The Federal Communications Commission under President Obama is apparently tired of banning profane language and soft pornography on television and conservative groups across the land are organizing email comments in protest.
That isn't the way to do it.
Not only is a torrent of emails unlikely to persuade left-wing feel-gooders in charge to stop trying to coarsen society as they have been working for decades to do, it's the wrong way to fight the fight.
My target is the people who provide the entertainment, not the government that regulates it. If ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox want into my home after this policy change occurs, they need to all make clear that ObamaPorn won't be broadcast on their stations. There are two weaknesses in this plan, though they aren't quite as bad as emailing the FCC: they are a package deal so if one goes Obama as far as I'm concerned they are all gone and, second, they won't have far to go because they are already pretty bad.
Still, demanding federal authorities prohibit service providers from delivering something they want to give consumers who want to get it to make those who don't want it happy is the wrong way to go. The path of government force deserves to lose this fight and it will.
So I will be unplugging the converter box that delivers these broadcasters into my home until such time as I'm convinced ObamaPorn is off their stations. If we really want to win the battle of the airwaves, that's our approach.