the government to restrict any kind of political speech. In fact, the guarantee of freedom to speak, write and print on any subject couldn't be more clear.

So how do our politicians justify limiting our ability to criticize them?

Ask anyone who voted for SB 8 in 2008. That would probably be a lot like a Kentucky Senate version of Jay Walking.

Getting this right is pretty important. The Kentucky Constitution explicitly guarantees absolute freedom of speech and we have elected officials trying to create additional legal hurdles for citizens wishing to criticize them.

Call your state Senator and ask if he or she can explain why state government should be allowed to override our state constitution. Please forward this post to other Kentuckians so we can get this right.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Republicans win Medicare debate

The left has officially jumped the shark with their latest Mediscare attack video:

Increasing Medicare deductibles and eliminating the standardization of Medicare supplement insurance will help implement free market improvements to health care for our nation's disabled people and seniors.

With a year and a half till the 2012 elections, Republicans don't have to do much to sound like the adults in the room compared to Obama on Medicare.

The Rep. Paul Ryan plan for Medicare is a start and should help with the repeal effort on ObamaCare. As more Americans see how well they do with less government involvement in their healthcare, the closer we will get to eliminating this unconstitutional (not to mention counterproductive) activity.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ban deficit spending in Frankfort

Kentucky has added $2.46 billion in bonded debt over the last three years, that we know about. Frankfort politicians have figured out they don't have to go through the political pain of raising taxes or cutting spending, because so few people pay attention to mounting state debt.

And this doesn't even include the debt of unfunded pension liabilities which are piling up even faster. While harder to track, they are no less attributable to political opportunism of elected representatives who have neglected for years to appropriately set money aside.

Kentucky's balanced budget requirement does not preclude politicians from borrowing or refusing to fund future liabilities. That shouldn't be hard to fix.

Please forward this post as widely as possible. If we accomplish one thing in the 2012 General Assembly, this should be it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

With "spending cuts" like these...

Frankfort politicians claim to have cut the state budget eight times over the last three and a half years. Hope you didn't think that meant they were actually spending less money, because it didn't.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Where's Kentucky's ObamaCare waiver?

The Beshear administration is hiding its latest communication with the federal government about the disastrous health insurance regulation in the law known as ObamaCare.

Beshear quietly asked for an exemption from the law back in February. Since then, Obama asked for more information about Kentucky's request and, according to sources with information about the negotiations, Kentucky has sent additional documents.

Funny we aren't hearing anything about this as Beshear attempts to make the case for his re-election in part by touting, falsely, how transparent his administration has been.

Friday, April 22, 2011

David Williams Sugar Tax

Moderate Republican gubernatorial candidate David Williams went on the attack against his conservative Tea Party challenger Phil Moffett in a televised debate. In this clip, Moffett merely points out that Williams "floated" the idea of raising taxes on soft drinks:

Williams quickly went into defense attorney mode:

But here is the KET evidence of Williams, right before voting to increase taxes on gasoline, cigarettes and tobacco, saying that other "unhealthy" items should be treated the same way:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What, no David Williams Richie Farmer song?

The lack of enthusiasm for Phil Moffett's opponents doesn't get much clearer than this:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nice try, David Williams

Kentucky Senate President David Williams continues to watch his gubernatorial dreams of personal government pension excess fade after a horrid last few weeks saw him botch the regular legislative session budget negotiations before wilting in the special session, giving Governor Steve Beshear exactly what he wanted.


All Williams could do as Democrats ran rings around him was protest weakly and pull together the last remaining handful of House Republicans who can't decide if they should actually follow Williams or just fear him for a poorly conceived attempt to extend the session.

Watching Williams expose his ineptness is fun for those of us who have been aware of it for a while. It's interesting that Williams yesterday in Northern Kentucky shifted from his prior strategy of trying to run the Republican primary by criticizing Beshear to ratcheting up his attacks on insurgent Tea Party candidate Phil Moffett.

In an article, Williams touted his "experience" while claiming Moffett lacks "capacity to execute" and has a platform that is "shallow."

I think we have had more than enough of Williams' execution and depth.

It appears David Williams is adrift.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Phil Moffett on Lexington radio

Tune in to WVLK AM 590 on Thursday morning at 9:00 am ET to hear Phil Moffett on the Jack Pattie Show.

Tune in on the internet at The call-in number is 859-253-5959.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Keep talking, David Williams

Career politician David Williams has a tv ad up.

What do you think?
"Bold, tough, real, cutting taxes and government." Right...

Here is another video to consider. In this one, taken on the Senate floor in 2009, Williams is making his case for a tax increase (HB 144) and promising that if he got the money, spending would be limited and the state's rainy day fund would be replenished first. And he touts the coming Obama Bucks stimulus funds, promising also that those funds would be used first for the rainy day fund.

Well, it's two years later and $1.3 billion in Obama stimulus has already been spent by our bold hero. Since July 1, 2009, the state's appropriation supported debt has increased $1.7 billion. And there is no money in the state's rainy day fund.