Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Time to speak up

Sen. Mitch McConnell, you may remember, was for the amnesty bill before he heard from us. Now that he is basically on the same side of the welfare-for-pinstripes scheme as Rep. Barney Frank, he should hear from us again.

You'll either love this or hate it

An enterprising new Kentucky website is selling Sarah Palin bumper stickers for the best price available anywhere.
"Now we want to show our support for her and make a lot of liberals mad while we drive to work. We urge you to show your support for Gov Palin by putting the Palin crosshairs on your vehicle."

Check it out here.

Grayson rips Obama/Biden coal plan

Secretary of State Trey Grayson called on Kentucky Democrats Gov. Steve Beshear, Bruce Lunsford, and Sen. David Boswell to take sides for or against the coal industry.

Vice Presidential nominee Joe Biden has chosen his side. He is against it.

Grayson said:
"Recently, the Obama-Biden ticket showed its true colors as it relates to the future of coal in our country. Sen. Biden said at a campaign rally in Ohio that in an Obama-Biden administration there would apparently be 'no coal plants here in America.' This bait and switch is similar to Senator Obama's support of clean coal legislation that Senator Bunning and he co-sponsored in the Senate. Obama eventually voted against the legislation."

"Governor Beshear, Bruce Lunsford, and State Senator David Boswell, who either represent coal producing counties or are running to do so, should renouce these reckless and uninformed beliefs of the Obama-Biden ticket, particularly on the eve of Senator Biden's visit to Kentucky. During these difficult economic times, we should be doing more to spur Kentucky's economy, not trying to extinguish it."

Homework help for Ron Bishop

Authorities are looking into reports that Fayette County Detention Center Director Ron Bishop is waiting for someone named Libby Mills to finish writing his response to a devastating but unreleased management review performed by city auditors.

Lexington taxpayers are still paying for Bishop to drive a city car home to Louisville every day.

Mayor Jim Newberry had no comment.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Yeah, there is another side to this argument

The Lexington Herald Leader has a column this morning about Congressional earmarks in which they couldn't find anyone who is against the redistributive nature of pulling so much money of private hands that politicians get to build their political careers on pulling some of back and deciding who gets it.

Bruce Lunsford had a chance to really score points on Sen. Mitch McConnell, but he punted:
"Lunsford couldn't cite a McConnell-secured earmark for Kentucky with which to quibble."

Republicans give fiscal conservatives precious little to support on this front but the "we can pour out the slop better than they can" approach is certainly not a winner.

The Club for Growth of Kentucky has a very interesting take on this. If tax revenues are high enough to fund bovine flatulence studies and the mating habits of hummingbirds, think how much more productive that money would be in what is left of our private sector.

Give taxpayers a seat at the table

Congress battling over the shape of the $700 billion bailout means some want to add in executive pay restrictions and large-scale mortgage renegotiations for troubled homeowners.

While my opposition to limiting CEO pay is melting as the promise of more federal taxpayer bailouts makes more CEOs de facto government employees, I don't see much sense in propping up the last vestiges of the housing bubble by continuing to compensate those who can't afford their mortgages.

If anyone in Washington D.C. is interested in treating taxpayers as more than ATMs, they would repeal automatic deduction of payroll taxes. Let's go back to having Americans make their own tax payments. Congress should make this a part of the bailout bill.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wow, that was quick!

More than a month ago, you read here that the Fayette County Detention Center had fired the four indicted and suspended officers in the inmate abuse scandal. There were more details provided here last week.

The Lexington Herald Leader is on the case today, talking to the union president I got the same information from in mid-August.

What's odd is that the four indicted former officers appealing to get their jobs back even merits a news story now. All this amounts to is the defendants trying to keep themselves busy before their November 12 pre-trial conference by acting like they aren't going to prison.

What the Herald Leader should be reporting on is why Cpl. John Vest, who the city has been trying to malign for two years, still has his badge, ID card, uniforms, and keys to the jail but isn't allowed back to work. His slander and civil rights violation lawsuit is getting stronger every day.

Another issue Mayor Jim Newberry ignores

Increased federal enforcement of immigration laws will have an impact on Lexington and other areas of Kentucky sooner or later. Given security concerns about the World Equestrian Games in 2010, it might be sooner.

And it could get ugly.

Tears -- and sand -- in their ears

Just wondering if the Fannie Mae debacle might have some of the "There is no crisis in Social Security" crowd rethinking their not-so-long-ago positions.

Perhaps I'm not the only one:
"But the Fannie fiasco matters for a less-obvious reason. There are other accidents waiting to happen in the social entitlements whose costs also will jeopardize U.S. long-term growth. Social Security and Fannie aren't often spoken of in the same breath – as programs go, we associate Social Security with the swinging-and-60-plus crowd, not the Swinging '60s."

"What Social Security and Fannie have in common is that both have lived important segments of their lives off-budget. Tax increases are likely to pay for Fannie and Freddie. These increases will remind voters that being off-budget doesn't mean a program won't eventually penalize the taxpayer. Burned by Fannie, voters may get ready for entitlement reform."

It's past time to stop the whining against Social Security reform and get on with it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Funny money at Fayette jail no laughing matter

Sources with information about the City of Lexington's internal auditing say that a damaging report about Don Leach, former Administrative Officer at the Fayette jail, will be released as soon as Monday.

At issue is financial improprieties related to Leach's consulting business and misuse of city property.

Despite rumors to the contrary, the final audit report is not likely to include information about Director Ron Bishop and Edye Dabney.

Other than being indicative of very poor judgement by officials at the jail and the city, this mess appears to be unrelated to the criminal abuse of inmates at the Lexington jail.

David Boswell is running the wrong way

The Republican Party of Kentucky is having a field day with a fundraiser for 2nd district congressional candidate Sen. David Boswell going to Washington D.C. for a fundraiser with California Congressman George Miller.

"David Boswell raised so little money in Kentucky that he’s been forced to turn to Nancy Pelosi’s closest friends to bail him out. There is no doubt where his loyalty would be in Congress,” said Republican Party of Kentucky Chairman Steve Robertson.

Rep. Miller has endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for President and scores 0% on tax issues and 21% on responsible spending. He also rates an F from the National Rifle Association and a 100% from the ACLU.

Thanks Nancy, Ben, and John

The U.S. House of Representatives last night gave the advantage on energy production back to Republicans.
"House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today put the Democrats in charge of Congress on notice that the House GOP will not stop fighting until a comprehensive energy reform bill is signed into law. Boehner’s speech comes a day after House Democrats rejected a bipartisan plan – authored by Reps. John Peterson (R-PA) and Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) – to take the first critical steps toward lower energy costs. Democrats instead passed yet another sham “no energy” bill, continuing Speaker’s Pelosi’s stated purpose of attempting to give vulnerable Democrats political cover by encouraging them to tell their constituents they will vote for real energy reform without actually doing so."

Now the sham bill goes to the Senate where Sen. Mitch McConnell gets to be the hero by killing it. And even if that doesn't work, it is sure to get a veto from President Bush.

Your vacation is over, boys and girls. Time to get to work. And all that really means now is to get yourselves out of the way so Americans can produce their own energy.

Rep. Ben Chandler and Rep. John Yarmuth, both of Kentucky's Dems, voted for the sham.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Newt's tri-partisan big ideas

Newt Gingrich is putting together an event September 27 to explore ways to fix what ails the country. Could be interesting.

Go here for more.

Crass politicization aside, casinos still dead

Sen. Jack Westwood has decided he now wants a vote on casinos.

Maybe it will get him a few votes or campaign contributions, but it still won't get Gov. Steve Beshear any casinos.

If you want more money, guys, repeal prevailing wage and certificate of need.

New media staying on top of stories that matter

If you have been reading this site for information about the Fayette County Detention Center scandals that you can't get elsewhere, then you may also want to read Page One Kentucky for details about a big financial scandal at the University of Louisville that others have been strangely incurious about.

Hey McCain, tell us about this!

If Sen. Barack Obama were to win this November and bring a Democratic Congress with him to Washington D.C., we know government involvement in healthcare would increase.

A state constitutional amendment ballot initiative in Sen. John McCain's home state of Arizona, however, would limit the expansion of government-run health programs and infringements on individual rights.

Here it is:

Free market reforms to the healthcare industry aren't even on the table, really, because so much of the national conversation is about increasing the role of government. A policy such as this one from Arizona could allow states to get serious about looking at ways to make the system work better instead of just more expensive.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can we get a running mate for Mitch McConnell?

From Polwatchers:
"McConnell's campaign manager Justin Brasell also countered that McConnell has "voted 29 times against congressional pay raises and ten times since 1996 for minimum wage increases.""


I will say this, though: before you get all wobbly on the Senate Minority Leader, watch the video below of his opponent Bruce Lunsford a couple of times and you will be okay.

Let's stick Obama's campaign in a closet to die

Monday, September 15, 2008

Kentucky reform works when it is evidence-based

Kentucky has gotten some well-deserved, if minor, kudos for responding to reality and doing away with most of its 1994 flirtation with HillaryCare.
"The coverage guarantee is not a new concept. But it has had a troubled history in several states that tried it for people seeking coverage through the insurance market. Some states, such as Kentucky and South Dakota, eventually dropped the guarantee after insurers left. In the few states where guaranteed coverage continues, monthly premiums generally are much higher for younger, healthier people than in nearby states."

Too bad we are not yet ready to take a similar approach to what the real world is telling us about our two decades-old educational reforms.

"Grossly excessive" Steve Beshear pandering

Fortunately, it appears the hurricane winds weren't enough to cause a gasoline supply disruption for Kentucky.

But we got enough hot air from Gov. Steve Beshear to last us for a long time. The way our "price gouging" law is written only encourages him and politicians like him to go around calling gasoline suppliers dirty names.

The standard for violation of the Kentucky "price gouging" statute is too vague for anyone but a trial attorney or a politician trying to boost his approval ratings to appreciate. The bill subjects anyone to prosecution for selling goods and services during a called emergency for a price that is "grossly in excess" of the normal price.

In fact, the law is so vague Beshear and Attorney General Jack Conway might just fine retailers around the state until they pile up the extra $500 million they want to tax you for.

Does anyone need to be reminded who those extra costs will be passed along to?

It would be much cheaper for all of us to simply repeal this awful law.