Thursday, October 12, 2006

Worley Continues Name-Calling

At an embarrassing Tuesday night candidates forum, Senator Ed Worley continued his efforts to distract from his sordid performance of late by imitating Mel Gibson.

I don't know how Worley feels about "the jews," but his ire sure does get raised easily by his opponent Barry Metcalf. Tuesday, he called Metcalf "pompous and arrogant" for pointing out that Worley tells constituents he is against gambling and campaign donors elsewhere he is for it. In a Herald Leader article coming out Friday, Worley refers to Metcalf as a "yapping dog."

If Worley concentrated more on keeping his story straight about who he is ripping off in shady land deals, his avid support for casino gambling, or voting for state budgets without bonding $4 Billion for future generations to worry about, he wouldn't have to squeal so loud because his feet are being held to the fire.