Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Do Kentucky Dems Back John Kerry Now?

Sen. John Kerry may not like being called an elitist snob, but it sure would be funny to see him try to deny that he is one.

Watching him try to distance himself from his own attack on America's soldiers has been pretty funny as well.

I wonder what Mike Weaver, John Yarmuth, and Ken Lucas think about that. More importantly, I would like to see what they say about it. Wouldn't you?

I-Care And Minimum Wage

The Kentucky legislature passed a health insurance subsidy this year and so, sign-ups start tomorrow in the I-CARE program. This bad idea is similar to raising the minimum wage in that it takes a more expensive path than is necessary to reach the desired end. Repealing Certificate of Need regulations would lower health insurance costs for all rather than using the subsidy to lower premiums for a few. In the same way, raising Earned Income Tax Credits would give money to poor families while the minimum wage mainly just increases the costs of employing teenagers.

State Public Pension Reform

South Carolina voters will decide next Tuesday, in part, how soon they want their public pension plan to blow up on them. Their $9 Billion deficit can begin to be addressed by allowing pension dollars to be invested in the stock market. It will take a constitutional amendment to allow it, and that is what is on this ballot.

Kentucky already allows equity investments in its pension plan. (The fact that we are much better off than South Carolina should give pause to local opponents of Social Security private accounts, but it probably won't.)

We can take little comfort in the fact that we have less than half the red ink soaking our pension plan that South Carolina has. Choosing equities is an easy decision to make. Kentucky's decisions will be more difficult. We need to start on it now.

One Week To Go

How are things looking in your part of the state?

Monday, October 30, 2006

I Am Blogger; Hear Me Roar

A couple of us Kentucky bloggers made national news earlier this year for being refused journalist's credentials at the state capitol.

The winds are changing.

Nicole Moore of the National Conference of State Legislatures is writing a column for State Legislatures magazine advocating for bloggers to be given press passes to legislative sessions.

Casino Gambling Is A Liberal Scam

If you like public policy that forces the government to expand and taxes to go up, you will really like the false promise of casino gambling in Kentucky. The rosy scenarios of new revenue for Frankfort never figure in the increased need for social services brought on by the fantastic allure of casinos. Quick losses mount up and families are torn down. The government usually winds up picking up the tab for the families. Unfortunately, the roads and schools build by gambling revenue are easy to see. The uncounted cost is much less visible.

So when the "additional" revenue is offset by new social spending, we wind up spending money on other projects we will need to clean up the toxic waste left by the casinos.

Will people gamble anyway? You bet. Will they run over to Indiana's gambling boats regardless of what Kentucky does? Sure.

But the scam is the idea that building casinos on this side of the river will be a net benefit to Kentuckians. Only casino-sponsored studies count the social costs at zero.

The fact is that casinos will cost the state more than they generate in revenue. It would be cheaper to just let those who want to go to Indiana for gambling trips go.

And speaking of scams: if you like the idea of higher government spending following the implementation of casinos, you will absolutely love the underhanded way the casinos are sneaking in to Kentucky in broad daylight.

It's called "let the people decide."

Looking at legislative campaigns across the state, members of both parties seem to have gotten in the "let the people decide" game.

If casinos can get on the ballot in Kentucky, they will dump many millions of dollars into advertising campaigns. Their organized opposition consists mainly of church groups. Fiscal conservatives would do well to tune into this debate very quickly.

Soon it will be too late.

Club For Growth Monday

Go to the Kentucky Club for Growth website and sign up for email updates.

Take a look at the national Club site for an idea of what is coming.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Democrat Robber Barons: Give Us Your $$$

Fortunately, DNC Chair Howard Dean speaks:

Democratic party chief Howard Dean said Democrats "have no intention of raising taxes except on the people who have got enormous tax breaks - like the oil companies - from the Republicans."

In Econ 101 class, the rest of us learned that a tax increase on producers gets passed on to consumers. So after Nancy Pelosi rolls back all the Bush tax cuts -- including the 10% tax bracket that hits everyone -- Mad Howard will be looking to hit us all at the gas pump.

Thanks for talking, guys.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Seinfeld Roundtable

Imagine this: A "progressive" political discussion that lasted two hours, but wasn't about anything at all.

We Must Cut Kentucky Spending

The Cato Institute released this week its Fiscal Policy Report Card on America's Governors.

Governor Ernie Fletcher earned a C overall, with a B in revenue policies and an F in spending. The report lauded Fletcher's early spending cuts and chided him gently for tax modernization and not so gently for the spending in this year's budget agreement:

"He would be well advised to get the budget under control again and pursue tax cuts that actually cut the burden on taxpayers, not just shift it to other taxpayers."

Charlie Hoffman Flunks, Newspaper Covers

State Rep. Charlie Hoffman (D-Georgetown) fueled speculation that he had tired of his job in Frankfort when he was seen taking the PVA exam on November 1, 2005. The Georgetown News-Graphic plays an interesting role in the likelihood you may not have heard this story before.

Passing the exam is the main requirement in running for county Property Valuation Administrator, which is an open seat in Scott county. Had Hoffman passed, he would not have to hide in the Capitol Annex when tough votes come up.

But he failed the exam.

Georgetown News-Graphic publisher Mike Scogin is covering for Hoffman's failure, but not very convincingly.

"He never took the test," Scogin said in an email. "It was someone else with the same name."

He also apparently had the same face.

Scogin offered no explanation for why this mysterious other Charlie Hoffman went with Rep. Hoffman's brother John, who also took the exam.

UK Law Profs: Dem Chris Frost Too Liberal Even For Us

Sources inside the UK Law School have expressed widespread fear and loathing among the faculty for the campaign of fellow professor Chris Frost in Kentucky's 88th house district.

That's quite a statement, given the liberal bent of the faculty there. If Chris Frost is too far gone to suit his own colleagues, he is easily too radical for the conservative 88th district.

What is the "family values" Kentucky Democratic Party doing recruiting liberals to run for public office?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mexican Prez Compares Wall To Berlin

Sounds like we are on the right track.

Update: now, let's make sure the job gets done.

If You Really Want Affordable Healthcare...

Governor Fletcher spoke today at the groundbreaking for an ambulatory healthcare center in Nicholasville. In his remarks, he explained that Jessamine county will have to wait for a real hospital because if the state allowed one to go in too soon it could cause healthcare costs to increase.

He is right about the waiting. Certificate of Need laws will prohibit any expansion of healthcare services until all the Lexington hospitals can agree to allow a new hospital in the region. There is, however, no evidence that Certificate of Need laws lower healthcare costs. In fact, the opposite is true.

We keep hearing Kentucky is in a healthcare crisis. Certificate of Need is a part of the problem.

What They Are Fighting For

With yet another vulgar screed, liberal blogmeister Daily Kos turned against Democrat Senate candidate Harold Ford for expressing ambivalence over homosexual "marriage."

Do we really want these people chairing committees and picking judges for us when they are so conflicted about what constitutes equal rights?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Drop Christian Care Medi-Share Suit

Kentucky is suing to stop Christian Care Medi-Share from collecting "premiums" and paying medical claims in the state.

This is a mistake.

Christian Care Medi-Share is not an insurance plan. They collect pre-determined amounts of money from people they agree to cover and then pay certain medical claims when they arise. If they help lower costs for some people, I don't see what the problem is. The challenge will be for consumers to judge the merits of the plan. If Medi-Share doesn't live up to its agreements, a lawsuit would be the proper remedy.

I see no need to ban a private company from providing a risk management service to consumers. The Fletcher administration claims to want to lower health care costs. This is one worth exploring and scrutinizing, but don't kill it because it doesn't fit the mold of other plans.

By the way, Christian Care Medi-Share will not accept my family for coverage because they disagree with our religious beliefs. I haven't examined the fine print on one of their plans in several years, so I am not promoting it. My reason for the post is to say we need more solutions to rising healthcare costs. This plan is being challenged because it is not insurance and, therefore, can not be regulated. Lack of insurance regulation is not a problem we have in Kentucky. Let the buyer beware, but let the buyer decide. Dropping the lawsuit against Christian Care Medi-Share is the right thing to do.

Herald Leader's "Trust Issue"

Since the McClatchy purchase of the Lexington Herald Leader, the paper's employees have had a real attitude change.

The fact that the reporters are walking a little taller may not be easily visible to the untrained eye, but try talking to them. An infusion of hope does good things to people and new ownership has already instilled a new confidence among the news personnel. A fun example is found on the new political blog the Frankfort bureau publishes. They actually provide links to Louisville Courier Journal stories. That's their competition. What kind of dead tree publication does that?

One that wants to really dominate the marketplace.

The people on the editorial board express the same kind of renewed vigor. So it is all the more disappointing to see the same old nonsense printed on their pages. Today, they pander hard left in endorsing Teresa Isaac's economic development director. (I can hardly even say that term without laughing. Seems like Julian Beard should be called "the condemnation commisar.") But to the editorial board, he is the "stronger candidate."

Piffle. And what's worse, their main complaint against Bill Roberts is that he follows the law and can count to 100.

We can only hope the new energy at the Lexington Herald-Leader might somehow strengthen the arguments of the hardened editorial writers. The paper is hiring; maybe they will add some new blood there. Their columnists have the talent, but there are some major trust issues. A key ingredient to growing their paper will be addressing this shortcoming.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Henry v. Jones: Eating Their Own

Former LG Steve Henry is starting to sound like this year's Bruce Lunsford the way he is going after the Dem front-runner, casino candidate Brereton Jones.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Mad As Hell, Not Going To Take It...

Whatever happens to the Republican party on election day, there can be no argument that some important changes need to occur after election day.

For limited government, pro-growth policy people, a big part of the answer is probably going to come from the Club for Growth of Kentucky. The Club is a group of like-minded individuals who pool their efforts to recruit and support good candidates for public office on the state level.

An unofficial membership drive between now and election day will provide great momentum to the effort to generate real change in our state.

Email me at kyprogress@yahoo.com with your name and contact information and ask your friends to do the same.

This Just In: Some Dems For Yarmuth

A breathless report from Louisville has the news that John Yarmuth actually gets to speak to a group of Democrats at a fundraiser in that city this week.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Credit Where Credit Is Due

The MSM is now buzzing with the story of Ed Moore, a Republican Boone county clerk candidate who claimed falsely to be a Vietnam veteran.

Moore vigorously denied rumors of his fake credentials and escaped MSM scrutiny until an email report by Jeff Smith of Lexington dated October 17 started making the rounds.

Within three days of the initial report, Moore was coming clean and dropping out of the race.

Can there be any doubt that if Moore were a Democrat this story would have been ignored by the mainstream media for at least another two weeks or so?

Sick Kid Sunday Update

My six-year-old has a nasal infection and no government-sponsored health plan to tell him to come back in January.

Slightly less irritating is that we are going to have to hear all next week about Barak Obama running for President.

Senator Obama owes his entire political career to the media feeding frenzy over Jack Ryan's divorce that forced him from their 2004 Senate race. No doubt he is really just auditioning to be Hillary Clinton's running mate.

We Don't Have One-Party Control

Senator Joe Biden just said on Fox News Sunday that he has talked to twelve Republicans who want to change parties after the election.

There is no question there are at least of half a dozen Republicans who would be likely suspects for this.

Democrats have had a lot of fun this year blaming one-party control for everything going wrong in Washington, but the Arlen Specter-Lincoln Chafee caucus has ensured repeatedly that conservative, small government initiatives can't get passed into law. And President Bush's problems haven't come as a result of conservative policies.

The Club for Growth tried valiantly to get rid of Arlen Specter and Lincoln Chafee in the last two elections. If only they had succeeded, Republicans would perhaps be facing election day on the strength of conservative policies rather than the hindrance of defending nonexistent one-party control.

Elevating Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid is one way to refocus the conservative movement, but that is becoming less and less likely to occur. Fear of Democrats is a real hindrance to tearing down the Republican house and starting all over.

Party reorganization conventions take place in 2008, but real change can and must start right after this election. The party belongs to the people and the fiscal policies politicians of both parties are giving lip service to have broad support. Restoring credibility to the Republican party remains a far shorter trek than one which might introduce it to the Democratic party or breathe viability into a Third Party.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

FLOP: For Local Ownership of Pasta

News that Lexington-based Fazoli's Restaurants sold out to a Florida company yesterday requires immediate action! Some government agency needs to begin condemnation action right now.

What do those Floridians know about fast food anyway? Can we trust them with part of the industry that provides half of our meals?

HD 73: Another Isolated Incident

In Winchester, we have another strong Republican candidate and another lackluster Democrat vying for the 73rd district House seat.

And the Lexington Herald Leader editorial board wants to stick with the lackluster Democrat.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Where's Chetan Talwalker? We Need Him!

Remember Chetan Talwalker? He is the guy who got caught removing a Lexington city council candidate's yard signs and putting them in his truck. He said they were placed illegally and he was just helping a candidate who he was working against.

What a nice guy. Anyway, we need him to get out again and "help." The only problem is the offending candidate this time is in favor of eminent domain abuse, so he is probably not going to be quite so conscientious.

There are limits to the number of political yard signs a candidate can have on one property. I would complain to the city of Lexington about all the illegally placed signs on Harrodsburg Road, but they are Teresa Isaac for Mayor signs. I won't waste my time calling.

Fayette Jail Scandal

Rumors are circulating in downtown Lexington that FCDC director Ronald Bishop is going to get canned very soon for his role in the prisoner abuse cover-up in the Fayette county jail.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Julian Beard Quits Race For Council?

Teresa Isaac's economic development director Julian Beard has effectively abandoned his campaign for Lexington's 4th district council seat. Rumor has it his campaign officially died someplace between the mayor's short-lived effort to turn Lexington Mall into a softball field and the killer September flooding in downtown Lexington.

When last seen, Beard was still carping about the questionable judge's ruling that put him on the ballot even though he failed to get the necessary 100 petition signatures to qualify. His empty campaign never really got over that first hurdle.

On top of all that, his support for eminent domain abuse was enough to doom his campaign.

In other news, 7th district council candidate Justin Dobbs is still sorry for making up stuff about his opponent and putting it on the internet.

Kentucky Cameras For Bubba?

When Bill Clinton comes to Louisville next Tuesday, you can bet the television stations will all be there to record the fabulous non-event. So it was noteworthy today that not one single Lexington television station showed up when the next U.S. Senate Majority Leader spoke at a downtown event.

Clinton is bringing his irrelevent show to town to raise money for Democrats without ideas or money. Sen. Mitch McConnell came to a rally -- not a fundraiser -- for a dynamic House candidate. He spoke about Republican ideas.

Mike Farmer, the candidate, gratefully accepted the offer from McConnell to join him in Lexington and it was a good event. Rep. Susan Westrom (D-lightweight) says the event "shows how desperate they are to win."

Someone should ask the former state Democratic Party chair what it shows that her party is bringing in the impeached former President.

Elect Our Guy But Don't Ask Why!

The Lexington Herald Leader usually doesn't mince words on their editorial page when it comes to endorsing one particular party's candidates. Seems this year they aren't saying anything at all. It sounds a lot like when an outflanked, exasperated parent screams "Because I said so!"

Their ringing endorsement today for Rep. Charlie Hoffman (D-Georgetown) climaxes with the claim "Hoffman has developed into an effective lawmaker, albeit one who gets things done so quietly you hardly notice it."

Like when we hardly noticed him sneaking out of the debate about homosexual marriage two years ago to hide in the Capitol Annex until it was safe for him to come out?

Something like that, perhaps.

His one legislative accomplishment the Editorial Board could point to in eight years was last year's seat belt law.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Not MLK's Dream: Obama Says "I Had A Sense"

Sen. Barak Obama (D-IL) was on Oprah's coach yesterday auditioning for Vice President. He has a ton of charisma and will be a player in 2008 in some form.

The interview was actually going very well until he started talking about his perception of the war about to begin in Iraq, in the days before he started his run for the Senate.

"I said this is wrong," Obama said. "I had a sense that we would not find evidence of weapons of mass destruction."

For someone who liberally quotes Martin Luther King Jr., he sure does a fine Howard Dean impression now.

When Can We Schedule Miami U. in Football?

University of Miami President Donna Shalala has issued a no-tolerance policy for fighting on the football field.

UK needs opponents like this.

All Other Things Being Equal

A study of cocaine addicts tries to explain what motivates them. What a complete waste of time it is to worry about whether someone who has fried his brain is money-motivated or not.

Seems like they might start by asking themselves what kind of moron shows up for a "scientific" study and self-identifies as a criminal rather than simply ignoring the variable as they do here.

Kentucky's public school drug education program, DARE, seems to be effective. This is actually one program I would like to see expanded. Probably wouldn't hurt to start kids into the program earlier.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's Raining Doctors!

Even some good conservative folks are starting to talk about the inevitability of single-payer healthcare.

The problem is that it is too easy to say "healthcare is a right" unless you stop and think about what a heartless slogan this is. If healthcare is a right for you, whose responsibility is it to provide you with your right? Seriously, point him out.

Don Boudreaux wrote a good column that compares healthcare rights to food rights.

Legislators Shouldn't Get Pensions

The Bluegrass Institute takes on Kentucky's public pension crisis.

Very important issue.

Tax Me More. I Love It!

Rep. David Floyd has filed a bill to create a fund for people who want higher taxes to put their money where their mouths are.

I know it is not new, but this is a terrific idea.

The Brainless Lobby

The KEA cemented its reputation as a bunch of political hacks long ago.

So it serves merely as some form of sick comedy -- as in the joke's on us -- to read in the Lexington Herald Leader this morning that KEPAC, the teachers' union political action committee, endorsed a Senate challenger who purchased his college diploma from an unaccredited, online "university." They chose to do this merely on the strength of his being a Democrat and for his opposition to school choice in Kentucky.

School choice opponents never do explain how introducing market forces into the educational system -- that work well everyplace else they are tried -- presents such a threat to Kentucky students.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Whither The GOP?

Is Rudy Giuliani the next leader of the Republican party?

Overpopulation: Another Great Reason To Panic Unnecessarily

Now that we have 300 million Americans, isn't it time NOW started campaigning for more abortions?

I found a great article about why there is no reason for concern that we are going to overpopulate ourselves to death.

Dem Tidal Wave Fading Fast

A Washington Post story about election confidence in the White House is driving Democrats to distraction.

As weak as the argument is, the fact remains that would-be emergent Democrats are worse than the Republicans. All the scandals and difficulties would have been a golden opportunity for a stronger opposition party.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Jay-Walking With Andy Mead

Have you seen the funny segment on Jay Leno where he asks random clueless people questions about current events? The Herald Leader did something similar Sunday with a story in which they made up questions, supposedly from the "man on the street" and then provided answers.

The topic was the government takeover of Kentucky American Water Company. Great way to start a rumor. Here's the question:

Q: Yeah, I heard that a Middle Eastern country was going to buy it. Is that right?

What a ridiculous stunt. I would expect as much from the editorial page, but this was from a reporter.

The Worst Public Policy: Casino Gambling

Isn't it pathetic that some Kentucky lawmakers have given up on conventional, effective methods of funding state government and are hanging their hopes on littering the state with out-of-state casinos?

Just got my copy of the non-partisan Kentucky Candidate Information Survey. It includes the following question, posed in the form of a statement for candidates to agree or disagree with, which in my edition goes out to all state candidates in central Kentucky:

"The General Assembly should pass a constitutional amendment to legalize casinos."

The only "undecided" was from the leading supporter of casino gambling in the state, Sen. Ed Worley (D-Richmond).

Worse than trying to sell the idea that casinos will add revenues to the state coffers is hiding your avid support for the bad idea from the people you represent.

They Spent $37,500 For This?

The six month long project to produce a Lexington Herald-Leader hit piece on Mitch McConnell looks pretty weak so far.

But hey, we got a meaningless email and a memo!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Cause Worthy Of Your Support

My oldest son spent much of this past summer at Centre College for the Governor's Scholars program. If you went -- or know someone who did -- you probably agree it is a crown jewel in Kentucky's educational system.

The only thing that would make it better is participation in greater numbers. As it is, admittance into the program is highly competitive and can usually serve little more than 1000 students statewide. My son's school sent only five students. Lack of resources is the only reason they couldn't send more.

Private donations could help greatly expand the program. More info about GSP is available on their website. Check it out. And then go here and send them a few bucks if you can.

Barbra Streisand In A Bikini

Looking for a movie to take my boys to this morning and I came across a review written by Eleanor Ringel about the Robin Williams for President film, Man of the Year.

Best line of the review:

Further, Levinson's ideas are the expected liberal entreaties for fair play, tolerance, no-more-politics-as-usual. I imagine that, in Hollywood, these sentiments sound populist, evenhanded. But in a good chunk of the country, Levinson's pronouncements come off as if he spends every weekend swimming in Barbra Streisand's pool.

I think we will skip this one.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Pasley Goes Deep To Keep Liberal Base

Another day, another liberal politician in Kentucky pushing for socialized medicine...

Today at a lunchtime candidate forum at EKU, State Rep. Don Pasley (D-Winchester) flatly stated that America has to go to a single-payer health system.

His opponent is Ralph Alvarado, a Winchester physician.

It is highly unlikely Pasley came up with this left-wing idea on his own. I think Pasley is just trying to play some kind of weird class-envy card. That might work better for him if he talked to his neighbors and certain local groups of people more regularly than just at election time.

Democrats in Clark county are split on Pasley. Better keep an eye on this race.

Truth Found In Herald Leader Op-Ed

The Lexington Herald Leader's favorite story this decade has been about how great it would be if the Lexington city government owned the water company. So it was no surprise to see another one today.

Today's catastrophic abuse of reason and common sense contains one single shred of truth that cuts to the chase about the whole government takeover thing.

A yes vote on Nov. 7 would encourage whoever is in control of Kentucky American to negotiate with the city rather than risk having a Fayette County jury set a price as part of an eminent domain proceeding.

That's true. It's true in the sense that a bank robber "encourages" a teller to give him money rather than risk having a bullet placed gently inside her brain, but it is a true statement.

It's a good thing that more and more people are coming to realize that eminent domain abuse is a terrible way to get people to return phone calls to bureaucrats or whatever they are trying to "encourage" local businesses to do now.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Did You Bring Your Gun To School?

High school seniors across Kentucky already have enough to distract them about now. So the Kentucky Division of Mental Health And Substance Abuse wants to pull them out of class and give them a survey on their drug use.

Sample questions include "How often (if ever) have you smoked marijuana?" and "How many times in the past year (12 months) have you taken a handgun to school?"

Good grief. Fortunately, parents can opt their children out of this silly thing.

Worley Continues Name-Calling

At an embarrassing Tuesday night candidates forum, Senator Ed Worley continued his efforts to distract from his sordid performance of late by imitating Mel Gibson.

I don't know how Worley feels about "the jews," but his ire sure does get raised easily by his opponent Barry Metcalf. Tuesday, he called Metcalf "pompous and arrogant" for pointing out that Worley tells constituents he is against gambling and campaign donors elsewhere he is for it. In a Herald Leader article coming out Friday, Worley refers to Metcalf as a "yapping dog."

If Worley concentrated more on keeping his story straight about who he is ripping off in shady land deals, his avid support for casino gambling, or voting for state budgets without bonding $4 Billion for future generations to worry about, he wouldn't have to squeal so loud because his feet are being held to the fire.

Weaver Flubs Foley, Again

Polwatchers has the story of the "dumbest Democrat running for Congress" inviting more people to his own butt-kicking.

A Tale Of Two Senators

The similarities are startling.

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid(D-NV) finds himself embroiled in a real estate scandal involving false statements on his financial disclosure forms, use of a limited liability company to hide his actions, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in questionable profits.

Just like Kentucky state Senate Minority Leader Ed Worley(D-Richmond).

When an Associated Press reporter asked Reid for comment, he abruptly hung up the phone. Worley has blamed his troubles on his Republican opponent, even though a damning taped phone call of Worley and his victim has already been made public.

The similarities don't end there. So far, the mainstream media coverage of both cases has been spotty at best. That is a shame.

I've read the accounts of how difficult it was to uncover Enron. That was tough. Uncovering these two guys might take a little elbow grease, but not much. The evidence is right there. Probably more fun to keep asking if one gay Congressman is going to take down every Republican running for anything in America, but these stories of two men who got caught using their positions of power to enrich themselves under suspicious circumstances are more relevant in the real world.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Keller Swings For Wrong Fence

Senate candidate James Keller, a Lexington Democrat, has seen the polls and knows it is time for losing candidates to get goofy.

Speaking this morning at a National Federation of Independent Business forum, Keller started talking about how much he wants more Brereton Jones-style socialized medicine in Kentucky.

Someone please tell Mr. Keller that this kind of stuff flies at ACLU rallies and limousine liberal cocktail parties, but not with business groups or in Lexington's 12th Senate district.

FairTax Blogburst

Interesting article on an idea whose time has come.

by TD of The Right Track
As I see it, the main problem with the Income Tax is that it is virtually impossible to enforce completely and fairly. Compliance with the Income Tax depends on taxpayer truthfulness, which generally is motivated either by a) good character, or b) fear of an IRS audit. With the FairTax, the tax is collected when the money is spent, from everyone, with greatly reduced opportunities for non-compliance by the public.
For instance, what about the criminal element in our country? Have you ever heard of the Mafia? Or the drug dealer? Do you think that these people report 100% of their income? Of course not! They get out of paying a huge percentage of their actual tax bill by the simple expedient of not reporting all of their income. But these same individuals still have to pay utility bills, purchase prescription drugs, visit doctors, and buy food. And if they believe in the "high life" of new cars, fancy clothes and jewelry, and new homes, they're going to pay more than "Joe Six-pack" who chooses to drive a used car, or purchase a home that's not brand new.
And it's not just individuals who are managing to avoid paying taxes these days. Everyone in America has heard of the rush to move American companies "offshore", whether in whole or in part. Think about it -- have you ever seen an American-flagged commercial vessel? Oh sure, we've got our warships, but what about commercial boats that carry cargo or cruise passengers? Most of these are flying the flag of Liberia or Panama -- low-tax nations.
In the mid-1950s, about 33% of all income taxes collected were paid by American corporations. Today that number is down to approximately 10%. From "The FairTax Book" by Boortz and Linder:
"That plunge is a major factor in our recent soaring deficits. Indeed, international corporations are essentially "voluntary" taxpayers today, paying only that amount in taxes that they believe will avoid attracting embarrassing news coverage. These corporations believe that our draconian tax structures make their actions necessary. The OFCs [offshore financial centers, or banks - TD] make their plans feasible" [Emphasis added - TD]
Boortz and Linder make the point that if we eliminated all taxes on capital and labor, (which the FairTax does), the United States would become the world's tax haven.
We have the most stable economy, the most liquid and trusted markets, and the highest rates of labor productivity in the world -- and the trillions of dollars in those OFCs would flow back home to the United States for the very reason they found themselves offshore to start with.
And we're not just talking about American businesses coming home, we're talking about wooing corporations based in other countries into America. Think of the economic benefits! More productivity, lower unemployment, higher wages, and all occurring within a tax system that allows you at least partly to choose whether to pay taxes! Buy it new, pay a tax, buy it used and don't!
The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail Terry. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.

WTVQ Web Survey Shows Ignorance

Local TV newsies at WTVQ in Lexington have put up a survey on their website that displays either their own ignorance about the eminent domain case on the Fayette county ballot next month, or it purposely seeks to mislead.

Rather than what is on their survey, a more applicable question might be --

"How do you plan to vote on the Lexington/Fayette Co. water issue?

Yes, they should start the legal process all over to get a price for Ky-American Water Company after a few years. The lawyers will win. KAWC and taxpayers will lose.

No, they should not waste the time and money. The lawyers will find other projects."

Instead, we get this. (At the bottom of the page.)

Election Update: Dems Paint Selves Into Corner With Own Broad Brush

The gay bashing is back-firing, Bubba is like a Seinfeld character, and all the drama about nothing during a real something has been a real turn-off.

While the Republicans in this Congress have been a disappointment, the lack of a credible opposition party has posed a real danger to America. Fortunately, the snarky moveon.org revolution is showing signs of running its course. When it does, maybe we can do more governing by a system whose players keep each other honest with real issues like tax reform and entitlement reform.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Mike Weaver Gets A Little Crazy

First, he lies. Then he says something stupid. Then he falls all over himself trying to take back his stupid comment.

Mike Weaver should definitely have sat this one out. Trying to score political points for himself on the Mark Foley mess, Weaver said "This has to do with 16-year-old boys," which it doesn't. Then he said "that showed a very liberal tendency from some of the leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives," which it didn't.

Then his campaign manager interrupted the interview with a Lexington Herald Leader reporter to add that Weaver was "not saying liberals are pedophiles."

Whew! Nice catch by Ryan Alessi and John Stamper and a funny story about a soon-to-be unemployed politician.

Democrats really think inferior candidates are going to be swept into office on this idiotic thing. Lots of luck.

Lexington Jail Scandal Update

Beatings of prisoners in the Lexington jail continued after the FBI raid on the facility, inside sources report. They continued after Mayor Isaac claimed publicly that no civil rights violations were happening there.

Since Corporal John Vest announced that he had been working with the FBI in their investigation though, the same sources report the illegal beatings had stopped.

Also, the City of Lexington has granted Corporal Vest's request for Whistleblower status.

Busted: Candidate OK's Abuse

Senate candidate Jim Keller, a Lexington Democrat, sent out a letter supporting Teresa Isaac's effort to start the eminent domain process all over again and waste millions of local tax dollars in a court fight against Kentucky-American Water Company.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Worley Fraud Case Lands In Madison

The fraud case against Senator Ed Worley (D-Richmond) has been re-filed in Madison Circuit Court.

This was the federal case dismissed last month on a jurisdictional issue in which Worley's sworn testimony contradicted a secretly recorded phone call which Worley tried frantically to have thrown out as evidence. The transcript is available on the Federal Court "Pacer" system. The newspapers have this. It will be interesting to see if they print it like they did all the Merit investigation e-mails.

If the merit thing was worth hundreds and hundreds of articles, this is certainly worth a few. Don't you think so?

Sans Ideas, Abusing Facebook

Only the Daily Kos generation would think they are actually accomplishing something by sending personal information on their more conservative classmates to military recruiters.

House Dem: Spend Casino $$$ On Horses

State Rep. Don Pasley isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

In a Winchester Sun article, Pasley strays from the talking points that casino gambling -- his party's second best plan for economic expansion, the first is raising the minimum wage -- will cure all that ails Kentucky. Gambling promoters in the General Assembly are supposed to say that education and roads will benefit from casinos and that there will be little or no social costs.

Pasley has somewhat more modest plans for his casino cash, he wants it all to go to horse breeders:

If casino-style gambling is allowed, he explained, it should be connected to horse racing and the revenue should go to breeder incentive programs.

How many families, I wonder, does Pasley want to destroy in shiny casinos to prop up the moribund horse industry in Kentucky? That is somewhat better than the usual approach of promising casinos will fix all Kentucky's money problems, but that will be small comfort to the victims of this terrible idea.

By the way, with the super-sized social spending increases caused by casinos the victims will include everyone in the commonwealth. Taxes will have to go up. Just ask New Jersey.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Little Perspective On Mark Foley

In case you still think Americans are really going to accept tax increases and surrender in the war on terror as some kind of bizarre penance for homosexual emails, Mark Steyn has some help.

The pendulum will swing back hard the other way on this, as cooler heads prevail.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Why Stop Dumbing Down Now? It's Working So Well In Kentucky

If liberal education bureaucrats were merely stupid, the law of averages dictates some of their policies would actually help kids who need help.

What, you may wonder, has me so worked up as to be paraphrasing Joe McCarthy? It was a morning jolt of irony from the pages of the Lexington Herald-Leader. On the editorial page, a retired liberal professor from the University of Kentucky bemoans higher standards for schoolchildren and actually says "Kentucky must redefine "proficient" to a more reasonable level."

The ironic part is the news story in the same paper pointing out that over half of Kentucky high school graduates who go to college aren't ready for college work.

They include a map that tells the story.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Good News For KY Political Bloggers

The Lexington Herald-Leader has been, over the last few months, turning into a blog. You can comment on news stories, right?

Well, today the transformation is complete. They have started their own political blog.


I say the more, the merrier.

Fayette Sheriff's Race Turns On Mailer

You know when you see Fayette County Sheriff Kathy Witt saying:

"I would never, ever exploit taxpayer dollars for my own benefit. That just won't happen for my administration,"

it means she just got caught doing that very thing. Funny story.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

KY GOP Senate Update: Looks Good

Simply put, Ed Worley's Senate Democrats have completely failed to get anything going in the fall campaigns.

Left-winger Jim Keller and Carroll "Elmer Fudd" Hubbard have completely run out of gas in the stretch run. No other Senate Republican faced a serious challenge.

Liberals' Only Issue Gone

Looks like Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) was creepy, gay, and not a pedophile.

Those crazy comparisons to Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) weren't so far off base after all.

Hastert is okay and the unstoppable Democrat landslide takes a huge hit.

This will break Nancy Pelosi's heart. But I still think Ben Chandler will stay put in his minority seat in Congress and continue to refuse to eat lunch with the rest of the Kentucky delegation.

Democrat 2007 Ticket Shaping Up

Democrat insiders report it looks like Brereton Jones is going to pick Crit Luallen as his running mate and run for Governor.

The interesting thing is just as Hillary Clinton is running for President, the man who actually tried HillaryCare will be hoping Kentuckians forgot what damage he and his party did to the health insurance market in 1994.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ken Lucas In Deep Macaca

Ken Lucas really stepped in it.

The Fairness Alliance folks are hopping mad after the Congressional candidate Ken Lucas said Republicans should have known former Rep. Mark Foley was a pedophile because he is gay.

For the record, most pedophiles are heterosexual and most homosexuals are not pedophiles.

Sen. Ed Worley Caught In Fed Bust

Several news outlets are working on a story about Sen. Ed Worley's involvement in an illegal Ponzi scheme.

Worley may claim the U.S. District Court of Western Kentucky's judgement that he must return $102,800 in fraudulently obtained funds came about as a result of him being duped by his stockbroker, who is now in federal prison for his role in the scheme.

How is it that every time Ed Worley gets caught up in another mess someone is putting money IN his account?

This could only be funnier if they actually found the money in his freezer.

Indiana GOP'ers Support FairTax

Indiana's Congressional delegation includes three co-sponsors of the FairTax -- Mike Pence, Mike Sodrel, and Dan Burton. Kentucky would do well to have such strong leadership on the most important domestic policy issue facing our nation.

Uncovering Lexington Jail Cover-Up

A large group of abuse lawsuits are about to be filed against the Fayette County Detention Center.

It's time for Ronald Bishop to get his resume together.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Really Helping The Middle Class

The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an all-time high today and your Social Security is going broke. Democrats have fought to maintain Social Security's status quo for the last two years.

Fayette Jail Admin: Deny And Lie

Ronald Bishop, Director of Lexington's Detention Center should have stuck on "No comment."

This morning on WVLK AM 590's news, he was heard saying about federal whistleblower Corporal John Vest:

"The same thing he is reporting to the FBI, he is guilty of here."

One of the problems Bishop has is that this statement is not true. He should be challenged to back up his inflammatory statements and efforts to deflect attention from the real issue, which is the federal investigation of his jail. The key word is "guilty," which is demonstrably false.

Today looks like a great day to get rid of Ronald Bishop.

Please Tell Me This Is A Sting

The Lexington Herald Leader has a Part-Time job listing in their classified section in which The University of Kentucky is seeking recreational users of cocaine and methamphetamine to study the "physiological and behavioral effects" of these and other drugs.

Your tax dollars at work.

What Say You, Speaker Hastert?

The Washington Times this morning calls on Speaker Denny Hastert to resign and for Republicans to replace him with Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL), who retires at the end of the year, for the investigation into former Rep. Mark Foley (R-Disgraced Pedophile).

I wouldn't be surprised at all if he does resign quickly. That's the best way to take the focus off the individuals and put it back on doing the right thing.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Mark Foley Looks Like Lone Gunman

Re: Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL), who I never heard of until ABC News printed his sexual instant messages to boys who worked as Congressional pages

The Hastert "lie" was based on the belief that his story contradicted Boehner's story. Now they are saying that what they were aware of -- as were several media outlets and others -- was the "overly-friendly" email and not the sexual instant messages. You can't reasonably be expected to hang someone out to dry for being a little creepy -- that would wipe out most of Congress -- but when the instant messages came out, Foley was on the next bus home. Nothing will mollify the Republican-haters out there, but the facts of this case -- as troubling as they are -- don't seem worthy of condemning the entire party, its leaders, or anyone other than Foley himself. At least not while Rep. William Jefferson, Sen. Ted Kennedy, Rep. Barney Frank and friends cling to their offices despite their hijinks, which have been at least tacitly endorsed by their party.

Fayette Jail Whistleblower Under Attack

Fayette County jail authorities are working up a press conference to attempt to discredit whistleblower Corporal John Vest.

It is pathetic when an individual tries to clean up a horrific situation of physical abuse and all the muckety-mucks can think of is CYA.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Bringing Kentucky -- Kicking And Screaming -- Into Information Age

With most legislative bills in Frankfort passing on nearly unanimous floor votes, it is obvious the real action goes on in committees.

That is why the bipartisan effort to put committee votes online is a no-brainer.

The Bluegrass Institute has the latest...

Lexington's Own Little Abu Ghraib

Very important announcement coming Monday morning regarding the FBI investigation into the Lexington-Fayette County Jail.

I would tell you but -- well, no, I just can't tell you. Stay tuned...