Sunday, July 15, 2007

Are House Dems Ready To End Their Strike?

When the monthly meeting of legislative leaders scheduled for July 11 was cancelled during the special session fight, it wasn't supposed to be rescheduled.

In fact, Senate President David Williams and House Speaker Jody Richards have exchanged little publicly but harsh words.

So it was a bit of a surprise when the announcement was made this afternoon that their July meeting of the Legislative Research Commission is back on and is set for this Friday at 1:30.

Jessamine County Sanctuary For Illegals

Jessamine county politicians changed a policy earlier this year to essentially grant amnesty to illegal aliens apprehended by law enforcement authorities.

If you are here illegally and get arrested in Jessamine county, you are probably headed home without so much as a slap on the wrist.

If you are a Jessamine county politician, you have some work to do.

(Clarification: local judges apparently requested limiting involvement by federal immigration officials in local cases.)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Next Target: Ron Bishop, FCDC

Can't help but wonder how many hundreds of news stories the MSM would have dropped on the Fayette County Detention Center since the FBI raid last October if the jail or the city of Lexington were run by Republicans.

Nevertheless, several officials at the jail have lawyered up under questioning and, rather than a slow bleed it appears we are in for an explosion perhaps as soon as a few weeks.


Here is a plan to wipe out several welfare bureaucracies and, in exchange, expand Earned Income Tax Credits.

The idea is to spend less running programs and just give the money to the people. If we could ensure that there were consequences for recipients wasting the money on drugs -- which we probably can't -- it would be a no-brainer.

On the other other hand, wiping out the individual programs and making the aid easier to see and track could be a good way to wean able-bodied people off the dole.

Queen Hillary: "Off With Their Heads!"

Friday, July 13, 2007

Yale Young Dems, Call Your Webmaster

Washington D.C. Democrats have been scrambling for a Kentucky candidate to take on Sen. Mitch McConnell.

They have settled on Richmond Senator Ed Worley.

Worley doesn't really expect to win, but wants to get his name ID up for a 2011 run for governor. This means, of course, that he needs Steve Beshear to lose in November.

Good Riddance

Barbara Erwin is not going to be Kentucky's education commissioner.

A statement from the state Department of Education said that Erwin cited "overwhelming and acute scrutiny" as her reason for declining the job. She told the school board of her decision Friday.

Only because it is Friday will I point out she quit one day after I said she should be fired.

Destroying Government Property Is A Crime

England is starting to get serious about instituting a "fat tax" to lower healthcare costs.

One thought about this is that since the government "pays for" healthcare, that people who sit around gorging themselves on ice cream and potato chips are really destroying government property.

Fighting against Michael Moore health reform is pretty important to the future of our nation. Pointing out that the government rightly owns what it pays for may cause a few more people to think about turning their bodies over to Hillary Clinton or Steve Beshear.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Beshear Takes The Bait On Casinos

As long as the gubernatorial race is about Steve Beshear's shilling for casinos, Governor Fletcher's poll numbers are just going to get better.

Today, Beshear played it Ernie's way.

And here's the thing: Beshear is not only adamant about casinos being the best and only way to go, he just doesn't have anything else.

Congressional Dems To Terrorists: We Quit In '08

A lot of us aren't happy with the war, but this isn't the answer.

David Williams To Jody Richards: Pound Sand

Senate President David Williams sent a letter to House Speaker Jody Richards refusing Richards' offer of a junket to St. Louis to talk to Peabody Energy:

I do not understand why you need to fly to St. Louis, unless you are trying to create cover for the House failing to act on this important measure when it unconstitutionally attempted to adjourn Sine Die and left town while the Senate remained and worked on this important incentive package.

Only your use of leadership to summon your members back to Frankfort to act on this bill, which has passed the Senate, will make you and the House relevant in accomplishing the important goal of developing Kentucky's coal assets and creating thousands of jobs.

These guys will put on their bipartisan hats again in January when it is time to spend your money and re-elect their members. But until November, this is what you get. Can't wait to see Richards' response.

Yalies For Steve Beshear

A post on this site yesterday which didn't even directly mention Steve Beshear's really bad ideas like collective bargaining for all state employees or more government-run health insurance for all Kentuckians has gotten some folks worked up in, of all places, New Haven, Connecticut.

Visitors to the site from New Haven this morning include several from Yale University web addresses, including some that came through an admin page for a website dedicated to getting someone like Greg Stumbo to run against Sen. Mitch McConnell.

A Walking, Talking Education Scandal

We've all seen politicians who seem to think they are above the law.

They could take lessons from Barbara Erwin, whose prior fraudulent acts could all be forgiven if she hadn't said this:

"I believe the Commonwealth truly will be the first state that reaches proficiency for all of its children," Erwin said.

She probably says that to all the states she screws out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Erwin is best remembered as the Education Commissioner candidate who, after being offered the job as Kentucky's top school official dismissed several factual misstatements on her resume as mere typographical errors.

What kind of person has the balls to say such a thing and do we really want her setting policy for our children? This is the kind of thing for which the blogosphere claims to have been created.

Conservative political bloggers should speak up against this on principle. Liberals should too. Bipartisan grassroots agreement can be a very powerful thing.

Kentucky should get rid of Barbara Erwin.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Beshear's First Big Mistake

Now we're talking.

And talking is something that won't be good for Steve Beshear.

Take your pick -- here, or here.

The Fletcher campaign has already jumped on some of the energy stuff, but this is a target rich environment.

Primping For Poverty, Coifing For Quitters

Just noticed John Edwards' campaign slogan is "Road to One America" and can't help wondering if the one he wants involves men requiring men to get dolled up like this.

Universal hair care, perhaps?

Where Are Conservatives On Healthcare?

The left is having all the fun arguing among themselves the finer points of how to make our healthcare system better.

RomneyCare doesn't count. It just doesn't.

We are going to have to do more than just borrow ideas from Hillary Clinton.

Free-market reforms are compelling. In fact, for us to have a chance we are going to have to dramatically reduce government's role in health care.

That is the story we need to tell.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Other Crappy News: Kentucky Education

Now that the special session has been flushed down the toilet, it's time to flush Barbara Erwin.

And the latest news on Erwin is just plain awful. I wonder how hard we would find it to dig up someone worse than her to be in charge of our state's public schools.