Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"Some of My Best Friends Are Diverse"

Classic quote from Madison County Clerk candidate David Johnson:

“I believe in a diversity society,” Johnson said. “As for reaching out to the community, looking for diverse people, today I was campaigning in a pretty good subdivision, and I seen [sic] some diverse people, and there are diverse people throughout Madison County.”

I got the story from kynews.org.

Million Moron March?

Wonder why next week's Network of Spiritual Progressives march on Washington D.C. hasn't gotten much media attention yet.

Democrats' notion that all will be well at the ballot box will be fine if they can just out-Godspeak Republicans would actually be kind of fun to watch. The show will be May 17-20.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Ky Democrat Prediction of Resurgence Premature

Don't look now, but the same Democrats who crowed earlier in the year they were going to take over the Kentucky Senate now seem to be pinning all their hopes on their one candidate who seems to have any life in him at all. The really bad news for them is the one candidate is convicted felon Carroll Hubbard who is running for Sen. Bob Leeper's 2nd district seat.

A stealth campaign by former Senator Barry Metcalf against Democrat Leader Sen. Ed Worley is shaping up to be the big story of this fall election season.

More Government Reform: Disband SEC

The Securities And Exchange Commission could be eliminated without hurting public confidence in our financial markets. The internet makes all the relevant information readily available to individuals, the SEC is swamped and terribly inefficient at enforcement, and yet the fact that investors drop their guard because they have the illusion of SEC oversight leaves us ripe for victimization by corporate criminals. Corporate income tax elimination on the way to instituting the FairTax would also make corporate financial records easier to decipher because convoluted "tax planning" would no longer be necessary.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Herald Leader Kiss of Death for Isaac, Newberry

Lexington's mayoral race got a nice jolt this morning with the Lexington Herald Leader's endorsement of Mayor Teresa Isaac and Jim Newberry.

Conservative voters now know to vote for Councilman Bill Farmer. They should have already known that, but I'm sure the Farmer camp appreciates the help. By endorsing both liberals in what is really a three way race, the paper now hands Farmer a 250 word opportunity to make his case. And, for good measure, they will likely print a picture of their two favorites on their election day list of endorsements.

This should help give Lexington voters a conservative choice for mayor in November. After all, the Herald Leader endorsed Jim Gray four years ago. On the strength of that plug, he dropped to third and out of the race. I wouldn't be surprised to see the same happen to Newberry, who has tried to be on both sides of the water condemnation issue and seems to have very few real plans for office.

D.C. Dems Contract To Raise Taxes, Seriously

The Washington Post reports Nancy Pelosi and friends are measuring for drapes in majority leadership offices already.

That's the good news. The great news is they are coming clean on some of their policy initiatives for the first week of their return to power.

They want to require corresponding tax increases for any government increase in spending. Since everyone knows the government spends more money each year, that means they want to not only roll back all the Bush tax cuts, they want annual tax increases as far as the eye can see.

Once again, frustrating Republican "leaders" will get to skate because Democrats are worse.


Bad Democrat: Stumbo Misses Chance To Preen

What is the world coming to when ten states sue the Bush adminstration of something as critical to the Union as gas mileage requirements for SUV's and Kentucky's leaky chief prosecutor doesn't make Kentucky one of them?

Was he out "running late for a vote" with Patrick Kennedy or something?

Fresh, New Ideas From KY Democrats

Finally! Well, really it is just more of the same. Go here and see for yourself.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Stumbo Sues Trey Grayson For Doing His Job

Last month, Secretary of State Trey Grayson announced his office found thousands of Kentucky voters who had subsequently registered to vote in other states.

Grayson reasonably purged these multiple-state voters from Kentucky's voter rolls, in a strong effort to eliminate voter fraud.

So now we learn that scandal-plagued Attorney General Greg Stumbo has sued to put 8105 such voters back on Kentucky's rolls.

Stumbo has clearly bitten off more than he can chew.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Whining Versus Acting Like An American

If you ever talk to an elderly person about what life was like during the Great Depression, try asking if America could survive a real, prolonged downturn now.

The answer is "not a chance."

We are having Congressional hearings because gas is $3 a gallon. I suppose that next year when the price reaches $4 we will have to bring in UN peacekeepers.

This really is a good time to ask ourselves what it means when we think of ourselves as Americans. Are we just a bunch of fat, drunk, stupid, helpless automatons who can't think beyond "there oughta be a law" when everything doesn't go perfectly? What happened to the pioneers who risked life and limb to build this nation from nothing? Well, the truth is there are plenty of them left, but no one with those heroic attributes that makes America great would ever dream of running to elected officials because commodity price fluctuations turned against them in such a small way.

Those who sit around waiting for some kind of official guidance for surviving "high" gas prices would doubtless fall on the floor kicking, screaming, and turning purple if someone were to suggest shutting off the cable television.

That got me thinking about how what we really need is a small dose of perspective on gas prices. Seriously, if you eat out at restaurants -- ever -- your complaints about gas prices are merely about lifestyle, not survival. In fact, if you eat junk food or drink soft drinks, smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, run up credit card balances, or buy new automobiles, the white hot anger about prices at the pump should be embarrassing. The fact that too many Americans aren't embarrassed by this skewed perspective says a lot about how lost we are. That such a minor hit to our lavish lifestyles would be met with ranting and raving rather than belt-tightening or, at the very least, a little shift in spending priorities, is startling and sad.

Rep. Kennedy: I'm Not Drunk, I'm Drugged

Another Kennedy, another car, another scandal.

Rep. Patrick Kennedy insists he wasn't drunk when he crashed his car. He says he was on Ambien.

If you have ever taken Ambien for sleeplessness, you know it is good stuff. But driving isn't a very good idea. Kennedy said at the scene he was late for a vote. If he has been voting on Ambien, that would explain a lot.

Happy Cinco De Mayo

Today is the day Mexicans celebrate kicking the French invaders out of Mexico. Seems like they had a pretty good solution to illegal immigration back in 1862.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Government To The Rescue; Everybody Run!

Yesterday the U.S. House of Representatives stayed stuck on stupid by almost unanimously passing a measure to prevent "gouging" at the gas pump.

There is nothing beneficial for the public in such a bill. It allows legislators to go home and say they are trying to do something about "high" gas prices, but that is all.

This isn't a partisan thing, either. The entire Kentucky delegation voted for this.

What a waste.

KY's Top Dem Plays Hand On Gas Prices

Now this is a partisan witch hunt.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Gas Prices and The Economy

It's more fun to blame the evil oil companies, but here is more common sense on gas prices.

Prevent Defense = More Touchdowns

Mexico is about to legalize possession of heroin, cocaine, and other drugs. They hope this allows them to spend less time going after recreational users and more on going after dealers. Sounds like the old prevent defense in football which never seemed to work.

This is another great reason to put up a wall along the border with Mexico.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Dems' Mixed Message On Energy

King For A Day: What Would You Do?

Everyone seems to be upset with all that is going on in Washington D.C. these days. Six months out from the midterm elections, what would be your #1 issue if you were in charge?

For me, there isn't a close second. Fair Tax is it. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have all the Democrats locked up against it. All the more reason for Republicans to take a good look.

Ever Wonder How The World Sees Our Oil "Crisis?"

Here is an interesting perspective on the American bellyaching over gas prices, courtesy of an Englishman.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Barrows Out, AG Denies Job Talks

Rep. Joe Barrows (D-Versailles), sponsor of the doomed casino gambling bill in this year's General Assembly session, has withdrawn from what was going to be an uphill re-election campaign.

Despite widespread rumors to the contrary, AG spokeswoman Vicki Glass denied that Barrows is about to take a position in the Attorney General's office.

Republican Kevin Locke faces weak Democrat opposition for the 56th district seat this November.