Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Pitchforks and Torches in Frankfort
You don't really need to bring pitchforks or torches, but the silliness will be so thick that witnesses could be very valuable. So please make plans to come to 12 Mill Creek Park in Frankfort. Specialized knowledge in healthcare isn't at all necessary to see how foolish a big government scheme this is.
And that's the point. We need more people with more first-hand knowledge of the ObamaCare trainwreck our own people in Frankfort are signing us up for, so please come if you can and invite others even if you can't make it.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Courageous candidates' legislative pension fix
J.R. Gray. Steve Nunn. Dan Kelly. Charlie Borders. James Comer. Ernesto Scorsone. Fred Nesler. Jon Draud. Greg Stumbo. Clearly, this is a bipartisan problem.
Several legislators have filed bills the last few years to close this "loophole," but none have seriously gotten close to being enacted. It's time for that to change.
Ironically, the first person who could have taken advantage of this pension trick did not do so.
Former state Rep. Joe Barrows took retirement from the legislature rather than boost his pension with the "reciprocity" scheme before going to work in the Executive Branch.
This week, Senate President David Williams will come one big step closer to a judicial appointment that would make all his state pension dreams come true at a cost to taxpayers of nearly one million dollars. Five state House candidates joined together last week and signed onto a statement encouraging Williams to put an end to the pension grab madness.
Chris Hightower, Matt Lockett, Jason Crockett, Bryan Lutz and Lynn Bechler agreed to the following:
"Should Senate President David Williams accept appointment to the circuit judgeship in his home district, we encourage him to set a strong example for future legislators by retiring from the legislature so he will not be eligible to receive pension reciprocity he has fought to repeal in the Senate."
Friday, October 05, 2012
Obama wants us staring at our shoes, too
The OCR rejected my complaint, but helpfully added that another agency may be able to assist and that they had taken the liberty of forwarding my complaint against the Kentucky Department of Insurance onto another agency. So, to whom did the Obama Administration send my civil rights complaint against the Kentucky Department of Insurance for further investigation?
The Kentucky Department of Insurance, of course.
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
What part of "prohibited" don't they understand?
Kentucky's ObamaCare health insurance exchange basic plan, announced yesterday, Anthem PPO plus KCHIP's pediatric vision and dental benefits covers abortions when the life or health of the mother are in jeopardy.
That may not seem like a big difference, but it is undeniably an illegal expansion of abortion coverage in the state by a Department of Insurance that went crazy in August at the mere suggestion they wanted to cover more abortions in Kentucky. Plus, we don't know how they plan to define what constitutes a threat to a mother's health. Could be just about anything, right?
Even if you favor abortion coverage or even abortions, none of us should support state bureaucrats ignoring the law on a whim. Please forward this post as widely as you can.
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Kentucky judge shuts Christian MediShare
In related news, Kentucky's Department of Insurance has announced that Anthem's PPO health plan plus KCHIP's pediatric dental and vision benefits will constitute the basic plan for the ObamaCare health insurance exchange, which will cause premiums to skyrocket.
Now is not the time to be limiting coverage options or larding up plans with more and more mandates, but that's exactly what we are getting.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Next up: Kentucky picks health exchange mandates
He should now file another bill to prohibit exchange coverage of all other kinds of surgeries.
Insurance coverage mandates increase costs. Verify that with your plastic surgeon or contact lens provider.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Another secret ObamaCare meeting
Please call Karen Cantrell at 502-564-7940 and ask if the meeting is open to the public.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Republicans can win state House on ObamaCare
Rep. King says in the interview she supports key features of ObamaCare, but starts going wobbly when she is pressed about how those features negatively impact people buying insurance.
Pressed further, she tries to run away from the whole thing and put responsibility on Congress. That's a nice try, but if the state merely stops setting up the optional health insurance exchange and refuses to accept the optional Medicaid expansion -- neither of which is affordable in the state budget -- ObamaCare goes away.
There is still time for a bill in 2013 to stop both of these activities from proceeding into 2014. Republican candidates should propose that and get their opponents on the record right away.
Here is Rep. King's interview:
Friday, August 31, 2012
Left doubles down on "Didn't Build That"
Writing for Kentucky's fifth-highest circulation newspaper today, reporter Joe Sonka attacked Senator Rand Paul for bringing it up.
"The main theme of his speech was the main theme of the convention so far, which is a blatant and shameless lie — “You didn’t build that!” — taking President Obama completely out of context to mislead that he said business owners didn’t build their own business, instead of what he really said, that business owners didn’t build the roads, bridges and infrastructure that they rely upon."(emphasis added)
Liberal bloggers apparently believe that government creates infrastructure with the sweat of its own brow, rather than with resources taken from private sector wealth generators.
Could this be why they are still so confused about government "stimulus?"
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Retiring GOP lawmaker blasts David Williams?
Friday, August 24, 2012
Bob Damron writes off "math literate" vote
"Unlike the Federal Government, State budgets must be balanced," Damron wrote. "The only debts we at the State level incur are for the construction of capital projects and needed infrastructure."
Rep. Damron should try selling this garbage to the federal whistleblower who recently stepped down from Kentucky Retirement Systems. Chris Tobe said years of underfunding by the legislature to spend the money on pet projects has wrecked the public employee benefits system.
"Underfunding each year is like a hurricane devastating the pension," Tobe said. Tobe explained the legislature has underfunded state pensions by several hundred million dollars each year throughout the past decade.
Damron's constituents don't need to be Accounting majors to understand that a "balanced budget" doesn't include enough in misdirected pension funds to endanger the state's fiscal situation with over $30 billion in unfunded pension liabilities.
But Rep. Damron wants to keep you focused only on state bonded debt by itself and to ignore the context of trying to keep the state afloat while being forced to address the tidal wave of pension payments due to hit us by the end of Governor Steve Beshear's term in office.
And that doesn't even touch the ObamaCare costs due to crush us about the same time. (Did I mention Rep. Damron supports ObamaCare?) Needless to say, Damron is already spinning this mess he helped create and voted for at every turn.
"Often political candidates try to mislead voters and equate State Government Bonding (Debt) with the increasing debt, but the two are very different," Damron wrote.
On this, Damron has a point. It's just not the one he intends. The state will run out of money way before the federal government does, because the state can't print its own money.
But then, Bob Damron really hopes you aren't paying attention.
"I only wish they (federal government) had the same fiscal discipline that we have at the State level," Damron wrote.
Fast forward about three years and this last comment will be high comedy. Until then, if you want to keep supporting Bob Damron you should try really hard to ignore things like this.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Beshear admin lashes out on abortion scheme
STATEMENT FROM COMMISSIONER SHARON P. CLARK: The Department of Insurance is receiving reports of incorrect information being distributed to the public concerning our position on essential health benefits offered as part of the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange. Some of this misrepresentation appears to be deliberate. Coverage for elective abortions will not be an essential health benefit. This would be a violation of state law and has never been considered. Under Kentucky law (KRS 304.5-160), health insurance companies cannot offer coverage for elective abortions except as a separate rider with a separate premium. Therefore, abortions cannot be offered as an essential health benefit in Kentucky's Health Benefit Exchange.
I'm guessing Commissioner Clark doesn't expect anyone to read beyond her own hysterical protestations. In fact, if you actually take a minute to glance at KRS 304.5-160 and HHS Pre-Regulatory Model Guidelines Under Section 1303 of the Affordable Care Act (PL-111-148): Issued Pursuant to Executive Order 13535 (March 24, 2010), you won't be so easily fooled.
The Kentucky statute does indeed prohibit coverage for elective abortions "except as a separate rider with a separate premium."
The House Republicans were right to engage on this issue quickly. Senate Republicans would do well to follow their lead, particularly in anticipation of more federal administrative rules.
Are we ready to end legislative pension grab?
None of those bills even got a floor vote in the House or Senate.
Senator Dennis Parrett is back with what will be Senate Bill 12 pre-filed for 2013. His bill would end the state legislator's pension program and take away the ability for legislators to get huge unearned pension "reciprocity" for election or appointment elsewhere in state or local government.
Senate President David Williams stood to gain hundreds of thousands of dollars under reciprocity had he been elected governor in 2011.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
David Adams on radio in Lexington
Starting to see real momentum on this. We will have legislative bills in both the Kentucky House and Senate pre-filed very soon and I'm continuing to set up speaking engagements around the state on this issue. If you would like to support the effort financially, please click here and donate what you can. Any amount will be a big help.
Monday, August 20, 2012
House GOP heads off Beshear abortion scheme
Having started the process of using state government tools to limit bureaucratic atrocities in health care, we now need to do more. Expanding the Religious Publications Exemption to create a secure free market alternative to government-controlled health insurance in the Commonwealth is critical to turning the tide in this battle.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
"Occupy Wall Street" meets Tea Party in Frankfort
"I have regarded this as an Occupy event from the beginning," said liberal activist Ryan Hidalgo of Owensboro.
Occupiers have actively been recruiting for weeks, starting with blogger Jim Pence. Pence has sought to inspire left-wing participation in the event by calming fears about potential violence.
"This is a free country, but when we become afraid to exercise our freedom then we are no longer free," Pence said. "Believe me, there will be plenty of law enforcement at the event, including Capitol police. I know because I've been to events like this and believe me, violence won't be tolerated."
Pence attended a 2009 Louisville Tea Party event with some 3000 attendees. He said:
"I went to the event alone, a 70 year old progressive among 3000 conservatives, with only my camera and camcorder and didn't have one problem with anyone. I didn't hide the fact I was a progressive -- nor did I flaunt it -- and no one seemed to care. The event was secured by plenty of police protection and would have been the perfect place for Louisville progressives to counter the Tea Party Express in front of the entire nation. But, for whatever reason, Louisville progressives decided to let the Tea Party Express have their way in Louisville Kentucky."
Despite Pence's peaceful plea, overheated rhetoric has also been a key part of the effort to draw OWS activism in opposition to the tea party.
Clarksville, Indiana CPA Linda Jaggers Mitchell claims to have attended prior tea party events and says she approves of liberals going even as she lobs a bomb of her own.
"Personally, I don't think of it as crashing but I know how dangerous the tea party can be," she said. "These people are crazy. I really don't want to be around them."
"These people make my blood boil," Lela Morgan said.
Again, others were much more reasonable, suggesting a peaceful, if spirited, event.
"We are merely going there to protest the legislators and their policy," said April Browning of Lexington. "In this case it happens to be Republican policy. I do not reserve my voice to speak out against one party and not the other. I am neither Democrat nor Republican but I am an activist, an activist who believes in the power of the people, the power of social movements and the power of using your voice."
Still others among the liberal protesters suggested bringing signs to show solidarity with tea party principles, in opposition to establishment politicians of both parties.
Karen Conley posted on Facebook a list of suggested slogans opposing bank bailouts, earmarks, civil rights abuses and out of control government budgets.
"This would make it less likely the tea partiers would be against our message," she said.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Kentucky needs a brain transplant
Whether you oppose abortions or not, this is a bad idea. It is wrong to force Kentuckians to pay for abortions, particularly those who are pro-life. It's also wrong for the government to force Kentuckians to buy insurance policies covering services they don't want or need.
If we were smart, we would describe our "essential health benefits" under ObamaCare as ridiculously as possible so that they wouldn't apply to anything and insurers could write policies based on public demand. Things like brain transplants, nose removal, adding a third arm to a patient's torso or an extra pair of ears to his head.
Such a stupid law deserves just such a response.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Frankfort stirs abortion hornet's nest
Because ObamaCare assumes you are too stupid to demand health insurance benefits you want and need, states setting up health exchanges under the federal law must specify what health insurers will cover and what they will not.
The Department issued this statement:
"Currently, the Kentucky Department of Insurance is analyzing the various benefit options in order to make an informed recommendation that balances cost and benefits in the best interest of Kentuckians. The Commonwealth will recommend its choice of Essential Health Benefits to the Secretary of the HHS prior to September 30, 2012."
Kentuckians wishing to weigh in on what those benefits should be can send an email to DOI.RateReview@ky.gov.
All the more reason for dismantling this whole system of government control of health care. If you want to do that, click here.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Boston Globe piles on Papa John's, makes stuff up
What the pizza mogul's attackers fail to realize is the largest negative impact will not be felt by Papa John's International Inc., but by thousands of small business owner franchisees, their employees and the people who won't be able to work for them because of the law's disincentives for hiring or keeping employees.
The Louisville Courier Journal editorial page today thinks it's all a big joke over twenty cents:
"In our book, that's a bargain if it means thousands of Papa John's employees in all 50 states are going to get health coverage and we're not going to have to foot the bill when hardworking but uninsured pizza chefs get ill and end up in the hospital.
Imagine that. Health care for thousands of workers and all you have to do is look for two dimes under your car seat. That's change we can believe in!"
This is a blatant misrepresentation of the impact of ObamaCare on Americans and our health care system. ObamaCare doesn't fix the problem of uncompensated care and it won't provide coverage for a lot of Papa John's employees.
The Boston Globe, though, takes the silliness to an even higher level:
The guessing here is it won't be that tough for Papa John's to survive the 11- to 14-cent-per-pizza increase. Its biggest competitors, like Domino's, will also have to contend with potential health care increases.What the Globe ignores is that franchisees and employees will bear the brunt of ObamaCare. And many of those small businesses have fewer than 50 employees, qualifying them for the dubious "exemption." On top of that, writers at the Globe should have to divulge their source for the assertion about Schnatter and the "corner pizza shop." It's not something he has said or written. In fact, it appears they got that one from a liberal blog.
Schnatter's concern is that the corner pizza shop will be exempted because it has fewer than 50 employees.
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Papa John states obvious, liberals pounce
It's still the Democratic Party line, but no one really believes ObamaCare will reduce healthcare costs anymore. The people trying to shout Schnatter down or threatening to boycott his pizza are setting themselves up for another Chick-fil-A debacle.
Government growing its own power to counteract the negative effects of decades of too much government involvement in healthcare makes no sense. Nearly everyone gets that now. The rest will figure it out the hard way when ObamaCare takes full effect in 2014.
We may need pizza for lunch at the Kentucky State Capitol on August 21 for the rally with Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Mitch McConnell.
Will Obama disrupt Kentucky tea party event?
A Facebook event page labeled "Counter-Protest against Tea Party, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell, Money in Politics, etc." shows invitations have been sent out to more than 700 people. Congressional candidate Bill Adkins, a rabid Obama supporter, is listed as a possible attendee. The event page lists the same date, time and location as the authorized tea party event.
The "counter-protest" page links to a liberal blog post encouraging Obama supporters to show up and disrupt the event and, of course, mentions defecation, a favorite of Occupy Wall Street types.
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Frankfort can't justify doing this to us
But we are adults now. And besides, government is not your daddy. That's why Kentucky's Constitution forbids arbitrary enforcement of laws. We try to require officials to be evenhanded to protect everyone equally.
That's why the Commonwealth's reign of terror against Christians in health sharing organizations is so despicable. Kentucky's Department of Insurance has attacked Christian Care Medi-Share in court for ten years as an illegal insurance company. Under Kentucky law, Samaritan Ministries and Christian HealthCare Ministries are just as guilty but have avoided any of the same punishment. This uneven enforcement hurts not only the companies and their members with all the uncertainty, but also potential members who will be looking for alternatives to government-controlled health insurance increasingly in the months and years ahead.
In May, the Department's spokesperson told me they had been watching Samaritan and Christian HealthCare for years. In June, the Department initiated a formal investigation into their activities. Given that a determination of their legality can be made by viewing their web sites for a few minutes and that they have supposedly been under the watchful eye of state regulators for years, two months is way more than enough time to act. That's particularly true if consumers are at risk, right? I mean, isn't that why regulators have jobs?
Kentucky insurance regulation is a joke. It's not a funny one and, in fact, represents an unconstitutional abuse of power as well as a waste of scarce resources. We are going to prove it and, in doing so, pave the way to requiring state government to better justify its actions or to stop them.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
US Military war gaming battle versus Tea Party
I'm not kidding.
Dr. Kevin Benson, a retired Army Colonel and currently at the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth wrote a paper describing how a hypothetical 2016 military attack on insurgent tea partiers in South Carolina might play out.
"While mainstream politicians and citizens react with alarm, the “tea party” insurrectionists in South Carolina enjoy a groundswell of support from other tea party groups, militias, racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan, anti-immigrant associations such as the Minutemen, and other right-wing groups."
"The pace of the operation needs to be deliberate and controlled. Combat units will conduct overt Show of Force operations to remind the insurrectionists they are now facing professional military forces, with all the training and equipment that implies. Army and Marine units will remove road blocks and check points both overtly and covertly with minimum essential force to ratchet up pressure continually on insurrectionist leadership." ... "Federal forces continue to tighten the noose as troops seize and secure power and water stations, radio and TV stations, and hospitals."
It goes without saying that tea party events have always been peaceful, professional and exceedingly polite. Since Dr. Benson's fantasy has come to light, the media has avoided discussing it like the plague. Please encourage your elected officials and local media to address the issue of military threats against peaceful American citizens. This kind of official intimidation has no place in a free society.
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Friday, August 03, 2012
These are the people protecting us?
I'm not kidding.
In a letter dated August 1, 2012 the Consumer Protection Division of the Department of Insurance stated it was closing a consumer-initiated investigation into Medi-Share's insurance activities filed July 10. The Department justified its decision by invoking 806 KAR 02-050 sec. 2, which states the Department "no authority to usurp or infringe upon the jurisdiction, prerogative, or authority of the various courts of competent jurisdiction."
That's interesting, though, because the courts, the bureaucrats and the politicians in Frankfort have been usurping and infringing upon the rights of Kentuckians to protect themselves against health care costs for years and it is about to get worse.
Getting the state of Kentucky to back off from their overbearing restrictions on our health care decisions can't wait for sleepy government officials playing pass the buck with our lives. ObamaCare takes full effect in 515 days.
Health freedom gets a day in court
Please make plans to attend the hearing in Frankfort on August 30 at 1:30 pm in the Franklin Circuit Court, 669 Chamberlain Avenue, Frankfort. The case number is 02-CI-837.
We are looking for a ruling against Christian Medi-Share to help mobilize support for changing Kentucky law to allow religious health sharing groups to operate without fear of prosecution in the state. Either way the fight will go on, though, as education about this case continues. Most of the people being hurt by this don't yet realize it.
Consumers don't have a lobbyist in this fight or an attorney in this case, though our standing in it is clear. The only thing holding Kentuckians back from taking full advantage of this exemption from ObamaCare is bad Kentucky law that must be changed.
Please support this effort to force Frankfort to get out from between Kentuckians and our natural right to health freedom. Click here and donate what you can.
Thursday, August 02, 2012
Kentucky's Catch-22
From Wikipedia:
"Other forms of Catch-22 are invoked throughout the novel to justify various bureaucratic actions. At one point, victims of harassment by military police quote the MPs' explanation of one of Catch-22's provisions: "Catch-22 states that agents enforcing Catch-22 need not prove that Catch-22 actually contains whatever provision the accused violator is accused of violating." Another character explains: "Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can't stop them from doing.""
Kentucky utilizes Catch-22 reasoning in its continued assault on citizens attempting to escape ObamaCare. State law effectively forbids religious health sharing, an alternative to health insurance whose practitioners are actually exempt from mandates in the "Affordable Care Act."
Under Kentucky law this practice is not only illegal, it is a felony punishable by large fines and up to five years in prison. So if you are a Kentuckian who understands ObamaCare is an unworkable mess and want out, your state government could legally throw you in jail for trying. Franklin Circuit Judge Thomas Wingate, the state's Department of Insurance and the legislature have stopped even trying to clarify this situation, but all those people have one thing in common: they are state employees not subject to prosecution for seeking a health insurance alternative while regular citizens face ObamaCare taxes, fees and mandates on one side and the potential for imprisonment on the other.
It's about time to storm the gates. Here's one idea. And another.
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Wagging the Senator
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Eat more capitalism
The federal healthcare law carves out a money-saving (and possibly life-saving) exemption to its mandates for members of religious health sharing ministries, but under Kentucky law such membership is a felony. As ObamaCare's 2014 implementation draws closer, a lot more Kentuckians will be looking for a way out. Encouraging state lawmakers to expand the Religious Publications Exemption by striking KRS 304.1-120(7)(d)(e)(f) eliminates the worst of this threat.
It's a guilt-free, low sodium solution to a problem we don't need to have. Please spread the word right away. And if you like getting heads up like this on issues no one else reports on, please consider contributing to the effort by clicking here and making your most generous contribution. No amount is too small, and anything you can do is greatly appreciated.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Medi-Share debacle endangering Christians
Kentucky's Insurance Code, KRS 304, defines insurance to include activities of not only health sharing groups like Medi-Share, but also their members.
In a March 1, 2011 permanent injunction ruling, a Franklin Circuit Judge prohibited Medi-Share and its members from operating their health sharing program in the Commonwealth, specifically mentioning KRS 304.11-030(2), which prohibits the health sharing activities of both the company Medi-Share and its members.
KRS 304.47-020(2)(b) provides for punishment of imprisonment between one and five years and fines of tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Judge Thomas Wingate says he can't rule on a year-old contempt of court motion against Medi-Share and it's members until the state's Department of Insurance and Medi-Share agree on a hearing date. Despite either weeks or months of negotiating on a date, none has been scheduled as of Monday afternoon. While the judge, the state and Medi-Share play hot potato, innocent Kentuckians are put at risk. There is a simple fix for this, though it would surely be more satisfying at this point to run the whole bunch of them out of the state and force them to talk their way back in.
Is Kentucky moving toward marijuana?
Sen. Perry Clark made headlines earlier this month when he admitted to recent marijuana use, a very poorly kept secret in Frankfort. His Republican opponent, Louisville businessman Chris Thieneman, condemns Sen. Clark for smoking on the job but said he supports changing state law to allow Kentuckians who gain relief from physical problems by smoking marijuana to do so.
A year ago, nervous state politicians called industrial hemp, a natural product with multiple uses and no hallucinogenic effects, a gateway drug to harder substance abuse until Agriculture Commissioner James Comer, a Republican, won election statewide on a platform including advocacy for industrial hemp cultivation.
It will be interesting to see how quickly other politicians' views toward medical marijuana evolve now that Thieneman has stepped up on this issue. President Barack Obama admitted smoking marijuana on many occasions and campaigned on leaving medical marijuana users alone. In office, he has instead aggressively prosecuted medical marijuana use, to the consternation of former supporters.
In October, the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington D.C. will hear oral arguments in a case against the Department of Drug Enforcement's efforts against marijuana use.
Catholics expand fight for health freedom
Solidarity HealthShare, a new health-sharing organization, will help Catholics avoid ObamaCare health insurance mandates.
The Catholic Church has been outspoken in its opposition to government mandates for insurance coverage of abortion and this effort is clearly motivated by that. As more people of faith see the wisdom in fighting back against federal or state regulation of health insurance, we grow closer to gaining true health freedom for everyone.
With Catholics on board, health freedom gains a powerful new ally.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Tea Party storms Frankfort over ObamaCare
Winning the battle for health freedom has to be the top tea party issue until candidates in any party are terrified to run on any platform that does not include health freedom as one of its key planks.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Kentucky's War on Christian Health going national
"Christian health sharing ministries are largely unregulated, except by themselves. This means members cannot go to an insurance commissioner with a complaint, rates aren't reviewed by an independent regulator, and there is no way to ensure they are following anti-discrimination laws."
Just as some states are fighting back against ObamaCare from the right, others are pulling it faster to the left. One of their approaches is to effectively shut down Christian health sharing ministries' exemption in the federal law and Kentucky is way ahead of the curve on this.
It's simple: we fight back or we lose. I will be speaking in Louisville tonight about how we can fight back to win our health freedom in Kentucky. Join us at 6pm ET at Ernesto's, 10105 Dixie Highway if you can.
If you would like to help get the message out, please consider donating whatever you can here. Thanks for all you do.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
An ObamaCare amendment we all need
Kentucky is gaining increased national attention for its long-standing hostility toward Christian health sharers. While we pursue a legislative correction to that misguided animosity, federal representatives should also implement a small change to the ObamaCare law to improve the efficiency of health coverage alternatives not regulated by public employee bureaucrats.
ObamaCare bill H.R. 3590 exempts health sharing from federal mandates but also limits the market to religious organizations in operation since 1999. Simply eliminating this arbitrary limitation allows for new competitors in the market just as the rest of the federal law reduces choices in the government-controlled market.
The change involves striking out this part of the law:
While the benefits of a more competitive free market in health care coverage are obvious for Christians, less obvious is the opportunity for others who may, for political reasons, want to support the idea of ObamaCare but don't want to be stuck holding the bag when the government sector of the health market blows up.
I'm thinking a health care sharing ministry for the Church of the Left-Handed Bicycle Riders might come in handy at some point.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Kentucky tying up Christians for sharing, promising
That's not likely.
Medi-Share was found to be an unregistered health insurance company in 2010 by the Kentucky Supreme Court. The Court ruled the company failed to meet all requirements of the Religious Publications Exemption in KRS 304.1-120 (7), specifically the one requiring health sharing members to pay each other's medical bills "directly from one (1) subscriber to another."
Whether that requirement is met under current operations is somewhat open to interpretation. Medi-Share members now send monthly funds to a credit union account the member and Medi-Share control jointly. The Kentucky Department of Insurance and the Supreme Court claim such an arrangement does not constitute direct subscriber-to-subscriber payment.
But even if the Department and the Court change their minds and decide that this method is direct enough, there is at least one more problem for Medi-Share. Gaining the exemption also requires that there can be "no assumption of risk or promise to pay either among the subscribers or between the subscribers and (Medi-Share)."
Medi-Share's many advertisements (like the one above) are full of eye-popping numbers like an average family month commitment of $282 and a claim of $625 million in savings. Also, anyone who has had to call around to find an agreeable doctor has to be impressed by the idea of having the freedom to "use any provider."
All this is suggestive of a "promise to pay," but the fact that is going to get them is that members who don't pay their monthly fees for two months will be dropped from the program and will not have outstanding medical needs presented for payment. That sounds obvious, but the fact of a requirement to pay in order to benefit is the legal definition of a "promise," which is prohibited under the law.
The ridiculous hoops we require these people to jump through to enjoy some measure of health freedom need to be eliminated. But they can't be wished away or shouted away. We need to change the law.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Kentucky dawdling wastes health money
Religious health sharing organizations in continuous operation since 1999 and their members are exempt from dictates of the Affordable Care Act. Kentucky's hostility toward this simple alternative to health insurance, however, predates federal health insurance reform.
The state's 2002 lawsuit against Christian Care Medi-Share is still not resolved, mainly due to Department of Insurance inaction. Failure to even begin addressing legal issues facing members and prospective members of the only two other federally exempt organizations -- Samaritan Ministries and Christian HealthCare Ministries -- until forced to do so six weeks ago, very poorly serves Kentucky's insurance consumers.
Hundreds of thousands of Kentucky Christians are overpaying for health coverage because of this legal mess, which could be cleared up easily.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Kentucky waffles again on Christian health
A Department spokesperson said a meeting may take place in August.
The state's newly found interest in openness on the issue of religious health sharing organizations and their superiority to government-regulated health insurance doesn't immediately address the organizations' real legal problems, but the response to tea party pressure is a welcome one.
Health freedom can be won in Kentucky and then spread to the other states. Stay tuned for updates.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Frankfort should defund ObamaCare ads
Kentucky's Cabinet for Health and Family Services Secretary Audrey Haynes just appeared this morning on Bill Bryant's WKYT Newmakers program in Lexington touting the coming bureaucracy.
She also stated the 2014 roll out of the expensive program will be "heavily advertised."
Wasting money on advertising to promote this waste of money should be against the law, right? Looking for a way to do that in the 2013 General Assembly could be both fun and productive for the cause of Liberty.
The first place in statute that comes to mind as a vehicle for prohibiting government from spending our money to advertise the expansion of itself is KRS 121, campaign finance law.
I'm a little nervous about opening up campaign finance with the current legislature given than Senate Republicans have been at least as bad as House Democrats on the issue. Proposed legislation to prohibit the state from using any state resources to promote any element of the Affordable Care Act, though, could be worth the risk. A pre-filed bill with this objective this summer could be used as a campaign tool against House Democrats stuck between their party's damaging policies and their desire to win re-election in November.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Kentucky still abusing health consumers
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
This can't be good
I'm not going to go Alex Jones on you, but seeing this did kind of give me the willies.
Steve Beshear will be surprised in 2015
Beshear flatly stated the ObamaCare health insurance exchange won't cost the state anything, that the exchange will pay for itself. This is absolutely false. Increased fees or taxes will be necessary to fund the new bureaucracy after federal funds run out at the end of 2014.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Beshear takes the bait on ObamaCare
From the release: "Governor Steve Beshear today issued an executive order establishing the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange, a requirement of the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA)."
The ObamaCare exchanges are optional. Further, refusing to play along is the only way Kentucky could hope to survive the rapid tax, penalty and fee increases for Kentuckians in the federal law.
Federal funding for the Kentucky exchange will dry up at the end of 2014. At that point, Beshear claims the "Exchange will be wholly funded with revenues it generates."
That means either a new tax or some kind of fee increase on health insurance will be necessary. Governor Beshear should be made to explain exactly how much he anticipates the state will spend on the exchange annually and where precisely that money will come from.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Family Foundation of KY still wrong on health law
At issue is an apparent unwillingness to accept reality of Kentucky's arbitrarily applied prohibition of an otherwise very viable Christian health insurance alternative called health sharing. This failure is preventing them from doing much good on a key front in the fight against ObamaCare.
The reality is that health sharing is against Kentucky law and it is no matter how much anyone repeats that it is not.
In 2007, the Family Foundation touted a court ruling they thought might put to rest the controversy over health sharing in Kentucky. It did not.
The problems health sharing organizations face in Kentucky will persist at least until the Religious Publications Exemption in the state's Insurance Code is greatly expanded.
The legislative fix is easy. We need to amend KRS 304.1-120(7) like this:
This change would allow all the Christian health sharing organizations currently exempt from ObamaCare to function in Kentucky without fear for themselves or their members of being shut down and possibly charged as unauthorized insurers and jailed as felons.
This should be a simple discussion and not an embarrassing mess full of personal attacks and missing the point. Failure to resolve this quickly and amicably only benefits those who want the government to control all of our health care.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Odd bedfellows can win health freedom fight
And that means clarifying the value of a free economy for the Christian Right and Left to bring their powerful voices into the fight.
Lots of work to do, but if you look carefully for subtle progress here and here, you just might see where I'm going with this.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Black market Christian health company puts Kentuckians at risk; illegal under federal law
According to the company, Altrua was formed in 2000, which means it can't help you under federal law. The Affordable Care Act doesn't specify penalties for operating as an illegal insurer under that statute, but under Kentucky law, the company and even its members could be charged as felons.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Health reform for Rand Paul and John Yarmuth
From the Affordable Care Act on page 128, we find the following passage:
What we need more than anything is more alternative forms of protection for Americans, rather than fewer or a fixed number. President Obama and congressional Democrats had to like this passage or they wouldn't have it in their bill, right? Surely they wouldn't mind making it better.
Limiting the exclusion to religious organization who started their health sharing activities on or before December 31, 1999 is discriminatory and arbitrary. If a group of gay left-handed communists want to set up a church and start their own health sharing organization, they should be allowed to under federal law. It is only fair.
Please encourage your member of Congress to amend the Affordable Care Act to strike both references to December 31, 1999 in the Health Care Sharing Ministry section of the bill so that they may do so.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Might Medicaid migration hurt Kentucky?
Of the seven states surrounding Kentucky, only Illinois and West Virginia seem likely to go for the budget-busting entitlement expansion mandated by ObamaCare but made optional by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Beshear's delay on Medicaid expansion is odd for someone who has supposedly been "studying" these issues for a long time.
Monday, July 09, 2012
Contempt for consumers in Frankfort
Fear the government
Sunday, July 08, 2012
Kentucky's bogus Medicaid talking point
The report, issued by Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, saw immediate statewide distribution primarily through public news sites (here and here) and business publications (here and here) and at least one newspaper (here).
Only one tiny problem with that: the report was dated May 2010. These numbers are ridiculously outdated and and the ranking is meaningless, released now as a clumsy attempt to score political points. The fact Kentucky media outlets seem to have swallowed this whole should be incredibly embarrassing for them.
The truth is the massive Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act would very likely result in significant numbers of privately insured low-income people dropping coverage and signing up for Medicaid, according to another old report.
Hope this changes the conversation in Frankfort this week as Beshear weighs whether or not to drive the state to insolvency faster with this easily avoidable government expansion.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Frankfort GOP coming around on ObamaCare
A video released by Kentucky House Republican Leader Jeff Hoover shows the first real sign of life from Frankfort's GOP leadership in support of health freedom in the Commonwealth.
The striking lack of any mention of health insurance exchanges in the video was cured by House Republican Director of Communications Michael Goins, who pointed to a press release mentioning the need to opt out of the exchange at the end of its last sentence.
The effort fits in the "better late than never" category, but not by much. Most Republican legislators voted to give Beshear $50 million to expand Medicaid under ObamaCare. Forcing Beshear and the Democrats to fight on the record for ObamaCare during budget negotiations would have been campaign gold this fall, at the very least.
We need to hear more from Rep. Hoover and other GOP legislators about specific steps to get out from under ObamaCare. A very easy move with a big payoff for consumers would be to expand the Religious Publications Exemption in the Kentucky Insurance Code so Kentuckians could be more confident in the option provided by religious-based health sharing organizations, which are exempted from federal mandates under ObamaCare.
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Is Beshear reconsidering ObamaCare?
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Judge Wingate flip-flops on health freedom
They aren't likely to meet soon.
The Beshear administration has the people of Kentucky in an ObamaCare headlock and intends to keep us there. Governor Beshear and his minions in the legislature don't want a public discussion about this, so they are pulling all the strings to keep it quiet.
Will we let them succeed?