Friday, January 05, 2007

Deep Thought

It occurs to me we are watching Democrats pander to their base as the majority party in Washington because Republicans didn't pander to their base when they were the majority party in Washington.

The same thing could well be about to happen in Kentucky if the Senate Republican leadership doesn't change its tune on getting rid of the AMC.

...And The Democrats Want To Raise Them More

I didn't know this about our corporate taxes. Did you?

Make More Money

Stein Named Judiciary Chair

The face of Kentucky's Democratic Party just got a whole lot more liberal. Also, Jody Richards just ended his gubernatorial campaign with this move.

Pelosi's House Sets Up Tax Increases

You won't read about this in the Mainstream Media.

After the Bush tax cuts have brought record-level revenues into Washington, the desire for tax increases can't be about bringing in more money. It is just about control.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Top Hog At The Trough

House Budget Chairman Harry Moberly knows how to pack the budget with illegal changes to the law. This is how he plans to cover his tracks.

Feel Good, Do Little At U of L

The University of Louisville is going to get more warm fuzzies in the media with its plan to "fight rising tuition" costs for low-income students than it will ever be worth as an investment of tax dollars.

What this amounts to is putting more students in federal work-study jobs that generally don't involve much in the way of work. A lot of students from moderate or low-income families already figure out a way to get through college. I fail to see how letting a few of them study on the clock at the library instead of getting a job will change much.

OK, I've Had Enough Of This...

Gubernatorial hopeful Billy Harper's tv ads tout his role in putting together the Kentucky Education Reform Act.

In a press release issued today he does it again, claiming KERA "helped dramatically improve Kentucky ’s education system starting in the 1990s."

Somehow I missed this "dramatic" improvement. Any help?

Nancy Pelosi Is In Charge Now

To commemorate Rep. Nancy Pelosi's ascension to the office of Speaker of the House, here is San Francisco-based Recliner's monster smash hit from 2004 "Hey Kid."

By the way, if you are looking for some deep political meaning in the song, forget it. One of the band members was my college roommate and I just like the song.

KY Club Takes On CON

Brian Richmond of the Kentucky Club for Growth lays out a solid analogy for why our state's Certificate of Need laws hurt our citizens.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

You Want A Real Scandal?

How about trying to unwind the Kentucky Retirement Systems?

Get Ready For More American Nuclear Power

I missed this one in the Christmas rush: U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said he expects 12 American utilities to file for permission to build 18 nuclear reactors over the next three years.

No new applications have been filed since 1973.

Waste disposal continues to be an issue -- how about the Middle East? -- but this will be a good way to combat rising energy costs. And Ahmadinejad can just eat his heart out, because he has proven himself to be too untrustworthy to be allowed to mess around with nuclear anything.

Like Satellite TV? You'll Love This!

Income Study Shines Light On Kentucky

Kentucky has the 6th highest percentage of personal income from government transfer payments, according to the National Center for Policy Analysis.

Surely all of us except for Jonathan Miller can agree this is not a good thing.

The best way to decrease our dependence on government largesse is to spur business growth. And that starts with not taxing companies that aren't making a profit.

This shouldn't be so hard when we have a Republican governor and a Republican Senate.

The Virtual Campaign Of John Edwards

The Edwards for President blog ad flashes the words "Iraq. Poverty. Energy. Universal Healthcare. Global Warming. Join Us."

It will be interesting to see how long Edwards or any other Democrat can keep this up. He is trying to build a campaign in 2007 by pretending that it is still 2006. When Democrats were in the minority, they could get away with just throwing rocks. I'm not saying shallow campaign slogans can't win the Presidency, but if Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid can't deliver more than empty promises in 2007 it will be more difficult for Edwards and friends to stay that course in 2008.

So what could be the issue that carries one Democrat hopeful to the nomination for the White House? Probably Universal Healthcare. Watching the various candidates trot out their plans for a government takeover of medicine could be very interesting. I can see it now: Edwards takes the Canadian model, Hillary goes for Belgium, and which way will Obama go?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hot GOP Primary Rumor

Washington D.C. sources report a Republican primary challenger to Governor Ernie Fletcher has committed to run and will announce soon.

Need A Lawyer?

Sued? Find a Business Lawyer with LegalMatch.

Stan Lee Wins Whip Slot

Rep. Stan Lee (R-Lexington) has been elected House Minority Whip.

This is a very good thing. We need to get some fiscal conservatism back in the legislature. This move should help.

Update: And the Democrats move Left by electing Charlie Hoffman of Georgetown as Caucus Chairman. Interestingly, defeated Chairman Bob Damron's biggest accomplishment in the legislature was passage of the 2004 fetal homicide bill he stole from Rep. Lee.

Kavanaugh On Health Care Costs

Dr. Kevin Kavanaugh of Somerset, chairman of Health Watch USA, makes the case today in the Lexington Herald-Leader for repealing Certificate of Need. As he says, before we try to improve pricing by trading out big corporations for big government, we should try releasing the stranglehold providers have on pricing information.

Repeal of Certificate of Need is a no-brainer for legislators who aren't bought and paid for by hospitals. This should have wide bipartisan support. It's a sorry shame this does not.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Back Door Benefits Scam Will Fail

Unmarried University of Kentucky employees currently pay $25 per month for full health insurance benefits. If the Rainbow Alliance has its way, these same single employees will be able to add a boyfriend or girlfriend to their plan -- the administrators at UK are spending your money, so they don't care which -- for a mere $221 per month.

The real cost for a single plan is $380 per month. Since the real PPO premium for an employee's spouse and children is $568 ($948-$360=$568) and with the combined credit the total monthly cost of adding a non-spouse partner and children would be only $126 per month ($151-$25=$126), this whole "homosexuals are more creative than straight people" scam really just amounts to clamoring for a $5304 a year sex-based goody($568-$126*12=$5304) per domestic partnership. Being as compassionate as they are creative, the homosexual ones of course don't mind demanding more taxpayer dollars to give the same goody to their less creative, but also unmarried, fellow employees.

House Speaker Jody Richards is basking in the glow of liberal blogger love for now, but when this whole thing is viewed properly as just another money grab, even the politicians in Frankfort will come to their senses on this one.