Sunday, September 17, 2006

More Education Whining Won't Help

The Lexington Herald Leader this morning wastes valuable ink bellyaching about the high cost of higher education for low-income families. This is the kind of politically motivated fantasy that risks accomplishing the opposite of what it says it wants to.

The truth is poor families in America are pretty well-situated to send their children to college. In fact, an alarming number of low-income families aren't even applying for aid they would qualify for. Editorials claiming all hope is lost, rich get richer/poor get poorer, and poor people are dropping dead for lack of legislative concern benefit only professional complainers and not the constituency they purport to support.

There are problems with our public higher education system, but using it as a hitching post for left-wing talking points about how terrible America is for poor people is a shameful waste.

If you are facing higher education costs you really can not afford, take heart. You can get the help you need. Don't pay any attention the sob sisters at the Herald Leader. Start here. And then to search private scholarships go here.