Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Herald Leader's "Trust Issue"

Since the McClatchy purchase of the Lexington Herald Leader, the paper's employees have had a real attitude change.

The fact that the reporters are walking a little taller may not be easily visible to the untrained eye, but try talking to them. An infusion of hope does good things to people and new ownership has already instilled a new confidence among the news personnel. A fun example is found on the new political blog the Frankfort bureau publishes. They actually provide links to Louisville Courier Journal stories. That's their competition. What kind of dead tree publication does that?

One that wants to really dominate the marketplace.

The people on the editorial board express the same kind of renewed vigor. So it is all the more disappointing to see the same old nonsense printed on their pages. Today, they pander hard left in endorsing Teresa Isaac's economic development director. (I can hardly even say that term without laughing. Seems like Julian Beard should be called "the condemnation commisar.") But to the editorial board, he is the "stronger candidate."

Piffle. And what's worse, their main complaint against Bill Roberts is that he follows the law and can count to 100.

We can only hope the new energy at the Lexington Herald-Leader might somehow strengthen the arguments of the hardened editorial writers. The paper is hiring; maybe they will add some new blood there. Their columnists have the talent, but there are some major trust issues. A key ingredient to growing their paper will be addressing this shortcoming.