Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This Is How Bad It Has Gotten

The ridiculous alternative "energy" giveaway bill is expected to be wildly endorsed by members of both parties in the House tomorrow.

Rep. Tom Riner (D-Louisville) has filed amendments that place the following language in the bill not just once, but twice:

The General Assembly further finds that the energy facilities located in Kentucky as a result of this subchapter have a moral obligation to include among their first priorities and principles of operation the health and welfare of their employees and the citizens of the Commonwealth and the protection of the environment, including the land, air, and water.

The only thing left to do now is to establish penalties for business owners for violating their "moral obligation" to the citizens of the Commonwealth or for keeping their obligations to the land, air, and water as only a secondary priority.

What a weird day it has been watching our legislators put this bill together. Not one of our brighter moments.