Monday, June 11, 2007

Maybe We Should Check Her Socks

Madeleine Albright, Bill Clinton's former Secretary of State, has formed a group in support of "strong liberal values, and the need for strong national security."

The site is remarkably free of any kind of specifics. These folks really are going to keep their mouths shut until Hillary's move-in day, aren't they?

Rudy, Mitt, McCain Are Falling For It, Will You?

GOP presidential contenders are lending their names to a global redistribution effort (USA pays, everyone else receives) that won't earn any of them one single vote. I'll give you a hint, the ONE campaign's Kentucky director just moved to Montana.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lowell Reese Says Fletcher May Lose And Take Trey Grayson Down With Him

He says it on this podcast.

"I don't think anybody else (other than Richie Farmer) on the Republican down ticket will be elected unless Fletcher is elected. And furthermore, Fletcher will have to get over 53% maybe somewhere around 54% of the vote in order to pull anybody in with him on down ticket. So you've got Trey Grayson, Melinda Wheeler, Linda Greenwell and the others. They're not going to make it. They don't have really a chance of making it unless Fletcher gets 53% or 54% of the vote which he is not expected to do. It's beyond precarious. It's dismal at this moment, because I think it is very uphill for Fletcher given the mood of voters in Kentucky."

Interesting. What do you think?

Floyd County Prepares For Stumbo AG Term End

Call it the anti-Greg Stumbo ordinance.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Volunteer State Candidates About To Step Up?

Funny to see Dem and GOP front-runners for the White House in 2008 trailed closely in third place by former Senators from Tennessee, neither of which is officially in the race.

Fred Thompson trails Giuliani and McCain, while Al Gore trails Clinton and Obama. It would be fun to see Al Gore run twice and lose his home state both times.

Scrap The Tax Code Now

If you don't know the history of the the 16th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, now would be a good time to read a little history about how we started on the path to what is now a ridiculous monster of a federal tax code.

I think the debate should be between whether we start with repeal of the 16th amendment or with instituting a new method for funding the government and then clean out the anachronisms later. The only option that doesn't hold any water is sticking with the status quo.

For the record, I think repealling the 16th amendment now and forcing Washington to come up with an alternative is the only way to go because it is the best way to get started on change.

Even the very blue states are going to have a tough time resisting a loud and persistent call to move away from the mess of a tax code we have now. Alternatively, they can shut down a specific reform proposal in a variety of ways, in which case we wind up with nothing.

Jack Conway, Call Your Webmaster

The Conway for Attorney General team still has on the front page of its website an article that chides his opponent Rep. Stan Lee for advocating a ban on taxpayer-supported boyfriend health benefits at state universities.

Conway used the "domestic partner" benefits issue as part of his liberal campaign agenda until he was forced to admit its unconstitutionality eight days ago.

Better work up a new one, boys. What's next Jack, diapers for politicians?

Friday, June 08, 2007

Son Of KERA Put To Rest

The lawsuit to force another massive KERA-style tax increase is now dead.

If we could only get some of these people past their money grubbing and on to raising standards, we would see more progress in education in Kentucky.

Paris Hilton Transferred To Lexington, KY Jail

Well, no, she wasn't really but this story is getting closer to blowing up. That will be fun to watch.

Immigration Debate Is Really Just Beginning

I've stayed away from the immigration debate because progress toward agreement was going so slowly.

Interesting story in the Courier Journal should put to rest the notion that this thing is over.

I think comprehensive reform just isn't going to happen until we take a few basic steps like fortifying the borders and reforming entitlements.

Republicans For Beshear?

A commenter mentioned an effort to form a "Republicans for Beshear" effort to peel off some of Governor Fletcher's support. Have to guess it is probably true.

How this shakes out will be very interesting to watch...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Beshear: KY Isn't Gouging Enough For Electricity

Gubernatorial candidate Steve Beshear links to a story on his campaign website bemoaning the fact that Kentucky isn't as "energy efficient" as more progressive states like Vermont, Connecticut, and California.

What he fails to mention is that these three paragons of efficiency have electricity prices two to three times higher than we do here in Kentucky.

We can try to mandate energy conservation if we want to, but the only way to make a real impact on usage is to raise prices. How much of an energy tax does Beshear want to impose on us?

Remember, this is the guy who is going to ram casinos down our throats no matter what the General Assembly says.

Please explain yourself, Mr. Beshear.

I Think It May Have Been One Of Those Stupid Chain E-Mails Telling Me To Boycott Gas Stations

I was almost giddy this morning buying gasoline for a mere $2.87 a gallon.

Which rabble-rousing politician do I thank for my good fortune?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Fred Thompson 2008

Fred Thompson's campaign is making fundraising calls into Kentucky.

The most exciting thing about him so far may be that he isn't Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, or John McCain. That may be enough.

Blind Loyalty

Isn't it funny that reporting of every adult stem cell breakthrough seems to obscure the source of those cells and every fetal stem cell breakthrough is a celebration five years in advance that doesn't quite work out?

China Isn't Problem Left Says It Is

If a Democrat wins the White House, you won't see editorials like the one in today's Lexington Herald-Leader full of dark warnings about all the money we "owe" China.

And the writers will be right then, but they aren't now.

A trade deficit is not a debt. Speaking frankly, a trade deficit with China means we have their products and they have our little green pieces of paper. They won't want to destroy us before we make good on all our little green pieces of paper.

On the other hand, China has loaned lots of their little green pieces of paper (or whatever color they are) to our Treasury in exchange for our promise to repay. One, they won't want to destroy us until we make good on that debt and, two, it is preposterous to suggest that there is a risk they will "change their minds" and blow up their own investment to get out of Treasury bonds. Again, fearful liberals only need wait for the next Democratic president for a solid explanation they can trust. By the same token, fearful conservatives only need wait for the next conservative president for an explanation they can trust.

But that is another story.

The idea that China is going to take us over by buying up our assets now is as wrong as the same scenario in the 1980's in which Japan was going to buy up all our real estate and eventually force us all to speak Japanese.

Foreign exchange is one of those great political toys few people understand. It's very easy to say the sky is falling, so vote for our guys and the sky won't fall.

The sky won't fall because of our trading with China, no matter who wins the next election. And, mark my words, when Republicans are jumping all over President Hillary Clinton or whoever for selling us out to China, remember this for what it is: a political toy.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Making Our Schools Better Starts Here

Education bureaucrats like to have writing portfolios as part of CATS testing in Kentucky because the scores are easier to manipulate in order to make schools look better than they are.

Each year, someone in the General Assembly files a bill to remove portfolios from the CATS tests of elementary school students. And each year, the KEA thugs get it killed.

This evil process hinders the educational process and makes kids hate writing. The teachers are handcuffed to a bizarre mess of rules and it is past time to let them get back to teaching. Rep. Jim DeCesare (R-Bowling Green) has pre-filed the bill to end this cruel process.

We need parents with the guts to buck the system and call their legislators. Ask them to support this bill.

Special Session Silliness

The much-discussed special session is going to keep getting pushed back. Now they are talking about waiting until July.

House Democrats have no motivation to give Governor Fletcher a victory on spending projects or energy-related subsidies.

Now is the time to urge official Frankfort to get serious about public pension reform. The need for this is greater and if House Dems stiff the governor on the $18 billion tidal wave coming our way, he can better use that against Steve Beshear this fall.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Left-Wing Tax Dodgers Beware!

Looks like Marian Davis, currently the Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Revenue, is likely to be named Executive Director of the Republican Party of Kentucky.

And yes, that means she will quit her state job.

Liberal Activists Want To Kill People In Denver

Amid gleeful garbling from Dem party pols about destroying the GOP over the war, some hard-liners are actually striving to re-live the bloodbath that was the protestfest at the Dem Convention in Chicago in 1968.

They are calling it Recreate '68.

Any middle-of-the-road Kentucky Democrats who see this lunacy as the straw breaking your proverbial camel's back need to think about the re-organization of the state GOP taking place next spring among registered Republicans.

Your state needs your sensible fiscal and social ideas that your old, worn out Democratic party is tossing aside with both hands.