Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Mitch McConnell Jumps The Shark On Gas Prices

Sen. Mitch McConnell today messes up his own call for expanding domestic petroleum production by playing a partisan political game that out-lived its usefulness the first time it was used:

The average price of gas has gone from $2.20 to $3.15 a gallon since the Democrats took over the Senate.

Good grief. Republicans aren't going to win on gas prices any time soon because too many people think the government can lower prices by making up more price gouging laws. Blaming gas price fluctuation on Harry Reid isn't going to advance exploration efforts or anything else.

Putting The Cart Way Before The Horse

Senator John McCain is interrupting his faltering campaign for the GOP presidential nomination to hold a press conference today in Los Angeles. He will be discussing Hillary Clinton's hidden earmarks inside the Defense spending bill.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rude Awakening On Tap For Fayette Jail Union

The CWA union thugs representing corrections officers at the Lexington jail have joined hands with Mayor Jim Newberry in his cover-up of the wild array of misconduct surrounding the facility.

If the union thugs expect Newberry and his crowd will protect the union when the poop hits the fan at the jail, they just aren't thinking it through.

Bunning Joins Eight Senators In Calling For Enforcement Of Current Immigration Laws

So my question is how can there be just nine U.S. Senators who want to enforce current laws before passing more?

Just nine?

Yes, just nine.

Bipartisan Agreement On Barbara "Typo" Erwin

What in the world are we doing messing around with an education commissioner who can't get her story straight on her own resume?

Surely there is someone out there who can do this $220,000 a year job without causing more embarrassment to public education in Kentucky.

Would we have a problem like this if the education commissioner were an elected office?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Michael Moore Endorses Al Gore

Get your tin foil hats ready, folks. The interview goes a little long -- okay, nine minutes of Michael Moore is a lot long -- but he waxes goofy about what a great thing "free universal health care" will be. This should help Gore in the primary. At least until Streisand, Rosie, and the Baldwin brothers weigh in.

Maybe We Should Check Her Socks

Madeleine Albright, Bill Clinton's former Secretary of State, has formed a group in support of "strong liberal values, and the need for strong national security."

The site is remarkably free of any kind of specifics. These folks really are going to keep their mouths shut until Hillary's move-in day, aren't they?

Rudy, Mitt, McCain Are Falling For It, Will You?

GOP presidential contenders are lending their names to a global redistribution effort (USA pays, everyone else receives) that won't earn any of them one single vote. I'll give you a hint, the ONE campaign's Kentucky director just moved to Montana.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lowell Reese Says Fletcher May Lose And Take Trey Grayson Down With Him

He says it on this podcast.

"I don't think anybody else (other than Richie Farmer) on the Republican down ticket will be elected unless Fletcher is elected. And furthermore, Fletcher will have to get over 53% maybe somewhere around 54% of the vote in order to pull anybody in with him on down ticket. So you've got Trey Grayson, Melinda Wheeler, Linda Greenwell and the others. They're not going to make it. They don't have really a chance of making it unless Fletcher gets 53% or 54% of the vote which he is not expected to do. It's beyond precarious. It's dismal at this moment, because I think it is very uphill for Fletcher given the mood of voters in Kentucky."

Interesting. What do you think?

Floyd County Prepares For Stumbo AG Term End

Call it the anti-Greg Stumbo ordinance.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Volunteer State Candidates About To Step Up?

Funny to see Dem and GOP front-runners for the White House in 2008 trailed closely in third place by former Senators from Tennessee, neither of which is officially in the race.

Fred Thompson trails Giuliani and McCain, while Al Gore trails Clinton and Obama. It would be fun to see Al Gore run twice and lose his home state both times.

Scrap The Tax Code Now

If you don't know the history of the the 16th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, now would be a good time to read a little history about how we started on the path to what is now a ridiculous monster of a federal tax code.

I think the debate should be between whether we start with repeal of the 16th amendment or with instituting a new method for funding the government and then clean out the anachronisms later. The only option that doesn't hold any water is sticking with the status quo.

For the record, I think repealling the 16th amendment now and forcing Washington to come up with an alternative is the only way to go because it is the best way to get started on change.

Even the very blue states are going to have a tough time resisting a loud and persistent call to move away from the mess of a tax code we have now. Alternatively, they can shut down a specific reform proposal in a variety of ways, in which case we wind up with nothing.

Jack Conway, Call Your Webmaster

The Conway for Attorney General team still has on the front page of its website an article that chides his opponent Rep. Stan Lee for advocating a ban on taxpayer-supported boyfriend health benefits at state universities.

Conway used the "domestic partner" benefits issue as part of his liberal campaign agenda until he was forced to admit its unconstitutionality eight days ago.

Better work up a new one, boys. What's next Jack, diapers for politicians?

Friday, June 08, 2007

Son Of KERA Put To Rest

The lawsuit to force another massive KERA-style tax increase is now dead.

If we could only get some of these people past their money grubbing and on to raising standards, we would see more progress in education in Kentucky.

Paris Hilton Transferred To Lexington, KY Jail

Well, no, she wasn't really but this story is getting closer to blowing up. That will be fun to watch.

Immigration Debate Is Really Just Beginning

I've stayed away from the immigration debate because progress toward agreement was going so slowly.

Interesting story in the Courier Journal should put to rest the notion that this thing is over.

I think comprehensive reform just isn't going to happen until we take a few basic steps like fortifying the borders and reforming entitlements.

Republicans For Beshear?

A commenter mentioned an effort to form a "Republicans for Beshear" effort to peel off some of Governor Fletcher's support. Have to guess it is probably true.

How this shakes out will be very interesting to watch...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Beshear: KY Isn't Gouging Enough For Electricity

Gubernatorial candidate Steve Beshear links to a story on his campaign website bemoaning the fact that Kentucky isn't as "energy efficient" as more progressive states like Vermont, Connecticut, and California.

What he fails to mention is that these three paragons of efficiency have electricity prices two to three times higher than we do here in Kentucky.

We can try to mandate energy conservation if we want to, but the only way to make a real impact on usage is to raise prices. How much of an energy tax does Beshear want to impose on us?

Remember, this is the guy who is going to ram casinos down our throats no matter what the General Assembly says.

Please explain yourself, Mr. Beshear.

I Think It May Have Been One Of Those Stupid Chain E-Mails Telling Me To Boycott Gas Stations

I was almost giddy this morning buying gasoline for a mere $2.87 a gallon.

Which rabble-rousing politician do I thank for my good fortune?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Fred Thompson 2008

Fred Thompson's campaign is making fundraising calls into Kentucky.

The most exciting thing about him so far may be that he isn't Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, or John McCain. That may be enough.

Blind Loyalty

Isn't it funny that reporting of every adult stem cell breakthrough seems to obscure the source of those cells and every fetal stem cell breakthrough is a celebration five years in advance that doesn't quite work out?

China Isn't Problem Left Says It Is

If a Democrat wins the White House, you won't see editorials like the one in today's Lexington Herald-Leader full of dark warnings about all the money we "owe" China.

And the writers will be right then, but they aren't now.

A trade deficit is not a debt. Speaking frankly, a trade deficit with China means we have their products and they have our little green pieces of paper. They won't want to destroy us before we make good on all our little green pieces of paper.

On the other hand, China has loaned lots of their little green pieces of paper (or whatever color they are) to our Treasury in exchange for our promise to repay. One, they won't want to destroy us until we make good on that debt and, two, it is preposterous to suggest that there is a risk they will "change their minds" and blow up their own investment to get out of Treasury bonds. Again, fearful liberals only need wait for the next Democratic president for a solid explanation they can trust. By the same token, fearful conservatives only need wait for the next conservative president for an explanation they can trust.

But that is another story.

The idea that China is going to take us over by buying up our assets now is as wrong as the same scenario in the 1980's in which Japan was going to buy up all our real estate and eventually force us all to speak Japanese.

Foreign exchange is one of those great political toys few people understand. It's very easy to say the sky is falling, so vote for our guys and the sky won't fall.

The sky won't fall because of our trading with China, no matter who wins the next election. And, mark my words, when Republicans are jumping all over President Hillary Clinton or whoever for selling us out to China, remember this for what it is: a political toy.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Making Our Schools Better Starts Here

Education bureaucrats like to have writing portfolios as part of CATS testing in Kentucky because the scores are easier to manipulate in order to make schools look better than they are.

Each year, someone in the General Assembly files a bill to remove portfolios from the CATS tests of elementary school students. And each year, the KEA thugs get it killed.

This evil process hinders the educational process and makes kids hate writing. The teachers are handcuffed to a bizarre mess of rules and it is past time to let them get back to teaching. Rep. Jim DeCesare (R-Bowling Green) has pre-filed the bill to end this cruel process.

We need parents with the guts to buck the system and call their legislators. Ask them to support this bill.

Special Session Silliness

The much-discussed special session is going to keep getting pushed back. Now they are talking about waiting until July.

House Democrats have no motivation to give Governor Fletcher a victory on spending projects or energy-related subsidies.

Now is the time to urge official Frankfort to get serious about public pension reform. The need for this is greater and if House Dems stiff the governor on the $18 billion tidal wave coming our way, he can better use that against Steve Beshear this fall.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Left-Wing Tax Dodgers Beware!

Looks like Marian Davis, currently the Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Revenue, is likely to be named Executive Director of the Republican Party of Kentucky.

And yes, that means she will quit her state job.

Liberal Activists Want To Kill People In Denver

Amid gleeful garbling from Dem party pols about destroying the GOP over the war, some hard-liners are actually striving to re-live the bloodbath that was the protestfest at the Dem Convention in Chicago in 1968.

They are calling it Recreate '68.

Any middle-of-the-road Kentucky Democrats who see this lunacy as the straw breaking your proverbial camel's back need to think about the re-organization of the state GOP taking place next spring among registered Republicans.

Your state needs your sensible fiscal and social ideas that your old, worn out Democratic party is tossing aside with both hands.

When Democrats Promise To Protect Consumers From Evil Insurance Companies, Grab Your Wallet

I expect someone in the Kentucky legislature to glom on to the idea of sticking insurance companies with potential liability for paying triple the amount of a claim the company denies "unreasonably or negligently." This scheme was signed into law last month in Washington state and is much more political ploy than it is consumer protection.

In fact, costs incurred under this law will just be passed on to policyholders as higher cost of doing business. That means higher premiums.

And of course the lawyers will get paid more. Consumers will lose.

If Kentucky really wanted to lead on consumer protection in insurance, we would eliminate regulation of what specific items policies should cover and charge company officers criminally when they violate the promises made in their policies. Requiring violations to be proven as either "unreasonable" or "negligent" just provides loopholes for bad actors to escape through.

Scott White Auditions For Dale Emmons' Job

Scott White is a very nice, smart guy. He is also a Ben Chandler liberal whose column in the Lexington Herald Leader unintentionally shows why we aren't just about to change the line in "My Old Kentucky Home" into something like "'tis summer, the proletarian revolutionaries are gay."

Kentucky's Democrats took a big leap to the left in the primary elections, especially with the nominations of Steve Beshear, Daniel Mongiardo, and Jack Conway. All three have been dogged by reputations as being a little left in their loafers. Kentucky is not ready to sanctify that.

Or this:

The best and brightest Kentucky Democrats, sparkling with ideas and energy, appear ready for the moment: the gubernatorial ticket of former Lt. Gov. Steve Beshear and state Sen. Dan Mongiardo, auditor Crit Luallen, attorney general candidate Jack Conway, new party chairman Jonathan Miller and vice chairwoman Jennifer Moore, and mayors Jerry Abramson of Louisville and Jim Newberry of Lexington.

It is exciting to be a Kentuckian committed to good, open government, to recognize that perhaps this time, we won't let the opportunity pass.

Yes, the real winners on May 22 are those Kentuckians whose deep commitment to progressive policies in education, environment, health care, the elderly, energy, criminal justice and economic development will move to the forefront. We will see the kind of idea-driven agenda we deserve, championed by talented leaders whose commitment to the public welfare trumps political ambition.

Going into November, Kentuckians will be presented a unified slate of candidates bursting with promise and determination -- men and women of keen intellect, unquestioned integrity and loyalty to the traditions and principles of the Democratic Party.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Urging Kentucky Republicans To Stand For Something: Issue #2 Certificate of Need

A lot of people assume the governor's race will be settled on issues which neither candidate holds a clear advantage, namely corruption, casino gambling or maybe tax and spending issues.

Given that, free market voters in both parties should pressure their nominee to explain why Kentucky needs to keep its outdated certificate of need laws.

Certificate of need regulation inhibits competition in health care beyond all reason. Governor Fletcher's administration claims on the Cabinet for Health and Family Services website, absurdly:

The purpose of Kentucky's Certificate of Need process is to prevent the proliferation of health care facilities, health services and major medical equipment which increases the cost of quality health care in the commonwealth.

"Proliferation" is used here to mean competition. "Increases the cost" is something more competition does not do.

One of the candidates would pick up a lot of active supporters by championing repeal of certificate of need. Or at least by pulling such ridiculous crap off the state website.

This Should End The Governor's Race

Democratic gubernatorial nominee Steve Beshear's health plan makes Brereton Jones' 1994 craziness look like a mere flesh wound.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

RPK Chairman: Skippy Should Quit

New Republican Party of Kentucky Chairman Steve Robertson was right today when he told the Courier-Journal that if he tried to keep his state job "it would be front page, above the fold" news. This after hardly a peep by the MSM when Jonathan Miller kept his position as Treasurer while also taking over as chair of the Democratic party.

Robertson is right. Jonathan "Skippy" Miller should run the Democratic Party or waste taxpayer dollars in the anachronistic Treasurer's office, but not both.

Big Milk Pricing Meets Big Oil Pricing

As a parent of four kids -- or really three kids and one milk-guzzling 6'3" monster -- I'm pretty sensitive to rising milk prices.

Help me, I'm being gouged!

It seems that new Asian demand for American milk is a major factor in milkflation. Higher corn prices -- corn feeds cows, cows make milk -- serve to make matters worse. The latter, of course, is due mainly to the government scheme to encourage ethanol production in hopes of saving us from Big Oil.

Now all we need is a zillion dollar federal program to work on developing a program to run our cars on milk. Or should that be a zillion dollar federal program to figure out a way to cover our breakfast cereals with petroleum?

Friday, June 01, 2007

Steal This Idea, Please, Representative Lee

Liberal politician Jack Conway(D-Louisville) is proposing various kinds of new legal activism in hopes they will somehow get him elected Attorney General. He likely has hundreds of extremist comrades waiting anxiously on the sidelines to staff the AG's office and carry out his agenda.

Rep. Stan Lee(R-Lexington) would do very well to propose eliminating all but a half dozen or so of the hundreds of employee positions currently in the Attorney General's office. The county attorneys could perform the necessary functions now performed by AG staff and the activism could be handled by interest groups not on the state payroll. Attorney General Lee could oversee their activities and assist them when they ask for help.

Thanks to Rep. Lonnie Napier(R-Lancaster) for suggesting this.

Stan Lee Thumps Greg Stumbo; Conway Next

Attorney General Greg Stumbo really had no choice but to admit that domestic partner benefits at public universities are unconstitutional as he did today.

Someone please put a microphone in front of Jack Conway as soon as possible.

Fiscal Dilemma: Near Left Versus Far Left

Peggy Noonan really lays into President Bush this morning for the way his administration is selling its approach to immigration reform.

Bush has been fortunate to survive his mistakes to some extent because of the much larger warts on the faces of his opponents. It's a little tough to stay mad at him with Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Al Gore, and friends barking at the door.

By the same token, Governor Ernie Fletcher gets a pass for raising taxes and spending from a lot of people because of the rampaging horde led by Steve Beshear, Jonathan Miller, Daniel Mongiardo, Ernesto Scorsone, and Kathy Stein.

Treasurer/Chairman Skippy, Call Your "Office"

Jonathan "Skippy" Miller was so busy performing the duties of his State Treasurer job that earlier this year he decided to run for governor. When that didn't work out, he was given the position of chairman at the Democratic Party of Kentucky.

Good thing he is term-limited out of office at the end of this year. Otherwise, he might hit the presidential tour with Dennis Kucinich while we pay him his six-figure allowance.

Jim Waters at the Bluegrass Institute has picked up on the effort to shut down the Treasurer's office.

We need legislators to file and co-sponsor a bill for the necessary constitutional amendment.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Does Jack Conway Think He Can Ignore Every Law?

Liberal Attorney General candidate Jack Conway is going to have to explain whether or not he supports the current occupant of that office Greg Stumbo in his unconstitutional OAG opinion that casinos can be legalized without a constitutional amendment.

We know he is a big supporter of boyfriend benefits at taxpayer expense, another unconstitutional state action, but he needs to come clean on this one too.

Another Shot At The Wrong Target

Rep. Tanya Pullin wants to expand need-based financial aid for college students --something there really isn't a shortage of -- and top it off with a freeze on tuition increases at state schools.

The program is called the "Kentucky Postsecondary Education Covenant Award."

Today's trick question: name one example of government price-fixing that has worked without creating unintended consequences worse than the underlying problem.

The part of the bill that subtracts any other aid or scholarships from the "Covenant Award" also accomplishes exactly the wrong thing. We should encourage students who take the initiative to pile up scholarship awards in excess of "costs of education." This program punishes those who would do so by reducing the need-based award, requiring them to spend more time scrambling around at some part-time job rather than sticking to the books.

As an example, my son just got another $1000 scholarship that he qualified for because of many hours of past work at school and in the community. Filling out the application took less than half an hour. Not a bad return for past work he was going to do anyway and half an hour at the keyboard. This program would tell a student with means and a solid school record to go for the scholarship, which might subsidize his living expenses and would certainly be more efficient than spending many hours flipping burgers. A less affluent student with the same record might feel compelled to skip the scholarships, take the "Covenant Award," and flip burgers for additional funds.

This means the more ambitious, less affluent students will take their chances without the "Covenant Award," risk applying for scholarships they won't get, and hope to earn enough to cover education expenses plus some extra to live on. The less ambitious students will take the "Covenant Award," work more hours to finance miscellaneous expenses, and will be more likely to flunk out after burning through the state money.

This all leads to higher costs for the kind of students we really should be helping stay in state.

Special Session Needs A Trade-Off

The Governor and the General Assembly should be able to agree on the spending projects they both want to add to a June Special Session. Otherwise, they should hold off on the gimmicky "energy bill" and the no-way-to-win domestic partner issue.

We can do without the energy gimmicks and since Governor Fletcher's own Trustees passed boyfriend benefits -- and House Democrats support them -- that matter now needs to be settled in court.

The fight worth fighting is for Rep. Stan Lee's special needs scholarship bill that could save taxpayers $200 million over the next decade -- offsetting some of the new spending -- and benefit our most vulnerable schoolchildren now.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Urging Kentucky Republicans To Stand For Something: Issue #1 School Choice

Instead of getting bogged down with petty foolishness, it would be great if Kentucky's Republican candidates could coalesce around a single issue to engage voters this fall.

The time grows near which will allow candidates to run and win by advocating school choice.

It won't happen, but Governor Fletcher could make an issue of special needs scholarships. The teachers union isn't going to endorse him anyway and the vouchers will save taxpayers money. And Steve Beshear will have no answer for it except what he gets from union extremists. (Here's a hint: they don't do a very good job of refuting vouchers.)

The one place school choice might realistically show up this year is in the Attorney General's race. GOP nominee Stan Lee sponsored the voucher bill this year and his liberal opponent, Jack Conway, is likely to try to use it against him.

Lee would be well advised to tout school vouchers every day until November.

Explaining "High" Gas Prices In America

The Club for Growth has a hard-to-ignore take on a Gallup poll on the cause of $3 a gallon gas.

The hard fact is blaming oil companies for being greedy causes us to adopt the same muddled thinking we usually get from our left-wing moonbat friends.

Free market fans who abandon their principles as soon as the sticky, black stuff comes out of the ground have to take a good look at increasing demand here and in the developing world. Discounting political instability and intransigence here and abroad also takes a willful blindness unworthy of such a serious discussion.

The best way for you to reduce what you spend on fuel is to use less of it. That is demand. Also, legalizing expanded domestic drilling would help. That is supply.

Unfortunately, this will continue to be a political football as the party out of power blames the party in power or -- in the case of divided government -- they trade blame.

It could well be that the discussion won't get any more rational until one of the oil companies figures out how to run cars on hydrogen. That will happen long before any public-spirited federal agency pulls it off.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Four Dollar Meds: Biggest Loss Leader In History Or A Political Statement?

Wal-Mart is saving consumers hundreds of millions of dollars with its private prescription drug plan.

Did Democrats Toss Election To Rehab Lunsford?

Interesting to note from Ryan Alessi's column that Bruce Lunsford knew he could have forced a run-off -- one he could well have won -- if he had gone after Democratic nominee Steve Beshear's weaknesses on casino gambling and loan-sharking.

The predatory lending stuff is pretty good, but Beshear will have a very difficult time trying to sell specifics on his casino plan to the public.

Hope Lunsford enjoys his improved image among primary voters.

The Pulse Of Lexington

I will be on Leland Conway's radio show at 630 AM or this morning at 11:00 talking about how the new media should impact public policy.

A Non-Liberal Professor At University of Kentucky

Here's an interesting podcast featuring John Garen, Economics department chairman at the University of Kentucky.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Jim Newberry Won't Talk About Civil Case, But He Really Should Answer This Criminal Question

Lexington Mayor Jim Newberry has refused to answer questions about the lawsuit against him and former Mayor Teresa Isaac for violating the state Whistleblower Act.

But he shouldn't be able to hide from one question about any criminal indictments that may be handed down against officers in the Fayette County Detention Center. You have to understand, as peace officers under the Urban County form of government, indicted peace officers will not be able to work in the detention center.

So, Mayor Newberry, will any criminally indicted officers from the FBI case you won't talk about be placed on leave with or without pay?

A Fun Summer Project In Kentucky

It's time to get Kentucky's state legislators to publicly state who they each support for governor.

Democrats who refuse to answer have to be counted as Ernie Fletcher supporters.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Pay No Attention To The Anonymous "Draft Forgy" Blogger Behind That Curtain

Some anonymous character is still trying to push the ridiculous idea that Larry Forgy should run for U.S. Senate against Mitch McConnell.

Whoever he is, he is getting a little desperate for attention. Now he claims the big threat against Mitch McConnell might come from former state Rep. Steve Nunn.

Take Their Freedom, But They Want Their MTV

Venezuela loves its communist dictator until, of course, he shuts down a popular television station.

Dividing November Spoils In Late May

House Budget Chairman Harry Moberly has worked out a deal to support Steve Beshear for governor in exchange for the Budget Director's job.

Moberly is propping up lightweight Rep. Don Pasley to take over as Budget Chair.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Live Blog GOP Unity Rally 2007

Stiff upper lips and bravado at the Republican party get together this evening would be terribly disappointing.

If the Republican party of Kentucky wants to really stand for something -- and not just thump a lightweight casinocrat -- tonight is a huge opportunity.

I'll be live-blogging as much as possible.

Update: I was squished in like a sardine, so I just listened. You will want to check out the comments section of this post, though. The Herald Leader did a good story on the event.

CJ's Novel Idea: Complain About Money In Politics

The Louisville Courier Journal's left-wing polemicists were a little too eager to start their holiday weekend. This is apparently the case, because they mailed in this tired little ditty about how evil it is for Republicans to raise money for campaigns.

Sen. Williams, the Senate president, admits it is illegal for Republican legislators to take this cash directly from lobbyists. But he says it's OK if lobbyists or their clients launder it by dumping it into something called Republican Party of Kentucky Senate Trust. Why? Because that trust (wink, wink) is run by party officials, not by senators themselves.

If the Courier Journal is so offended by money in politics -- or perhaps they are just upset that none of it ever buys ads on their pages anymore? -- they should lobby to change the laws, rather than complain about people they hate following the existing ones.

The dead-tree media is going to have to find more creativity than this if they are to have any hope of survival in the brave, new online world. Perhaps we could investigate the real reason so many papers hate Attorney General nominee Stan Lee so much. If you don't know, it is because Lee has a strong idea to post legal notices on the internet which current law dictates must be printed in newspapers at taxpayer expense.

Friday, May 25, 2007

On Seat Belts And Casinos

New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine says, in the following public service announcement, that he should be dead. Seems like the Garden State should also be flush with cash, given all the casino revenues they have that Steve Beshear is lusting after.

Instead, New Jersey is projecting a $2.5 billion deficit for 2008. What could possibly be going wrong with such a solid plan?

The Call Of The Entrepreneur

Kentucky can't reach its potential until it gets government out of the way of its small business owners. A documentary called "The Call Of The Entrepreneur" is opening eyes to the role of visionary business leaders in the creation and growth of great communities. The Bluegrass Institute is sponsoring viewings across the state. If you are interested in hosting a viewing of this film, call Chris Derry at 270-782-2140.

Keeping Your Eye On The Ball This Summer

I just heard Lieutenant Governor Steve Pence say he hasn't heard from Governor Fletcher asking for his support.


Actually, I should say "I told you so."

The Fletcher campaign is not going to reach out to primary opponents because they don't have to. Steve Beshear and Daniel Mongiardo just aren't that much of a threat.

Conservatives would do well to talk to their legislators about repealing AMC and reforming public pensions, economic development, and education. Organizing and applying pressure to the General Assembly effectively can make changing the occupant of the Governor's Mansion unnecessary.

We should start with an easy one. Call your legislators and ask them to file a bill to shut down the Treasurer's Office.

If our interest is really in promoting conservative principles, we should spend this summer actually pushing for those principles while staying focused on enacting them and let the battle for the Mansion sort itself out.

GOP Unity Rally Is Set

The media keeps trying to portray tomorrow's GOP Unity Rally as not so likely to happen.

It will happen, though. Frankfort GOP headquarters. Six o'clock.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Disturbance In The Force

Can't pretend that Mark Nickolas moving to Montana won't have an impact on the Kentucky blogosphere.

Good luck, Mark.

Treasurer Skippy Double Dips Frankfort Style

Mark Hebert says Jonathan Miller will take time from his busy Treasurer duties to draw a hefty paycheck as chairman of the Democratic Party of Kentucky.

Unconscionably Obscene Market Regulation

The legal standard for obscenity is intentionally vague. Different communities, as a result, get to decide what kind of business activity crosses the line and what is acceptable to the local folks. That's why Lexington and Louisville have strippers available to dance on your table if you want that and most other places do not.

The same standard should not apply to the free market supply of gasoline, but when the U.S. House of Representatives voted yesterday to make "price gouging" illegal, they applied an absurd standard to regulation of the price of gasoline.

Sadly, every Representative from Kentucky except for Rep. Geoff Davis voted to make it illegal to sell gasoline at a price that is "unconscionably excessive."

This is worse than the 2004 Kentucky price gouging law AG Greg Stumbo is using to attack Marathon Oil. They are easy political points, I know, but unless you want the government coming against your business some day because one politician needs a few votes, you might want to pay attention to this.

Race Over, Stumbo Needs To Do His Job

Now would be a great time for Attorney General Greg Stumbo to come clean on his position regarding the unconstitutional boyfriend benefits at our state's two largest universities.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Underemployed, Overpaid Lib Seeks Do-Nothing Job; Skills Include Taking Credit, Casting Blame, Failing To Get Blogger Kicked Off Radio Show

The Lexington Herald Leader is getting up to speed on the old story about Jonathan Miller being handed the Democratic Party Chairman's job in Frankfort.

Melinda Wheeler: Take My Salary, Close My Office

I was skeptical when Treasurer nominee Melinda Wheeler started campaigning on a plan to shut down the worthless Treasurer's office, but now that she is the nominee I want to help make this worthwhile goal a reality.

And no, I don't expect Todd Hollenbach to successfully defend the office Jonathan Miller ran into the ground and campaign to have a machine print his signature on all the state checks while he interviews ghost writers all day between naps.

Look out for Wheeler the Repealer...

Linda Greenwell v. Crit "Musical Chairs" Luallen

A second state budget secrecy bill could be headed to Kentucky and its success in another state exemplifies why Kentucky needs a stronger state Auditor, said Linda Greenwell, Republican candidate for Auditor of Public Accounts.

Yesterday, the Texas legislature passed a bill that would allow that state to ignore new federal accounting regulations meant to prevent governments from hiding pension deficits. It should never have happened there, Greenwell said, and we can't afford for it to happen here. Greenwell said the public needs to be aware of this move before Kentucky legislators try it, and a competent state auditor would make sure they were.

"The current Auditor said nothing when Rep. Harry Moberly (D-Richmond) tried to shut the public out of the entire budgeting process earlier this year," Greenwell said. "There is no reason to expect her to stand up to a fancy trick to pretend state pensions are just hunky-dory now. This is the taxpayers' money and I think they deserve more than political games from their Auditor."

Kentucky taxpayers are swimming in a sea of red ink because Frankfort politicians have fought for three decades any efforts to clean up what is now an $18 billion tidal wave of unfunded pension liabilities for state workers and retirees. Recognizing the problem and not covering it up is what Kentucky needs and offering active oversight is the reason Greenwell said she is running for Auditor.

"The Auditor can't just sit back and wait till it is her turn to run for governor," Greenwell said. "We should all know by now the old way of doing things doesn't work anymore. Governor Fletcher has tried to change the culture in Frankfort, but he can't get over the hump these next four years with an Auditor who is primping for her next race."

Put Up, Shut Up, Or Don't Show Up?

Governor Fletcher won re-nomination yesterday with 101,256 Republican votes versus 100,875 who voted against him. The only reason it wasn't a late night nail-biter with a certain recount given a mere 381 vote margin is, of course, that the votes against him were shared by two opponents.

So where do we go from here?

Pragmatic Fletcher loyalists will quickly point out primary opponent supporters have no place else to go in November. And really, they are right. Steve Beshear has very serious credibility problems with most people who occupy the political middle. But here's the thing: no one can wish away the nasty primary we just had and a lot of people who supported Northup won't forget. The hard truth is a lot of them can be replaced, though, by new voters who show up to vote against the Casinocrat Beshear.

Harder still for the small minority of fiscal conservatives in the state -- by that I mean those who prefer to eschew pork spending even in their own backyards -- is the clear evidence they no longer have a party to turn to.

Given all that, I'm going to the Unity Rally Saturday 6 pm at RPK in Frankfort. I'm for Governor Fletcher in the fall. And that means writing and speaking in favor of his re-election.

But I will also spend the next four years advocating for conservative principles, hopeful that 2011 will bring better support for issues like tax reform, education reform, health insurance reform, entitlement reform, and economic development reform. Governor Fletcher can and probably will do better on these issues in a second term and Steve Beshear would beyond a shadow of a doubt be worse, but we really need some breakthroughs in these areas.

Given the electoral math, the Fletcher campaign has little motivation to reach out to intraparty opponents now. So don't expect them to. But Kentucky lacks the resources to thrive under big-government policies. Frustrated fiscal hawks need to stay engaged in the process.

"Draft Forgy" Dies A Not-So-Quiet Death

The anonymous effort to draft Larry Forgy to run against Mitch McConnell perished as quickly as it sprang to life.

Forgy said last night he had no interest in running for anything, much less the U.S. Senate.

So the only thing that remains is to guess who is behind the anonymous Draft Forgy website.

My money is on Cliff Schechter.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Election 2007 Comes Down To Casino Vote

So it's Ernie Fletcher against Steve Beshear in the gubernatorial race.

Yes, we get to hear about pardons, indictments, and hiring. But we also get to really hash out the casino issue. Should be very interesting...

Senator McConnell, Call Joe Lieberman

The Senator from Connecticut is talking again about switching to the Republican party because of the Dems' insistence on surrender in Iraq.

What GOP Needs From Its Gubernatorial Nominee Is What Kentucky Needs From Next Governor

Republicans and Democrats may have their nominees for governor today or maybe we will have to wait until next month for a run-off.

Either way, the GOP needs a nominee who can and will actively pull people together. The GOP needs a nominee who can and will promote conservative values and issues credibly.

The presence of a weak Democratic opponent might make these vital party-building and state-salvaging duties seem superfluous. But shirking now could hurt Kentucky for a long time. The Republican party works best when it is a party of ideas and principles. Pining for larger-than-life personalities like Lincoln or Reagan is satisfying on some level, but the strength of solid values -- and not the power of individual characters -- generates cohesion and enduring success.

Billy Harper is the party's best chance to govern Kentucky the next four years because more than the fresh start most of us agree we need, he offers the best commitment to fiscal responsibility and realistic improvement in education in the whole field.

Monday, May 21, 2007

MSM Turns Blind Eye To Fayette County Fraud

U.S. District Court Judge Jennifer Coffman thrashed Fayette County Detention Center officials Friday in open court and the mainstream media in Lexington still can't manage to cover the official misconduct at all.

After sleeping through the Ron Berry years, you would think journalist watchdogs would be all over this.

Can't Count Steve Henry Out Of Crowded Dem Field

Cell Phone, Internet Users For Billy Harper!

A Washington D.C. pollster called my home via robo-dial Friday night. But guess what? I wasn't there so I missed the call. Like more and more people, the best way to reach me is on my cell phone.

Meanwhile, fewer people are tuning in to broadcast television every day. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the internet playing a greater role in this gubernatorial election. And between Ernie Fletcher, Anne Northup, and Billy Harper, only Harper has really used new technology to his advantage.

In a 10-15% turnout election, the opportunity for this to create a surprising result can't be ignored.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bipartisan Scam To Advance Casinos

Bruce Lunsford has jumped all over Steve Beshear for claiming casinos will benefit Kentucky. But Lunsford's running mate Greg Stumbo cooked up a scheme in 2005 with the ethically-challenged Sen. Ed Worley to try to make casinos easier to legalize.

Lunsford has given us solid reasons not to trust him already. Don't take your eye off the ball here.

The subtle scheming to turn our state government over to out-of-state casino operators crosses party lines and will usher in an era of corruption far beyond what Kentucky has experienced before if we don't stomp it out now.

Billy Harper is the only viable candidate in either party to stand consistently against allowing this plague to advance. The numbers don't add up and Harper seems to be the only one who wants to really do the math.

Dangerous Liaisons On The Campaign Trail

Senate Democrat Leader Ed Worley of Richmond says he is against casino gambling when he is in his conservative central Kentucky district. But when he is talking to gambling groups or trolling for $1000 checks from very shady characters like R.D. Hubbard of Palm Desert, California, he tells a much different story.

Is this really who Governor Fletcher wants standing up with him just days before an election?

A Primary Opponent For Mitch McConnell In 2008?

I'm not sure who will lose more votes over this, Anne Northup or Ernie Fletcher, but I don't think it helps either one.

Voters are angry enough about politicians playing power games rather than staying focused on improving government. Again, the surest way to move the party away from this kind of nonsense this year is to nominate Billy Harper for governor.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Northup Whiffs On Right To Work

The Kentucky Right to Work Committee candidate survey hit mailboxes today.

It was no surprise that none of the Democrats answered their questions about supporting employee rights versus unions. Republican Anne Northup, though, joined them:

1. Will you support efforts by the Kentucky legislature to enact a statutory right to work law in Kentucky (including procedural and amendment votes)?

2. Will you support legislation that would ban monopoly bargaining over Kentucky's employee's by union officials?

3. Will you support legislation terminating "agency shop" privileges for public section union officials?

4. If elected, will you oppose so-called "neutrality agreements" and allow workers to hear all available information?

5. If elected, will you oppose all attempts to pass so-called "project labor agreements" and allow contractors to bid on state construction projects regardless of whether or not their employees pay dues to a union boss?

6. If elected, will you support legislation eliminating the automatic payroll deduction of public employees' union dues by government entities?

Only Billy Harper and Ernie Fletcher answered "yes" to all six questions.

Billy Harper Is The Only Candidate Who Can Unite The Republican Party In May, State In November

The most interesting place to be in Kentucky next Saturday will be in Frankfort at the GOP Unity Rally, if it happens.

The RPK website doesn't list the event. May not happen anyway, as the bad blood between the Fletcher camp and the Northup camp is boiling.

If Ernie Fletcher wins out on Tuesday, I can't imagine many Northup supporters will be ready to go cheer on the governor by Saturday after Fletcher called her anti-Christian. And how many Fletcher supporters will be able to muster support for a freshly nominated Anne Northup after she called Governor Fletcher a crook?

And if the two of them are locked in a run-off Tuesday, there will obviously be no Unity Rally on May 26.

So what Republicans really need to think about is how we are going to pull off any kind of unity, especially if it is delayed by a really nasty extra campaign that eats up half the summer.

After you have thought about that, think about how that is another good reason to vote for Billy Harper on Tuesday. Even if he comes in second on Tuesday, he should easily win a run-off. After not making enemies in the primary, Billy Harper will be very well positioned to unite the state in November.

Georgia Governor Signs School Choice Bill

Kentuckians should watch closely to see how much the state of Georgia saves by offering special needs scholarships to families with handicapped children, which the legislature passed last month and the governor signed yesterday.

Rep. Stan Lee tried to give us the same thing here, but House Democrats would have none of it.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ben Chandler's Moderate-ectomy Is Complete

Dick Gephardt arrived in Washington D.C. in 1977 as a moderate midwestern Democrat and by the time he was losing the 1988 Democratic Presidential nomination because of his somewhat normal past, he had transformed into a raving, foaming at the mouth zealot for abortion, trade protectionism, socialized medicine, and massive tax increases.

Ben Chandler turned into Dick Gephardt today when he voted for the second largest tax increase in the history of the United States.

Mix In A Little Fiscal Conservatism, Please

The Kentucky Club For Growth will hold a press conference in the Capitol Rotunda tomorrow at 11 am.

Illinois Debating Who Gets How Much Pension

Kentucky should definitely take a look at this.

Kentucky Added Four Billion In Debt Last 4 Years

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Grab Your Ankles: LFUCG Class Action Lawsuit

Mismanagement of the Fayette County Detention Center will cost taxpayers dearly. Despite official statements from the Detention Center that there is no lawsuit, next Tuesday is the deadline for joining the class action suit, which is already pretty big. Anyone who has worked there in the last five years just needs to fill out a little form.

There is a hearing Friday morning at ten about the official misstatements. I'll keep you posted.

"Are We There Yet?"

More Political Squabbling On My Telephone

Got this message on my phone last night:

Hello, I'm calling on behalf Anne Northup's campaign for governor. Ernie Fletcher's campaign is desperate and desperate candidates do desperate things. He has attacked Anne Northup's faith and now he is attacking Anne Northup's record on guns...

Seriously, isn't it time we got to the issues and beyond the nonsense? It seems to me the best way for us to have a fall campaign about differences on policy that really affect our state is to nominate Billy Harper.

Planes Versus Trains: Newberry Botches The Odds

Lexington Mayor Jim Newberry told the Lexington Herald Leader he is sending Vice Mayor Jim Gray on a government trip to Colorado on a different airplane as a protection for Lexington taxpayers in case Newberry's plane goes down.

After looking at the preliminary list of trip attendees, Newberry noticed that 13 of the 15 Urban County Council members were going, Newberry said. “It struck me as though we needed to make some kind of arrangements for local government to continue in the unlikely event that something happened to the airplane.”

It is amazing Newberry would show such attention to detail to protect against something that won't happen, yet can't even work up a comment about a the sure-thing taxpayer nightmare of paying for the lawsuits springing up as a result of horrible mismanagement of the Fayette County Detention Center.

Wishing this train weren't coming down the track won't make it go away, Mayor Newberry.

School Choice Isn't About Shutting Down Schools

If we expanded school choice options in Kentucky -- an idea that makes liberal activists sputter and foam at the mouth any time it is mentioned -- we would make public schools better.

Kentucky schools are run by administrators who can choose to focus on educating students or on promoting a social agenda. Currently, that choice is mostly a matter of conscience for county superintendents. Some make the right choice and some don't, but their paychecks clear the bank either way.

If parents had the option to remove their money from the school district they live in, more school districts would be motivated to hire superintendents who are serious about educating kids. School choice is the surest way to accomplish this and the time is right for a statewide debate on the issue.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Campaigns Cut Off Noses, Spite Faces

Governor Fletcher's campaign has scored a lot of points going after Anne Northup on school prayer.

Today, though, they may have gone too far.

A mailer that hit mailboxes this afternoon has a picture of Northup gleefully shovelling dirt next to a bold sentence stating "Anne Northup said an amendment to give our children the right to pray in school was 'Extreme.'"

The ad is effective. At first, I thought it was pretty funny. But while it probably helps wipe out Northup in the primary, it kills Fletcher in the general. Louisville Republicans especially will take this personally and sit on their hands in the fall.

The only candidate who can take advantage of the current environment and win in the fall against a certain-to-be weak Democratic nominee is Billy Harper.

Watch Harper's ads over the next week. It will be some of the best stuff you have ever seen.

I Like Billy Harper's Idea Of Road Privatization

Four years ago, I had hopes Ernie Fletcher would become the best fiscally conservative governor in America. Today, though, it's South Carolina's Mark Sanford who is best.

Recorded Phone Message I Got Last Night

More cutting edge campaigning to improve the lives of real Kentuckians:

Hello this is Anne Northup and I am running for governor as a Republican. In recent days, you may have received another phone message saying that I am against school prayer. That is simply not true. I have voted fourteen times to allow school prayer. As a mother of six children, I know the importance of faith in our society including prayer in our schools. I was frankly disturbed that Ernie Fletcher asked Congressman Bob Barr to attack me on this issue. I think you should know a little bit more about Bob Barr. He has left the Republican party. He has announced that he voted against George Bush in 2004. He has appeared at events with Al Gore and now he supports such extreme positions as legalizing drugs. Believe me, I would never ask anyone so radical to support my campaign or speak for me. Election day is just a week away.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mayor Newberry Has No Comment; Actions Speak

Lexington Mayor Jim Newberry still won't talk about the abuse of power, official misconduct lawsuit filed against him Friday by federal whistleblower John Vest.

But today his administration delayed the illegal termination hearing for Vest it had originally scheduled for later this month.

Calling All Bruce Lunsford Opponents!

Opponents of Bruce Lunsford's gubernatorial campaign may have missed the story over the weekend about Lunsford staffer Teresa Isaac getting sued for slander, abuse of power, violation of Kentucky's Whistleblower Act and official misconduct relating to her demonstrably false statements to the media and her subsequent actions relating to last year's FBI raid of the Lexington jail.

Illinois Dems Reject Kentucky-like Tax Increase

A gross receipts tax on businesses, like Kentucky's Alternative Minimum Calculation, was unanimously rejected by Illinois' House of Representatives last week.

The idea behind their increase was to finance socialized medicine.

The Wall Street Journal has the story. This should be a big blow to the Hillarycare folks. Too bad Kentucky couldn't have pulled together to fight against the idea that taxing businesses more doesn't really hurt anyone.

I'm Voting For Billy Harper For Governor

Call it a protest vote if you want. I'm voting for Billy Harper.

In an embarrassing primary food fight between Anne Northup and Ernie Fletcher, "supporting the winner" just doesn't cut it this time.

Harper offers a consistent conservatism and no-nonsense style Kentucky could use if we are to escape backwater status. And with Democrats likely to nominate a baggage-laden politician, Republicans would do well to represent themselves with someone not encumbered with evidence of questionable judgement.

Harper's support of KERA is a little tough to forgive, but that is overwhelmed by his continuing involvement in education and his current solutions, which involve more than just spending more money and would likely reverse a lot of KERA's damage while placing us on a course for substantial gains.

Economic development is something everyone talks about, but really belongs in the hands of someone who can move it along with more than just subsidies.

Pulling the state out of debt will require someone with a solid mandate. Listen closely to Harper. It isn't immediately apparent, but he is the type of leader who can inspire people to look beyond partisanship and toward the vision of the little guy from Paducah who said and meant "and I mean NO!"

One Question For Kentucky Treasurer Candidates

As unhelpful as the MSM discussion of the gubernatorial race has been, it has been worse. Instead of arguing about who would set up which new program and how or who is tired of campaigning and just wants to shut down the office, we should ask the candidates to take a look at one thing the office really controls: unclaimed property.

The question: How much is the unclaimed property fund worth?

The first candidate with the correct answer (zero) and a good explanation for why this is so (we already spent it all) might deserve a vote.

This is the "fund" that is supposed to back up the money-losing KAPT program Jonathan Miller keeps yammering about. Retiring Miller won't be a complete victory until we retire some of his lies about this silly thing.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Cover-Up Will Be The Story On This One, Too

If you blinked, you missed the Herald-Leader's coverage of the FBI investigation of the Fayette county jail and the successful cover-up (so far) by two Lexington mayors.

Two things to think about: Mayor Teresa Isaac almost immediately dismissed the entire FBI investigation as nothing to worry about. It is now mid-May and I haven't heard anything about the FBI concluding their investigation yet. Have you? If she knew something eight months ago that the FBI still hasn't figured out, wouldn't that be news now? And Mayor Jim Newberry has had ample opportunity to clear up this mess one way or another -- or at least address it publicly -- and all he can do is a "no comment" through his spokeswoman?

There is a lot more to this story. I wonder why the Herald-Leader seems so incurious about it.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Lexington's Own Abu Ghraib Scandal

The Lexington Herald Leader is picking up on the Jim Newberry/Teresa Isaac cover-up at the Fayette County jail story tomorrow.

The really amazing thing about this story is that Jim Newberry knew about Isaac's cover-up before his election. Seems like it would have been pretty easy for him to separate himself from the mess before he took office, but instead he jumped right into the middle of it. Now he is being sued for abusing his position as mayor and will probably be prosecuted as well.

I thought this guy was supposed to be smart.

Good News! Fletcher, Stumbo Agree You Are A Hurricane Katrina Victim

I'm getting pretty tired of the role reversals in politics giving us "conservative" politicians who eagerly embrace a liberal mind-set. Yesterday, Ernie Fletcher joined hands with Greg Stumbo and proclaimed that all Kentuckians are hurricane victims under a state of emergency from a 2005 Gulf Coast storm and we are going to stay victims for the forseeable future.

When Greg Stumbo's Deputy Attorney General Pierce Whites attacked Marathon Oil under Kentucky's poorly conceived price gouging law saying "there is no constitutional right to price gouge," he was taking a position that might help Stumbo in the upcoming Democratic primary.

Populism traditionally seeks to deny the laws of economics and promote vagueness in favor government power in the name of "doing something."

What's disappointing is how Ernie Fletcher played along in response to Marathon Oil's lawsuit seeking to improve or remove Kentucky's price gouging law. Kentucky has been in a state of emergency since Fletcher declared one on August 30, 2005.

The lawsuit asks the court to void Fletcher's emergency declaration or set a time limit on it.

Fletcher interpreted that as an attack on the powers of his office.

"The fact of the matter is the executive order stands and it has the full force of law, and we'll be defending that aspect of the suit," Fletcher said.

What's even more disappointing is that neither of Fletcher's primary opponents are going to call him on this. The electorate has moved so far left that the smart political money rests firmly on the side of calling ourselves victims and suing our largest service providers for providing services.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Jim Newberry And Teresa Isaac Were Sued Today; Violated State Whistleblower Act

Lexington Mayor Jim Newberry and his predecessor Teresa Isaac were sued today for violating Kentucky's Whistleblower Act. The suit was filed by John Vest, the FBI informant in the Fayette County Detention Center prisoner abuse scandal.

The filing describes how Vest approached the Federal Bureau of Investigation early in 2006 to report abuse of prisoners by FCDC employees. The filing states the FBI instructed Vest to covertly collect information for a federal criminal investigation and that he documented "numerous instances of the unauthorized use of force against Detention Center inmates by other Government employees in violation of Kentucky and Federal criminal laws."

The evidence provided by Vest brought dozens of FBI agents to Lexington in October 2006 to raid the Detention Center and seize evidence. After then-Mayor Isaac stated she had personally viewed the hundreds of hours of video and other kinds of evidence in a one-night cram session, she stated no evidence of wrongdoing existed. She and FCDC Director Ronald Bishop stated to the media that Vest was lying to the FBI.

The suit alleges Vest's efforts to seek Whistleblower protection were, at various times, ignored or met with hostility. Jail officials refused Vest's transfer requests to a safe work environment and, in February of this year, sought to terminate Vest's employment. Mayor Newberry, despite his knowledge of Vest's whistleblower status, signed off on it.

The suit alleges Isaac and Newberry are both guilty of official misconduct in the first and second degree, abuse of power, civil rights violations and that Isaac is guilty of slander. Vest requested a jury trial and awarding of compensatory and punitive damages.

Newberry is the current mayor of Lexington and Isaac works for Bruce Lunsford's campaign for governor.