Friday, November 10, 2006

Welcome To The Club

With their narrow electoral victory on Tuesday, liberals Like Sen. Barbara Boxer are fired up to change the world in their image.

It won't happen.

President Bush has already shown a willingness to bend on some things -- his entire presidency -- but I don't expect him to give in on disasters like the Kyoto accord.

People on the left will soon understand the frustration conservatives have felt the last twelve years. We thought we won then, too.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

2007 Target: "Who's Your Daddy" Stumbo

While pundits are busy talking up the race for the Governor's Mansion, the contest that really matters in Kentucky is the one to determine which straight-arrow will replace scandal-tarred Attorney General Greg Stumbo.

Stumbo narrowly won a three-way primary in 2003 and then squeaked out a plurality in a cartoonish three-way general election.

Frankly, if the Republicans can't put up someone better, I would love to see former Auditor Ed Hatchett send Stumbo home. He would make a good AG.

Bill Clinton (1998): "Save Social Security First!"

In his 1998 State of the Union address, President Bill Clinton uttered the admonition to "Save Social Security First."

Now that Democrats are in charge of Congress, they might want to look into that.

Let's Box Their Earmarks

If Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid want to get things started off right, they should end the practice of earmarking.

Fiscal Conservatism: Let's Try It

Wasteful and/or unnecessary government programs don't get straightened out or eliminated by accident. They have to be picked out, examined thoroughly, worked over, argued -- and even then they are usually left alone because each government program has a built-in constituency determined to see it survive.

The public pension crisis in Kentucky is the largest drain, has the largest constituency, and risks every other state program like a time bomb in your bedroom risks your ability to get a good night's sleep.

It isn't the easiest place to start politically, but it can't wait. Kentucky didn't feel Hurricane Katrina in the usual sense. But if you can imagine a Category Five hurricane of red ink demolishing our cities and towns, you have the idea.

We have to keep our promise to past and current state and municipal workers. But it is no exaggeration to say if we don't do something to limit future liabilities fast, we will get wiped out.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

U.S. Senate Minority Leader 2007

If Rep. Mike Pence is going to be the House Republican leader, does it really make sense for Sen. Mitch McConnell to wind up as the Senate Republican leader?

I say no.

How about Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK)?

Top Kentucky Issue For 2007: Casinos

This is a horrible idea Democrats are going to ride toward the Governor's mansion.

If Kentucky Republicans refuse to stand up against the effort, 2007 will be as bad for them as 2006 was.

And "let the people decide" is not a viable stand against casinos. Legislators who understand casino gambling isn't the answer need to get off the fence and explain what is wrong with that plan.

Defense Sec. First Test For Senate Dems

Rumsfeld is out and Senate Democrats will have a major role in determining who replaces him. The hearings will be very interesting.

Who will be the one ask Bush nominee Robert Gates for a timetable on getting out of Iraq?

"Minimum Wage" Scam Can't Stand

It was nice to see Lexington turn back the water company condemnation last night. A "Yes" vote would have just prolonged agony and the expensive court battle.

Candidates found it difficult to refute the faulty reasoning that raising the minimum wage would somehow reduce poverty in Kentucky and all over America. Now, we need to take that issue head-on.

There is nothing about the notion of price-fixing that suggests that it might produce positive results. Fixing certain wages above the market rate is not some magically different issue.

For Heaven's sake, if you want to give something more to the poor than a mere talking point, raise the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Merely A Flesh Wound

Now let's see Speaker Nancy Pelosi surrender the war, raise taxes, impeach the President for telling the truth, socialize health care, and raise the minimum wage to eradicate poverty.

Careful What You Wish For?

Larry Kudlow raises a good point that even if Dems pull a narrow House majority, the Blue Dog Democrats will usually support the President.

That would be good for taxes and good for the economy if they move away from Nancy Pelosi and her far left positions.

That's the opposite of the U.S. Senate the last few years, in which liberal Republicans have given Democrats a de facto majority. It would be ironic if the Democrats took over the House and wound up with less power there than they have in the Republican "controlled" Senate they have been running in circles for years.

A Little Surprised By The Results?

This one was too funny to pass up.

Faith Hill was darn sure she was going to get some country music award. Her reaction when she didn't get it will be on a lot of faces tonight.

Kentucky Election Prediction

Election day 2002 was fantastic for Kentucky Republicans on the county level.

Election day 2006 will be that kind of fantastic. The get-out-the-vote effort will make the difference again.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Justin Dobbs: Space Ranger

Remember in Toy Story when Buzz Lightyear didn't realize he was a toy -- a child's play thing -- and thought he was a real Space Ranger tasked with protecting the galaxy from the evil Emperor Zurg?

Well Justin Dobbs is the 2006 Buzz Lightyear. He thinks he is a real Lexington city council candidate, sent to planet Earth to make the universe safe for unemployed young adults.

His latest adventure involved stealing yard signs and making up a phone call from a fictitious attorney when he got caught.

To infinity, and beyond!!


In an election which Republicans were expected to be drawn, quartered, scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, and topped -- prospects actually look pretty good.

Newberry Addresses Fayette Jail Scandal

Mayoral candidate Jim Newberry's radio ad mentions his lack of experience at being subject to an FBI raid, a clear reference to the Fayette county jail investigation.

If the race were closer, Mayor Isaac would respond. Since she is getting wiped out, she will probably just let it slide and we will hear more about this after the election.

"You Come From America And Ridicule The Iraqi People"

Everyone seems to be happy about the Saddam Hussein guilty verdict except Old Europe and LBJ's Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who screamed about the the ruling and got tossed out of court by the judge.

Modern-day liberals weren't very happy either.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Whether It Is Broken Or Not, We Should Break The Republican Party On Wednesday And Start Over

Some fiscal conservatives suggest the best thing to happen for fiscal conservatism on Tuesday would be a wipeout of Republican officeholders.

I disagree.

Republicans have joined the overspending ways of Democrats, so it doesn't make sense to expect current-day Democrats to restore fiscal responsibility on their own. They have campaigned this year on raising taxes and increasing spending further.

Republicans are going to have to clean up this mess on their own.

In the bluegrass, Kentucky Club for Growth offers great hope for those who know pro-growth policies represent the best hope for the future.

Go to their site and sign up for email updates. This battle starts on Wednesday.

An Alternative History Considered

Saddam Hussein has been sentenced to death for mass murder after a week in which we learned he almost developed nuclear weapons. Can there be any doubt that with Democrats like President Al Gore and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Saddam's comeuppance would not be happening?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Buy Cattle Futures!

Hillary Clinton's daughter probably will have to endure a little unwanted scrutiny for anything she does.

But news that she is going to work for a hedge fund will doubtless spark a few jokes about speculation in her mom's favorite commodity.