Tuesday, January 22, 2008

End The Legislators' Strike

I can't find anyone with a good argument against Sen. David Williams' bill to move the filing deadline to after the end of the General Assembly.

In fact, here is one very active opponent of Republicans in general who is on board. Where are the rest of you?

My only question is will Speaker Jody Richards run this bill through the Labor & Industry Committee since it involves making the lawmakers work for their money an extra month every other year?

Bad Day For The Bald Guy

I'm trying to find a silver lining in the withdrawal of Fred Thompson from the presidential race, but not having much luck.

Any help?

2008: Year Of The Discharge Petition

Committee chairmen can kill bills by not bringing them up for discussion, but sponsors of the University Gun Bill and the Welfare for Drug Abusers Bill easily have the 25 supporters required to call a vote on a discharge petition in the House. If 51 members vote for overriding the committee action, the bill in question goes to the House floor for a vote.

While we are at it, the Ernie Fletcher Revenue Neutral Tax Increase Bill needs a discharge petition as well. And given Harry Moberly's affinity for government secrecy, we might as well go ahead and file one for the Government Transparency Bill.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Associated Press Botches Drug Bill Debate

UPDATE: Here is a little help on this issue from the Bluegrass Institute.


The Associated Press picked up the bipartisan House effort to encourage drug abusers on welfare to stop using drugs or risk losing their welfare benefits.

The dismissive tone of the article is a little over-the-top, starting with the headline: "Welfare proposal has few fans."

The article fails to mention there are actually two bills (here and here) and only gets around to interviewing one of the sponsors. Napier's version has 27 co-sponsors.

I think what the Associated Press reporter meant was that he and Tom Burch don't like the bill.

Rep. Tom Burch should be the focus of this story for killing a commonsense measure to get people off drugs.

Instead, we get more of the mentality that hasn't worked for decades in fighting poverty or drug abuse:
The measure, House Bill 190, is languishing in the House Health and Welfare Committee. Committee Chairman Tom Burch, D-Louisville, said he doesn't intend to call it up for consideration.

"I don't think it's a good bill, and I don't think the intention behind it is good," Burch said. "Let's get treatment for the person rather than penalize the whole family."

House Republicans should easily be able to peel off enough Democrats for a discharge petition to work on this one. For the record, Napier co-sponsored Henley's bill. Let the Democrat's bill go through and get this done.

Steve Beshear Is No Scab

It is as if the legislators in Frankfort are on strike and Steve Beshear is no scab.

The Lexington Herald Leader reports:
Beshear says his aides are still trying to nail down details of the casino plan and the retirement system reform and that his time is consumed by crafting a budget proposal.

The delay in the unveiling of those policies is practical -- not a political stalling tactic to make it past the candidate filing deadline, Beshear insists.

"It's not geared to the filing deadline, it's simply geared to the fact that right now we're in the middle of putting this budget together," he said. "That's our top priority, obviously, because I've got to do that by the 29th and we're working on these other things at the same time. It's just a product of the time that we've got."

That's bunk. Everyone on Team Beshear has had a pretty good idea details of the casino plan and problems with the retirement plan and crafting a budget proposal were going to be issues for them to work on since last May.

The Governor Steve Beshear-as-slacker routine has everything to do with the January 29 filing deadline.

Giuliani Panders In Florida

As if one Republican presidential candidate with a bad insurance plan weren't enough, Rudy weighs in.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sing, Sing A Song, Sing Out Loud, Sing Out Strong

Former Lexington Mayor Teresa Isaac will be deposed regarding her role in the Fayette County Detention Center scandal on Friday, January 25 at 9:30 am.

Mayor Jim Newberry is up Tuesday, February 8.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Fayette Jail Scandal Hits The Radio On Monday

Busy Monday morning coming up for me. I will be on the Jack Pattie Show on 590 AM WVLK in Lexington at 9:00 talking about the legislature and Leland Conway's show on 630 AM at 11 AM talking about the scandal at the Fayette County Detention Center.

Anyone with a story to tell about the problems at the jail should email me at kyprogress@yahoo.com.

City of Lexington Buying Bogus Diplomas

I'm doing some research into the "consulting" business Ray Sabbatine and Donald Leach are running out of the Fayette County Detention Center and the taxpayer money they are using to line their own pockets.

Accidentally came across one little goody: Lexington taxpayers paid for Leach's fake doctoral degree.

Big House Democrat Tax Increase Bill

The Kentucky Chamber of Commerce send out an email yesterday afternoon claiming Rep. Harry Moberly's HB 302 would increase taxes by up to $200 million a year.

That may be a good guess, but if you look at the bill it isn't hard to imagine it's impact might be much more severe. The bill punishes companies who do business in other states for doing business in Kentucky. Nice plan, Chairman Moberly.

Harry Moberly is one great big reason I won't be sending any of my kids to Eastern Kentucky University.

Friday, January 18, 2008

You Can't Block This

The city of Lexington has ended their feeble attempt to block this blog on city computers.

It is starting to dawn on the folks at 200 East Main Street that the Justice Department investigation and the class action and civil lawsuits aren't just going to go away.

Can't imagine why anyone in the Mayor's office would think they could finesse all this stuff as easily as they can scam the Lexington Herald Leader.

Just ask Ron Bishop, Don Leach, and the boys and girls at the Fayette County Detention Center. They are a little further along the learning curve.

Stroke Of Genius Meets Good Public Policy

Senate President David Williams has filed a bill to move the candidate filing deadline forward to April. This eliminates the problem of legislators sitting on their hands during the first month of the General Assembly and forces legislators to get off the fence about casino gambling before campaign opponents have to file to run against them.

Smoke-Filled Media Bias At Herald Leader

Amazing how the Lexington Herald Leader can watch a parade of House and Senate Democrats chase their tails on the puffery of just one little old cigarette tax increase and see a gathering storm of support in "Cigarette tax hike gains traction."

This story could more accurately be headlined "House Dems fiddle while Frankfort burns."

The newspaper story didn't even mention the one group of cooler heads who have already decided this issue. The Senate Republicans said no tax increase. Well, maybe just one.

Revenues keep going up in Frankfort. Spending keeps going up faster. Raising taxes, it should stand to reason, isn't the answer here. If we really want to take a step in the right direction, we will start talking about transparency in our state government.

Still Looking For Ways To Cut Spending

Since people are going to gamble anyway, there really is no need to allow the state lottery to spend money on advertising or marketing, right?

A Better Idea For Improving Schools

Before attacking House Minority Whip Stan Lee for joining Speaker Jody Richards' effort to limit the state to one charter school -- in Bowling Green, of course -- I called him seeking an explanation.

Rep. Lee says he is working a charter school bill for all the state. That is a very good thing.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Unexpected Twist On Blog Blockergate 2008

Didn't see this one coming.

Sources are reporting that the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government has blocked this website on city computers.

I can't get into it now, but the timing of this cowardly action is VERY interesting. Stay tuned.

And any city workers reading from home who have information about Mayor Newberry's role in the various city scandals or in the mess at the Fayette County Detention Center can reach me at kyprogress@yahoo.com.

Still waiting to hear what the Beshear blog blocking policy will be.

Taking Care Of Their Own

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.

And no, I don't care nearly as much about the Chandler hiring as it is not against the law.

Attorney General Jack Conway, where are you?

Nine Minutes To See What America Needs

Much, much less government spending. Hillary and Obama won't do it. Rudy and Mitt won't either.

The Comptroller General of the United States says we are screwed by 2040, when the federal government will only have the money to operate Social Security and Medicaid. Go back to sleep, though. There is no crisis.

How About A Kentucky Stimulus Package?

Harry Moberly has not just one, but two bills designed to stick it to corporations.

Many of the rest of our legislators are looking for ways to enable more economic opportunity for our citizens.

Like Jim DeCesare.

Rather than work up incentive packages for some companies to do business here, shouldn't we just get rid of corporate taxes and let the government live off the taxes created by the new businesses, new employees, and improved economy?

Paying For Democracy One Addict At A Time

Senate Bill 5, the "Crowded Field Bill" which passed the Senate yesterday should be killed in the House. We can easily pay for the extra elections by enacting this bill.