Friday, March 28, 2008

Covering Budget Crunch Time

The Budget Conference Committee was supposed to go into session at 3pm, according to KET Annex staff. That didn't happen. Now they are supposed to be going in at 4pm. Keep checking back here for updates.

KET will have video of the open meetings this weekend and I will be covering as much as possible.

Update: There is a little breaking news here.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Missing the boat on Kentucky education reform

There are two bills in the legislature that would improve our school assessment program, CATS. They are SB 1 and HB 15.

In the following videos, Bluegrass Institute education analyst Richard Innes clearly explains what is wrong with CATS.

Obstruction of justice is a crime

Phone records at the Fayette county jail indicate conspirators Jim Kammer and Dr. Don Leach have received several calls in recent weeks from the FBI. Additionally, Leach had an interesting cell phone call in his office about the ongoing FBI investigation Mayor Jim Newberry keeps trying to downplay.

Can't get anyone to talk about the meetings Kammer and Leach had with the FBI. The grand jury investigating crimes by jail officials at the facility meets again Friday, April 4.

Toothpicks holding their eyes open

No one is blinking in the General Assembly stand-off over the budget. The main sticking point is whether or not to raise taxes on Kentuckians. House Budget Chairman Harry Moberly was reduced to on-camera profanity in last night's late night negotiations.

I can't imagine the House and Senate will reconcile their positions any time soon.

I will be on the Leland Conway radio show in Lexington ( this morning at 9:30 talking about the budget.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

FairTax train moving down the track

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) may wind up with three primary opponents. They are all in favor of the FairTax.

A Democratic opponent awaits the winner of that contest. The Democrat is a FairTax supporter as well.

Your gorilla is too fat, Mr. Keeling

You've heard of big problems described as an "800 pound gorilla." This morning, Lexington Herald Leader columnist Larry Dale Keeling packs an extra hundred pounds on him, calls him casino gambling, and claims that leaving him sitting in the corner is keeping the state from progressing.
"Second, no rational discussion of long-term revenue policy can be conducted until the 900-pound gorilla in our midst — casino gambling — has its day on the ballot.

Both are valid messages. The latter in particular cannot be repeated often enough. Until we decide to either feed or euthanize this gorilla, lawmakers will always use his lurking presence as an excuse to avoid facing up to the state’s fiscal reality.

Feeding the gorilla won’t solve the state’s revenue problems. But it would answer the question of how much revenue he can generate. That revenue, in turn, would serve as a temporary stopgap that gives lawmakers time to figure out what other steps they need to take to give Kentucky a stable, sustainable revenue base.

Euthanizing the gorilla makes the path to a stable, sustainable revenue base considerably longer. But it, at least, removes one of the major distractions that has kept the state from starting that journey."

I added the emphasis to this passage to draw attention to the wild claim that not deciding on casinos one way or the other is preventing state policymakers from making progress on planning for the future. That isn't our problem. Kentucky can't afford Big Government and the effort to buy it or lease it on the cheap just makes matters worse. That is Kentucky's gorilla.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Paging Saint Jude

It's pretty funny to think House Democrats today temporarily booted their efforts to raise taxes to skip out with Governor Steve Beshear, fresh off his self-administered invitation-only casino gambling butt kicking, to go see Slick Willie refuse to read the handwriting on the wall about his wife's dead presidential aspirations.

Pretty good day's work for the patron saint of lost causes.

Jason Mays takes on Hookey Hoffman

Sure hope House Majority Caucus Chair Charlie Hoffman had fun cheering on Bill Clinton today. His Republican opponent, Jason Mays of Georgetown, is raising money at a furious pace from various groups of people who are worn out with Hoffman.

Sorry Charlie likes to go in hiding when an opponent works to pin him down on his lackluster performance. That won't play so well on YouTube.

Quick, someone ask Sorry Charlie if he is really a target of an FBI investigation! Pretty wild stuff.

This is one to watch...

Horse trading on the budget

The Senate's upper hand in the upcoming budget negotiations could wind up being a good thing for education.

The House and Governor Steve Beshear can be skeptical about the Senate plan to raise revenue by forcing the Lottery to tighten up its operations, but they don't dare go against the effort. At the same time, the Senate can rail against the tax increases the House and Governor want without fear of any loss.

And Governor Beshear doesn't really have much to offer in return for his one priority, casino gambling. He has really already played all his cards.

So it comes down to what the Senate wants to ask for in exchange for approving the budget. The House may be asked to decide between the teachers union and the budget. It's a great time to do it and Kentucky families stand to benefit the most in the bargain.

Monday, March 24, 2008

House budget is the outlier

The Senate budget taxes less and borrows less than the House budget and will make it pretty easy for Governor Steve Beshear to side with Senate President David Williams against Speaker Jody Richards and House Budget Chairman Harry Moberly.

Gun grabber panic alert

Law-abiding concealed carry permit-holding citizens will attend the Frankfort City Commission meeting tonight with firearms in their possession, an action which is specifically not prohibited by law. Some people think this is a really big deal.

Sleep for twenty years, Todd, and maybe we will elect you governor

Treasurer Todd Hollenbach came into his vestigial office this year amid an effort to save taxpayer money and shut the office down.

So, what are we getting for our money? This.

Not only has Hollenbach managed to do nothing at all in office, he hasn't even gotten around to changing the name at the top of his own website. Look at the very top of that page.

The House Democrats' concern for taxpayer interests ends in about the same place as those of lazy politicians begins.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Are you getting all of this?

Yet another screw-up hits the Fayette County Detention Center. Details below. Mayor Jim Newberry had no comment.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Start here. And then watch this.

Pension flood coming; Harry Moberly floats

Maybe you've heard that a lot of things happen in California ten years before we see them here.

Sounds about right for this. It's bad enough Harry Moberly has his knickers in a twist about the Senate not going for his tax hikes. If he screws up our pension reform, we will really have trouble.

The budget squabbles will get more attention in the MSM this week, but Moberly and the House Dems are causing much more trouble by not agreeing to the Senate's improvements to HB 600.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Let's blow the lid off Frankfort now

Pretty funny to watch the author of last year's Secrecy Bill take credit for opening up the smoke-filled room budget negotiation process. The fact that HB 413 has gone unnoticed in Harry Moberly's own A&R Committee for seven weeks suggests a certain lack of sincerity as well.

Nevertheless, something is changing in Frankfort. With the growth of the internet, citizens aren't content to sit in the dark waiting to be lied to by our elected representatives. Moberly, Speaker Jody Richards, and Senate President David Williams are starting to see that. We need real government transparency and there is no legitimate reason to keep us waiting any more. This General Assembly has already been a colossal failure with no meaningful reform of anything. Transparency is something on which everyone can agree. Let's do it.

Tell your lawmakers to pull back the curtains now. Passing HB 413, HB 105 (or HB 769 if you prefer yours watered down), and HB 58 would be a good way to start.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Beshear wins bet, gets pork

Western Kentucky University won their NCAA tournament game against Drake in an overtime shocker and so Governor Steve Beshear won his bet with Iowa's governor. As his payoff, he will receive forty pounds of pork.

That may be Beshear's last winning bet for a while. But as long as our New York bankers hold up, he will continue to be overstuffed with pork.

Good: Beshear couldn't sell RomneyCare

A silver lining in the dark clouds over this dysfunctional General Assembly may just be that there is no sentiment for expanding government health insurance.

It's instructive to see what the government plan in Massachusetts(RomneyCare) has done to that state. It's noteworthy also that the casino industry has also failed so far to make inroads into Massachusetts beyond that state's governor.

New look for Kentucky "economic development"

Speaker Jody Richards has added Rep. Scott Alexander to the House Economic Development Committee.

Beating up Christians on Good Friday

House Judiciary Chair Kathy Stein has tortured the immigration bill, HB 304, all year long. Today, she has called a special committee meeting to continue talking the bill to death. Stein has wasted many valuable hours mishandling her committee. She is now adding insult to injury by keeping the Christian members of her committee from church services so she can stage an unnecessary political stunt.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Saving Kentucky taxpayer money online

The Senate Judiciary Committee just advanced a bill that will save us a little money and points toward the way to save much more.

Senate Bill 188 would save taxpayers about $60,000 a year by allowing county court clerks to email (rather than snail mail) documents relating to children in foster care. As more government communications occur over the internet, we get closer to the time we can put government notices currently required to be printed in newspapers on the web instead.

That will save us a lot of money.