Monday, September 17, 2007

On Having, And Eating, Government Cake

Ohio is considering a couple of bills to cut down on public employee double-dipping.

We should do the same here.

Where's My Socialized Car Insurance?

Despite existing laws mandating car insurance, Kentucky has as high a rate of uninsured drivers as it does of people without health insurance.

So on the day President Hillary is set to announce how she is going to force everyone to buy health insurance and then make taxpayers pick up the cost for everyone who "can't" afford it, I have to wonder when she is going to socialize our car insurance as well.

But, of course, if we "go Canada" on car care, will we have to wait a year to get our cars fixed in the event of an accident? Cars are a necessity, you know. Actually, they are a right...

Can I get an Amen for universal cars?

Make mine a Mercedes!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rewriting History Of Recent Fiscal Insanity

The Club for Growth points out liberal former Senator Lincoln Chafee is no longer a Republican.

There is one point in the article about Chafee that needs to be addressed, though.

Yesterday, he criticized Republican leaders for abandoning fiscal conservatism, once a mainstay of Republican politics, by passing tax cuts without spending cuts to balance the resulting loss of revenue.

The truth is federal tax revenues are at an all-time high. Excessive "Republican" spending -- championed by RINOs like Chafee -- was the problem, not "Republican" tax cuts.

"Let The People Decide" Baloney

The Lexington Herald-Leader has released another poll about how overwhelmingly the people of Kentucky want to vote on casinos.

The only question that matters needs to be asked of Senate President David Williams and House Speaker Jody Richards.

If they won't both bring it up for both chambers of the legislature to approve, it is a moot point.

And they won't.

Wouldn't it be great if they did a poll instead on public pensions, prevailing wages, repealing certificate of need, repealing prevailing wage, making Kentucky a "right to work" state, public school accountability, or economic development accountability?

Casinos + Cigarette Tax Increase = ???

You wouldn't know it from reading the Lexington Herald-Leader or the Louisville Courier-Journal, but a couple of issues Kentucky will face in 2008 are hitting Indiana now.

We would save ourselves a little time if we paid attention.

Indiana already has casinos, but they just raised cigarette taxes another 44 cents per pack to expand health insurance coverage.

This is happening while gubernatorial candidate Steve Beshear is promising to expand government-paid health insurance and several other initiatives with new casinos alone.

Beshear's scam might get him elected, but his questionable proposals have done little to inspire confidence that anything more will come of that than putting Democrats back in charge of abusing the merit system.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Yellow Jacket Family Day Open Thread

I'm in Atlanta for Georgia Tech's Family Weekend and don't expect to have time for getting online.

By the way, my son just got his KEES scholarship money credited to his checking account. So for all you lottery ticket buyers -- and losers -- thanks again.

And since KEES' open-ended promise and declining lottery sales cause us to dip into the General Fund now, thanks to everyone else.

And ... for the parents who encourage their kids to take easy high schoool courses so their kids can maximize KEES awards -- and then flunk out freshman year due to lack of preparation -- thanks even more. I'll have two kids using your money next year!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Is Steve Beshear Banking On A Cover-Up?

Don't hold your breath waiting for the investigative report on Steve Beshear's law firm's actions to appear, despite the motion filed today by the Lexington Herald-Leader "to allow the Cincinnati law firm Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur to release" the report.

With all the hulaballoo about that report since yesterday, the attorney who said yesterday he "may still have one of the reports but that it could only be released with the permission of a court," Mark Elsener, just told me he still doesn't have it.

"I haven't searched for it," he said.

A hearing to force the firm to turn over the report should take place the week of September 24.

That's a lot of time for a file folder full of paper to disappear.

Stumbo For Senate Fading Fast

Disgraced Attorney General Greg Stumbo's bid for the Democratic nomination in next year's U.S. Senate race against Sen. Mitch McConnell seems to have ended about as quickly as it started.

Stumbo is expected to announce next week that he has abandoned his campaign and, of course, won't be refunding any contributions he received since July.

New England Governor Steals Steve Beshear's Idea

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick says his state may need a massive revenue infusion from casinos to fund state government. Apparently the hoped-for savings from socialized medicine have been a little slow to materialize.

Fortunately for Patrick, Massachusetts has more big banks and insurance companies to pillage than Kentucky does.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Eating Chicken, Making America A Better Place

The American Family Association of Kentucky and the Family Foundation of Kentucky are joining forces Tuesday September 18 in Lexington at an event that will make left-wing ACLU-types' heads explode.

The title of the event is "Bringing America Back To God."

Go here for details.

Next Week's Big Frankfort Story

Since the Executive Branch Ethics Commission dropped its investigation against Governor Fletcher, not much has been said about the previously pardoned Anne Northup supporters who remain under charges.

That is about to change.

Frankly, this is Ernie Fletcher's second chance to wrap up an ugly political situation quickly and set everything right while limiting somewhat the damage to his electoral prospects.

Will he botch this one as thoroughly as he did the first?

Gambling Issue, Not Opposition, Is Dead In State

Okay, I'm ready to let the people decide on casinos in Kentucky. Bring it on.

There is no support for casinos in the General Assembly. It is a dead issue.

Governor Fletcher deserves kudos for his strong opposition to this snake oil solution this summer. He probably would have scored more political points by opposing it so strenuously a little earlier in the game, but the issue is just as dead.

Steve Beshear needs to go on a "secretive investigation tour" in search of another issue.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

There Might Be A Slight Problem With Steve Beshear's White Knight Image

Insiders are buzzing about a Lexington Herald Leader story coming out Thursday discussing Steve Beshear's role in the destruction of Kentucky Central Life Insurance Company.

Beshear's campaign has tried so far to cast him as a protector of the people in the collapse of this once-great company. The facts suggest otherwise.

UPDATE: Here is the story. Nothing much here, though several sources suggest it is far from over.

Elian Gonzalez Hunting Practice

From the folks who think guns are for arming jack-booted thugs to return six year-old Cuban boys back into captivity, we have a nice Jack "Janet Reno" Conway political prop for your viewing pleasure.

Fortunately, stunts like this didn't fool the NRA, who has endorsed Rep. Stan Lee for Attorney General in Kentucky.

If The French Can Do It, Shouldn't Kentucky?

While Kentucky is Blue-Ribboning its way around the dire need to spend less on state public pensions, France is going head-first into necessary cuts even in the face of strike threats.

And the best part is that it appears to be good politics:

Opinion polls show overwhelming support for reform of retirement schemes for railway and utility workers that let them retire as early as age 50 with pensions totaling 70% of their top salaries. In a poll by the CSA survey group in June, 56% of respondents said they wanted these so-called "special regimes" reformed quickly.

The Way For The Republican Party To Win

I went down to City Hall in Lexington yesterday to show support for my friends who rallied to keep what's left of the city's blue laws.

If the local economy depended on my family going out and spending money on Sunday, it would utterly collapse. We go to church and we go home. But we are in a tiny minority. So too are those Lexingtonians who sought to make their voices heard yesterday.

And I'm not about to suggest any of these good people compromise their principles for a political agenda. But, clearly, something has to change or we will continue to see Christian ideals unceremoniously discarded.

The Republican party has become a fiscally liberal, socially conservative organization. This is a serious problem. Fiscal liberalism is a recipe for disaster for America and a pathway to an even worse socially liberal decadence than anything we see now.

The Republican party was taken over by social conservatives in the 1980's and began caving in on fiscal issues. Truth be told, Ronald Reagan did this to us more than anyone else.

We don't need another Reagan to get America back on the right track; we need to focus on fiscal conservatism first. There is plenty of room for opposing abortion-on-demand and various forms of government-sanctioned moral degeneracy in a party that focuses on getting our fiscal house in order first. In fact, look around. Feel your social issues voice slipping in influence? Doing the same things in the same way doesn't change anything else in your life, does it?

Start demanding your elected officials cut spending and watch your Christian ideals return to prominence. Reagan's social issues have to be combined with Goldwater's fiscal restraint in order for us to have either.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Time's ... Up?

Our liberal friends are going to have a field day with this one.

The Kentucky Association of Manufacturers will hold a six city tour starting at the end of this month with the unfortunate title "Time's Up for Changing Kentucky."

Actually, the tour, which involves stops in Louisville, Florence, Lexington, Bowling Green, Paducah, and London, will involve discussions of the KAM 2008 legislative agenda.

Registration is free and can be completed online at

Time To Ask The Question

If Governor Fletcher loses in November, who will lead the Republican Party/Conservative Movement in Kentucky and why?

Would Beshear Fix Kentucky If He Knew How?

Steve Beshear's answer to a gambling question veered quickly onto turf a Republican governor should be taking him apart on, namely, socialized medicine. When asked if gambling is a sin, Beshear responded:

The real sin is that in 2007 more than a half-million Kentuckians, including 81,000 children, have no health insurance.

Recent U.S. Census data clearly indicated that after a decade of pouring more and more tax dollars into buying health insurance for people, the rate of uninsured in America hasn't budged.

How many more billions will we pour into this enterprise before we get the hint that it's the wrong approach?

We have the same thing with education in Kentucky. We continue to throw more money at education bureacrats and a graph of our student achievement continues to be defined by a flat line.

Can't help thinking a Governor Beshear lacking real solutions -- and casino gambling, with no support in the House or Senate is not a real solution -- has already picked out the slogan for his re-election campaign:

Monday, September 10, 2007

Thanks, And A Request

Thanks to Senators McConnell and Bunning for voting against the mis-named College Cost Reduction Act of 2007, which will do nothing to reduce the cost of college.

Our gubernatorial candidates should explain their plan for dealing with CCRA at the state level.